General Gardening Discussion

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  1. PeterS

    Lychnis Coronaria

    If it likes its' conditions it will self-seed; so after 3 years you should have continuous flowers!
    If it likes its' conditions it will self-seed; so after 3 years you should have continuous flowers!
    If it likes its' conditions it will self-seed; so after 3 years you should have continuous flowers!
    If it likes its' conditions it will self-seed; so after 3 years you should have continuous flowers!
  2. City_garden

    Advice on how to develop a neglected city garden please?

    glad to hear it!! It's amazing how uncomfortable it is to kneel on gravel!! :eek: [ 30. March 2006, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: dendrobium ]
    glad to hear it!! It's amazing how uncomfortable it is to kneel on gravel!! :eek: [ 30. March 2006, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: dendrobium ]
    glad to hear it!! It's amazing how uncomfortable it is to kneel on gravel!! :eek: [ 30. March 2006, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: dendrobium ]
    glad to hear it!! It's amazing how uncomfortable it is to kneel on gravel!! :eek: [ 30. March 2006, 03:43 PM: Message edited by: dendrobium ]
  3. timecharger

    old fenceposts - is creosote a problem

    cheers dave, appreciated...
    cheers dave, appreciated...
    cheers dave, appreciated...
    cheers dave, appreciated...
  4. PeterS

    Lily advice please

    Hi PeterS, I have Stargazer and Tom Pouce, and wouldn't like to say which was the more perfumed! They both havea really strong scent which spreads round the garden. I prefer the Stargazer because...
    Hi PeterS, I have Stargazer and Tom Pouce, and wouldn't like to say which was the more perfumed! They both havea really strong scent which spreads round the garden. I prefer the Stargazer because I love the colour! Both are lovely.
    Hi PeterS, I have Stargazer and Tom Pouce, and wouldn't like to say which was the more perfumed! They both havea really strong scent which spreads round the garden. I prefer the Stargazer because I love the colour! Both are lovely.
    Hi PeterS, I have Stargazer and Tom Pouce, and wouldn't like to say which was the more perfumed! They both havea really strong scent which spreads round the garden. I prefer the Stargazer because...
  5. lazy-gardener

    Help needed on pation design

    I went for a wander round places like Jewson, saw what sizes they did of the stuff I liked, and went home, measured up, and costed it out from there. Don't forget you'll spend a lot on sharp sand...
    I went for a wander round places like Jewson, saw what sizes they did of the stuff I liked, and went home, measured up, and costed it out from there. Don't forget you'll spend a lot on sharp sand for laying it!! We got Marshallspaving slabs, Saxon - partly because of the yellowness which...
    I went for a wander round places like Jewson, saw what sizes they did of the stuff I liked, and went home, measured up, and costed it out from there. Don't forget you'll spend a lot on sharp sand for laying it!! We got Marshallspaving slabs,...
    I went for a wander round places like Jewson, saw what sizes they did of the stuff I liked, and went home, measured up, and costed it out from there. Don't forget you'll spend a lot on sharp sand...
  6. J&A


    Creeping thyme is very good, and easy to grow fron seed.
    Creeping thyme is very good, and easy to grow fron seed.
    Creeping thyme is very good, and easy to grow fron seed.
    Creeping thyme is very good, and easy to grow fron seed.
  7. robbo

    cold frame to small

    I suspect that they will not be available for that long. But should be available for another week or two. Even the ones I bought a few days ago have grown noticeably, and after a while would get...
    I suspect that they will not be available for that long. But should be available for another week or two. Even the ones I bought a few days ago have grown noticeably, and after a while would get too big and out of hand in the garden centres.Many of mine are on window sills in the house.
    I suspect that they will not be available for that long. But should be available for another week or two. Even the ones I bought a few days ago have grown noticeably, and after a while would get too big and out of hand in the garden...
    I suspect that they will not be available for that long. But should be available for another week or two. Even the ones I bought a few days ago have grown noticeably, and after a while would get...
  8. DarrenT

    A Beginner asks can a weed have a bulb?

