General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Mrs. B.

    To chop, or not to chop?

    Bless you. :imphrt: It is in parts, it's really just a few unfinished bits and the ugly fence at the other side. If you look at the back fence that is my neighbour's, you can see he's built it sloping...
    Bless you. :imphrt: It is in parts, it's really just a few unfinished bits and the ugly fence at the other side. If you look at the back fence that is my neighbour's, you can see he's built it sloping level with his side, so I put a clematis at the end to balance it out, lol, it's almost there, along...
    Bless you. :imphrt: It is in parts, it's really just a few unfinished bits and the ugly fence at the other side. If you look at the back fence that is my neighbour's, you can see he's built it sloping level with his side, so I put a clematis at the end...
    Bless you. :imphrt: It is in parts, it's really just a few unfinished bits and the ugly fence at the other side. If you look at the back fence that is my neighbour's, you can see he's built it sloping...
  2. Kurisu
    Like x 4

    The Art of Sweeping Leaves

    Besom! What a nice name, these were used extensively by local folks in Italy. I guess they often made their own and we eventually found they very useful for such as leaves.
    Besom! What a nice name, these were used extensively by local folks in Italy. I guess they often made their own and we eventually found they very useful for such as leaves.
    Besom! What a nice name, these were used extensively by local folks in Italy. I guess they often made their own and we eventually found they very useful for such as leaves.
    Besom! What a nice name, these were used extensively by local folks in Italy. I guess they often made their own and we eventually found they very useful for such as leaves.
  3. pete

    Box moth

    Don't get me started on Box moth...Grrrrr....I have religiously tried to protect my Box from Blight over the years but Box moth is a serious pain in the 'artichoke' was kept at bay for long...
    Don't get me started on Box moth...Grrrrr....I have religiously tried to protect my Box from Blight over the years but Box moth is a serious pain in the 'artichoke' was kept at bay for long enough when I had chooks roaming they spent most of their time with their heads buried in the hedges...
    Don't get me started on Box moth...Grrrrr....I have religiously tried to protect my Box from Blight over the years but Box moth is a serious pain in the 'artichoke' was kept at bay for long enough when I had chooks roaming they spent most...
    Don't get me started on Box moth...Grrrrr....I have religiously tried to protect my Box from Blight over the years but Box moth is a serious pain in the 'artichoke' was kept at bay for long...
  4. Javidr

    Wire trellis (wip)

    I don't grow Wisteria, so can't help with those. You won't really be able to tell if the fence is sturdy enough, other than giving it a shove. If the posts are concreted in, they can eventually...
    I don't grow Wisteria, so can't help with those. You won't really be able to tell if the fence is sturdy enough, other than giving it a shove. If the posts are concreted in, they can eventually rot, depending on the quality and how much wet soil is up against them. Solid fences can also act...
    I don't grow Wisteria, so can't help with those. You won't really be able to tell if the fence is sturdy enough, other than giving it a shove. If the posts are concreted in, they can eventually rot, depending on the quality and how much wet soil...
    I don't grow Wisteria, so can't help with those. You won't really be able to tell if the fence is sturdy enough, other than giving it a shove. If the posts are concreted in, they can eventually...
  5. ViewAhead

    Recycled rubber stepping stones

    Forgot to add, they also great for keeping pots on. More stable than the little feet things, and still drain freely. Not tried it yet…….. But could probably cover the top with copper mesh and...
    Forgot to add, they also great for keeping pots on. More stable than the little feet things, and still drain freely. Not tried it yet…….. But could probably cover the top with copper mesh and see if it keeps slugs away too.
    Forgot to add, they also great for keeping pots on. More stable than the little feet things, and still drain freely. Not tried it yet…….. But could probably cover the top with copper mesh and see if it keeps slugs away too.
    Forgot to add, they also great for keeping pots on. More stable than the little feet things, and still drain freely. Not tried it yet…….. But could probably cover the top with copper mesh and...
  6. pete

    Square or round.

