General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Sue K

    What to do with heavy clay spoil?

    5. Watch the Shawshank Redemption or any one of several war films, cut small holes in trouser pockets, and deposit small amounts in the exercise yard each time you're allowed out ;)Seriously...
    5. Watch the Shawshank Redemption or any one of several war films, cut small holes in trouser pockets, and deposit small amounts in the exercise yard each time you're allowed out ;)Seriously though - I was going to comment about underestimating the amount of spoil, because there's always a...
    5. Watch the Shawshank Redemption or any one of several war films, cut small holes in trouser pockets, and deposit small amounts in the exercise yard each time you're allowed out ;)Seriously though - I was going to comment about...
    5. Watch the Shawshank Redemption or any one of several war films, cut small holes in trouser pockets, and deposit small amounts in the exercise yard each time you're allowed out ;)Seriously...
  2. fiwi

    Grapevine cuttings

    Hi, I did it this way, Red grape with seeds, variety unknown.Late spring when new growth was well under way I let a low level, blind (non flowering) shoot trail across the staging for about 2...
    Hi, I did it this way, Red grape with seeds, variety unknown.Late spring when new growth was well under way I let a low level, blind (non flowering) shoot trail across the staging for about 2 feet. I then enlarged the hole in a 8" flowerpot, threaded the vine shoot up through it, added an inch...
    Hi, I did it this way, Red grape with seeds, variety unknown.Late spring when new growth was well under way I let a low level, blind (non flowering) shoot trail across the staging for about 2 feet. I then enlarged the hole in a 8" flowerpot,...
    Hi, I did it this way, Red grape with seeds, variety unknown.Late spring when new growth was well under way I let a low level, blind (non flowering) shoot trail across the staging for about 2...
  3. Fran


    Thanks Pete - that looks like the one, same kinda sprawly growth as well - how can they say the flowers are insignificant - whilst the bracts are lovely the flowers nestling in the centre are nice...
    Thanks Pete - that looks like the one, same kinda sprawly growth as well - how can they say the flowers are insignificant - whilst the bracts are lovely the flowers nestling in the centre are nice too.Bayleaf - thanks I will check these out too - I am intrigued by what has appeared from what I...
    Thanks Pete - that looks like the one, same kinda sprawly growth as well - how can they say the flowers are insignificant - whilst the bracts are lovely the flowers nestling in the centre are nice too.Bayleaf - thanks I will check these out too...
    Thanks Pete - that looks like the one, same kinda sprawly growth as well - how can they say the flowers are insignificant - whilst the bracts are lovely the flowers nestling in the centre are nice...
  4. Gardening Newbie

    Matt James?

    see story thread
    see story thread
    see story thread
    see story thread
  5. fimonkey

    Busy Lizzies and Geraniums

    Sorry everyone, forgot the topic was bizzie lizzies etc- Getting rather bogged down with my bulb problem.
    Sorry everyone, forgot the topic was bizzie lizzies etc- Getting rather bogged down with my bulb problem.
    Sorry everyone, forgot the topic was bizzie lizzies etc- Getting rather bogged down with my bulb problem.
    Sorry everyone, forgot the topic was bizzie lizzies etc- Getting rather bogged down with my bulb problem.
  6. Rosalind


    Thanks for the advice. I will try it. I do overwinter in the green house and normlly cut it down to about 9" but don't water it very much in the winter.
    Thanks for the advice. I will try it. I do overwinter in the green house and normlly cut it down to about 9" but don't water it very much in the winter.
    Thanks for the advice. I will try it. I do overwinter in the green house and normlly cut it down to about 9" but don't water it very much in the winter.
    Thanks for the advice. I will try it. I do overwinter in the green house and normlly cut it down to about 9" but don't water it very much in the winter.
  7. Webmaster

    Alan Titchmarsh's new role

    priceless, rositue
    priceless, rositue
    priceless, rositue
    priceless, rositue
  8. jen

    growing near privet

    I have 60 ft privet hedge and, as pete said, little will grow close to it except grass [and briars where do they come from], I grow a few exotic'ish plants in large planters.
    I have 60 ft privet hedge and, as pete said, little will grow close to it except grass [and briars where do they come from], I grow a few exotic'ish plants in large planters.
    I have 60 ft privet hedge and, as pete said, little will grow close to it except grass [and briars where do they come from], I grow a few exotic'ish plants in large planters.
    I have 60 ft privet hedge and, as pete said, little will grow close to it except grass [and briars where do they come from], I grow a few exotic'ish plants in large planters.
  9. Millrace

    Our plant nursery

    Do you know Pete, I was going to post the same thing :D
    Do you know Pete, I was going to post the same thing :D
    Do you know Pete, I was going to post the same thing :D
    Do you know Pete, I was going to post the same thing :D
  10. arwyn

    hanging baskets

    Hi Arwyn - we've just got our new site finished today - with 6 different types of nepeta, have a look here:;f=1;t=000934 [...
    Hi Arwyn - we've just got our new site finished today - with 6 different types of nepeta, have a look here:;f=1;t=000934 [ 11. September 2005, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: pete2255 ]
    Hi Arwyn - we've just got our new site finished today - with 6 different types of nepeta, have a look here:;f=1;t=000934 [ 11. September 2005, 03:51 PM: Message edited by:...
    Hi Arwyn - we've just got our new site finished today - with 6 different types of nepeta, have a look here:;f=1;t=000934 [...
  11. floris

