General Gardening Discussion

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  1. wiseowl

    Whats Looking Good In May 2023

    Was it outside Clive.
    Was it outside Clive.
    Was it outside Clive.
    Was it outside Clive.
  2. ricky101

    Peat Ban Date ?

    It will be unlawful for Garden Centres, DIY chains, Supermarkets etc etc to sell compost containing peat that is manufactured in ENGLAND only for retail sale from 1/1/2025. Peat based compost that...
    It will be unlawful for Garden Centres, DIY chains, Supermarkets etc etc to sell compost containing peat that is manufactured in ENGLAND only for retail sale from 1/1/2025. Peat based compost that is manufactured in any of the other home nations or is imported from anywhere in world, will still...
    It will be unlawful for Garden Centres, DIY chains, Supermarkets etc etc to sell compost containing peat that is manufactured in ENGLAND only for retail sale from 1/1/2025. Peat based compost that is manufactured in any of the other home nations...
    It will be unlawful for Garden Centres, DIY chains, Supermarkets etc etc to sell compost containing peat that is manufactured in ENGLAND only for retail sale from 1/1/2025. Peat based compost that...
  3. shoestring gardener
    Like x 10

    Repaired a broken pot and so happy with the result.

    I saw Charlie Dimmock do this ... great idea and effect! :dbgrtmb:
    I saw Charlie Dimmock do this ... great idea and effect! :dbgrtmb:
    I saw Charlie Dimmock do this ... great idea and effect! :dbgrtmb:
    I saw Charlie Dimmock do this ... great idea and effect! :dbgrtmb:
  4. C.Woo66

    New hedge help

    The border not quite as small as I thought, yes just leave them be for now
    The border not quite as small as I thought, yes just leave them be for now
    The border not quite as small as I thought, yes just leave them be for now
    The border not quite as small as I thought, yes just leave them be for now
  5. NigelJ

    Papaver orientale "Kleine Tanzerin"

    Thank you @Clare G I'll sign up for notification. Yes Kleine Tanzerin and Little Dancer are the same plant. If you like Oriental Poppies then you might find this article interesting I might be...
    Thank you @Clare G I'll sign up for notification. Yes Kleine Tanzerin and Little Dancer are the same plant. If you like Oriental Poppies then you might find this article interesting I might be looking for some of the other von Zepplin hybrids mentioned.
    Thank you @Clare G I'll sign up for notification. Yes Kleine Tanzerin and Little Dancer are the same plant. If you like Oriental Poppies then you might find this article interesting I might be looking for some of the other von Zepplin hybrids...
    Thank you @Clare G I'll sign up for notification. Yes Kleine Tanzerin and Little Dancer are the same plant. If you like Oriental Poppies then you might find this article interesting I might be...
  6. Victoria

    Seeds Sown on Paper Towels

    In many ways it is better to plant the towel than risk damaging the radicle which would then slow down the growth of the seedlings.
    In many ways it is better to plant the towel than risk damaging the radicle which would then slow down the growth of the seedlings.
    In many ways it is better to plant the towel than risk damaging the radicle which would then slow down the growth of the seedlings.
    In many ways it is better to plant the towel than risk damaging the radicle which would then slow down the growth of the seedlings.
  7. Retired
    Like x 5

    Couch grass.

    There is another way....
    There is another way....
    There is another way....
    There is another way....
    11 July 2021_0012.JPG Meadow_0004_01.JPG Meadow_0023.JPG pigs2.jpg
  8. Clueless 1 v2

    When you're feeling low, instead of letting go, just remember that plant...

    Ok, it's ant, not plant. But this reminded me of the song about the ant that moved the rubber tree plant:)Check out the pure determination of this weed. The location is concrete for several metres...
    Ok, it's ant, not plant. But this reminded me of the song about the ant that moved the rubber tree plant:)Check out the pure determination of this weed. The location is concrete for several metres all around, and the bags of compost are unopened. One bag has a tiny hole in it. The bags have been...
    Ok, it's ant, not plant. But this reminded me of the song about the ant that moved the rubber tree plant:)Check out the pure determination of this weed. The location is concrete for several metres all around, and the bags of compost are unopened....
    Ok, it's ant, not plant. But this reminded me of the song about the ant that moved the rubber tree plant:)Check out the pure determination of this weed. The location is concrete for several metres...
  9. Kevin73

    Phalaenopsis Orchid Leaves yellow

    Yes @ricky101 , I found they grew well enough in ordinary pots, but they all had a fair amount of roots just growing into the air as well.I used to hang lead weights to the back sides of the...
    Yes @ricky101 , I found they grew well enough in ordinary pots, but they all had a fair amount of roots just growing into the air as well.I used to hang lead weights to the back sides of the pots to stop them falling off the shelf.
    Yes @ricky101 , I found they grew well enough in ordinary pots, but they all had a fair amount of roots just growing into the air as well.I used to hang lead weights to the back sides of the pots to stop them falling off the shelf.
    Yes @ricky101 , I found they grew well enough in ordinary pots, but they all had a fair amount of roots just growing into the air as well.I used to hang lead weights to the back sides of the...
  10. Deborah Gebel

