General Gardening Discussion

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  1. steven


    What is 25 an hour ?Nathan.
    What is 25 an hour ?Nathan.
    What is 25 an hour ?Nathan.
    What is 25 an hour ?Nathan.
  2. skrumpy

    RHS Gardening Calendar

    Just click on the "RHS Calendar" link in the original post and it should take you straight to it.
    Just click on the "RHS Calendar" link in the original post and it should take you straight to it.
    Just click on the "RHS Calendar" link in the original post and it should take you straight to it.
    Just click on the "RHS Calendar" link in the original post and it should take you straight to it.
  3. Webmaster

    April's 'To Do' list !

    Thanks ladybird, been to the greenhouse and measured my peas, 4ins, i planted them in toilet rolls insides can i leave them in these untill they go in the ground
    Thanks ladybird, been to the greenhouse and measured my peas, 4ins, i planted them in toilet rolls insides can i leave them in these untill they go in the ground
    Thanks ladybird, been to the greenhouse and measured my peas, 4ins, i planted them in toilet rolls insides can i leave them in these untill they go in the ground
    Thanks ladybird, been to the greenhouse and measured my peas, 4ins, i planted them in toilet rolls insides can i leave them in these untill they go in the ground
  4. Converses with Cows

    Digging up a Japanese Maple. How?

    hi ...glad you reminded me, I got 1 about 30" am going to move it toady, it's overcrowded with other plants, will also put it in a pot for the time being. Better now then never, in my case ...or...
    hi ...glad you reminded me, I got 1 about 30" am going to move it toady, it's overcrowded with other plants, will also put it in a pot for the time being. Better now then never, in my case ...or it never be seen orwill die anyway.Wold have been better in Autumn, but is as good as...
    hi ...glad you reminded me, I got 1 about 30" am going to move it toady, it's overcrowded with other plants, will also put it in a pot for the time being. Better now then never, in my case ...or it never be seen orwill die anyway.Wold have been...
    hi ...glad you reminded me, I got 1 about 30" am going to move it toady, it's overcrowded with other plants, will also put it in a pot for the time being. Better now then never, in my case ...or...
  5. Mimi

    OT - A ? for Bayleaf

    On the what??? You mean someone is using my name!!!! :mad: How dare they!! LOL ;)
    On the what??? You mean someone is using my name!!!! :mad: How dare they!! LOL ;)
    On the what??? You mean someone is using my name!!!! :mad: How dare they!! LOL ;)
    On the what??? You mean someone is using my name!!!! :mad: How dare they!! LOL ;)
  6. Mimi

    should I put fleece on tomorrow

    Thanks Steven for the info. I did try for a varied mix of colour and height.... I think I may end up witha jungle out there, if everything that I have started from seed continues to keep growing....
    Thanks Steven for the info. I did try for a varied mix of colour and height.... I think I may end up witha jungle out there, if everything that I have started from seed continues to keep growing. Masses of Sunflowers, Morning glories, Cypress Vines, Moon Flowers etc.... It's always an adventure!
    Thanks Steven for the info. I did try for a varied mix of colour and height.... I think I may end up witha jungle out there, if everything that I have started from seed continues to keep growing. Masses of Sunflowers, Morning glories, Cypress...
    Thanks Steven for the info. I did try for a varied mix of colour and height.... I think I may end up witha jungle out there, if everything that I have started from seed continues to keep growing....
  7. maz

    help please

    Hi all, The type of soil in my garden is very clayey!! Where my Iris's are growing at the moment, is under the front window where the soil isn't as clayey! as the rest of the garden but it...
    Hi all, The type of soil in my garden is very clayey!! Where my Iris's are growing at the moment, is under the front window where the soil isn't as clayey! as the rest of the garden but it does sometimes get very soggy after a good old rain! In a morning they are in shade and the afternoon...
    Hi all, The type of soil in my garden is very clayey!! Where my Iris's are growing at the moment, is under the front window where the soil isn't as clayey! as the rest of the garden but it does sometimes get very soggy after a good old...
    Hi all, The type of soil in my garden is very clayey!! Where my Iris's are growing at the moment, is under the front window where the soil isn't as clayey! as the rest of the garden but it...
  8. shah

