General Gardening Discussion

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  1. kira

    rotavating clay soil

    wow, thanks for all the replies and advice. I've got a much better idea of what needs doing now. I also know where to come with any more questions! thanks everyone. x
    wow, thanks for all the replies and advice. I've got a much better idea of what needs doing now. I also know where to come with any more questions! thanks everyone. x
    wow, thanks for all the replies and advice. I've got a much better idea of what needs doing now. I also know where to come with any more questions! thanks everyone. x
    wow, thanks for all the replies and advice. I've got a much better idea of what needs doing now. I also know where to come with any more questions! thanks everyone. x
  2. brownboots

    Mahonia aquifolium

    Thank you very much lisa. We will check them out.
    Thank you very much lisa. We will check them out.
    Thank you very much lisa. We will check them out.
    Thank you very much lisa. We will check them out.
  3. Gillimar

    capsis radicans

    This has been answered on another part of the forum;f=3;t=000115 [ 23. January 2006, 05:29 PM: Message edited by:...
    This has been answered on another part of the forum;f=3;t=000115 [ 23. January 2006, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: lisa0307 ]
    This has been answered on another part of the forum;f=3;t=000115 [ 23. January 2006, 05:29 PM: Message edited by: lisa0307 ]
    This has been answered on another part of the forum;f=3;t=000115 [ 23. January 2006, 05:29 PM: Message edited by:...
  4. Liz

    Lovely books new and old

    My Son never goes to the library or borrowes books. He visits book shops and likes to buy. He has about six/Seven hundred,and will re-read. I on the other hand always go to the library. Never...
    My Son never goes to the library or borrowes books. He visits book shops and likes to buy. He has about six/Seven hundred,and will re-read. I on the other hand always go to the library. Never read a book twice. Only own nine reference books, which needless to say my son bought me. Both of us...
    My Son never goes to the library or borrowes books. He visits book shops and likes to buy. He has about six/Seven hundred,and will re-read. I on the other hand always go to the library. Never read a book twice. Only own nine reference books,...
    My Son never goes to the library or borrowes books. He visits book shops and likes to buy. He has about six/Seven hundred,and will re-read. I on the other hand always go to the library. Never...
  5. msmith570

    Newbie -Help with 160x80ft garden much needed!

    Yes, Look at as many books and gardens as you can till you get some ideas. And dont wory if you come home with a car full of plants then after you put them in they almost disapear, we were always...
    Yes, Look at as many books and gardens as you can till you get some ideas. And dont wory if you come home with a car full of plants then after you put them in they almost disapear, we were always doing that. You will get ther just takes time unles you have thousands to throw at it in one go and...
    Yes, Look at as many books and gardens as you can till you get some ideas. And dont wory if you come home with a car full of plants then after you put them in they almost disapear, we were always doing that. You will get ther just takes time...
    Yes, Look at as many books and gardens as you can till you get some ideas. And dont wory if you come home with a car full of plants then after you put them in they almost disapear, we were always...
  6. NIGEL.B

    Jasminum Officinale

    Thanks Lisa,I will give this a try and keep my fingers crossed.I put the plant in this particular position in the hope it would up grow up towards my daughters bedroom window.Maybe next winter I...
    Thanks Lisa,I will give this a try and keep my fingers crossed.I put the plant in this particular position in the hope it would up grow up towards my daughters bedroom window.Maybe next winter I shall put some flleece around it.
    Thanks Lisa,I will give this a try and keep my fingers crossed.I put the plant in this particular position in the hope it would up grow up towards my daughters bedroom window.Maybe next winter I shall put some flleece around it.
    Thanks Lisa,I will give this a try and keep my fingers crossed.I put the plant in this particular position in the hope it would up grow up towards my daughters bedroom window.Maybe next winter I...
  7. John P

    Fortinia Red Robin

    This may help
    This may help
    This may help
    This may help
  8. MaryMary


    BASIC well, you have to plant sun loving plants in sunny site ...... this includes most of the herbs.,, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme shade loving plants are ferns, hostas. butterflies like...
    BASIC well, you have to plant sun loving plants in sunny site ...... this includes most of the herbs.,, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme shade loving plants are ferns, hostas. butterflies like buddlia but these are too agressive for pots imo, there are lots of small perennials which attract...
    BASIC well, you have to plant sun loving plants in sunny site ...... this includes most of the herbs.,, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme shade loving plants are ferns, hostas. butterflies like buddlia but these are too agressive for pots imo,...
    BASIC well, you have to plant sun loving plants in sunny site ...... this includes most of the herbs.,, rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme shade loving plants are ferns, hostas. butterflies like...
  9. redfifi1717

    Pampas grass

    Exactly pete, and makes them grow better.
    Exactly pete, and makes them grow better.
    Exactly pete, and makes them grow better.
    Exactly pete, and makes them grow better.
  10. SteveW


    You do need to push a perforated piece of plastic piping down the centre and keep it filled with water, but that is no different to pouring water in the top of a tree fern all summer, now is it?
    You do need to push a perforated piece of plastic piping down the centre and keep it filled with water, but that is no different to pouring water in the top of a tree fern all summer, now is it?
    You do need to push a perforated piece of plastic piping down the centre and keep it filled with water, but that is no different to pouring water in the top of a tree fern all summer, now is it?
    You do need to push a perforated piece of plastic piping down the centre and keep it filled with water, but that is no different to pouring water in the top of a tree fern all summer, now is it?
  11. jude

    Moving house and garden

    id buy a bag of compost to get a better result, and make the move less stressfull, you can use half to pot up and half to plant
    id buy a bag of compost to get a better result, and make the move less stressfull, you can use half to pot up and half to plant
    id buy a bag of compost to get a better result, and make the move less stressfull, you can use half to pot up and half to plant
    id buy a bag of compost to get a better result, and make the move less stressfull, you can use half to pot up and half to plant
  12. rosietutu

    Who's Money?

