General Gardening Discussion

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  1. bubbly

    begonia in supermarket

    hmmm. I think I will have to wait until next year and buy them from the garden centre or online.Thankyou so much for clarified that for me guys!
    hmmm. I think I will have to wait until next year and buy them from the garden centre or online.Thankyou so much for clarified that for me guys!
    hmmm. I think I will have to wait until next year and buy them from the garden centre or online.Thankyou so much for clarified that for me guys!
    hmmm. I think I will have to wait until next year and buy them from the garden centre or online.Thankyou so much for clarified that for me guys!
  2. Boro Boy Phil

    Winter Gardens

    If the lawn has been neglected you could have a leatherjacket problem. A bit late to do much about them this time of year.To help the general health of your lawn, scarify any dead thatch and...
    If the lawn has been neglected you could have a leatherjacket problem. A bit late to do much about them this time of year.To help the general health of your lawn, scarify any dead thatch and moss out of it before winter and if your soil is heavy and the lawn compacted you could try hollow tine...
    If the lawn has been neglected you could have a leatherjacket problem. A bit late to do much about them this time of year.To help the general health of your lawn, scarify any dead thatch and moss out of it before winter and if your soil is...
    If the lawn has been neglected you could have a leatherjacket problem. A bit late to do much about them this time of year.To help the general health of your lawn, scarify any dead thatch and...
  3. Anthony

    Cutting back and moving ferns.

    I can't wait to put some pictures on the site and I have taken a couple of my pond I will try to get them on as soon as poss. I think I am getting a digital camera for xmas I've dropped enough...
    I can't wait to put some pictures on the site and I have taken a couple of my pond I will try to get them on as soon as poss. I think I am getting a digital camera for xmas I've dropped enough hints.A little bit of practice and who knows. I have got a few ferns and Hostas in and I have planted a...
    I can't wait to put some pictures on the site and I have taken a couple of my pond I will try to get them on as soon as poss. I think I am getting a digital camera for xmas I've dropped enough hints.A little bit of practice and who knows. I have...
    I can't wait to put some pictures on the site and I have taken a couple of my pond I will try to get them on as soon as poss. I think I am getting a digital camera for xmas I've dropped enough...
  4. pete


    Thanks Pete, will ask next Spring
    Thanks Pete, will ask next Spring
    Thanks Pete, will ask next Spring
    Thanks Pete, will ask next Spring
  5. floris

    pruning forsythia

    Forsythia flowers on the wood it grew this Summer, so one tends to prune it after flowering to make room for the new growths. However, if the bush is overgrown flowering would be reduced anyway,...
    Forsythia flowers on the wood it grew this Summer, so one tends to prune it after flowering to make room for the new growths. However, if the bush is overgrown flowering would be reduced anyway, so pruning now would not be a problem. Aim to remove about a third of the oldest branches. That way...
    Forsythia flowers on the wood it grew this Summer, so one tends to prune it after flowering to make room for the new growths. However, if the bush is overgrown flowering would be reduced anyway, so pruning now would not be a problem. Aim to...
    Forsythia flowers on the wood it grew this Summer, so one tends to prune it after flowering to make room for the new growths. However, if the bush is overgrown flowering would be reduced anyway,...
  6. Daisies

    How's this for a big'n

    Tragedy! Finally got around to using this tater only to find it has a big cavity in the middle! It was clean and dry and a little bit powdery looking so I didn't use it. Any suggestions what it...
    Tragedy! Finally got around to using this tater only to find it has a big cavity in the middle! It was clean and dry and a little bit powdery looking so I didn't use it. Any suggestions what it was and could I have eaten it anyway?I'm so disappointed!
    Tragedy! Finally got around to using this tater only to find it has a big cavity in the middle! It was clean and dry and a little bit powdery looking so I didn't use it. Any suggestions what it was and could I have eaten it anyway?I'm so...
    Tragedy! Finally got around to using this tater only to find it has a big cavity in the middle! It was clean and dry and a little bit powdery looking so I didn't use it. Any suggestions what it...
  7. Morrey


    Thanks Fran - enjoying Phil Harris BTW? (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) [ 31. October 2005, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: michaelmasdaisy ]
    Thanks Fran - enjoying Phil Harris BTW? (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) [ 31. October 2005, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: michaelmasdaisy ]
    Thanks Fran - enjoying Phil Harris BTW? (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) [ 31. October 2005, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: michaelmasdaisy ]
    Thanks Fran - enjoying Phil Harris BTW? (nudge, nudge, wink, wink!) [ 31. October 2005, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: michaelmasdaisy ]
  8. norman

    loquats or eriobotrya japonica

    Welcome to GC, Norman - nice to have you on board!
    Welcome to GC, Norman - nice to have you on board!
    Welcome to GC, Norman - nice to have you on board!
    Welcome to GC, Norman - nice to have you on board!
  9. Anthony

    Woodland garden.