    I'm the same, The only pots I ever buy empty are large ones for final/permanent or semi-permanent planting, and occasionally one for a houseplant. All the ones I use for growing - on are ones that...
    I'm the same, The only pots I ever buy empty are large ones for final/permanent or semi-permanent planting, and occasionally one for a houseplant. All the ones I use for growing - on are ones that came with plants in, 35 years' worth of them :biggrin: so I have a vast range of sizes and shapes, round,...
    I'm the same, The only pots I ever buy empty are large ones for final/permanent or semi-permanent planting, and occasionally one for a houseplant. All the ones I use for growing - on are ones that came with plants in, 35 years' worth of them :biggrin: so...
    I'm the same, The only pots I ever buy empty are large ones for final/permanent or semi-permanent planting, and occasionally one for a houseplant. All the ones I use for growing - on are ones that...
  7. MrsMacGyver

    old tyres

    I have grown lots of things in my tyre wall without much success. My last ditch attempt now is mini daffs and geranium rozanne. I am fed up with all the nurturing needed for more precious plants....
    I have grown lots of things in my tyre wall without much success. My last ditch attempt now is mini daffs and geranium rozanne. I am fed up with all the nurturing needed for more precious plants. I have been successful with blue toadflax and Mexican fleabane. Good luck!
    I have grown lots of things in my tyre wall without much success. My last ditch attempt now is mini daffs and geranium rozanne. I am fed up with all the nurturing needed for more precious plants. I have been successful with blue toadflax and...
    I have grown lots of things in my tyre wall without much success. My last ditch attempt now is mini daffs and geranium rozanne. I am fed up with all the nurturing needed for more precious plants....
  8. Plantminded

    Verbena hastata - is it worth growing?

    Mine has never self seeded, but V. bon doesn't readily seed here either. Perhaps that will change if we keep getting these horrible mild winters.It would probably be fine where you are...
    Mine has never self seeded, but V. bon doesn't readily seed here either. Perhaps that will change if we keep getting these horrible mild winters.It would probably be fine where you are @Plantminded, especially with your soil
    Mine has never self seeded, but V. bon doesn't readily seed here either. Perhaps that will change if we keep getting these horrible mild winters.It would probably be fine where you are @Plantminded, especially with your soil
    Mine has never self seeded, but V. bon doesn't readily seed here either. Perhaps that will change if we keep getting these horrible mild winters.It would probably be fine where you are...
  9. GreenFingeredFifer

    Planter Liners

    Yes- they would be fine, but it could be worth doubling them up as they aren't generally as sturdy as compost bags, or the rolls of plastic you can buy. Pond liner is very good, and is often quite...
    Yes- they would be fine, but it could be worth doubling them up as they aren't generally as sturdy as compost bags, or the rolls of plastic you can buy. Pond liner is very good, and is often quite inexpensive. Lasts much longer
    Yes- they would be fine, but it could be worth doubling them up as they aren't generally as sturdy as compost bags, or the rolls of plastic you can buy. Pond liner is very good, and is often quite inexpensive. Lasts much longer
    Yes- they would be fine, but it could be worth doubling them up as they aren't generally as sturdy as compost bags, or the rolls of plastic you can buy. Pond liner is very good, and is often quite...
  10. Jenny_Aster

    National Gardening Day!

    I won't be doing any gardening, probably just celebrating.My melons are not even sown yet let alone ready. :biggrin:
    I won't be doing any gardening, probably just celebrating.My melons are not even sown yet let alone ready. :biggrin:
    I won't be doing any gardening, probably just celebrating.My melons are not even sown yet let alone ready. :biggrin:
    I won't be doing any gardening, probably just celebrating.My melons are not even sown yet let alone ready. :biggrin:
  11. poohpouri

    when do i plant sweet corn?

    Today sowed sweet corn. No didn't soak them but did see that the seeds did look very dry. Well give it a go as usual and hope that out of the 30 (actually 39) most will germinate.
    Today sowed sweet corn. No didn't soak them but did see that the seeds did look very dry. Well give it a go as usual and hope that out of the 30 (actually 39) most will germinate.
    Today sowed sweet corn. No didn't soak them but did see that the seeds did look very dry. Well give it a go as usual and hope that out of the 30 (actually 39) most will germinate.
    Today sowed sweet corn. No didn't soak them but did see that the seeds did look very dry. Well give it a go as usual and hope that out of the 30 (actually 39) most will germinate.
  12. TheMadHedger

    Grass seed and ground frost

    Nothing wrong with being daring @TheMadHedger ! Worst case scenario - you can re sow a bit later on, so it's not disastrous in any way :)
    Nothing wrong with being daring @TheMadHedger ! Worst case scenario - you can re sow a bit later on, so it's not disastrous in any way :)
    Nothing wrong with being daring @TheMadHedger ! Worst case scenario - you can re sow a bit later on, so it's not disastrous in any way :)
    Nothing wrong with being daring @TheMadHedger ! Worst case scenario - you can re sow a bit later on, so it's not disastrous in any way :)
  13. Nickoslesteros

    Planting a rugosa rose against a fence on west side of garden

    This is really encouraging. Right. I'll get it planted tomorrow. I'm quite excited as there are a few growing out on the dunes which have escaped gardens I suppose, and the scent is superb.Thank...
    This is really encouraging. Right. I'll get it planted tomorrow. I'm quite excited as there are a few growing out on the dunes which have escaped gardens I suppose, and the scent is superb.Thank you!
    This is really encouraging. Right. I'll get it planted tomorrow. I'm quite excited as there are a few growing out on the dunes which have escaped gardens I suppose, and the scent is superb.Thank you!
    This is really encouraging. Right. I'll get it planted tomorrow. I'm quite excited as there are a few growing out on the dunes which have escaped gardens I suppose, and the scent is superb.Thank...
  14. hailbopp

    Trnasplanting Nerine Bowdenii when in leaf.

