General Gardening Discussion

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  1. jervis

    New Passiflora grower

    Sallyann, thanks for the reassuring message. The fourth-floor terrace certainly can't compete with a welsh mountain-top! I've just put some vermivulite over the top of the soil to help keep it...
    Sallyann, thanks for the reassuring message. The fourth-floor terrace certainly can't compete with a welsh mountain-top! I've just put some vermivulite over the top of the soil to help keep it warm and will leave it alone for now - it's still flowering away!
    Sallyann, thanks for the reassuring message. The fourth-floor terrace certainly can't compete with a welsh mountain-top! I've just put some vermivulite over the top of the soil to help keep it warm and will leave it alone for now - it's still...
    Sallyann, thanks for the reassuring message. The fourth-floor terrace certainly can't compete with a welsh mountain-top! I've just put some vermivulite over the top of the soil to help keep it...
  2. Julekha

    Hedging - Ilex Meservea (Blue Prince)

    may be lack of acidity
    may be lack of acidity
    may be lack of acidity
    may be lack of acidity
  3. Smiler

    What type of soil?

    You're welcome Smiler - sorry for the late reply - I've only just checked in
    You're welcome Smiler - sorry for the late reply - I've only just checked in
    You're welcome Smiler - sorry for the late reply - I've only just checked in
    You're welcome Smiler - sorry for the late reply - I've only just checked in
  4. Morrey

    Yes pretty interesting Morrey, bit like a mini e-bay
    Yes pretty interesting Morrey, bit like a mini e-bay
    Yes pretty interesting Morrey, bit like a mini e-bay
    Yes pretty interesting Morrey, bit like a mini e-bay
  5. lillylover

    wrong place to post

    No problem, it happens sometimes ;) , I'll move it into here for you .Nathan.
    No problem, it happens sometimes ;) , I'll move it into here for you .Nathan.
    No problem, it happens sometimes ;) , I'll move it into here for you .Nathan.
    No problem, it happens sometimes ;) , I'll move it into here for you .Nathan.
  6. Webmaster

    Anyone seen these ?

    The only reason I looked on there is hat my partners mother has one, and she broke it. great mugs for garden use, especially as they have the lid/saucer.Nathan.
    The only reason I looked on there is hat my partners mother has one, and she broke it. great mugs for garden use, especially as they have the lid/saucer.Nathan.
    The only reason I looked on there is hat my partners mother has one, and she broke it. great mugs for garden use, especially as they have the lid/saucer.Nathan.
    The only reason I looked on there is hat my partners mother has one, and she broke it. great mugs for garden use, especially as they have the lid/saucer.Nathan.
  7. hans

    Slightly unusual

    Many thanks both, I'm on clay also.
    Many thanks both, I'm on clay also.
    Many thanks both, I'm on clay also.
    Many thanks both, I'm on clay also.
  8. dalbuie

    Allium bulbs

    Thanks folks,I will now plant them in my tubs and probably put them in the greenhouse when it gets really cold, it tends to do that up here :D I am looking forward to seeing what I get. I will...
    Thanks folks,I will now plant them in my tubs and probably put them in the greenhouse when it gets really cold, it tends to do that up here :D I am looking forward to seeing what I get. I will tell you about them in the spring if they survive!
    Thanks folks,I will now plant them in my tubs and probably put them in the greenhouse when it gets really cold, it tends to do that up here :D I am looking forward to seeing what I get. I will tell you about them in the spring if they survive!
    Thanks folks,I will now plant them in my tubs and probably put them in the greenhouse when it gets really cold, it tends to do that up here :D I am looking forward to seeing what I get. I will...
  9. type2tattoo

    Shade problems???

    I would agree with Liz - if lavender is doing well, and nothing else, it is likely to be water problems as well feeding - so tis either change the conditions by irrigation plus organic matter or...
    I would agree with Liz - if lavender is doing well, and nothing else, it is likely to be water problems as well feeding - so tis either change the conditions by irrigation plus organic matter or grow the kind of plants that thrive in sunny dry conditions but add still add some feeding- and there...
    I would agree with Liz - if lavender is doing well, and nothing else, it is likely to be water problems as well feeding - so tis either change the conditions by irrigation plus organic matter or grow the kind of plants that thrive in sunny dry...
    I would agree with Liz - if lavender is doing well, and nothing else, it is likely to be water problems as well feeding - so tis either change the conditions by irrigation plus organic matter or...
  10. Fran

    Pruning Grapevine

    Thanks guys, I knew I could rely on you. I hope the messager has seen the thread.
    Thanks guys, I knew I could rely on you. I hope the messager has seen the thread.
    Thanks guys, I knew I could rely on you. I hope the messager has seen the thread.
    Thanks guys, I knew I could rely on you. I hope the messager has seen the thread.
  11. Liz

    black or red?