    Many thanks for your suggestions. Will look into them, esp the Rowan and whitebeam and the crab apple ... and the corkscrew hazel also. Sounds interesting. The laburnaum not, both because it is...
    Many thanks for your suggestions. Will look into them, esp the Rowan and whitebeam and the crab apple ... and the corkscrew hazel also. Sounds interesting. The laburnaum not, both because it is poisonous and because it is golden (over the years I have discovered that the best thing for stress...
    Many thanks for your suggestions. Will look into them, esp the Rowan and whitebeam and the crab apple ... and the corkscrew hazel also. Sounds interesting. The laburnaum not, both because it is poisonous and because it is golden (over the years I...
    Many thanks for your suggestions. Will look into them, esp the Rowan and whitebeam and the crab apple ... and the corkscrew hazel also. Sounds interesting. The laburnaum not, both because it is...
  10. gabrial


    Thank you for speedy reply I will have to wait until march gabrial
    Thank you for speedy reply I will have to wait until march gabrial
    Thank you for speedy reply I will have to wait until march gabrial
    Thank you for speedy reply I will have to wait until march gabrial
  11. woodsy

    Hedging advice needed please

    Well done woodsy...!!!! :D If all our answers gave you the confidence to go out there, take advice on height etc & buy what you liked & plant it, then good one mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All...
    Well done woodsy...!!!! :D If all our answers gave you the confidence to go out there, take advice on height etc & buy what you liked & plant it, then good one mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All any of us want to do, is help, & encourage each other. It is great to hear that it worked for you.....
    Well done woodsy...!!!! :D If all our answers gave you the confidence to go out there, take advice on height etc & buy what you liked & plant it, then good one mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All any of us want to do, is help, & encourage each...
    Well done woodsy...!!!! :D If all our answers gave you the confidence to go out there, take advice on height etc & buy what you liked & plant it, then good one mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All...
  12. Anthony

    Tulips in Spring?

    beautiful tulips - gonna look smashing in the spring. Suggestion, with the excess, why not plant and overplant with others- primulars, ericas and winter flowering pansies to give you winter...
    beautiful tulips - gonna look smashing in the spring. Suggestion, with the excess, why not plant and overplant with others- primulars, ericas and winter flowering pansies to give you winter colour.Sadly the only excess I have at this time of year, is lavender (hidcot) and some gathered seed.
    beautiful tulips - gonna look smashing in the spring. Suggestion, with the excess, why not plant and overplant with others- primulars, ericas and winter flowering pansies to give you winter colour.Sadly the only excess I have at this time of...
    beautiful tulips - gonna look smashing in the spring. Suggestion, with the excess, why not plant and overplant with others- primulars, ericas and winter flowering pansies to give you winter...
  13. elainefiz

    rhoderdendren(can`t spell either)

    Hi Elainefiz, I had the same problem. I moved two large rhododendrons out of half barrels and they are giving me as good a show each year as the two I still have in barrels. I dug a big hole and...
    Hi Elainefiz, I had the same problem. I moved two large rhododendrons out of half barrels and they are giving me as good a show each year as the two I still have in barrels. I dug a big hole and filled it with ericacous compost, dropped the whole rootball in level with surface and filled it up...
    Hi Elainefiz, I had the same problem. I moved two large rhododendrons out of half barrels and they are giving me as good a show each year as the two I still have in barrels. I dug a big hole and filled it with ericacous compost, dropped the...
    Hi Elainefiz, I had the same problem. I moved two large rhododendrons out of half barrels and they are giving me as good a show each year as the two I still have in barrels. I dug a big hole and...
  14. Marley Farley

    Star Magnolia needs help.!!!