    Chilean Glory Vine

    Floris,Sorry, sow them in a half tray in spring, pot up the stronger specimens, and as Brazil said, plant out in May. Once established, they can be left outside overwinter (but would advise...
    Floris,Sorry, sow them in a half tray in spring, pot up the stronger specimens, and as Brazil said, plant out in May. Once established, they can be left outside overwinter (but would advise fleecing them over), and would advise a trim back to 6 inches from the ground in Autumn.Hope this...
    Floris,Sorry, sow them in a half tray in spring, pot up the stronger specimens, and as Brazil said, plant out in May. Once established, they can be left outside overwinter (but would advise fleecing them over), and would advise a trim back to...
    Floris,Sorry, sow them in a half tray in spring, pot up the stronger specimens, and as Brazil said, plant out in May. Once established, they can be left outside overwinter (but would advise...
  12. dalbuie

    Sweet william

    Re sweet Williams: I saw them potted up singley in a nursery at a Perennials. My Dad used to grow them in big swathes all down the garden path as my Mum loved the scent he just made a...
    Re sweet Williams: I saw them potted up singley in a nursery at a Perennials. My Dad used to grow them in big swathes all down the garden path as my Mum loved the scent he just made a drill in the Autumn and scattered the seeds lovely, I can remember the scent 60 years on.... a...
    Re sweet Williams: I saw them potted up singley in a nursery at a Perennials. My Dad used to grow them in big swathes all down the garden path as my Mum loved the scent he just made a drill in the Autumn and scattered the seeds lovely,...
    Re sweet Williams: I saw them potted up singley in a nursery at a Perennials. My Dad used to grow them in big swathes all down the garden path as my Mum loved the scent he just made a...
  13. Skelf

    Catnip from seed?

    Excellent, thanks for your help folks. This site has been brilliant, I now have a couple of lovely big pots of heather growing on my front step and am about to become the proud mother of a proper...
    Excellent, thanks for your help folks. This site has been brilliant, I now have a couple of lovely big pots of heather growing on my front step and am about to become the proud mother of a proper baby herb! Yay!
    Excellent, thanks for your help folks. This site has been brilliant, I now have a couple of lovely big pots of heather growing on my front step and am about to become the proud mother of a proper baby herb! Yay!
    Excellent, thanks for your help folks. This site has been brilliant, I now have a couple of lovely big pots of heather growing on my front step and am about to become the proud mother of a proper...
  14. jen


    Welcome, jen. Hope you'll enjoy GC!As for your privet hedge, it rather depends upon where the sun/light gets to the adjacent ground.If it's in shadow most of the time, then you'll need some...
    Welcome, jen. Hope you'll enjoy GC!As for your privet hedge, it rather depends upon where the sun/light gets to the adjacent ground.If it's in shadow most of the time, then you'll need some shade tolerant plants like calendula (cultivated buttercups) or bluebells.If it's in the sun for...
    Welcome, jen. Hope you'll enjoy GC!As for your privet hedge, it rather depends upon where the sun/light gets to the adjacent ground.If it's in shadow most of the time, then you'll need some shade tolerant plants like calendula (cultivated...
    Welcome, jen. Hope you'll enjoy GC!As for your privet hedge, it rather depends upon where the sun/light gets to the adjacent ground.If it's in shadow most of the time, then you'll need some...
  15. Ibblebibble

    Sunflower seeds

    Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are yummy in home-made bread too! :cool:
    Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are yummy in home-made bread too! :cool:
    Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are yummy in home-made bread too! :cool:
    Sunflower and pumpkin seeds are yummy in home-made bread too! :cool:
  16. jp01

    Plants for a dry warm bed

    Your very welcome - and thanks for the link. Her garden is quite something
    Your very welcome - and thanks for the link. Her garden is quite something
    Your very welcome - and thanks for the link. Her garden is quite something
    Your very welcome - and thanks for the link. Her garden is quite something
  17. Webmaster

    Look what we just found !!!

    greenfingers - how wonderful to see these fawns etc. We live in a very built up area so not much wild life near our home. [ 08. September 2005, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: jjordie ]
    greenfingers - how wonderful to see these fawns etc. We live in a very built up area so not much wild life near our home. [ 08. September 2005, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: jjordie ]
    greenfingers - how wonderful to see these fawns etc. We live in a very built up area so not much wild life near our home. [ 08. September 2005, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: jjordie ]
    greenfingers - how wonderful to see these fawns etc. We live in a very built up area so not much wild life near our home. [ 08. September 2005, 11:13 AM: Message edited by: jjordie ]
  18. fimonkey

    Blue Morning Glory, what will happen in winter?

    Hardy refers to the plants ability to survive the winter, esp frosts.
    Hardy refers to the plants ability to survive the winter, esp frosts.
    Hardy refers to the plants ability to survive the winter, esp frosts.
    Hardy refers to the plants ability to survive the winter, esp frosts.
  19. Deserter


    Deserter, I would visit the garden center now - a lot of the suggested plants are perrennial and there are some great bargains to be had, that will give you a lot more next year - if planted now. :D
    Deserter, I would visit the garden center now - a lot of the suggested plants are perrennial and there are some great bargains to be had, that will give you a lot more next year - if planted now. :D
    Deserter, I would visit the garden center now - a lot of the suggested plants are perrennial and there are some great bargains to be had, that will give you a lot more next year - if planted now. :D
    Deserter, I would visit the garden center now - a lot of the suggested plants are perrennial and there are some great bargains to be had, that will give you a lot more next year - if planted now. :D
  20. greenfingers


    I am sure my gerbera is a waterholic. As soon as I place water in the bottom of the container, it drains it all up within seconds.
    I am sure my gerbera is a waterholic. As soon as I place water in the bottom of the container, it drains it all up within seconds.
    I am sure my gerbera is a waterholic. As soon as I place water in the bottom of the container, it drains it all up within seconds.
    I am sure my gerbera is a waterholic. As soon as I place water in the bottom of the container, it drains it all up within seconds.

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