    I have Shih Tzu Liz I was a breeder of these delightful little dogs when I lived in Cambridge did all the shows... actually won a RCC at Crufts 2000 with the sire of these two boys, then Disaster...
    I have Shih Tzu Liz I was a breeder of these delightful little dogs when I lived in Cambridge did all the shows... actually won a RCC at Crufts 2000 with the sire of these two boys, then Disaster struck a few weeks ago one of them went down on his hind legs diagnosed calcified disc... a trip ...
    I have Shih Tzu Liz I was a breeder of these delightful little dogs when I lived in Cambridge did all the shows... actually won a RCC at Crufts 2000 with the sire of these two boys, then Disaster struck a few weeks ago one of them went down on...
    I have Shih Tzu Liz I was a breeder of these delightful little dogs when I lived in Cambridge did all the shows... actually won a RCC at Crufts 2000 with the sire of these two boys, then Disaster...
  13. tigglestiggles

    Soil from last year

    Thanks for that - it is not that much so I think I will put it in the compost bin - didn't use stones for drainage - another lesson learned!
    Thanks for that - it is not that much so I think I will put it in the compost bin - didn't use stones for drainage - another lesson learned!
    Thanks for that - it is not that much so I think I will put it in the compost bin - didn't use stones for drainage - another lesson learned!
    Thanks for that - it is not that much so I think I will put it in the compost bin - didn't use stones for drainage - another lesson learned!
  14. JO2006

    Bronze leaf begonias

    i will keep my fingers crossed for this year to flower thankyou for your help.
    i will keep my fingers crossed for this year to flower thankyou for your help.
    i will keep my fingers crossed for this year to flower thankyou for your help.
    i will keep my fingers crossed for this year to flower thankyou for your help.
  15. hans

    Fern advice needed

    I got some lime free compost today, cut the plant in half, washed it, no creepies present, but very little live material. Potted all of it in case of miracles, but to be honest if it was a person...
    I got some lime free compost today, cut the plant in half, washed it, no creepies present, but very little live material. Potted all of it in case of miracles, but to be honest if it was a person we would be all sitting around the bed with the minister present.
    I got some lime free compost today, cut the plant in half, washed it, no creepies present, but very little live material. Potted all of it in case of miracles, but to be honest if it was a person we would be all sitting around the bed with the...
    I got some lime free compost today, cut the plant in half, washed it, no creepies present, but very little live material. Potted all of it in case of miracles, but to be honest if it was a person...
  16. Jaycee


    ericaceous compost will also help
    ericaceous compost will also help
    ericaceous compost will also help
    ericaceous compost will also help
  17. David Robinson

    Privat Hedging

    I can find no mention anywhere of a good reason why you should not use privet shreddings as a mulch. Like any other decomposing material they can 'pull' nitrogen out of the soil, so it may be...
    I can find no mention anywhere of a good reason why you should not use privet shreddings as a mulch. Like any other decomposing material they can 'pull' nitrogen out of the soil, so it may be worth sprinkling some fertiliser around first.
    I can find no mention anywhere of a good reason why you should not use privet shreddings as a mulch. Like any other decomposing material they can 'pull' nitrogen out of the soil, so it may be worth sprinkling some fertiliser around first.
    I can find no mention anywhere of a good reason why you should not use privet shreddings as a mulch. Like any other decomposing material they can 'pull' nitrogen out of the soil, so it may be...
  18. heather_helo

    newbe with small balchony garden

    Hi Heather, I have a balcony Garden here in London and everything grows very well it just depends on your space and how much work you want to put into it. I change many plants as winter sets in so...
    Hi Heather, I have a balcony Garden here in London and everything grows very well it just depends on your space and how much work you want to put into it. I change many plants as winter sets in so that I have colour all year. Admittedly I do get the sun but not before 1.30 pm in the summer. The...
    Hi Heather, I have a balcony Garden here in London and everything grows very well it just depends on your space and how much work you want to put into it. I change many plants as winter sets in so that I have colour all year. Admittedly I do get...
    Hi Heather, I have a balcony Garden here in London and everything grows very well it just depends on your space and how much work you want to put into it. I change many plants as winter sets in so...
  19. val j

    Spring bulbs

    How about turning this to your advantage in the future. Stagger your planting to extend the flowering period.
    How about turning this to your advantage in the future. Stagger your planting to extend the flowering period.
    How about turning this to your advantage in the future. Stagger your planting to extend the flowering period.
    How about turning this to your advantage in the future. Stagger your planting to extend the flowering period.
  20. Transkeisue

    An old bath

    Hi, when having fish in a pond you need to look for plands that help i.e you can get oxygen weed - not sure if thats the correct name but it puts oxygen in the water for the fish - also some...
    Hi, when having fish in a pond you need to look for plands that help i.e you can get oxygen weed - not sure if thats the correct name but it puts oxygen in the water for the fish - also some snails that clean up the fish waste - all makes a nicer environment.
    Hi, when having fish in a pond you need to look for plands that help i.e you can get oxygen weed - not sure if thats the correct name but it puts oxygen in the water for the fish - also some snails that clean up the fish waste - all makes a nicer...
    Hi, when having fish in a pond you need to look for plands that help i.e you can get oxygen weed - not sure if thats the correct name but it puts oxygen in the water for the fish - also some...

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