General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Rich

    The demise of a brugmansia

    I've put the three worst affected ones outside, this rain will do them some good, not sure about the night time temperatures though.
    I've put the three worst affected ones outside, this rain will do them some good, not sure about the night time temperatures though.
    I've put the three worst affected ones outside, this rain will do them some good, not sure about the night time temperatures though.
    I've put the three worst affected ones outside, this rain will do them some good, not sure about the night time temperatures though.
  2. petal

    What Weed?

    White spathe type flowers will come along soon followed by bright red berrys.I have a clump in my garden, which I left when I reclaimed the area.
    White spathe type flowers will come along soon followed by bright red berrys.I have a clump in my garden, which I left when I reclaimed the area.
    White spathe type flowers will come along soon followed by bright red berrys.I have a clump in my garden, which I left when I reclaimed the area.
    White spathe type flowers will come along soon followed by bright red berrys.I have a clump in my garden, which I left when I reclaimed the area.
  3. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Moving Hellebores

    I had forgotten to add in my post this morning that the grower of C. graecum in the US gardens in Michigan.Palustris, I don't know if you have got the wrong end of the stick here... nobody, or...
    I had forgotten to add in my post this morning that the grower of C. graecum in the US gardens in Michigan.Palustris, I don't know if you have got the wrong end of the stick here... nobody, or at least not me, is having a go at what you've said. All we can do on a site like this is post our...
    I had forgotten to add in my post this morning that the grower of C. graecum in the US gardens in Michigan.Palustris, I don't know if you have got the wrong end of the stick here... nobody, or at least not me, is having a go at what you've...
    I had forgotten to add in my post this morning that the grower of C. graecum in the US gardens in Michigan.Palustris, I don't know if you have got the wrong end of the stick here... nobody, or...
  4. Rich

    Butterbur - I paid �£4.50 for a weed

    Someone on here has got that as their Signature ;)Nathan
    Someone on here has got that as their Signature ;)Nathan
    Someone on here has got that as their Signature ;)Nathan
    Someone on here has got that as their Signature ;)Nathan
  5. fionaclancy

    Bamboo needs saving

    thank goodness you were nt left the cat!
    thank goodness you were nt left the cat!
    thank goodness you were nt left the cat!
    thank goodness you were nt left the cat!
  6. beth priest


    i hope you mean on the morning after, not on way back home from pub!
    i hope you mean on the morning after, not on way back home from pub!
    i hope you mean on the morning after, not on way back home from pub!
    i hope you mean on the morning after, not on way back home from pub!
  7. Waco

    How small can you get?

    There are some very small ones at the Savill Gardens - can't remember their names, but will try to find out. Somehow managed not to see your post before this, Waco!! D'uh! So I've been searching...
    There are some very small ones at the Savill Gardens - can't remember their names, but will try to find out. Somehow managed not to see your post before this, Waco!! D'uh! So I've been searching and ended up with what both of you had alrady found!!The Savill Gardens site was no use at all - but...
    There are some very small ones at the Savill Gardens - can't remember their names, but will try to find out. Somehow managed not to see your post before this, Waco!! D'uh! So I've been searching and ended up with what both of you had alrady...
    There are some very small ones at the Savill Gardens - can't remember their names, but will try to find out. Somehow managed not to see your post before this, Waco!! D'uh! So I've been searching...
  8. Stingo

    Wooden Arch

    Thanks for all of those tips, I'll take them on board.
    Thanks for all of those tips, I'll take them on board.
    Thanks for all of those tips, I'll take them on board.
    Thanks for all of those tips, I'll take them on board.
  9. dollyboo

    Grass under Monterrey Pine

    blow the needle on to the grass then suck up
    blow the needle on to the grass then suck up
    blow the needle on to the grass then suck up
    blow the needle on to the grass then suck up
  10. lazy-gardener

    do slugs like lupins and ice plants?

    OMG! What a perfect answer! :D
    OMG! What a perfect answer! :D
    OMG! What a perfect answer! :D
    OMG! What a perfect answer! :D
  11. PeterS

    Seed info

    I tried to reply to this a couple of days ago, but the site wouldn't let me!! Anyway - I thoroughly agree with Hans - great stuff, downloaded, printed off, read, and filed!! Thanks, PeterS :D
    I tried to reply to this a couple of days ago, but the site wouldn't let me!! Anyway - I thoroughly agree with Hans - great stuff, downloaded, printed off, read, and filed!! Thanks, PeterS :D
    I tried to reply to this a couple of days ago, but the site wouldn't let me!! Anyway - I thoroughly agree with Hans - great stuff, downloaded, printed off, read, and filed!! Thanks, PeterS :D
    I tried to reply to this a couple of days ago, but the site wouldn't let me!! Anyway - I thoroughly agree with Hans - great stuff, downloaded, printed off, read, and filed!! Thanks, PeterS :D
  12. wishaw

    Pampas Grass

    It's taken long enough, TLG!!
    It's taken long enough, TLG!!
    It's taken long enough, TLG!!
    It's taken long enough, TLG!!
  13. lazy-gardener

    when shall I prick out my seedlings?

