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Lupins. Should I or shouldn't I?
:D Hi all, Thanks I shall go to the garden centre today to be sure of getting what I want. I shall have to impress on her not to let them get too dry as I don't think they will flower or last...
:D Hi all, Thanks I shall go to the garden centre today to be sure of getting what I want. I shall have to impress on her not to let them get too dry as I don't think they will flower or last into next year if they do. :( I shall put some gell crystals in the pots too. A dwarf variety sounds...
:D Hi all, Thanks I shall go to the garden centre today to be sure of getting what I want. I shall have to impress on her not to let them get too dry as I don't think they will flower or last into next year if they do. :( I shall put some...
:D Hi all, Thanks I shall go to the garden centre today to be sure of getting what I want. I shall have to impress on her not to let them get too dry as I don't think they will flower or last...
Marley Farley
May 18, 2005
Marley Farley
May 19, 2005
Usually hire shops use Petrol engine rotorvators..... And usually a Honda engine, as they are very reliable.Nathan.
Usually hire shops use Petrol engine rotorvators..... And usually a Honda engine, as they are very reliable.Nathan.
Usually hire shops use Petrol engine rotorvators..... And usually a Honda engine, as they are very reliable.Nathan.
Usually hire shops use Petrol engine rotorvators..... And usually a Honda engine, as they are very reliable.Nathan.
May 17, 2005
May 18, 2005
Ground Elder
Found this info which indicates it has uses. Looking at the picture, I think all the stuff I have to dig up on the side of the back garden is this, rather than nettles (as I thought). Aw, heck. :(
Found this info which indicates it has uses. Looking at the picture, I think all the stuff I have to dig up on the side of the back garden is this, rather than nettles (as I thought). Aw, heck. :(
Found this info which indicates it has uses. Looking at the picture, I think all the stuff I have to dig up on the side of the back garden is this, rather than nettles (as I thought). Aw, heck. :(
Found this info which indicates it has uses. Looking at the picture, I think all the stuff I have to dig up on the side of the back garden is this, rather than nettles (as I thought). Aw, heck. :(
May 17, 2005
May 18, 2005
Plastic barrier to keep back the ground elder...?
MarcO. Poly twinwall, the stuff used on conservatory roofs,bought in large sheets and easily cut to size. I had similar problem with Bind weed and once contained zapped the evil sod with Roundup....
MarcO. Poly twinwall, the stuff used on conservatory roofs,bought in large sheets and easily cut to size. I had similar problem with Bind weed and once contained zapped the evil sod with Roundup.
Those roots are something else! Paladin
MarcO. Poly twinwall, the stuff used on conservatory roofs,bought in large sheets and easily cut to size. I had similar problem with Bind weed and once contained zapped the evil sod with Roundup.
Those roots are something else! Paladin
MarcO. Poly twinwall, the stuff used on conservatory roofs,bought in large sheets and easily cut to size. I had similar problem with Bind weed and once contained zapped the evil sod with Roundup....
May 16, 2005
May 17, 2005
Want to Mow A Meadow!
Don't tell me you're a Chelsea fan too Nathan :D
Don't tell me you're a Chelsea fan too Nathan :D
Don't tell me you're a Chelsea fan too Nathan :D
Don't tell me you're a Chelsea fan too Nathan :D
Liz Giz
May 17, 2005
May 17, 2005
Protection of pampas grass
Just cut it back as low as you can its almost impossible to kill, although it is a bit late I must admit.
Just cut it back as low as you can its almost impossible to kill, although it is a bit late I must admit.
Just cut it back as low as you can its almost impossible to kill, although it is a bit late I must admit.
Just cut it back as low as you can its almost impossible to kill, although it is a bit late I must admit.
May 13, 2005
May 17, 2005
? too late to plant seeds
Hi Jacqui. Parsnips are slow growing and it's about 9 months before they mature. It's usual to sow in late winter but you can sow them now. Don't let them dry out though. They like limy soil, and...
Hi Jacqui. Parsnips are slow growing and it's about 9 months before they mature. It's usual to sow in late winter but you can sow them now. Don't let them dry out though. They like limy soil, and well rotted muck dug in during the previous season.Haven't got a clue about peppers,...
Hi Jacqui. Parsnips are slow growing and it's about 9 months before they mature. It's usual to sow in late winter but you can sow them now. Don't let them dry out though. They like limy soil, and well rotted muck dug in during the previous...
Hi Jacqui. Parsnips are slow growing and it's about 9 months before they mature. It's usual to sow in late winter but you can sow them now. Don't let them dry out though. They like limy soil, and...