    What Climbers for wall trellices

    Try Morrisons supermarketThey have many clematis and a few other climbers at �£1.69. Beats any garden centre.
    Try Morrisons supermarketThey have many clematis and a few other climbers at �£1.69. Beats any garden centre.
    Try Morrisons supermarketThey have many clematis and a few other climbers at �£1.69. Beats any garden centre.
    Try Morrisons supermarketThey have many clematis and a few other climbers at �£1.69. Beats any garden centre.
  9. tanya


    Hi Tanya - there are loads of different types of viburnum - need some more info - do you have a name for it? Is it evergreen, semi evergreen, deciduous? Could you post a pic? Does it have berries...
    Hi Tanya - there are loads of different types of viburnum - need some more info - do you have a name for it? Is it evergreen, semi evergreen, deciduous? Could you post a pic? Does it have berries later on? Most evergreen viburnum (flowering spring or early summer) are "pruning group 1" -...
    Hi Tanya - there are loads of different types of viburnum - need some more info - do you have a name for it? Is it evergreen, semi evergreen, deciduous? Could you post a pic? Does it have berries later on? Most evergreen viburnum (flowering...
    Hi Tanya - there are loads of different types of viburnum - need some more info - do you have a name for it? Is it evergreen, semi evergreen, deciduous? Could you post a pic? Does it have berries...
  10. LittleD

    Have I made a pigs-ear of this?

    Thanks both Steve, we took a big old apple tree down at the end of last year it lay and the west side of the plot so all the mid summer 11am - 4pm sunshine was blocked out it gave so much more...
    Thanks both Steve, we took a big old apple tree down at the end of last year it lay and the west side of the plot so all the mid summer 11am - 4pm sunshine was blocked out it gave so much more light that I got really enthusiastic about my new,light veg plot this is why I wanted to get the...
    Thanks both Steve, we took a big old apple tree down at the end of last year it lay and the west side of the plot so all the mid summer 11am - 4pm sunshine was blocked out it gave so much more light that I got really enthusiastic about my...
    Thanks both Steve, we took a big old apple tree down at the end of last year it lay and the west side of the plot so all the mid summer 11am - 4pm sunshine was blocked out it gave so much more...
  11. alan

    garden suppliers

    have been using N.A.KAYS for some bits around the greenhouse and garden.they seem very reliable but are there others as good or better. please let me and all our other readers know wo you use....
    have been using N.A.KAYS for some bits around the greenhouse and garden.they seem very reliable but are there others as good or better. please let me and all our other readers know wo you use. maybe we could start a rating system for suppliers. if thats ok with nathan cheers alan ;)
    have been using N.A.KAYS for some bits around the greenhouse and garden.they seem very reliable but are there others as good or better. please let me and all our other readers know wo you use. maybe we could start a rating system for suppliers....
    have been using N.A.KAYS for some bits around the greenhouse and garden.they seem very reliable but are there others as good or better. please let me and all our other readers know wo you use....
  12. paul

    black eyed susan

    Were the seeds properly ripe, and were they stored cool and dry through the winter. Thats the most important thing, any doubts might aswell buy a packet, not that expensive. Just noticed,...
    Were the seeds properly ripe, and were they stored cool and dry through the winter. Thats the most important thing, any doubts might aswell buy a packet, not that expensive. Just noticed, UNHEATED propagator in UNHEATED greenhouse, it might get warm during the day but its still cold at night....
    Were the seeds properly ripe, and were they stored cool and dry through the winter. Thats the most important thing, any doubts might aswell buy a packet, not that expensive. Just noticed, UNHEATED propagator in UNHEATED greenhouse, it might get...
    Were the seeds properly ripe, and were they stored cool and dry through the winter. Thats the most important thing, any doubts might aswell buy a packet, not that expensive. Just noticed,...
  13. Mitchell

