General Gardening Discussion

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  1. angelad


    Your welcome - let us know how they do eh?
    Your welcome - let us know how they do eh?
    Your welcome - let us know how they do eh?
    Your welcome - let us know how they do eh?
  2. Rich

    Cooked babies

    Sad but we all been there. :(
    Sad but we all been there. :(
    Sad but we all been there. :(
    Sad but we all been there. :(
  3. petal

    Spoiling the View

    I would bite the bullet & cut back hard. :eek: It is likely that you would loose it (the larger leaved varieties like 'Yankee Point' can cope better with this treatment); but then you could...
    I would bite the bullet & cut back hard. :eek: It is likely that you would loose it (the larger leaved varieties like 'Yankee Point' can cope better with this treatment); but then you could plant a fresh one in a better position. Ceanothus are not keen on having their roots disturbed.
    I would bite the bullet & cut back hard. :eek: It is likely that you would loose it (the larger leaved varieties like 'Yankee Point' can cope better with this treatment); but then you could plant a fresh one in a better position. Ceanothus...
    I would bite the bullet & cut back hard. :eek: It is likely that you would loose it (the larger leaved varieties like 'Yankee Point' can cope better with this treatment); but then you could...
  4. Chris_Moran

    Orchid on membrane watering system

    Hi Liz,See earlier Watering Houseplants with Science threadI'm happy to try and answer any questions that you might have.Best wishes Chris
    Hi Liz,See earlier Watering Houseplants with Science threadI'm happy to try and answer any questions that you might have.Best wishes Chris
    Hi Liz,See earlier Watering Houseplants with Science threadI'm happy to try and answer any questions that you might have.Best wishes Chris
    Hi Liz,See earlier Watering Houseplants with Science threadI'm happy to try and answer any questions that you might have.Best wishes Chris
  5. Julie T


    2 years ago my daughter had a bouquet with bamboo shoots in it. As they had little shoots at the top, we thought we'd try to grow them. I put them in water and all 5 developed roots in the water....
    2 years ago my daughter had a bouquet with bamboo shoots in it. As they had little shoots at the top, we thought we'd try to grow them. I put them in water and all 5 developed roots in the water. They aren't curly, I didn't realise the curly one was adifferent plant, I've been wondering how to...
    2 years ago my daughter had a bouquet with bamboo shoots in it. As they had little shoots at the top, we thought we'd try to grow them. I put them in water and all 5 developed roots in the water. They aren't curly, I didn't realise the curly one...
    2 years ago my daughter had a bouquet with bamboo shoots in it. As they had little shoots at the top, we thought we'd try to grow them. I put them in water and all 5 developed roots in the water....
  6. Mrs cloudy

    pregnant gardener needs advice

    CongratulationsI remember having the same concerns when I was expecting, I was just about to turn over my veg plot when I found out... my doctor told me not to do anything I wasn't used to...
    CongratulationsI remember having the same concerns when I was expecting, I was just about to turn over my veg plot when I found out... my doctor told me not to do anything I wasn't used to doing but if I ran a marathon every week it would be okay to keep doing it. The first 3 months or so...
    CongratulationsI remember having the same concerns when I was expecting, I was just about to turn over my veg plot when I found out... my doctor told me not to do anything I wasn't used to doing but if I ran a marathon every week it would be...
    CongratulationsI remember having the same concerns when I was expecting, I was just about to turn over my veg plot when I found out... my doctor told me not to do anything I wasn't used to...
  7. robbo

    winter bedding plants

    To Rich's suggestion consider some of the early flowering bulbs and corns, whilst not bedding they will give some early colour. Iris reticulata flowers in february,then theres the snowdrops, and...
    To Rich's suggestion consider some of the early flowering bulbs and corns, whilst not bedding they will give some early colour. Iris reticulata flowers in february,then theres the snowdrops, and early flowering crocus - and winter aconite - and will die back soon enough to get the spring bedding...
    To Rich's suggestion consider some of the early flowering bulbs and corns, whilst not bedding they will give some early colour. Iris reticulata flowers in february,then theres the snowdrops, and early flowering crocus - and winter aconite - and...
    To Rich's suggestion consider some of the early flowering bulbs and corns, whilst not bedding they will give some early colour. Iris reticulata flowers in february,then theres the snowdrops, and...
  8. JdeV

