General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Simonne15


    Thanks again. They were back again today. We decided to try an experiment putting some of the basket filler they like into an 'empty' hanging basket so that they could help themselves without...
    Thanks again. They were back again today. We decided to try an experiment putting some of the basket filler they like into an 'empty' hanging basket so that they could help themselves without wrecking my plants. We then had to go out. When we returned, the whole 'lump' had gone; so we'll never...
    Thanks again. They were back again today. We decided to try an experiment putting some of the basket filler they like into an 'empty' hanging basket so that they could help themselves without wrecking my plants. We then had to go out. When we...
    Thanks again. They were back again today. We decided to try an experiment putting some of the basket filler they like into an 'empty' hanging basket so that they could help themselves without...
  2. Orchid man
  3. Stingo

    Sweet pea pinching out advice please!!

    ah - ha!!!! perhaps thats why my Sweet Peas are always thin and patheticaaly straggy compared to the neighbour's whose are always bushy and thick and soooooooooooo much better than mine...... ...
    ah - ha!!!! perhaps thats why my Sweet Peas are always thin and patheticaaly straggy compared to the neighbour's whose are always bushy and thick and soooooooooooo much better than mine......hopefully now, I may have some decent ones.....(well, we live in hope..)
    ah - ha!!!! perhaps thats why my Sweet Peas are always thin and patheticaaly straggy compared to the neighbour's whose are always bushy and thick and soooooooooooo much better than mine......hopefully now, I may have some decent...
    ah - ha!!!! perhaps thats why my Sweet Peas are always thin and patheticaaly straggy compared to the neighbour's whose are always bushy and thick and soooooooooooo much better than mine...... ...
  4. gardeners-advice.

    Sloping garden

    the first thing i noted is two colours of the fence, i think they should all be the same, secondly i think in the lower area, the soil is below the path, and it should be level, it looks a bit...
    the first thing i noted is two colours of the fence, i think they should all be the same, secondly i think in the lower area, the soil is below the path, and it should be level, it looks a bit poor, but really difficult to say from a piccy, anyway i suggest you need to build up fertility and get...
    the first thing i noted is two colours of the fence, i think they should all be the same, secondly i think in the lower area, the soil is below the path, and it should be level, it looks a bit poor, but really difficult to say from a piccy,...
    the first thing i noted is two colours of the fence, i think they should all be the same, secondly i think in the lower area, the soil is below the path, and it should be level, it looks a bit...
  5. Barra

    Shrubs which will withstand wind and salt

    1)Senecio Greyii [metre high] is a salt and wind tolerant species, its grown for foliage rather than flower, and can be used to act as a wind barrier, it will need trimmed annually or it grows...
    1)Senecio Greyii [metre high] is a salt and wind tolerant species, its grown for foliage rather than flower, and can be used to act as a wind barrier, it will need trimmed annually or it grows rather straggly,, 2)Escalonia is a good all year round hedging type shrub which is evergreen and has...
    1)Senecio Greyii [metre high] is a salt and wind tolerant species, its grown for foliage rather than flower, and can be used to act as a wind barrier, it will need trimmed annually or it grows rather straggly,, 2)Escalonia is a good all year...
    1)Senecio Greyii [metre high] is a salt and wind tolerant species, its grown for foliage rather than flower, and can be used to act as a wind barrier, it will need trimmed annually or it grows...
  6. Franco50

    Photinia Red Robin

    Photinia Red Robin..... Very often if you lightly prune when the red is fading it will reward you with another another flush of red foliage,moreso with larger plants.
    Photinia Red Robin..... Very often if you lightly prune when the red is fading it will reward you with another another flush of red foliage,moreso with larger plants.
    Photinia Red Robin..... Very often if you lightly prune when the red is fading it will reward you with another another flush of red foliage,moreso with larger plants.
    Photinia Red Robin..... Very often if you lightly prune when the red is fading it will reward you with another another flush of red foliage,moreso with larger plants.
  7. wrexx

    laying slabs

    if you want to delete any duplicates, or just edit what you've written, there's an edit post icon above what you've written on every post
    if you want to delete any duplicates, or just edit what you've written, there's an edit post icon above what you've written on every post
    if you want to delete any duplicates, or just edit what you've written, there's an edit post icon above what you've written on every post
    if you want to delete any duplicates, or just edit what you've written, there's an edit post icon above what you've written on every post
  8. Orchid man

    lilly & orchid from the root

    the seed i mean
    the seed i mean
    the seed i mean
    the seed i mean
  9. Orchid man

    vinilla from seed

    That's not very nice Orchid man, no flaming on here please!
    That's not very nice Orchid man, no flaming on here please!
    That's not very nice Orchid man, no flaming on here please!
    That's not very nice Orchid man, no flaming on here please!
  10. sam040585

    new to gardening, and need advice?

    apologies for pic quallity (jack of all trades, master of none.) :D
    apologies for pic quallity (jack of all trades, master of none.) :D
    apologies for pic quallity (jack of all trades, master of none.) :D
    apologies for pic quallity (jack of all trades, master of none.) :D
  11. Orchid man

    were to buy hybrid orchid seeds?

    all types and i heard you need to infect them with symbotic fingus. were can i optain this from?
    all types and i heard you need to infect them with symbotic fingus. were can i optain this from?
    all types and i heard you need to infect them with symbotic fingus. were can i optain this from?
    all types and i heard you need to infect them with symbotic fingus. were can i optain this from?
  12. morris28


    Hi there,Thanks and happy to be guided by the consensus although grateful to Pete2255 for confirming that there was some substance, albeit outdated, to my incorrect assertion.Many Thanks.
    Hi there,Thanks and happy to be guided by the consensus although grateful to Pete2255 for confirming that there was some substance, albeit outdated, to my incorrect assertion.Many Thanks.
    Hi there,Thanks and happy to be guided by the consensus although grateful to Pete2255 for confirming that there was some substance, albeit outdated, to my incorrect assertion.Many Thanks.
    Hi there,Thanks and happy to be guided by the consensus although grateful to Pete2255 for confirming that there was some substance, albeit outdated, to my incorrect assertion.Many Thanks.
  13. Mrs.D.

