General Gardening Discussion

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  1. cherokeechick

    blackberry roots

    Good advice Liz, digging out will reduce chance of regrowth and any that does will be easier to deal with. A fork is better than a spade as the roots tend to remain in longer pieces and you get...
    Good advice Liz, digging out will reduce chance of regrowth and any that does will be easier to deal with. A fork is better than a spade as the roots tend to remain in longer pieces and you get more of it out. By digging, you will also aerate the soil and sweeten it. For large areas take it bit...
    Good advice Liz, digging out will reduce chance of regrowth and any that does will be easier to deal with. A fork is better than a spade as the roots tend to remain in longer pieces and you get more of it out. By digging, you will also aerate the...
    Good advice Liz, digging out will reduce chance of regrowth and any that does will be easier to deal with. A fork is better than a spade as the roots tend to remain in longer pieces and you get...
  2. DAG

    Watering philosophy

    Then there was m' dear old Mum's method (Ex Land Army). After planting out she would give em' a watering then stand there with a defiant look on her face and say, "Now grow you, grow!"
    Then there was m' dear old Mum's method (Ex Land Army). After planting out she would give em' a watering then stand there with a defiant look on her face and say, "Now grow you, grow!"
    Then there was m' dear old Mum's method (Ex Land Army). After planting out she would give em' a watering then stand there with a defiant look on her face and say, "Now grow you, grow!"
    Then there was m' dear old Mum's method (Ex Land Army). After planting out she would give em' a watering then stand there with a defiant look on her face and say, "Now grow you, grow!"
  3. cazza

    Summer Bulbs

    Whilst agreeing that curves, drifts, and more informal planting is my preference - there are some gardens where blocks and regimented planting can look really good. Depends on the garden, and its...
    Whilst agreeing that curves, drifts, and more informal planting is my preference - there are some gardens where blocks and regimented planting can look really good. Depends on the garden, and its purpose 'spose.
    Whilst agreeing that curves, drifts, and more informal planting is my preference - there are some gardens where blocks and regimented planting can look really good. Depends on the garden, and its purpose 'spose.
    Whilst agreeing that curves, drifts, and more informal planting is my preference - there are some gardens where blocks and regimented planting can look really good. Depends on the garden, and its...
  4. blue fingers


    I agree with Dendrobium - they often look dead when they are not. With a few new shoots - it is clearly not dead. It does not really matter if you do not prune it at all. It will still flower...
    I agree with Dendrobium - they often look dead when they are not. With a few new shoots - it is clearly not dead. It does not really matter if you do not prune it at all. It will still flower the same. The worst that could happen is that it will looks a bit untidy and the flowers will be on...
    I agree with Dendrobium - they often look dead when they are not. With a few new shoots - it is clearly not dead. It does not really matter if you do not prune it at all. It will still flower the same. The worst that could happen is that it...
    I agree with Dendrobium - they often look dead when they are not. With a few new shoots - it is clearly not dead. It does not really matter if you do not prune it at all. It will still flower...
  5. lazy-gardener

    how to transplant seeds

    I use a pressurised spray/mister set on a fine spray. You have much better control and can stop as soon as stems start to bend with the weight of water.Don't use the same one for weedkiller...
    I use a pressurised spray/mister set on a fine spray. You have much better control and can stop as soon as stems start to bend with the weight of water.Don't use the same one for weedkiller though! :eek:
    I use a pressurised spray/mister set on a fine spray. You have much better control and can stop as soon as stems start to bend with the weight of water.Don't use the same one for weedkiller though! :eek:
    I use a pressurised spray/mister set on a fine spray. You have much better control and can stop as soon as stems start to bend with the weight of water.Don't use the same one for weedkiller...
  6. Lady Gardener

    cats off

    unfortunately, i think it would look worse than existing marks ....
    unfortunately, i think it would look worse than existing marks ....
    unfortunately, i think it would look worse than existing marks ....
    unfortunately, i think it would look worse than existing marks ....
  7. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Small firethorns

    I know - I have a whole load of berberis julienne coming this week - would be a good time for a move around! ;)
    I know - I have a whole load of berberis julienne coming this week - would be a good time for a move around! ;)
    I know - I have a whole load of berberis julienne coming this week - would be a good time for a move around! ;)
    I know - I have a whole load of berberis julienne coming this week - would be a good time for a move around! ;)
  8. Dave Martin

    my sage plants

    lol it is actually, im getting an unhealthy obsession with my plants, veg and seeds lately :D
    lol it is actually, im getting an unhealthy obsession with my plants, veg and seeds lately :D
    lol it is actually, im getting an unhealthy obsession with my plants, veg and seeds lately :D
    lol it is actually, im getting an unhealthy obsession with my plants, veg and seeds lately :D
  9. twinkletoes82

    removing shingle!