    I did, wnen my cordyline australis had to go, I had to remove plants from underneath it. So I dug plants out with as much soil around as I could and placed into the bag in the shade. Planted back...
    I did, wnen my cordyline australis had to go, I had to remove plants from underneath it. So I dug plants out with as much soil around as I could and placed into the bag in the shade. Planted back 2 weeks later. They are fine, placed bulbs half above the soil level.
    I did, wnen my cordyline australis had to go, I had to remove plants from underneath it. So I dug plants out with as much soil around as I could and placed into the bag in the shade. Planted back 2 weeks later. They are fine, placed bulbs half...
    I did, wnen my cordyline australis had to go, I had to remove plants from underneath it. So I dug plants out with as much soil around as I could and placed into the bag in the shade. Planted back...
  15. Fat Controller

    Gardening gloves....

    Well, cats do have small paws :heehee:
    Well, cats do have small paws :heehee:
    Well, cats do have small paws :heehee:
    Well, cats do have small paws :heehee:
  16. New Irish gardener

    clay soil help!!

    The rabbits will save you having to mow.They will also destroy anything you plant.As to the moss, if you top dress with sharp sand, then gently rake, it will lift the moss right out, leaving...
    The rabbits will save you having to mow.They will also destroy anything you plant.As to the moss, if you top dress with sharp sand, then gently rake, it will lift the moss right out, leaving the grass intact. The sharp sand will then also inhibit new moss growth, while also providing a...
    The rabbits will save you having to mow.They will also destroy anything you plant.As to the moss, if you top dress with sharp sand, then gently rake, it will lift the moss right out, leaving the grass intact. The sharp sand will then also...
    The rabbits will save you having to mow.They will also destroy anything you plant.As to the moss, if you top dress with sharp sand, then gently rake, it will lift the moss right out, leaving...
  17. Fat Controller

    I am thinking....

    I’d definitely clean the trunks so they are less messy. I’d then plant something or have a. Planter in front. For me, I think growing something up them, especially colourful, would just draw my...
    I’d definitely clean the trunks so they are less messy. I’d then plant something or have a. Planter in front. For me, I think growing something up them, especially colourful, would just draw my eye to them even more
    I’d definitely clean the trunks so they are less messy. I’d then plant something or have a. Planter in front. For me, I think growing something up them, especially colourful, would just draw my eye to them even more
    I’d definitely clean the trunks so they are less messy. I’d then plant something or have a. Planter in front. For me, I think growing something up them, especially colourful, would just draw my...
  18. welshone

    Water butts in da shade

    Organic material can make the water smelly. We had the same problem last year because our hazel had grown over the collection roof and was seeping sticky sap onto the roof. It really made the...
    Organic material can make the water smelly. We had the same problem last year because our hazel had grown over the collection roof and was seeping sticky sap onto the roof. It really made the water stink and it caused a milky colour to form. The butt is covered and has a sponge filter but it...
    Organic material can make the water smelly. We had the same problem last year because our hazel had grown over the collection roof and was seeping sticky sap onto the roof. It really made the water stink and it caused a milky colour to form. The...
    Organic material can make the water smelly. We had the same problem last year because our hazel had grown over the collection roof and was seeping sticky sap onto the roof. It really made the...
  19. The Bird Lady

    When can I lift daffodil bulbs?

    Thank you both, I did think it would be OK to lift them now, but I guess I just wanted confirmation! Cheers!
    Thank you both, I did think it would be OK to lift them now, but I guess I just wanted confirmation! Cheers!
    Thank you both, I did think it would be OK to lift them now, but I guess I just wanted confirmation! Cheers!
    Thank you both, I did think it would be OK to lift them now, but I guess I just wanted confirmation! Cheers!
  20. TheMadHedger

    What is the finest compost regarding texture?

    Thank you all for the great advice and suggestions, I'll look into all of those.
    Thank you all for the great advice and suggestions, I'll look into all of those.
    Thank you all for the great advice and suggestions, I'll look into all of those.
    Thank you all for the great advice and suggestions, I'll look into all of those.

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