General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Feline

    pot plant for porch

    Thanks for the ideas.I'll look into the ferns.Feline
    Thanks for the ideas.I'll look into the ferns.Feline
    Thanks for the ideas.I'll look into the ferns.Feline
    Thanks for the ideas.I'll look into the ferns.Feline
  2. rosietutu


    My one word answer for all things mossy, slimey or dog fouled.Armillatox!
    My one word answer for all things mossy, slimey or dog fouled.Armillatox!
    My one word answer for all things mossy, slimey or dog fouled.Armillatox!
    My one word answer for all things mossy, slimey or dog fouled.Armillatox!
  3. LittleD

    Pyracantha (firethorns)

    Not in our garden they don't. We have all colours and the red ones are the last to go for some reason
    Not in our garden they don't. We have all colours and the red ones are the last to go for some reason
    Not in our garden they don't. We have all colours and the red ones are the last to go for some reason
    Not in our garden they don't. We have all colours and the red ones are the last to go for some reason
  4. Fran

    January Garden Colour

    Thanks Fran - That's the one! I had thought of Vibernum but gave up before I got to the 'T's :DEdit: I've never been a fan of helibores (aka Christmas or Easter Rose) but you could convert...
    Thanks Fran - That's the one! I had thought of Vibernum but gave up before I got to the 'T's :DEdit: I've never been a fan of helibores (aka Christmas or Easter Rose) but you could convert me, some of them are gorgeous! [ 17. January 2006, 05:49 PM: Message edited by: frogesque ]
    Thanks Fran - That's the one! I had thought of Vibernum but gave up before I got to the 'T's :DEdit: I've never been a fan of helibores (aka Christmas or Easter Rose) but you could convert me, some of them are gorgeous! [ 17. January...
    Thanks Fran - That's the one! I had thought of Vibernum but gave up before I got to the 'T's :DEdit: I've never been a fan of helibores (aka Christmas or Easter Rose) but you could convert...
  5. Gardening Newbie

    Seed viability

    Tomato seeds have a germination inhibitor which is broken down by enzymes found in the gut of primates, so sewage sludge is a really good source of tomato seedlings.
    Tomato seeds have a germination inhibitor which is broken down by enzymes found in the gut of primates, so sewage sludge is a really good source of tomato seedlings.
    Tomato seeds have a germination inhibitor which is broken down by enzymes found in the gut of primates, so sewage sludge is a really good source of tomato seedlings.
    Tomato seeds have a germination inhibitor which is broken down by enzymes found in the gut of primates, so sewage sludge is a really good source of tomato seedlings.
  6. bestbuddies

    uncontrollable braken!

    Thanks - it would seem we'regoing to have to do a lot of digging!
    Thanks - it would seem we'regoing to have to do a lot of digging!
    Thanks - it would seem we'regoing to have to do a lot of digging!
    Thanks - it would seem we'regoing to have to do a lot of digging!
  7. Sara Mary

    Small Back Yards

    As far as tubs are concerned, may I sugest a few observations.1) Have pots as large as you can, even in a small space. Large pots will not dry out as quickly, and give you more tolerance over...
    As far as tubs are concerned, may I sugest a few observations.1) Have pots as large as you can, even in a small space. Large pots will not dry out as quickly, and give you more tolerance over erratic watering. And use water gel crystals to help prevent drying out.2) Vary the size and style...
    As far as tubs are concerned, may I sugest a few observations.1) Have pots as large as you can, even in a small space. Large pots will not dry out as quickly, and give you more tolerance over erratic watering. And use water gel crystals to...
    As far as tubs are concerned, may I sugest a few observations.1) Have pots as large as you can, even in a small space. Large pots will not dry out as quickly, and give you more tolerance over...
  8. Liz

    Large palms or ferns

    Liz, I see what you mean about men with large plants hmm It seems to be true.
    Liz, I see what you mean about men with large plants hmm It seems to be true.
    Liz, I see what you mean about men with large plants hmm It seems to be true.
    Liz, I see what you mean about men with large plants hmm It seems to be true.
  9. Honey Bee

    which seeds??

    Gardeners Delight is a cherry tom, I've grwn several types now but always come back to GD they are the best for flavour & crop well toHelen
    Gardeners Delight is a cherry tom, I've grwn several types now but always come back to GD they are the best for flavour & crop well toHelen
    Gardeners Delight is a cherry tom, I've grwn several types now but always come back to GD they are the best for flavour & crop well toHelen
    Gardeners Delight is a cherry tom, I've grwn several types now but always come back to GD they are the best for flavour & crop well toHelen
  10. PeterS

