General Gardening Discussion

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  1. floris

    biting insects

    Rich - Have just read your post of 10 Oct and to answer your query, the bites resulted in swollen areas without scabs; also other large (red)areas which itched like mad when showering. I will...
    Rich - Have just read your post of 10 Oct and to answer your query, the bites resulted in swollen areas without scabs; also other large (red)areas which itched like mad when showering. I will have to get an antihistamin cream for next time. I am sorry to hear of your symptoms. I also had...
    Rich - Have just read your post of 10 Oct and to answer your query, the bites resulted in swollen areas without scabs; also other large (red)areas which itched like mad when showering. I will have to get an antihistamin cream for next time. I am...
    Rich - Have just read your post of 10 Oct and to answer your query, the bites resulted in swollen areas without scabs; also other large (red)areas which itched like mad when showering. I will...
  2. brazil

    passion flower

    So they haven't flowered yet, touch and go I would think with the frost coming up soon now. The Cornus sounds interesting, and well worth looking after, presume you should get more bracts each year.
    So they haven't flowered yet, touch and go I would think with the frost coming up soon now. The Cornus sounds interesting, and well worth looking after, presume you should get more bracts each year.
    So they haven't flowered yet, touch and go I would think with the frost coming up soon now. The Cornus sounds interesting, and well worth looking after, presume you should get more bracts each year.
    So they haven't flowered yet, touch and go I would think with the frost coming up soon now. The Cornus sounds interesting, and well worth looking after, presume you should get more bracts each year.
  3. pete


    Yes fran I know there are probably hundreds fo different types of quercus, but this looked very much like our common robur. I'm no expert at identification, but I do know the more commonly grown...
    Yes fran I know there are probably hundreds fo different types of quercus, but this looked very much like our common robur. I'm no expert at identification, but I do know the more commonly grown ones over here and I've walked passed this one for years. I would say its probably a couple of...
    Yes fran I know there are probably hundreds fo different types of quercus, but this looked very much like our common robur. I'm no expert at identification, but I do know the more commonly grown ones over here and I've walked passed this one for...
    Yes fran I know there are probably hundreds fo different types of quercus, but this looked very much like our common robur. I'm no expert at identification, but I do know the more commonly grown...
  4. Liz

    Labelling-favourite methods?

    Hi all, Thanks very much for this- I have cadged an old embosser and found a pencil in my labelling tin. Will now begin to organise..........
    Hi all, Thanks very much for this- I have cadged an old embosser and found a pencil in my labelling tin. Will now begin to organise..........
    Hi all, Thanks very much for this- I have cadged an old embosser and found a pencil in my labelling tin. Will now begin to organise..........
    Hi all, Thanks very much for this- I have cadged an old embosser and found a pencil in my labelling tin. Will now begin to organise..........
  5. willow21

    ideas please

    If the garden is very small maybe a small bed of a few different dwarf shrubs and connifers or something of the like would be more interesting than a hedge. A hedge can make a small garden feel...
    If the garden is very small maybe a small bed of a few different dwarf shrubs and connifers or something of the like would be more interesting than a hedge. A hedge can make a small garden feel even smaller and unless you would like one to provide a bit more security and privacy then I would be...
    If the garden is very small maybe a small bed of a few different dwarf shrubs and connifers or something of the like would be more interesting than a hedge. A hedge can make a small garden feel even smaller and unless you would like one to...
    If the garden is very small maybe a small bed of a few different dwarf shrubs and connifers or something of the like would be more interesting than a hedge. A hedge can make a small garden feel...
  6. aqua

    Tall Growing PLants

    Hi all my plants are in tubs here are a list that do well delphinium,digitalis,lupins,penstemon,rudbeckia,al of the above come up every year and at a cost of a packet of seed, money well spent
    Hi all my plants are in tubs here are a list that do well delphinium,digitalis,lupins,penstemon,rudbeckia,al of the above come up every year and at a cost of a packet of seed, money well spent
    Hi all my plants are in tubs here are a list that do well delphinium,digitalis,lupins,penstemon,rudbeckia,al of the above come up every year and at a cost of a packet of seed, money well spent
    Hi all my plants are in tubs here are a list that do well delphinium,digitalis,lupins,penstemon,rudbeckia,al of the above come up every year and at a cost of a packet of seed, money well spent
  7. Charlie
  8. gardennovice


    Thanks for your help frogesque, thats a great help.
    Thanks for your help frogesque, thats a great help.
    Thanks for your help frogesque, thats a great help.
    Thanks for your help frogesque, thats a great help.
  9. Simone

    Messy Garden

    Hi Simone, We have just cleared and done a similar thing to your idea but on a smaller scale. Our garden is only about 25 x 15 metres with a garage to one side. Here's the link to our progress ......
    Hi Simone, We have just cleared and done a similar thing to your idea but on a smaller scale. Our garden is only about 25 x 15 metres with a garage to one side. Here's the link to our progress ...Our GardenFrom this you can see from start to finish but although in day format, most of the...
    Hi Simone, We have just cleared and done a similar thing to your idea but on a smaller scale. Our garden is only about 25 x 15 metres with a garage to one side. Here's the link to our progress ...Our GardenFrom this you can see from start...
    Hi Simone, We have just cleared and done a similar thing to your idea but on a smaller scale. Our garden is only about 25 x 15 metres with a garage to one side. Here's the link to our progress ......
  10. sandy

    moving house

    If your going to overwinter them in pots, then I would lift them now so that they have a chance to get comfy before the real cold weather but if you going to plant immediatly then the least time...
    If your going to overwinter them in pots, then I would lift them now so that they have a chance to get comfy before the real cold weather but if you going to plant immediatly then the least time they are out of the ground the better so as Brazil says just before you move.When I was clearing...
    If your going to overwinter them in pots, then I would lift them now so that they have a chance to get comfy before the real cold weather but if you going to plant immediatly then the least time they are out of the ground the better so as Brazil...
    If your going to overwinter them in pots, then I would lift them now so that they have a chance to get comfy before the real cold weather but if you going to plant immediatly then the least time...
  11. aqua