    Too early to plant out bedding plants?

    thank you all for your posts, I really appreciate itI had to retire early last year due to Lupus, so it was the first proper year in the garden. I managed to find out how to get the seeds...
    thank you all for your posts, I really appreciate itI had to retire early last year due to Lupus, so it was the first proper year in the garden. I managed to find out how to get the seeds from baby and large snapdragons, and stored them as directed. Ive sown some of them, and they have...
    thank you all for your posts, I really appreciate itI had to retire early last year due to Lupus, so it was the first proper year in the garden. I managed to find out how to get the seeds from baby and large snapdragons, and stored them as...
    thank you all for your posts, I really appreciate itI had to retire early last year due to Lupus, so it was the first proper year in the garden. I managed to find out how to get the seeds...
  14. DavieM

    Sweet Peas, When best to plant out ?

    I'm going to plant mine out this morning and hope for no more frost.
    I'm going to plant mine out this morning and hope for no more frost.
    I'm going to plant mine out this morning and hope for no more frost.
    I'm going to plant mine out this morning and hope for no more frost.
  15. Lenton Rose

    Lavendula stoechas

    I wouldn't give up on them yet Lenten Rose. Some of my lavenders have yet to start into growth again after that long cold spell. You should see some sign of growth over the next four weeks - and...
    I wouldn't give up on them yet Lenten Rose. Some of my lavenders have yet to start into growth again after that long cold spell. You should see some sign of growth over the next four weeks - and hopefully they will survive the close hair cut.
    I wouldn't give up on them yet Lenten Rose. Some of my lavenders have yet to start into growth again after that long cold spell. You should see some sign of growth over the next four weeks - and hopefully they will survive the close hair cut.
    I wouldn't give up on them yet Lenten Rose. Some of my lavenders have yet to start into growth again after that long cold spell. You should see some sign of growth over the next four weeks - and...
  16. Sme83

    Steep bank and new to gardening!

    Been thinking about this a bit more, aspect and photo would be helpful, but with economy in mind and the fact that if its your first house you may move on soon, why not try to hold the bank...
    Been thinking about this a bit more, aspect and photo would be helpful, but with economy in mind and the fact that if its your first house you may move on soon, why not try to hold the bank together with planting - not best option, but as I said cheap one and may solve a drainage problem that...
    Been thinking about this a bit more, aspect and photo would be helpful, but with economy in mind and the fact that if its your first house you may move on soon, why not try to hold the bank together with planting - not best option, but as I said...
    Been thinking about this a bit more, aspect and photo would be helpful, but with economy in mind and the fact that if its your first house you may move on soon, why not try to hold the bank...
  17. Lady Gardener

    home made leveller

    perfect! what a brilliant idea! :D
    perfect! what a brilliant idea! :D
    perfect! what a brilliant idea! :D
    perfect! what a brilliant idea! :D
  18. Waco

    How do they make it pay?

    Oh yes I have done that. when I unpotted them they also had loads of little baby bulbs round them so they should make good full displays next year. I have fed them well too.
    Oh yes I have done that. when I unpotted them they also had loads of little baby bulbs round them so they should make good full displays next year. I have fed them well too.
    Oh yes I have done that. when I unpotted them they also had loads of little baby bulbs round them so they should make good full displays next year. I have fed them well too.
    Oh yes I have done that. when I unpotted them they also had loads of little baby bulbs round them so they should make good full displays next year. I have fed them well too.
  19. barndweller

    Any suggestions?

    Hi, there, Barndweller - welcome! If you've taken conifers out, the soils will be very dry and dusty, I presume? It'll need organic matter dug in, for sure, whatever you plant. I presume there...
    Hi, there, Barndweller - welcome! If you've taken conifers out, the soils will be very dry and dusty, I presume? It'll need organic matter dug in, for sure, whatever you plant. I presume there is enough depth of soil to grow whatever you want?Are you thinking of a formal entrance way by...
    Hi, there, Barndweller - welcome! If you've taken conifers out, the soils will be very dry and dusty, I presume? It'll need organic matter dug in, for sure, whatever you plant. I presume there is enough depth of soil to grow whatever you want?...
    Hi, there, Barndweller - welcome! If you've taken conifers out, the soils will be very dry and dusty, I presume? It'll need organic matter dug in, for sure, whatever you plant. I presume there...
  20. Barra

    Windy Garden Challenge

    agree with both suggestions. I know J Parker does tamarisk
    agree with both suggestions. I know J Parker does tamarisk about rosemary? It does as well as lavendar in most situations - extremely tough, but nice with it.
    agree with both suggestions. I know J Parker does tamarisk about rosemary? It does as well as lavendar in...
    agree with both suggestions. I know J Parker does tamarisk

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