    Field Woodrush

    Hi Mitchell - try the old RHS & good luck! [ April 07, 2005, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Bayleaf ]
    Hi Mitchell - try the old RHS & good luck! [ April 07, 2005, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Bayleaf ]
    Hi Mitchell - try the old RHS & good luck! [ April 07, 2005, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Bayleaf ]
    Hi Mitchell - try the old RHS & good luck! [ April 07, 2005, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: Bayleaf ]
  14. paul1158

    Advice please for Raising Garden

    Do you mean you want to raise it by 18 inches?
    Do you mean you want to raise it by 18 inches?
    Do you mean you want to raise it by 18 inches?
    Do you mean you want to raise it by 18 inches?
  15. poppylove

    Box dippy

    Hi Poppylove please check for nesting birds before you prune, & have a look at the 2 links...
    Hi Poppylove please check for nesting birds before you prune, & have a look at the 2 links below. These 2 links suggest pruning up to 3 times in a season (it...
    Hi Poppylove please check for nesting birds before you prune, & have a look at the 2 links below. These 2...
    Hi Poppylove please check for nesting birds before you prune, & have a look at the 2 links...
  16. odina


    I decided to grow my own flowers this year from seed. I dont have a greenhouse so my laundry room has been taken over by seedlings. My lupin seedlings are about 3wks old, 6ins tall with two...
    I decided to grow my own flowers this year from seed. I dont have a greenhouse so my laundry room has been taken over by seedlings. My lupin seedlings are about 3wks old, 6ins tall with two leaves. Question is do I just leave them alone untill its time to harden off?My next question is about...
    I decided to grow my own flowers this year from seed. I dont have a greenhouse so my laundry room has been taken over by seedlings. My lupin seedlings are about 3wks old, 6ins tall with two leaves. Question is do I just leave them alone untill...
    I decided to grow my own flowers this year from seed. I dont have a greenhouse so my laundry room has been taken over by seedlings. My lupin seedlings are about 3wks old, 6ins tall with two...
  17. skrumpy

    Rotting Gladioli Bulbs

    Ahh, yellow sulphur, 'spose I could just get the mother in law to breathe on them! ;) . Thanks for the tip.
    Ahh, yellow sulphur, 'spose I could just get the mother in law to breathe on them! ;) . Thanks for the tip.
    Ahh, yellow sulphur, 'spose I could just get the mother in law to breathe on them! ;) . Thanks for the tip.
    Ahh, yellow sulphur, 'spose I could just get the mother in law to breathe on them! ;) . Thanks for the tip.
  18. foxtrot


    Yeah, what Pete said. In a greenhouse is probably best.
    Yeah, what Pete said. In a greenhouse is probably best.
    Yeah, what Pete said. In a greenhouse is probably best.
    Yeah, what Pete said. In a greenhouse is probably best.
  19. andytommo

    Wilting rhodedendron

    If you find an adult vine weevil wearing a sombreo then it probably has been eating chillis Mrs Cloudy.
    If you find an adult vine weevil wearing a sombreo then it probably has been eating chillis Mrs Cloudy.
    If you find an adult vine weevil wearing a sombreo then it probably has been eating chillis Mrs Cloudy.
    If you find an adult vine weevil wearing a sombreo then it probably has been eating chillis Mrs Cloudy.
  20. neesh

    Very Overgrown Honeysuckle?

    Snake get such bad press! The three that live in the British Isles really are harmless, honestly,a wasp or bee is more likely to sting and more venomous than our little adder.
    Snake get such bad press! The three that live in the British Isles really are harmless, honestly,a wasp or bee is more likely to sting and more venomous than our little adder.
    Snake get such bad press! The three that live in the British Isles really are harmless, honestly,a wasp or bee is more likely to sting and more venomous than our little adder.
    Snake get such bad press! The three that live in the British Isles really are harmless, honestly,a wasp or bee is more likely to sting and more venomous than our little adder.

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