    Perennial Tulips

    I agree with you Fran. Whilst I like Christine herself of Christine's Garden - there isn't much gardening in it.But you can certainly learn from Alan Tichmarsh - even if there is sometimes a...
    I agree with you Fran. Whilst I like Christine herself of Christine's Garden - there isn't much gardening in it.But you can certainly learn from Alan Tichmarsh - even if there is sometimes a bit too much Tichmarsh.
    I agree with you Fran. Whilst I like Christine herself of Christine's Garden - there isn't much gardening in it.But you can certainly learn from Alan Tichmarsh - even if there is sometimes a bit too much Tichmarsh.
    I agree with you Fran. Whilst I like Christine herself of Christine's Garden - there isn't much gardening in it.But you can certainly learn from Alan Tichmarsh - even if there is sometimes a...
  11. badsal72

    companion planting

    What a great website! Many thanks
    What a great website! Many thanks
    What a great website! Many thanks
    What a great website! Many thanks
  12. Julekha

    Feeding Hedges

    Thanks for your help
    Thanks for your help
    Thanks for your help
    Thanks for your help
  13. Julekha


    Thats great thank you for your help
    Thats great thank you for your help
    Thats great thank you for your help
    Thats great thank you for your help
  14. gardenmad

    Iris Eleganisima

    Thanks for your speedy relpy. Will be in contact with Alpine society at the weekend so fingers crossed
    Thanks for your speedy relpy. Will be in contact with Alpine society at the weekend so fingers crossed
    Thanks for your speedy relpy. Will be in contact with Alpine society at the weekend so fingers crossed
    Thanks for your speedy relpy. Will be in contact with Alpine society at the weekend so fingers crossed
  15. anth440


    Hi anfh440 and hans, you can also buy recycled plastic fencing posts now which look better than concrete and last just as long. Md, I have always had rented properties, council and private- I...
    Hi anfh440 and hans, you can also buy recycled plastic fencing posts now which look better than concrete and last just as long. Md, I have always had rented properties, council and private- I have always when financially able improved the properties, even if you don't own it, it makes life...
    Hi anfh440 and hans, you can also buy recycled plastic fencing posts now which look better than concrete and last just as long. Md, I have always had rented properties, council and private- I have always when financially able improved the...
    Hi anfh440 and hans, you can also buy recycled plastic fencing posts now which look better than concrete and last just as long. Md, I have always had rented properties, council and private- I...
  16. em

    damp shade loving plants? ideas please!

    May I suggest that you leave the Astilbe alone - they do well in damp partial shade - and always die back in the winter, re-appearing in late spring.Sounds like you've got a nice woodland going...
    May I suggest that you leave the Astilbe alone - they do well in damp partial shade - and always die back in the winter, re-appearing in late spring.Sounds like you've got a nice woodland going at the bottom of your garden - so I'd go with the flow and encourage it going for for woodland...
    May I suggest that you leave the Astilbe alone - they do well in damp partial shade - and always die back in the winter, re-appearing in late spring.Sounds like you've got a nice woodland going at the bottom of your garden - so I'd go with the...
    May I suggest that you leave the Astilbe alone - they do well in damp partial shade - and always die back in the winter, re-appearing in late spring.Sounds like you've got a nice woodland going...
  17. samsoph

    watering blueberries and other plants

    Thanks Steve for all your advice...its very much appreciated Gill
    Thanks Steve for all your advice...its very much appreciated Gill
    Thanks Steve for all your advice...its very much appreciated Gill
    Thanks Steve for all your advice...its very much appreciated Gill
  18. mowgley

    Heated propagator

    Thank you all for your valued input. Will leave it till early March. Will let you all know how my first attempts of seed growing goes Again many thx Sean
    Thank you all for your valued input. Will leave it till early March. Will let you all know how my first attempts of seed growing goes Again many thx Sean
    Thank you all for your valued input. Will leave it till early March. Will let you all know how my first attempts of seed growing goes Again many thx Sean
    Thank you all for your valued input. Will leave it till early March. Will let you all know how my first attempts of seed growing goes Again many thx Sean
  19. Fran

    Colour through the year

    I spent the day in a lecture theatre in London so I missed out on a lovely day. I'm hoping tomorrow is pleasant because I'm working from home and will, hopefully get an opportunity to inspect the...
    I spent the day in a lecture theatre in London so I missed out on a lovely day. I'm hoping tomorrow is pleasant because I'm working from home and will, hopefully get an opportunity to inspect the garden for any signs of spring activity.
    I spent the day in a lecture theatre in London so I missed out on a lovely day. I'm hoping tomorrow is pleasant because I'm working from home and will, hopefully get an opportunity to inspect the garden for any signs of spring activity.
    I spent the day in a lecture theatre in London so I missed out on a lovely day. I'm hoping tomorrow is pleasant because I'm working from home and will, hopefully get an opportunity to inspect the...
  20. anth440

    bamboo stems

    Cheers Steve, will have a go, but not usually very good with houseplants !!! do much better in the garden.
    Cheers Steve, will have a go, but not usually very good with houseplants !!! do much better in the garden.
    Cheers Steve, will have a go, but not usually very good with houseplants !!! do much better in the garden.
    Cheers Steve, will have a go, but not usually very good with houseplants !!! do much better in the garden.

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