General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Daisies

    my first ever heron!!!

    Naaa, next door's bought a new weather vane. ;)
    Naaa, next door's bought a new weather vane. ;)
    Naaa, next door's bought a new weather vane. ;)
    Naaa, next door's bought a new weather vane. ;)
  2. Lady Gardener

    garden loppers

    i got a bargain on ebay ... top Q wilkinson sword stuff for well... lets say �£30 for shears, loppers, spade , secateurs and hands shears...... about �£130 quids worth ... i hope there not...
    i got a bargain on ebay ... top Q wilkinson sword stuff for well... lets say �£30 for shears, loppers, spade , secateurs and hands shears...... about �£130 quids worth ... i hope there not stolen!
    i got a bargain on ebay ... top Q wilkinson sword stuff for well... lets say �£30 for shears, loppers, spade , secateurs and hands shears...... about �£130 quids worth ... i hope there not stolen!
    i got a bargain on ebay ... top Q wilkinson sword stuff for well... lets say �£30 for shears, loppers, spade , secateurs and hands shears...... about �£130 quids worth ... i hope there not...
  3. pete

    Late Autumn

    Have you seen the birch trees, when the sun shines. They are a bright yellow around here, and every leaf still in place.
    Have you seen the birch trees, when the sun shines. They are a bright yellow around here, and every leaf still in place.
    Have you seen the birch trees, when the sun shines. They are a bright yellow around here, and every leaf still in place.
    Have you seen the birch trees, when the sun shines. They are a bright yellow around here, and every leaf still in place.
  4. Anthony

    Could I get some answers to my newbie questions?

    Thanks for the advise frogesque! You've put my mind at ease. :D
    Thanks for the advise frogesque! You've put my mind at ease. :D
    Thanks for the advise frogesque! You've put my mind at ease. :D
    Thanks for the advise frogesque! You've put my mind at ease. :D
  5. davehufc

    help for christmas

    A friend of mine has done one of those and she's going great guns now!
    A friend of mine has done one of those and she's going great guns now!
    A friend of mine has done one of those and she's going great guns now!
    A friend of mine has done one of those and she's going great guns now!
  6. Tony R


    Hi Jostaberries -grow like a blackcurrant -but leave 6 feet between plants.I understand it to be resistant to mildew and very prolific. They should be ready for cropping about july time- expect...
    Hi Jostaberries -grow like a blackcurrant -but leave 6 feet between plants.I understand it to be resistant to mildew and very prolific. They should be ready for cropping about july time- expect the berries to be about twice the size of a blackcurrant. MMM, let us know how you get on, Regards ...
    Hi Jostaberries -grow like a blackcurrant -but leave 6 feet between plants.I understand it to be resistant to mildew and very prolific. They should be ready for cropping about july time- expect the berries to be about twice the size of a...
    Hi Jostaberries -grow like a blackcurrant -but leave 6 feet between plants.I understand it to be resistant to mildew and very prolific. They should be ready for cropping about july time- expect...
  7. gordon


    The worst thing for Lavender is the wet - not sure of your variety but stoechas is borderline hardy, - and like all lavenders, they don't like water. As they are new plants I would protect them...
    The worst thing for Lavender is the wet - not sure of your variety but stoechas is borderline hardy, - and like all lavenders, they don't like water. As they are new plants I would protect them with something like a cloche :D to keep the worst of the weather off if you can't lift them and...
    The worst thing for Lavender is the wet - not sure of your variety but stoechas is borderline hardy, - and like all lavenders, they don't like water. As they are new plants I would protect them with something like a cloche :D to keep the...
    The worst thing for Lavender is the wet - not sure of your variety but stoechas is borderline hardy, - and like all lavenders, they don't like water. As they are new plants I would protect them...
  8. redfifi1717

    Which book?

    Thanks for the info m'daisy. Have seen what I want on e-bay and also done a bit of Christmas shopping on T&M! A good days work indoors, as it was too wet to go outside!
    Thanks for the info m'daisy. Have seen what I want on e-bay and also done a bit of Christmas shopping on T&M! A good days work indoors, as it was too wet to go outside!
    Thanks for the info m'daisy. Have seen what I want on e-bay and also done a bit of Christmas shopping on T&M! A good days work indoors, as it was too wet to go outside!
    Thanks for the info m'daisy. Have seen what I want on e-bay and also done a bit of Christmas shopping on T&M! A good days work indoors, as it was too wet to go outside!
  9. em in kelso

    Can anyone help with ground prep.

    i love junipers... they come in many guises and are native to scotland... there are loads of conifers to choose from... obviously no scots pine or Lleylandii in your courtyard, if i were you i d...
    i love junipers... they come in many guises and are native to scotland... there are loads of conifers to choose from... obviously no scots pine or Lleylandii in your courtyard, if i were you i d tend to go for a central feature with a few special specimins be carefull planting heathers, don t...
    i love junipers... they come in many guises and are native to scotland... there are loads of conifers to choose from... obviously no scots pine or Lleylandii in your courtyard, if i were you i d tend to go for a central feature with a few special...
    i love junipers... they come in many guises and are native to scotland... there are loads of conifers to choose from... obviously no scots pine or Lleylandii in your courtyard, if i were you i d...
  10. Bayleaf

    Soil Contamination test

    You could also try- have a list of companies by location.
    You could also try- have a list of companies by location.
    You could also try- have a list of companies by location.
    You could also try- have a list of companies by location.
  11. Charlie