May 17, 2005
May 17, 2005
Holes in pots
ThanksIt must be one of life's mysteries
I think if I have to drill it'll have to be the sides.Peter
ThanksIt must be one of life's mysteries
I think if I have to drill it'll have to be the sides.Peter
ThanksIt must be one of life's mysteries
I think if I have to drill it'll have to be the sides.Peter
ThanksIt must be one of life's mysteries
I think if I have to drill it'll have to be the sides.Peter
May 17, 2005
May 17, 2005
Stinging Nettles
Hi Fran Thanks for your reply.I do not know where they are coming from because they seem to be all around. I will try your method and let you know. Many thanks John
Hi Fran Thanks for your reply.I do not know where they are coming from because they seem to be all around. I will try your method and let you know. Many thanks John
Hi Fran Thanks for your reply.I do not know where they are coming from because they seem to be all around. I will try your method and let you know. Many thanks John
Hi Fran Thanks for your reply.I do not know where they are coming from because they seem to be all around. I will try your method and let you know. Many thanks John
May 16, 2005
May 17, 2005
Pruning a pieris?
Hi Skiver This is starting to sound better by the minute, I think i'll definately be giving the pierris a haircut at the weekend!!!! I've lived here for 4 years and the peirris was here prior to...
Hi Skiver This is starting to sound better by the minute, I think i'll definately be giving the pierris a haircut at the weekend!!!! I've lived here for 4 years and the peirris was here prior to that so I've no actual idea how old it is. Like you I water and feed as well throughout the summer. ...
Hi Skiver This is starting to sound better by the minute, I think i'll definately be giving the pierris a haircut at the weekend!!!! I've lived here for 4 years and the peirris was here prior to that so I've no actual idea how old it is. Like...
Hi Skiver This is starting to sound better by the minute, I think i'll definately be giving the pierris a haircut at the weekend!!!! I've lived here for 4 years and the peirris was here prior to...
May 3, 2005
May 16, 2005
Hi Cheeky Skiver Yep Shade is fine. Incorportate some compost/chicken poo when planting & water well, then mulch with more compost.
Hi Cheeky Skiver Yep Shade is fine. Incorportate some compost/chicken poo when planting & water well, then mulch with more compost.
Hi Cheeky Skiver Yep Shade is fine. Incorportate some compost/chicken poo when planting & water well, then mulch with more compost.
Hi Cheeky Skiver Yep Shade is fine. Incorportate some compost/chicken poo when planting & water well, then mulch with more compost.
The Skiver
May 13, 2005
May 16, 2005
The Great Pigeon Debate.
I actually know more about owls, but I was aware of these things as I spend a bit of time at a place near Andover called the Hawk Conservancy.In the Middle Ages you needed permission from the...
I actually know more about owls, but I was aware of these things as I spend a bit of time at a place near Andover called the Hawk Conservancy.In the Middle Ages you needed permission from the King to own a hawk as they were such efficient hunters. There is a famous case in contract law where...
I actually know more about owls, but I was aware of these things as I spend a bit of time at a place near Andover called the Hawk Conservancy.In the Middle Ages you needed permission from the King to own a hawk as they were such efficient...
I actually know more about owls, but I was aware of these things as I spend a bit of time at a place near Andover called the Hawk Conservancy.In the Middle Ages you needed permission from the...
May 8, 2005
The Skiver
May 16, 2005
Lichen tends to grow on things that remain damp for a certain amount of the year, although they can stand complete drying out for long periods. Seem to remember reading something about them only...
Lichen tends to grow on things that remain damp for a certain amount of the year, although they can stand complete drying out for long periods. Seem to remember reading something about them only growing in areas where there is not much pollution. They wont harm the plants, they are not...
Lichen tends to grow on things that remain damp for a certain amount of the year, although they can stand complete drying out for long periods. Seem to remember reading something about them only growing in areas where there is not much...
Lichen tends to grow on things that remain damp for a certain amount of the year, although they can stand complete drying out for long periods. Seem to remember reading something about them only...
May 15, 2005
May 15, 2005
Advice needed on bark chipping
i dont know of a brand name but i have seen on tv a type which had citronella in it to deter cats and dogs,but it was expensive. i have no idea where you can buy it but if you ask your garden...
i dont know of a brand name but i have seen on tv a type which had citronella in it to deter cats and dogs,but it was expensive. i have no idea where you can buy it but if you ask your garden centre then they may be able to source it for you. if its not too big a play area then maybe you could...
i dont know of a brand name but i have seen on tv a type which had citronella in it to deter cats and dogs,but it was expensive. i have no idea where you can buy it but if you ask your garden centre then they may be able to source it for you. if...
i dont know of a brand name but i have seen on tv a type which had citronella in it to deter cats and dogs,but it was expensive. i have no idea where you can buy it but if you ask your garden...
