General Gardening Discussion

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  1. eddybaby

    Cala Lily

    I had one as an houseplant. It was bought in full bloom, beautiful thing. Towards the end of Autumn it started dying back so I cut everything off right down to the base and put it in a bag in a...
    I had one as an houseplant. It was bought in full bloom, beautiful thing. Towards the end of Autumn it started dying back so I cut everything off right down to the base and put it in a bag in a dark cupboard.When spring came I got it out, watered it, and within a couple of weeks loads of new...
    I had one as an houseplant. It was bought in full bloom, beautiful thing. Towards the end of Autumn it started dying back so I cut everything off right down to the base and put it in a bag in a dark cupboard.When spring came I got it out,...
    I had one as an houseplant. It was bought in full bloom, beautiful thing. Towards the end of Autumn it started dying back so I cut everything off right down to the base and put it in a bag in a...
  2. BB3


    Probably too cold, I wouldn't put them outside until mid May at the earliest.
    Probably too cold, I wouldn't put them outside until mid May at the earliest.
    Probably too cold, I wouldn't put them outside until mid May at the earliest.
    Probably too cold, I wouldn't put them outside until mid May at the earliest.
  3. TheMadHedger

    new Beech hedge - best ways to thicken it up?

    Yes- it's as @Punkdoc says. Young hedging plants are called whips, and you can get 1 yr old, 2 yr old ones etc. The big advantage of Beech, and also Hornbeam, is that they can be kept as tight,...
    Yes- it's as @Punkdoc says. Young hedging plants are called whips, and you can get 1 yr old, 2 yr old ones etc. The big advantage of Beech, and also Hornbeam, is that they can be kept as tight, narrow hedges, but they can also become very large in each direction. ;)Meikleour Beech Hedge,...
    Yes- it's as @Punkdoc says. Young hedging plants are called whips, and you can get 1 yr old, 2 yr old ones etc. The big advantage of Beech, and also Hornbeam, is that they can be kept as tight, narrow hedges, but they can also become very large...
    Yes- it's as @Punkdoc says. Young hedging plants are called whips, and you can get 1 yr old, 2 yr old ones etc. The big advantage of Beech, and also Hornbeam, is that they can be kept as tight,...
  4. BenCotto
    Like x 8

    Slug and Snail Grand National - place your bets

    I expect slug numbers are strongly influence by the weather in any particular week. I think we have all witnessed a scourge of slugs and snails, appearing almost from nowhere, on a wet but mild...
    I expect slug numbers are strongly influence by the weather in any particular week. I think we have all witnessed a scourge of slugs and snails, appearing almost from nowhere, on a wet but mild summer’s evening after a dry spell.
    I expect slug numbers are strongly influence by the weather in any particular week. I think we have all witnessed a scourge of slugs and snails, appearing almost from nowhere, on a wet but mild summer’s evening after a dry spell.
    I expect slug numbers are strongly influence by the weather in any particular week. I think we have all witnessed a scourge of slugs and snails, appearing almost from nowhere, on a wet but mild...
  5. eddybaby
  6. BB3

    Supermarket lemon thyme

    I have no idea @Papi Jo. The selection available in France Rurale in Moutiers-les Mauxfaits seems to change each year and from one season to another. I have yet to ffind a decent seed compost...
    I have no idea @Papi Jo. The selection available in France Rurale in Moutiers-les Mauxfaits seems to change each year and from one season to another. I have yet to ffind a decent seed compost there tho Leclerc in Luçon had some good stuff 2 years ago. Carrefour market in Le Champ-St-Père...
    I have no idea @Papi Jo. The selection available in France Rurale in Moutiers-les Mauxfaits seems to change each year and from one season to another. I have yet to ffind a decent seed compost there tho Leclerc in Luçon had some good stuff 2...
    I have no idea @Papi Jo. The selection available in France Rurale in Moutiers-les Mauxfaits seems to change each year and from one season to another. I have yet to ffind a decent seed compost...
  7. NoviceGardener2023

    Best approach to planting grass seed after removing weeds

    I think your list of what to do sounds pretty good, but I think doing the forking a bit closer together would be better.
    I think your list of what to do sounds pretty good, but I think doing the forking a bit closer together would be better.
    I think your list of what to do sounds pretty good, but I think doing the forking a bit closer together would be better.
    I think your list of what to do sounds pretty good, but I think doing the forking a bit closer together would be better.
  8. Clueless 1 v2
    Like x 3

    Flowering currant

    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like...
    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like cat wee but you have to get close to smell it on mine! They are a reliable flower-er though so I keep...
    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like cat wee but you have to get close to smell it on...
    I have a lot of them in my garden courtesy of the previous owner. I don't love them but they are all well established in the hedge so they have stayed. Personally I find the fragrance a bit like...
  9. Goldenlily26

    Preserving edible flowers

    Yes! I must look for the pink violet which I treat as a weed, I cannot get rid of it. It seeds everywhere, has no scent and is not a good colour. I might be able to find some purple violets...
    Yes! I must look for the pink violet which I treat as a weed, I cannot get rid of it. It seeds everywhere, has no scent and is not a good colour. I might be able to find some purple violets growing in the lane. A good idea.
    Yes! I must look for the pink violet which I treat as a weed, I cannot get rid of it. It seeds everywhere, has no scent and is not a good colour. I might be able to find some purple violets growing in the lane. A good idea.
    Yes! I must look for the pink violet which I treat as a weed, I cannot get rid of it. It seeds everywhere, has no scent and is not a good colour. I might be able to find some purple violets...
  10. BenMunro