    Memorial garden

    To the previous suggestions - consider a golden form of ivy, virginnia creeper and ceanothus.Lovely idea and good luck with it.
    To the previous suggestions - consider a golden form of ivy, virginnia creeper and ceanothus.Lovely idea and good luck with it.
    To the previous suggestions - consider a golden form of ivy, virginnia creeper and ceanothus.Lovely idea and good luck with it.
    To the previous suggestions - consider a golden form of ivy, virginnia creeper and ceanothus.Lovely idea and good luck with it.
  9. Webmaster

    Rape seed

    You have got us all thinking Nathan. There is quite a bit of reading on the subject an it don't look good. Your post took me to this site I will be rumaging...
    You have got us all thinking Nathan. There is quite a bit of reading on the subject an it don't look good. Your post took me to this site I will be rumaging around in my cupboards tomorrow. Peanut butter's off.
    You have got us all thinking Nathan. There is quite a bit of reading on the subject an it don't look good. Your post took me to this site I will be rumaging around in my cupboards tomorrow. Peanut butter's off.
    You have got us all thinking Nathan. There is quite a bit of reading on the subject an it don't look good. Your post took me to this site I will be rumaging...
  10. tek

    newbie advice please!?

    You could still plant garlic,shallots and broad beans this time of year for croping in spring and early summer.IN kent you could probably grow mixed leaf salad,rocket in containers or soil.Organic...
    You could still plant garlic,shallots and broad beans this time of year for croping in spring and early summer.IN kent you could probably grow mixed leaf salad,rocket in containers or soil.Organic stuff includes manure and garden compost,sometimes available cheaply via the local council.Its also...
    You could still plant garlic,shallots and broad beans this time of year for croping in spring and early summer.IN kent you could probably grow mixed leaf salad,rocket in containers or soil.Organic stuff includes manure and garden...
    You could still plant garlic,shallots and broad beans this time of year for croping in spring and early summer.IN kent you could probably grow mixed leaf salad,rocket in containers or soil.Organic...
  11. Anthony

    Recommended reading..

    I had a subscription to Amateur Gardener for 2 or 3 years and only stopped it in the end because of the awful puns they use for articles! The mag itself was a mine of information and tips and I...
    I had a subscription to Amateur Gardener for 2 or 3 years and only stopped it in the end because of the awful puns they use for articles! The mag itself was a mine of information and tips and I really learned a lot.
    I had a subscription to Amateur Gardener for 2 or 3 years and only stopped it in the end because of the awful puns they use for articles! The mag itself was a mine of information and tips and I really learned a lot.
    I had a subscription to Amateur Gardener for 2 or 3 years and only stopped it in the end because of the awful puns they use for articles! The mag itself was a mine of information and tips and I...
  12. bubbly

    sunflowers plant by birds!!!

    I have barley, wheat and sunflowers popping up at various times its the birds. Great to watch in the winter .
    I have barley, wheat and sunflowers popping up at various times its the birds. Great to watch in the winter .
    I have barley, wheat and sunflowers popping up at various times its the birds. Great to watch in the winter .
    I have barley, wheat and sunflowers popping up at various times its the birds. Great to watch in the winter .
  13. Fran

    October Garden Colour

    What beautiful flowers!Moved house beg Sept and new flowers keep popping up, just identified one as sedum from your pic.Thanks, will keep looking and hopefully identify some more.Amanda
    What beautiful flowers!Moved house beg Sept and new flowers keep popping up, just identified one as sedum from your pic.Thanks, will keep looking and hopefully identify some more.Amanda
    What beautiful flowers!Moved house beg Sept and new flowers keep popping up, just identified one as sedum from your pic.Thanks, will keep looking and hopefully identify some more.Amanda
    What beautiful flowers!Moved house beg Sept and new flowers keep popping up, just identified one as sedum from your pic.Thanks, will keep looking and hopefully identify some more.Amanda
  14. mad mick-w

    preventing damping off when growing seeds .