May 14, 2005
May 14, 2005
Roof garden planters ....
Hi Bayleaf, thanks for the reply.Contemporary and Continental The look I'm after is contemporary with a bit of continental, (therefore clean lines, straight edges, white walls, using lights,...
Hi Bayleaf, thanks for the reply.Contemporary and Continental The look I'm after is contemporary with a bit of continental, (therefore clean lines, straight edges, white walls, using lights, water features, and a pergola over the top).Loadings Loadings are a major consideration, only...
Hi Bayleaf, thanks for the reply.Contemporary and Continental The look I'm after is contemporary with a bit of continental, (therefore clean lines, straight edges, white walls, using lights, water features, and a pergola over the...
Hi Bayleaf, thanks for the reply.Contemporary and Continental The look I'm after is contemporary with a bit of continental, (therefore clean lines, straight edges, white walls, using lights,...
May 13, 2005
May 14, 2005
white lilac not flowering
Hi Lynne You're probably being too nice to it! Leave it alone, don't feed, water or do anything, give it chance to settle in (it should be fine in your chalky soil in sun as it likes neutral to...
Hi Lynne You're probably being too nice to it! Leave it alone, don't feed, water or do anything, give it chance to settle in (it should be fine in your chalky soil in sun as it likes neutral to alkaline conditions) It may take a couple of seasons to get its feet under the table, but its not a...
Hi Lynne You're probably being too nice to it! Leave it alone, don't feed, water or do anything, give it chance to settle in (it should be fine in your chalky soil in sun as it likes neutral to alkaline conditions) It may take a couple of seasons...
Hi Lynne You're probably being too nice to it! Leave it alone, don't feed, water or do anything, give it chance to settle in (it should be fine in your chalky soil in sun as it likes neutral to...
May 13, 2005
May 14, 2005
Seedling Disaster??
Thanks Dalbuie - the plants all look ok today (24 hours later) - I will water them in a mo and then check again in the morning.. if they look like they are flagging I will repot.Jacqui: I have...
Thanks Dalbuie - the plants all look ok today (24 hours later) - I will water them in a mo and then check again in the morning.. if they look like they are flagging I will repot.Jacqui: I have actually sprayed diluted washing up liquid on a honeysuckle to get rid of aphids and it seems to...
Thanks Dalbuie - the plants all look ok today (24 hours later) - I will water them in a mo and then check again in the morning.. if they look like they are flagging I will repot.Jacqui: I have actually sprayed diluted washing up liquid on a...
Thanks Dalbuie - the plants all look ok today (24 hours later) - I will water them in a mo and then check again in the morning.. if they look like they are flagging I will repot.Jacqui: I have...
May 13, 2005
May 13, 2005
Privet Pruning....guidance needed...
Thanks guys, I'll pick my moment and hack away - like the sound of an axe after a hard week, I've checked the hedge for nests and none there, next door's cat would probably see to that anyway.
Thanks guys, I'll pick my moment and hack away - like the sound of an axe after a hard week, I've checked the hedge for nests and none there, next door's cat would probably see to that anyway.
Thanks guys, I'll pick my moment and hack away - like the sound of an axe after a hard week, I've checked the hedge for nests and none there, next door's cat would probably see to that anyway.
Thanks guys, I'll pick my moment and hack away - like the sound of an axe after a hard week, I've checked the hedge for nests and none there, next door's cat would probably see to that anyway.
The Garden Ghost
May 11, 2005
The Garden Ghost
May 13, 2005
Standard fuscia
Hello there, I am training a standard fuscia for the first time. I have been pinching out the side shoots and all seems to be going well BUT a flower now seems to be coming through at the top. The...
Hello there, I am training a standard fuscia for the first time. I have been pinching out the side shoots and all seems to be going well BUT a flower now seems to be coming through at the top. The standard hasn't yet reached the height I want do I: 1, Leave it to flower or 2, Pinch out the...
Hello there, I am training a standard fuscia for the first time. I have been pinching out the side shoots and all seems to be going well BUT a flower now seems to be coming through at the top. The standard hasn't yet reached the height I want do...
Hello there, I am training a standard fuscia for the first time. I have been pinching out the side shoots and all seems to be going well BUT a flower now seems to be coming through at the top. The...
May 13, 2005
May 13, 2005
pruning grapevines
Tomato liquid feed sounds fine to me! Ta!!
Tomato liquid feed sounds fine to me! Ta!!
Tomato liquid feed sounds fine to me! Ta!!
Tomato liquid feed sounds fine to me! Ta!!
May 9, 2005
May 12, 2005
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