    Brown Water when watering my potted azalea

    I missed it was an azalea, they do need acidic compost which that Miraclegro isn't.
    I missed it was an azalea, they do need acidic compost which that Miraclegro isn't.
    I missed it was an azalea, they do need acidic compost which that Miraclegro isn't.
    I missed it was an azalea, they do need acidic compost which that Miraclegro isn't.
  11. Clueless 1 v2

    Black currant leaves gone red

    I think the most likely explanation it's just the heat. I haven't ran the sprinkler the summer yet, and while I've been watering, perhaps not enough given the heat and lack of rain. The odd thing...
    I think the most likely explanation it's just the heat. I haven't ran the sprinkler the summer yet, and while I've been watering, perhaps not enough given the heat and lack of rain. The odd thing is though is other currant bushes nearby in the same area are all lush green.
    I think the most likely explanation it's just the heat. I haven't ran the sprinkler the summer yet, and while I've been watering, perhaps not enough given the heat and lack of rain. The odd thing is though is other currant bushes nearby in the...
    I think the most likely explanation it's just the heat. I haven't ran the sprinkler the summer yet, and while I've been watering, perhaps not enough given the heat and lack of rain. The odd thing...
  12. Drahcir

    Border plant with long flowering period or oherwise "pretty"?

    Begonias are easy, get the fibrous rooted with bronze foliage. They flower all summer and don't need dead heading. Million kisses is a great performer.
    Begonias are easy, get the fibrous rooted with bronze foliage. They flower all summer and don't need dead heading. Million kisses is a great performer.
    Begonias are easy, get the fibrous rooted with bronze foliage. They flower all summer and don't need dead heading. Million kisses is a great performer.
    Begonias are easy, get the fibrous rooted with bronze foliage. They flower all summer and don't need dead heading. Million kisses is a great performer.
  13. sandhun
    Like x 4

    Progress update

    Well done it looks great
    Well done it looks great
    Well done it looks great
    Well done it looks great
  14. fuchsialady

    No cherries on my Cherry tree

    The only reasons I can think of are frost at flowering time, cold, wet conditions putting off pollinating insects or lack of water making the small fruits drop.
    The only reasons I can think of are frost at flowering time, cold, wet conditions putting off pollinating insects or lack of water making the small fruits drop.
    The only reasons I can think of are frost at flowering time, cold, wet conditions putting off pollinating insects or lack of water making the small fruits drop.
    The only reasons I can think of are frost at flowering time, cold, wet conditions putting off pollinating insects or lack of water making the small fruits drop.
  15. Fergus
  16. Loofah

    Greenhouse thermometer

    Doesn't need remote capability or control anything, I'm quite happy to use my legs :biggrin:
    Doesn't need remote capability or control anything, I'm quite happy to use my legs :biggrin:
    Doesn't need remote capability or control anything, I'm quite happy to use my legs :biggrin:
    Doesn't need remote capability or control anything, I'm quite happy to use my legs :biggrin:
  17. Tiny Clanger

    Watering potatoes:

    Hopefully you planted the potatoes so that the potato and initial roots are below the average soil level, and then raised ridges above the planting level. If you water the ridges you risk washing...
    Hopefully you planted the potatoes so that the potato and initial roots are below the average soil level, and then raised ridges above the planting level. If you water the ridges you risk washing away the ridge exposing new tubers to light and they will green. Watering the gullies puts moisture...
    Hopefully you planted the potatoes so that the potato and initial roots are below the average soil level, and then raised ridges above the planting level. If you water the ridges you risk washing away the ridge exposing new tubers to light and...
    Hopefully you planted the potatoes so that the potato and initial roots are below the average soil level, and then raised ridges above the planting level. If you water the ridges you risk washing...
  18. fumanchu

    Rain Roses & Rust

    Doing that today then, many thanks noisette x
    Doing that today then, many thanks noisette x
    Doing that today then, many thanks noisette x
    Doing that today then, many thanks noisette x
  19. Highspinner

    Can I hard prune my privet hedge in June?

    If you haven't had any rain (like us) then I would suggest holding off until you do get some so as not to stress it too much. Otherwise it should be OK - with one caveat - you need to check that...
    If you haven't had any rain (like us) then I would suggest holding off until you do get some so as not to stress it too much. Otherwise it should be OK - with one caveat - you need to check that there are no occupied bird nests in it. It is against the Wildlife and Countryside Act to cut a...
    If you haven't had any rain (like us) then I would suggest holding off until you do get some so as not to stress it too much. Otherwise it should be OK - with one caveat - you need to check that there are no occupied bird nests in it. It is...
    If you haven't had any rain (like us) then I would suggest holding off until you do get some so as not to stress it too much. Otherwise it should be OK - with one caveat - you need to check that...
  20. Cordy
    Funny x 3

    Who tied that knot ?

    Says me -- as I hide behind a privet Bush
    Says me -- as I hide behind a privet Bush
    Says me -- as I hide behind a privet Bush
    Says me -- as I hide behind a privet Bush

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