    Thanks both, I will be going out to pinch and sniff shortly.
    Thanks both, I will be going out to pinch and sniff shortly.
    Thanks both, I will be going out to pinch and sniff shortly.
    Thanks both, I will be going out to pinch and sniff shortly.
  12. sawfish

    weed supression

    I agree with above digging is the only way and you may find it stubborn especially if it starts amongst established plants, like raspberries. I still have the odd shoot after 30 years.
    I agree with above digging is the only way and you may find it stubborn especially if it starts amongst established plants, like raspberries. I still have the odd shoot after 30 years.
    I agree with above digging is the only way and you may find it stubborn especially if it starts amongst established plants, like raspberries. I still have the odd shoot after 30 years.
    I agree with above digging is the only way and you may find it stubborn especially if it starts amongst established plants, like raspberries. I still have the odd shoot after 30 years.
  13. rosegarden

    angels trumpet

    Hi Nik,That triple came from a packet of double brugmansia seeds I bought this year.I am having trouble getting the plants to set seed this year and only have two pods on about 25 plants.
    Hi Nik,That triple came from a packet of double brugmansia seeds I bought this year.I am having trouble getting the plants to set seed this year and only have two pods on about 25 plants.
    Hi Nik,That triple came from a packet of double brugmansia seeds I bought this year.I am having trouble getting the plants to set seed this year and only have two pods on about 25 plants.
    Hi Nik,That triple came from a packet of double brugmansia seeds I bought this year.I am having trouble getting the plants to set seed this year and only have two pods on about 25 plants.
  14. su51ejane


    Thanks I will be patient (although that is not my strong point) I will let you know how things progressSusan
    Thanks I will be patient (although that is not my strong point) I will let you know how things progressSusan
    Thanks I will be patient (although that is not my strong point) I will let you know how things progressSusan
    Thanks I will be patient (although that is not my strong point) I will let you know how things progressSusan
  15. sewer rat

    Autumn flowering crocus

    I've had this problem too. I bought some very pretty colchicum this year which I am delighted with, they flower really close to the ground and really do look like their name- Waterlily. They wre...
    I've had this problem too. I bought some very pretty colchicum this year which I am delighted with, they flower really close to the ground and really do look like their name- Waterlily. They wre more expensive than the singles but each bulb has produced at least 3 flowers, so they look excellent...
    I've had this problem too. I bought some very pretty colchicum this year which I am delighted with, they flower really close to the ground and really do look like their name- Waterlily. They wre more expensive than the singles but each bulb has...
    I've had this problem too. I bought some very pretty colchicum this year which I am delighted with, they flower really close to the ground and really do look like their name- Waterlily. They wre...
  16. Brooli2

    newbie requires help with fushia and geraniums

    Hi BluebellI'm new to gardening and could you just clearify one thing for me please:When you said you have planted primroses, primulas etc..Do you leave gaps inbetween the plants for when the...
    Hi BluebellI'm new to gardening and could you just clearify one thing for me please:When you said you have planted primroses, primulas etc..Do you leave gaps inbetween the plants for when the bulbs starts to grow? or you just plant the bulbs underneath the primroses etc..hoping they will...
    Hi BluebellI'm new to gardening and could you just clearify one thing for me please:When you said you have planted primroses, primulas etc..Do you leave gaps inbetween the plants for when the bulbs starts to grow? or you just plant the bulbs...
    Hi BluebellI'm new to gardening and could you just clearify one thing for me please:When you said you have planted primroses, primulas etc..Do you leave gaps inbetween the plants for when the...
  17. Tortuosa


    'As green fingered as... a Martian with septicaemia' . Stephen Fry. [ 19. October 2005, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Tortuosa ]
    'As green fingered as... a Martian with septicaemia' . Stephen Fry. [ 19. October 2005, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Tortuosa ]
    'As green fingered as... a Martian with septicaemia' . Stephen Fry. [ 19. October 2005, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Tortuosa ]
    'As green fingered as... a Martian with septicaemia' . Stephen Fry. [ 19. October 2005, 12:55 PM: Message edited by: Tortuosa ]
  18. luke


    Good to hear - tis a lovely shrub, and will take hacking back hard to keep in shape if thats whats wanted and will tolerate partial shade. I have one ordinary philadelphus that I just allow to...
    Good to hear - tis a lovely shrub, and will take hacking back hard to keep in shape if thats whats wanted and will tolerate partial shade. I have one ordinary philadelphus that I just allow to grow thinning occassionally, and one golden form that I keep pruned under a hawthorn tree - and it...
    Good to hear - tis a lovely shrub, and will take hacking back hard to keep in shape if thats whats wanted and will tolerate partial shade. I have one ordinary philadelphus that I just allow to grow thinning occassionally, and one golden form that...
    Good to hear - tis a lovely shrub, and will take hacking back hard to keep in shape if thats whats wanted and will tolerate partial shade. I have one ordinary philadelphus that I just allow to...
  19. JJ

    Lying Bark in Borders

    Laying ground cover matting is definately the way to go if you are starting with empty beds, it's a bit fiddly to lay around estabised plants (especially thorny ones!) but often worth the effort....
    Laying ground cover matting is definately the way to go if you are starting with empty beds, it's a bit fiddly to lay around estabised plants (especially thorny ones!) but often worth the effort. We use 'phormisol' which we buy (by the metre, off wide rolls) from ...
    Laying ground cover matting is definately the way to go if you are starting with empty beds, it's a bit fiddly to lay around estabised plants (especially thorny ones!) but often worth the effort. We use 'phormisol' which we buy (by the metre, off...
    Laying ground cover matting is definately the way to go if you are starting with empty beds, it's a bit fiddly to lay around estabised plants (especially thorny ones!) but often worth the effort....
  20. babyshambles1984


    Thank you very much.Thats a great helpTim
    Thank you very much.Thats a great helpTim
    Thank you very much.Thats a great helpTim
    Thank you very much.Thats a great helpTim

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