    If it is hoggin underneath, you could get plenty of good aerobic, and probably anaerobic exercise weilding a pickaxe!! And use what you've broken up to make a lovely rockery!! That's pretty much...
    If it is hoggin underneath, you could get plenty of good aerobic, and probably anaerobic exercise weilding a pickaxe!! And use what you've broken up to make a lovely rockery!! That's pretty much what we did at one point, except it was a concrete path, and by we, I mean husband!! ;)
    If it is hoggin underneath, you could get plenty of good aerobic, and probably anaerobic exercise weilding a pickaxe!! And use what you've broken up to make a lovely rockery!! That's pretty much what we did at one point, except it was a...
    If it is hoggin underneath, you could get plenty of good aerobic, and probably anaerobic exercise weilding a pickaxe!! And use what you've broken up to make a lovely rockery!! That's pretty much...
  10. Honey Bee

    Lilly advice, please

    Bunny hunting? Was it dangerous? Mauled by a rabbit, must be agonising. What a dangerous life you lead Paladin :D :D :D
    Bunny hunting? Was it dangerous? Mauled by a rabbit, must be agonising. What a dangerous life you lead Paladin :D :D :D
    Bunny hunting? Was it dangerous? Mauled by a rabbit, must be agonising. What a dangerous life you lead Paladin :D :D :D
    Bunny hunting? Was it dangerous? Mauled by a rabbit, must be agonising. What a dangerous life you lead Paladin :D :D :D
  11. dawnlouise

    coleus canina, scaredy cat dogs gone?

    If you want it, you can get it from T&M Good luck! ;)
    If you want it, you can get it from T&M Good luck! ;)
    If you want it, you can get it from T&M Good luck! ;)
    If you want it, you can get it from T&M Good luck! ;)
  12. Lady Gardener

    pruning vine

    only a quick sketch, original masterpiece, �£2m if you want it!!
    only a quick sketch, original masterpiece, �£2m if you want it!!
    only a quick sketch, original masterpiece, �£2m if you want it!!
    only a quick sketch, original masterpiece, �£2m if you want it!!
  13. Dave Martin

    cardboard covering

    I used to have a similar problem and I still use 2" netting rolled over freshly planted patches, I leave them there until the new seedlings are well up and then roll it/them up for next year or...
    I used to have a similar problem and I still use 2" netting rolled over freshly planted patches, I leave them there until the new seedlings are well up and then roll it/them up for next year or re-use for a later sewing. It also stops large birds digging around.
    I used to have a similar problem and I still use 2" netting rolled over freshly planted patches, I leave them there until the new seedlings are well up and then roll it/them up for next year or re-use for a later sewing. It also stops large...
    I used to have a similar problem and I still use 2" netting rolled over freshly planted patches, I leave them there until the new seedlings are well up and then roll it/them up for next year or...
  14. elainefiz

    summer jasmin

    thanks for that rossco.
    thanks for that rossco.
    thanks for that rossco.
    thanks for that rossco.
  15. Lady Gardener


    on the reverse cover of Gardens montly i see this product advertised, looks like it will prevent agressive root migration, is it any use as an edging for lawns?
    on the reverse cover of Gardens montly i see this product advertised, looks like it will prevent agressive root migration, is it any use as an edging for lawns?
    on the reverse cover of Gardens montly i see this product advertised, looks like it will prevent agressive root migration, is it any use as an edging for lawns?
    on the reverse cover of Gardens montly i see this product advertised, looks like it will prevent agressive root migration, is it any use as an edging for lawns?
  16. Dave W

    Garden Irrigation Bargains!

    :D :D :D :D And I bet that's on a good day! ;) ----------------------------------A couple of years ago, I bought one of those telescopic garden hose wands from Aldi for about �£7. Saw...
    :D :D :D :D And I bet that's on a good day! ;) ----------------------------------A couple of years ago, I bought one of those telescopic garden hose wands from Aldi for about �£7. Saw them in B&Q later, same make, same model about �£15.........I like Aldi ;)
    :D :D :D :D And I bet that's on a good day! ;) ----------------------------------A couple of years ago, I bought one of those telescopic garden hose wands from Aldi for about �£7. Saw them in B&Q later, same make, same model about...
    :D :D :D :D And I bet that's on a good day! ;) ----------------------------------A couple of years ago, I bought one of those telescopic garden hose wands from Aldi for about �£7. Saw...
  17. Honey Bee

    Elephants Ears

    Ah!!! I have the tops of mine poking out - will go and put them deeper!!!
    Ah!!! I have the tops of mine poking out - will go and put them deeper!!!
    Ah!!! I have the tops of mine poking out - will go and put them deeper!!!
    Ah!!! I have the tops of mine poking out - will go and put them deeper!!!
  18. Lady Gardener

    begonia offers

    i saw some offers on the internet,for begonias, but i can t rem which site .. can any1 help please
    i saw some offers on the internet,for begonias, but i can t rem which site .. can any1 help please
    i saw some offers on the internet,for begonias, but i can t rem which site .. can any1 help please
    i saw some offers on the internet,for begonias, but i can t rem which site .. can any1 help please
  19. Lady Gardener

    horticultural qualifications

    this looks cool and
    this looks cool and
    this looks cool and
    this looks cool and
  20. Brass-icas

    Sweet William's

    Withered and a brown as if dying really
    Withered and a brown as if dying really
    Withered and a brown as if dying really
    Withered and a brown as if dying really

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