    Thank's Pete, will do in the spring.
    Thank's Pete, will do in the spring.
    Thank's Pete, will do in the spring.
    Thank's Pete, will do in the spring.
  15. bubbly

    what plants are good for offices?

    I'm a bit late finding this thread but if you haven't already tried then I found fibrous rooted begonias, buisy lizzy, cyclamen and blackeyed Susan did fantastic on the windowsill and Saintpaulia...
    I'm a bit late finding this thread but if you haven't already tried then I found fibrous rooted begonias, buisy lizzy, cyclamen and blackeyed Susan did fantastic on the windowsill and Saintpaulia - "African Violet" and varigated ivy did fine in the less well lit areas of the office. Spider...
    I'm a bit late finding this thread but if you haven't already tried then I found fibrous rooted begonias, buisy lizzy, cyclamen and blackeyed Susan did fantastic on the windowsill and Saintpaulia - "African Violet" and varigated ivy did fine in...
    I'm a bit late finding this thread but if you haven't already tried then I found fibrous rooted begonias, buisy lizzy, cyclamen and blackeyed Susan did fantastic on the windowsill and Saintpaulia...
  16. rosegarden

    Curcuma House Plant

    I found one in Wyevale for 50p. It was past it's best so I broke up the rootball and retrieved loads of round tubers which I repotted in a very gritty mix. Unfortunately when I was away my wife...
    I found one in Wyevale for 50p. It was past it's best so I broke up the rootball and retrieved loads of round tubers which I repotted in a very gritty mix. Unfortunately when I was away my wife gave it a very thorough watering, and as I had covered the surface with clay balls I didn't notice...
    I found one in Wyevale for 50p. It was past it's best so I broke up the rootball and retrieved loads of round tubers which I repotted in a very gritty mix. Unfortunately when I was away my wife gave it a very thorough watering, and as I had...
    I found one in Wyevale for 50p. It was past it's best so I broke up the rootball and retrieved loads of round tubers which I repotted in a very gritty mix. Unfortunately when I was away my wife...
  17. Charley

    Hedge layering

    Hi Charley, Try your yellow pages for tree sugeons or arboricultural services. They are usually friendly helpfull & usually give free etimates. [ 27. October 2005, 09:11 PM: Message edited...
    Hi Charley, Try your yellow pages for tree sugeons or arboricultural services. They are usually friendly helpfull & usually give free etimates. [ 27. October 2005, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]
    Hi Charley, Try your yellow pages for tree sugeons or arboricultural services. They are usually friendly helpfull & usually give free etimates. [ 27. October 2005, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]
    Hi Charley, Try your yellow pages for tree sugeons or arboricultural services. They are usually friendly helpfull & usually give free etimates. [ 27. October 2005, 09:11 PM: Message edited...
  18. bubbly

    I'm confused!!!!

    Tis indeed, much better than an exercise machine - and all that fresh air too :D [ 27. October 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Fran ]
    Tis indeed, much better than an exercise machine - and all that fresh air too :D [ 27. October 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Fran ]
    Tis indeed, much better than an exercise machine - and all that fresh air too :D [ 27. October 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Fran ]
    Tis indeed, much better than an exercise machine - and all that fresh air too :D [ 27. October 2005, 08:08 PM: Message edited by: Fran ]
  19. Rich

    Frilly pansies

    They really are beautiful! I especially like the last one.
    They really are beautiful! I especially like the last one.
    They really are beautiful! I especially like the last one.
    They really are beautiful! I especially like the last one.
  20. Hannah

    Spring Bulbs

    I just looked at my prepared hyacinth bulbs which are in bowls in a dark cupboard and was pleased to see they are starting to shoot. A sure sign that Christmas is just around the corner. I must...
    I just looked at my prepared hyacinth bulbs which are in bowls in a dark cupboard and was pleased to see they are starting to shoot. A sure sign that Christmas is just around the corner. I must get to the shops...
    I just looked at my prepared hyacinth bulbs which are in bowls in a dark cupboard and was pleased to see they are starting to shoot. A sure sign that Christmas is just around the corner. I must get to the shops...
    I just looked at my prepared hyacinth bulbs which are in bowls in a dark cupboard and was pleased to see they are starting to shoot. A sure sign that Christmas is just around the corner. I must...

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