    I think LesH has got it! They spread like fury, grow anywhere are easily lifted and in the south are probably 3 or 4 weeks ahead of up here.
    I think LesH has got it! They spread like fury, grow anywhere are easily lifted and in the south are probably 3 or 4 weeks ahead of up here.
    I think LesH has got it! They spread like fury, grow anywhere are easily lifted and in the south are probably 3 or 4 weeks ahead of up here.
    I think LesH has got it! They spread like fury, grow anywhere are easily lifted and in the south are probably 3 or 4 weeks ahead of up here.
  9. Jerry Cornelius

    to flymo or not to flymo

    yes, scarify now, but keep off if things are too wet - it won't do any good. If it's a small area, just use a springbok (very bouncy metal or plastic rake) - no need for expensive machinery! And...
    yes, scarify now, but keep off if things are too wet - it won't do any good. If it's a small area, just use a springbok (very bouncy metal or plastic rake) - no need for expensive machinery! And a very good workout! ;)
    yes, scarify now, but keep off if things are too wet - it won't do any good. If it's a small area, just use a springbok (very bouncy metal or plastic rake) - no need for expensive machinery! And a very good workout! ;)
    yes, scarify now, but keep off if things are too wet - it won't do any good. If it's a small area, just use a springbok (very bouncy metal or plastic rake) - no need for expensive machinery! And...
  10. ettrick30

    Weeding Poll

    If anyone else would like to contribute to my ground breaking research, then any input would be appreciated. I'm going to make the cut off Sunday evening, then I'll have to write my report,...
    If anyone else would like to contribute to my ground breaking research, then any input would be appreciated. I'm going to make the cut off Sunday evening, then I'll have to write my report, can't put it off any longer. :(ThanksIan
    If anyone else would like to contribute to my ground breaking research, then any input would be appreciated. I'm going to make the cut off Sunday evening, then I'll have to write my report, can't put it off any longer. :(ThanksIan
    If anyone else would like to contribute to my ground breaking research, then any input would be appreciated. I'm going to make the cut off Sunday evening, then I'll have to write my report,...
  11. Paladin

    Snowdrops For Sale

    Hi, Sawfish! Yes, I agree, and to get back to the original thread, sort of - I'm sure there are lots of snowdrops there at the moment!! :D
    Hi, Sawfish! Yes, I agree, and to get back to the original thread, sort of - I'm sure there are lots of snowdrops there at the moment!! :D
    Hi, Sawfish! Yes, I agree, and to get back to the original thread, sort of - I'm sure there are lots of snowdrops there at the moment!! :D
    Hi, Sawfish! Yes, I agree, and to get back to the original thread, sort of - I'm sure there are lots of snowdrops there at the moment!! :D
  12. Scarecrow

    White stuff in pot plant!

    hans thanks for puting me in the 'younger person' catagory, been in horticulture 35 years this year, and married just as long, but you are always learning new thing in this game. Used Jeyes for...
    hans thanks for puting me in the 'younger person' catagory, been in horticulture 35 years this year, and married just as long, but you are always learning new thing in this game. Used Jeyes for more years than I care to remember, and, yes it is good stuff.
    hans thanks for puting me in the 'younger person' catagory, been in horticulture 35 years this year, and married just as long, but you are always learning new thing in this game. Used Jeyes for more years than I care to remember, and, yes it is...
    hans thanks for puting me in the 'younger person' catagory, been in horticulture 35 years this year, and married just as long, but you are always learning new thing in this game. Used Jeyes for...
  13. pete


    While I was out in the woods on Sunday in the rain, there was a sudden gust of wind as I was walking down an avenue of yews - and suddenly the same thing happened!!! I couldn't believe it, as I'd...
    While I was out in the woods on Sunday in the rain, there was a sudden gust of wind as I was walking down an avenue of yews - and suddenly the same thing happened!!! I couldn't believe it, as I'd just read this thread before going out! It was amazing - and, no, it didn't start off my...
    While I was out in the woods on Sunday in the rain, there was a sudden gust of wind as I was walking down an avenue of yews - and suddenly the same thing happened!!! I couldn't believe it, as I'd just read this thread before going out! It was...
    While I was out in the woods on Sunday in the rain, there was a sudden gust of wind as I was walking down an avenue of yews - and suddenly the same thing happened!!! I couldn't believe it, as I'd...
  14. Waco