    I plaated my seeds straight into peat post this year in groups of 2/3, intending to destroy weaker seedlings - BUT I think Peter has had too much of an influence on me and when I pulled them out...
    I plaated my seeds straight into peat post this year in groups of 2/3, intending to destroy weaker seedlings - BUT I think Peter has had too much of an influence on me and when I pulled them out last Sunday I could not destroy them so planted them into new peat post and they look fine.
    I plaated my seeds straight into peat post this year in groups of 2/3, intending to destroy weaker seedlings - BUT I think Peter has had too much of an influence on me and when I pulled them out last Sunday I could not destroy them so planted...
    I plaated my seeds straight into peat post this year in groups of 2/3, intending to destroy weaker seedlings - BUT I think Peter has had too much of an influence on me and when I pulled them out...
  14. wildflower

    shrubs to screen a north facing fence..

    look at and others selling packages, there is still time to plant bare rooted plants
    look at and others selling packages, there is still time to plant bare rooted plants
    look at and others selling packages, there is still time to plant bare rooted plants
    look at and others selling packages, there is still time to plant bare rooted plants
  15. Webmaster

    Found some interesting seeds on Ebay ....

    Liz, I've got a Ficus Religiosa, dont think thats a banyan tree but its similar. Peepul Tree, Never grown any aerial roots, guess it needs to get bigger and more humidity.
    Liz, I've got a Ficus Religiosa, dont think thats a banyan tree but its similar. Peepul Tree, Never grown any aerial roots, guess it needs to get bigger and more humidity.
    Liz, I've got a Ficus Religiosa, dont think thats a banyan tree but its similar. Peepul Tree, Never grown any aerial roots, guess it needs to get bigger and more humidity.
    Liz, I've got a Ficus Religiosa, dont think thats a banyan tree but its similar. Peepul Tree, Never grown any aerial roots, guess it needs to get bigger and more humidity.
  16. mowgley

    Brown Dwarf conifer

    that's what I call a practical gardener!! got to be realistic, haven't you! :D
    that's what I call a practical gardener!! got to be realistic, haven't you! :D
    that's what I call a practical gardener!! got to be realistic, haven't you! :D
    that's what I call a practical gardener!! got to be realistic, haven't you! :D
  17. sawfish

    No Worms!!

    I once went to a talk about worms and compost and it seems that earthworms and compost woms are entirely diferent so it may not do any good to put composty worms on the garden.
    I once went to a talk about worms and compost and it seems that earthworms and compost woms are entirely diferent so it may not do any good to put composty worms on the garden.
    I once went to a talk about worms and compost and it seems that earthworms and compost woms are entirely diferent so it may not do any good to put composty worms on the garden.
    I once went to a talk about worms and compost and it seems that earthworms and compost woms are entirely diferent so it may not do any good to put composty worms on the garden.
  18. michael

    what price should i pay per meter for a garden

    Is it worth considering renting rather than buying? And informally instead of formally, to keep solicitors from profitingout of it? My in-laws did this, had great use of the estra area for veg,...
    Is it worth considering renting rather than buying? And informally instead of formally, to keep solicitors from profitingout of it? My in-laws did this, had great use of the estra area for veg, and it returned to the original owners when my f-i-law died, and there was nobody to make good use...
    Is it worth considering renting rather than buying? And informally instead of formally, to keep solicitors from profitingout of it? My in-laws did this, had great use of the estra area for veg, and it returned to the original owners when my...
    Is it worth considering renting rather than buying? And informally instead of formally, to keep solicitors from profitingout of it? My in-laws did this, had great use of the estra area for veg,...
  19. maverick


    completely agree with TLG - get stout gloves, hack brambles back, chop into small bits to pout in bags to take to tip, then dig out the roots - deep!! As for nettles - their roots spread a lot too...
    completely agree with TLG - get stout gloves, hack brambles back, chop into small bits to pout in bags to take to tip, then dig out the roots - deep!! As for nettles - their roots spread a lot too - very yellow and fibrous - dig it ALL out, and compost it if you can - otherwise - local tip, for...
    completely agree with TLG - get stout gloves, hack brambles back, chop into small bits to pout in bags to take to tip, then dig out the roots - deep!! As for nettles - their roots spread a lot too - very yellow and fibrous - dig it ALL out, and...
    completely agree with TLG - get stout gloves, hack brambles back, chop into small bits to pout in bags to take to tip, then dig out the roots - deep!! As for nettles - their roots spread a lot too...
  20. Honey Bee


    Amazing and interesting what you can find in rubbish, Liz.
    Amazing and interesting what you can find in rubbish, Liz.
    Amazing and interesting what you can find in rubbish, Liz.
    Amazing and interesting what you can find in rubbish, Liz.

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