    Lawn advice

    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter....
    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter.I used to have such a gorgeous lawn by thanks to a neighbour who lets the weeds grow and the...
    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter.I used to have such a gorgeous lawn by thanks to...
    Hi all,My lawn has taken a battering over the winter - it hasn't been helped that my garden slopes down at the back (a flood mitigation put in by the developer) so holds the water in a winter....
    IMG_4421.JPG IMG_4420.JPG IMG_4419.JPG IMG_4418.JPG
  11. Spruce

    Growing Schizanthus - Poor Man's Orchid Plants

    We’ve grown them from seed 2022 started them March and had really good germination. They like you were dotted around in Hanging baskets as fillers and Pots for the whole of the summer so...
    We’ve grown them from seed 2022 started them March and had really good germination. They like you were dotted around in Hanging baskets as fillers and Pots for the whole of the summer so colourful and I live a bit further up around Abergavenny .
    We’ve grown them from seed 2022 started them March and had really good germination. They like you were dotted around in Hanging baskets as fillers and Pots for the whole of the summer so colourful and I live a bit further up around Abergavenny .
    We’ve grown them from seed 2022 started them March and had really good germination. They like you were dotted around in Hanging baskets as fillers and Pots for the whole of the summer so...
  12. BenCotto
    Like x 4

    Truss vs The Lettuce; Slugs vs Cucumber

    Currently in the shade of the fence on the patio by the house. :)
    Currently in the shade of the fence on the patio by the house. :)
    Currently in the shade of the fence on the patio by the house. :)
    Currently in the shade of the fence on the patio by the house. :)
  13. toadflax74

    Moving garden

    @toadflax74 you are welcome.:)
    @toadflax74 you are welcome.:)
    @toadflax74 you are welcome.:)
    @toadflax74 you are welcome.:)
  14. ChrisMyatt

    Chippy Hell, suggestions for strong smelling plants

    The proximity of the kitchen will be a big factor, so that has to be considered. Nothing will make much if a difference, in plant terms, if you're really close.
    The proximity of the kitchen will be a big factor, so that has to be considered. Nothing will make much if a difference, in plant terms, if you're really close.
    The proximity of the kitchen will be a big factor, so that has to be considered. Nothing will make much if a difference, in plant terms, if you're really close.
    The proximity of the kitchen will be a big factor, so that has to be considered. Nothing will make much if a difference, in plant terms, if you're really close.
  15. Michael Hewett

    Where is the Wild flower thread ?

    Get in touch with your local police for ASB parking on pavements picture's will help email police and copy to your PCC disable people are having problems using the pavements, you never know...
    Get in touch with your local police for ASB parking on pavements picture's will help email police and copy to your PCC disable people are having problems using the pavements, you never know something may happen :)
    Get in touch with your local police for ASB parking on pavements picture's will help email police and copy to your PCC disable people are having problems using the pavements, you never know something may happen :)
    Get in touch with your local police for ASB parking on pavements picture's will help email police and copy to your PCC disable people are having problems using the pavements, you never know...
  16. Philip Hughes

    Santolina rosmarinifolia - bee friendly?

    I have one in my garden which definitely attracts hover flies.
    I have one in my garden which definitely attracts hover flies.
    I have one in my garden which definitely attracts hover flies.
    I have one in my garden which definitely attracts hover flies.
  17. cucumber

    Lilac tree looking odd this year

    You'll need to zoom in.
    You'll need to zoom in.
    You'll need to zoom in.
    You'll need to zoom in.
  18. Emerion

    They’re cutting our ash trees down today

    We had an enormous ash tree in our garden which I absolutely loathed. It had to come down due to heart rot and I found myself surprisingly emotional when I saw it in pieces. The garden didn't look...
    We had an enormous ash tree in our garden which I absolutely loathed. It had to come down due to heart rot and I found myself surprisingly emotional when I saw it in pieces. The garden didn't look right without a tree so a replaced it with a small maple but that didn't last long though. For...
    We had an enormous ash tree in our garden which I absolutely loathed. It had to come down due to heart rot and I found myself surprisingly emotional when I saw it in pieces. The garden didn't look right without a tree so a replaced it with a...
    We had an enormous ash tree in our garden which I absolutely loathed. It had to come down due to heart rot and I found myself surprisingly emotional when I saw it in pieces. The garden didn't look...
  19. KT53

    Malvern Spring Show 2024

    I'd be interested to hear from anybody who has attended this year who has also been in previous years and can compare years. I watched a small part of Gardeners World on Friday evening but can't...
    I'd be interested to hear from anybody who has attended this year who has also been in previous years and can compare years. I watched a small part of Gardeners World on Friday evening but can't stand Joe Swift so didn't stay with it for long. I know segments were filmed before opening but...
    I'd be interested to hear from anybody who has attended this year who has also been in previous years and can compare years. I watched a small part of Gardeners World on Friday evening but can't stand Joe Swift so didn't stay with it for long. ...
    I'd be interested to hear from anybody who has attended this year who has also been in previous years and can compare years. I watched a small part of Gardeners World on Friday evening but can't...
  20. Kevin Cowans

    Field Mice in Garden, Trap or Leave Alone?

    Hello allThanks for the Replies.So, the consensus seems to be that in a Flower Garden they will do no harm which was my Worry.I do not Grow any Vegetables so I shall just leave them...
    Hello allThanks for the Replies.So, the consensus seems to be that in a Flower Garden they will do no harm which was my Worry.I do not Grow any Vegetables so I shall just leave them be.ThanksKevin
    Hello allThanks for the Replies.So, the consensus seems to be that in a Flower Garden they will do no harm which was my Worry.I do not Grow any Vegetables so I shall just leave them be.ThanksKevin
    Hello allThanks for the Replies.So, the consensus seems to be that in a Flower Garden they will do no harm which was my Worry.I do not Grow any Vegetables so I shall just leave them...

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