    Tub Successes and Failures

    Brazil I tried Runner Beans (Scarlet Emperor) in a half whisky barrel this year - trained up 8ft canes in a wigwam. They grew and cropped really well and I wouldn't hesitate to do the same next...
    Brazil I tried Runner Beans (Scarlet Emperor) in a half whisky barrel this year - trained up 8ft canes in a wigwam. They grew and cropped really well and I wouldn't hesitate to do the same next year except that I'm converting half my garden to fruit and veg anyway. Only thing you would need to...
    Brazil I tried Runner Beans (Scarlet Emperor) in a half whisky barrel this year - trained up 8ft canes in a wigwam. They grew and cropped really well and I wouldn't hesitate to do the same next year except that I'm converting half my garden to...
    Brazil I tried Runner Beans (Scarlet Emperor) in a half whisky barrel this year - trained up 8ft canes in a wigwam. They grew and cropped really well and I wouldn't hesitate to do the same next...
  12. Terri


    Terri There is a thread on the subject of pruning lavender started by Dalbuie in July - look back through the topics and you should find it - think it's about page 5. You should be okay to prune...
    Terri There is a thread on the subject of pruning lavender started by Dalbuie in July - look back through the topics and you should find it - think it's about page 5. You should be okay to prune yours back now - the general rule is not to cut into the old wood. Cheers Rat
    Terri There is a thread on the subject of pruning lavender started by Dalbuie in July - look back through the topics and you should find it - think it's about page 5. You should be okay to prune yours back now - the general rule is not to cut...
    Terri There is a thread on the subject of pruning lavender started by Dalbuie in July - look back through the topics and you should find it - think it's about page 5. You should be okay to prune...
  13. tinkerbell

    Thankyou everyone

    I will try over the weekend.....fingers crossed.
    I will try over the weekend.....fingers crossed.
    I will try over the weekend.....fingers crossed.
    I will try over the weekend.....fingers crossed.
  14. rosegarden


    Hi thank you everyone who applied to my message. I will buy fresh plants in the spring, they are such a lovely plant to have in your hanging baskets ( LOVE THE SITE)
    Hi thank you everyone who applied to my message. I will buy fresh plants in the spring, they are such a lovely plant to have in your hanging baskets ( LOVE THE SITE)
    Hi thank you everyone who applied to my message. I will buy fresh plants in the spring, they are such a lovely plant to have in your hanging baskets ( LOVE THE SITE)
    Hi thank you everyone who applied to my message. I will buy fresh plants in the spring, they are such a lovely plant to have in your hanging baskets ( LOVE THE SITE)
  15. hans


    based on your help I now believe it to be Black nightshade, Solanum nigrum, the berries are black and dangerous to kids but not for humans.
    based on your help I now believe it to be Black nightshade, Solanum nigrum, the berries are black and dangerous to kids but not for humans. quite common apparently, still it's interesting and if it comes next year I'll know what it...
    based on your help I now believe it to be Black nightshade, Solanum nigrum, the berries are black and dangerous to kids but not for humans. quite common apparently, still it's interesting...
    based on your help I now believe it to be Black nightshade, Solanum nigrum, the berries are black and dangerous to kids but not for humans.
  16. rosietutu


    I must do mine tomorrow wellies needed slightly damp here but really mild
    I must do mine tomorrow wellies needed slightly damp here but really mild
    I must do mine tomorrow wellies needed slightly damp here but really mild
    I must do mine tomorrow wellies needed slightly damp here but really mild
  17. T


    same old story with me, overwatered, I can't get to terms with plants that thrive on neglect
    same old story with me, overwatered, I can't get to terms with plants that thrive on neglect
    same old story with me, overwatered, I can't get to terms with plants that thrive on neglect
    same old story with me, overwatered, I can't get to terms with plants that thrive on neglect
    T, Sep 7, 2005 ... 2
  18. sewer rat

    global warming in the garden !

    There is a european hardiness zone map as the USA one - but I don't find it useful in the UK. The gulf stream and our island status affects our climate too much - and the microclimate of...
    There is a european hardiness zone map as the USA one - but I don't find it useful in the UK. The gulf stream and our island status affects our climate too much - and the microclimate of particular areas can be very different.Just hope the gulf stream stays where it is and doesn't move - I do...
    There is a european hardiness zone map as the USA one - but I don't find it useful in the UK. The gulf stream and our island status affects our climate too much - and the microclimate of particular areas can be very different.Just hope the...
    There is a european hardiness zone map as the USA one - but I don't find it useful in the UK. The gulf stream and our island status affects our climate too much - and the microclimate of...
  19. bubbly

    where to get squat pots???

    Thankyou all for the suggestions. They are all good.
    Thankyou all for the suggestions. They are all good.
    Thankyou all for the suggestions. They are all good.
    Thankyou all for the suggestions. They are all good.
  20. Karen99

    Box Hedge

    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you

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