    Help! Terrified of -

    So do I plant this wee baby thing just below the compost?The big one already has a shoot about 1 1/2 inch long on it but is only on surface of soil.
    So do I plant this wee baby thing just below the compost?The big one already has a shoot about 1 1/2 inch long on it but is only on surface of soil.
    So do I plant this wee baby thing just below the compost?The big one already has a shoot about 1 1/2 inch long on it but is only on surface of soil.
    So do I plant this wee baby thing just below the compost?The big one already has a shoot about 1 1/2 inch long on it but is only on surface of soil.
  15. timecharger

    protection from birds

    thanks very much indeed
    thanks very much indeed
    thanks very much indeed
    thanks very much indeed
  16. thombreslin

    Terrace Garden

    you can cut down on weight by using polystyrene for part of the compost fill, i hope they wont blow over btw, is there a piccy? take a trip to Kew Gardens to get a few ideas, cos this looks like a...
    you can cut down on weight by using polystyrene for part of the compost fill, i hope they wont blow over btw, is there a piccy? take a trip to Kew Gardens to get a few ideas, cos this looks like a BIG enterprise
    you can cut down on weight by using polystyrene for part of the compost fill, i hope they wont blow over btw, is there a piccy? take a trip to Kew Gardens to get a few ideas, cos this looks like a BIG enterprise
    you can cut down on weight by using polystyrene for part of the compost fill, i hope they wont blow over btw, is there a piccy? take a trip to Kew Gardens to get a few ideas, cos this looks like a...
  17. lazy-gardener

    sweet violets- propagating

    Depends whether you want them there. If you want to move them somewhere else you could- they seem to be propagating themselves quite happily!
    Depends whether you want them there. If you want to move them somewhere else you could- they seem to be propagating themselves quite happily!
    Depends whether you want them there. If you want to move them somewhere else you could- they seem to be propagating themselves quite happily!
    Depends whether you want them there. If you want to move them somewhere else you could- they seem to be propagating themselves quite happily!
  18. Waco


    Thanks all, I had thought that may be the case, but I am getting a bit bulbed up in my garden. I think the answer may be to start a flower bed for cut flowers.
    Thanks all, I had thought that may be the case, but I am getting a bit bulbed up in my garden. I think the answer may be to start a flower bed for cut flowers.
    Thanks all, I had thought that may be the case, but I am getting a bit bulbed up in my garden. I think the answer may be to start a flower bed for cut flowers.
    Thanks all, I had thought that may be the case, but I am getting a bit bulbed up in my garden. I think the answer may be to start a flower bed for cut flowers.
  19. Webmaster

    Physalis ..... Anyone grown them before ??

    Thats probably the reason, I would not grow them again unless asked to
    Thats probably the reason, I would not grow them again unless asked to
    Thats probably the reason, I would not grow them again unless asked to
    Thats probably the reason, I would not grow them again unless asked to
  20. sheppy

    How do I get rid of leylandii ?

    Thanks everyone - given me stacks of ideas. Going with the totem poles....JOKING!!! It's a huge relief to know I don't necessarily have to dig out the roots and as they are planted along the...
    Thanks everyone - given me stacks of ideas. Going with the totem poles....JOKING!!! It's a huge relief to know I don't necessarily have to dig out the roots and as they are planted along the front drive I may go for gravel and pots if they prove really stubborn. (Not my first choice, but it...
    Thanks everyone - given me stacks of ideas. Going with the totem poles....JOKING!!! It's a huge relief to know I don't necessarily have to dig out the roots and as they are planted along the front drive I may go for gravel and pots if they prove...
    Thanks everyone - given me stacks of ideas. Going with the totem poles....JOKING!!! It's a huge relief to know I don't necessarily have to dig out the roots and as they are planted along the...

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