    Gardenia Leaf Drop - Help

    Never had much luck with them myself, very tempramental as Liz says. :(
    Never had much luck with them myself, very tempramental as Liz says. :(
    Never had much luck with them myself, very tempramental as Liz says. :(
    Never had much luck with them myself, very tempramental as Liz says. :(
  12. ray

    thanks for book advice

    thanks to every one who replied to my question all replies very much appreciated and very helpful. regards ray
    thanks to every one who replied to my question all replies very much appreciated and very helpful. regards ray
    thanks to every one who replied to my question all replies very much appreciated and very helpful. regards ray
    thanks to every one who replied to my question all replies very much appreciated and very helpful. regards ray
  13. ray

    gardening books

    readers digest encyclopaedia of garden plants and flowers. to me it's like the garderers bible, that and hillier's manual of trees and shrubs, and as fran says the "expert" books by dr. hessayon...
    readers digest encyclopaedia of garden plants and flowers. to me it's like the garderers bible, that and hillier's manual of trees and shrubs, and as fran says the "expert" books by dr. hessayon are a very good start.
    readers digest encyclopaedia of garden plants and flowers. to me it's like the garderers bible, that and hillier's manual of trees and shrubs, and as fran says the "expert" books by dr. hessayon are a very good start.
    readers digest encyclopaedia of garden plants and flowers. to me it's like the garderers bible, that and hillier's manual of trees and shrubs, and as fran says the "expert" books by dr. hessayon...
  14. converted_gardener

    Oestopernum is it dead

    I would agree with Peter - chances are they are either dead or not far off - they are not hardy. Best treated as annuals. However dig 'em up - cut off the top growth and put them in some pots of...
    I would agree with Peter - chances are they are either dead or not far off - they are not hardy. Best treated as annuals. However dig 'em up - cut off the top growth and put them in some pots of compost and vermiculite. Give a little drink and leave them on a sunny windowsill for a month. You...
    I would agree with Peter - chances are they are either dead or not far off - they are not hardy. Best treated as annuals. However dig 'em up - cut off the top growth and put them in some pots of compost and vermiculite. Give a little drink and...
    I would agree with Peter - chances are they are either dead or not far off - they are not hardy. Best treated as annuals. However dig 'em up - cut off the top growth and put them in some pots of...
  15. redmax

    Cordyline (outside)

    Not a briiliant pic but this might give you some idea, the trunk can be wrapped further if hard frosts are expected
    Not a briiliant pic but this might give you some idea, the trunk can be wrapped further if hard frosts are expected
    Not a briiliant pic but this might give you some idea, the trunk can be wrapped further if hard frosts are expected
    Not a briiliant pic but this might give you some idea, the trunk can be wrapped further if hard frosts are expected
  16. Daisies

    global warming????

    Brrrrr, I saw on the weatherforecast that another lot just appeared - even we may get some - but I hope not.It ain't nice when you got to drive, less about the snow, more about the other idiots...
    Brrrrr, I saw on the weatherforecast that another lot just appeared - even we may get some - but I hope not.It ain't nice when you got to drive, less about the snow, more about the other idiots on the road :(
    Brrrrr, I saw on the weatherforecast that another lot just appeared - even we may get some - but I hope not.It ain't nice when you got to drive, less about the snow, more about the other idiots on the road :(
    Brrrrr, I saw on the weatherforecast that another lot just appeared - even we may get some - but I hope not.It ain't nice when you got to drive, less about the snow, more about the other idiots...
  17. Lady Gardener

    Building the Business

    Hi LG Good on you for setting up in business & using your initiative - this reply is a bit lengthy so apologies in advance! I have been working as a gardener for about 3 years now, and yes its...
    Hi LG Good on you for setting up in business & using your initiative - this reply is a bit lengthy so apologies in advance! I have been working as a gardener for about 3 years now, and yes its tricky when you first start out, the winter months can be a killer. I'm doing a degree in...
    Hi LG Good on you for setting up in business & using your initiative - this reply is a bit lengthy so apologies in advance! I have been working as a gardener for about 3 years now, and yes its tricky when you first start out, the winter months...
    Hi LG Good on you for setting up in business & using your initiative - this reply is a bit lengthy so apologies in advance! I have been working as a gardener for about 3 years now, and yes its...
  18. wigston

    urban fox

    I suppose a green one would also suffice.
    I suppose a green one would also suffice.
    I suppose a green one would also suffice.
    I suppose a green one would also suffice.
  19. badger

    Pruning hedging

    no problem.. this is traditional time of year for cutting back hedging
    no problem.. this is traditional time of year for cutting back hedging
    no problem.. this is traditional time of year for cutting back hedging
    no problem.. this is traditional time of year for cutting back hedging
  20. bubbly

    mouldy lily bulbs! will they grow?

    To grow lilies from scales. Remove the scales carefully from the bulb, so as not to damage the point where they were attached to the mother bulb. Take a sealable plastic bag and put in a handful...
    To grow lilies from scales. Remove the scales carefully from the bulb, so as not to damage the point where they were attached to the mother bulb. Take a sealable plastic bag and put in a handful of either peat or vermiculite, whichever you prefer. This should be damp but not sodden. The best way...
    To grow lilies from scales. Remove the scales carefully from the bulb, so as not to damage the point where they were attached to the mother bulb. Take a sealable plastic bag and put in a handful of either peat or vermiculite, whichever you...
    To grow lilies from scales. Remove the scales carefully from the bulb, so as not to damage the point where they were attached to the mother bulb. Take a sealable plastic bag and put in a handful...

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