    Ah I see. Thanks for that Pete.
    Ah I see. Thanks for that Pete.
    Ah I see. Thanks for that Pete.
    Ah I see. Thanks for that Pete.
  15. robbo

    winter storage

    I've not come across root rot problems hans, but then I only have the green australis, dont have any of the coloured leaved varieties. My three are all in excess of 15ft tall and branched, so...
    I've not come across root rot problems hans, but then I only have the green australis, dont have any of the coloured leaved varieties. My three are all in excess of 15ft tall and branched, so they have been there a while.
    I've not come across root rot problems hans, but then I only have the green australis, dont have any of the coloured leaved varieties. My three are all in excess of 15ft tall and branched, so they have been there a while.
    I've not come across root rot problems hans, but then I only have the green australis, dont have any of the coloured leaved varieties. My three are all in excess of 15ft tall and branched, so...
  16. sharon

    Play Area

    Me I'd just turf it and let the grass grow or (wild idea) sow with a meadow mix and just scythe it after seeding - sand, bark or gravel have their problems - including cats, and spread, concrete...
    Me I'd just turf it and let the grass grow or (wild idea) sow with a meadow mix and just scythe it after seeding - sand, bark or gravel have their problems - including cats, and spread, concrete - just a tad hard, and rubber slabs - too muc.
    Me I'd just turf it and let the grass grow or (wild idea) sow with a meadow mix and just scythe it after seeding - sand, bark or gravel have their problems - including cats, and spread, concrete - just a tad hard, and rubber slabs - too muc.
    Me I'd just turf it and let the grass grow or (wild idea) sow with a meadow mix and just scythe it after seeding - sand, bark or gravel have their problems - including cats, and spread, concrete...
  17. pk

    Very Messy Garden

    excellent, thanks rich
    excellent, thanks rich
    excellent, thanks rich
    excellent, thanks rich
  18. frogesque

    September Garden Colour

    I saved the seeds from my kaffir lily and some grew with flowers the same colour as the parent, but others were a pale pink which I preferred.I imagine they were reverting to type, but it was...
    I saved the seeds from my kaffir lily and some grew with flowers the same colour as the parent, but others were a pale pink which I preferred.I imagine they were reverting to type, but it was nice to get two varieties for the price of one.
    I saved the seeds from my kaffir lily and some grew with flowers the same colour as the parent, but others were a pale pink which I preferred.I imagine they were reverting to type, but it was nice to get two varieties for the price of one.
    I saved the seeds from my kaffir lily and some grew with flowers the same colour as the parent, but others were a pale pink which I preferred.I imagine they were reverting to type, but it was...
  19. lucys

    Hello! I am new and looking for advise

    Hello Rosegarden, Nice to hear from you. I am sorry I don.t know the name of the yellow lupin I bought it at the "Scotland Gardening" show in Edinburgh two years ago when they were selling off all...
    Hello Rosegarden, Nice to hear from you. I am sorry I don.t know the name of the yellow lupin I bought it at the "Scotland Gardening" show in Edinburgh two years ago when they were selling off all the plants. It was in full bloom in a big pot. I went back this year and bought another one which...
    Hello Rosegarden, Nice to hear from you. I am sorry I don.t know the name of the yellow lupin I bought it at the "Scotland Gardening" show in Edinburgh two years ago when they were selling off all the plants. It was in full bloom in a big pot. I...
    Hello Rosegarden, Nice to hear from you. I am sorry I don.t know the name of the yellow lupin I bought it at the "Scotland Gardening" show in Edinburgh two years ago when they were selling off all...
  20. robbo


    Hi, Robbo - welcome to GC!I just wait until the pods are beginning to dry on the plant then pick them and let them dry some more, in a pot or on a tray on the window sill where it's dry and...
    Hi, Robbo - welcome to GC!I just wait until the pods are beginning to dry on the plant then pick them and let them dry some more, in a pot or on a tray on the window sill where it's dry and airy. Then I shell the seeds and store them in an envelope labelled with the date and type.Then the...
    Hi, Robbo - welcome to GC!I just wait until the pods are beginning to dry on the plant then pick them and let them dry some more, in a pot or on a tray on the window sill where it's dry and airy. Then I shell the seeds and store them in an...
    Hi, Robbo - welcome to GC!I just wait until the pods are beginning to dry on the plant then pick them and let them dry some more, in a pot or on a tray on the window sill where it's dry and...

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