General Gardening Discussion

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  1. Mattyp

    When a north facing garden is south facing

    All good info thank you. It's my first winter having plants in containers so sure it will be a live and learn experience and could be different one year to the next.
    All good info thank you. It's my first winter having plants in containers so sure it will be a live and learn experience and could be different one year to the next.
    All good info thank you. It's my first winter having plants in containers so sure it will be a live and learn experience and could be different one year to the next.
    All good info thank you. It's my first winter having plants in containers so sure it will be a live and learn experience and could be different one year to the next.
  2. CatDouch
    Like x 9

    Photos of Dahlias 2024

    1st one Bishops children grown from seed , 2nd one can’t remember it was overwintered in the greenhouse from last year. Just the 2 as here in Wales they would not survive the Winter in the ground .
    1st one Bishops children grown from seed , 2nd one can’t remember it was overwintered in the greenhouse from last year. Just the 2 as here in Wales they would not survive the Winter in the ground .
    1st one Bishops children grown from seed , 2nd one can’t remember it was overwintered in the greenhouse from last year. Just the 2 as here in Wales they would not survive the Winter in the ground .
    1st one Bishops children grown from seed , 2nd one can’t remember it was overwintered in the greenhouse from last year. Just the 2 as here in Wales they would not survive the Winter in the ground .
    IMG_4256.jpeg IMG_4207.jpeg IMG_4240.jpeg IMG_4259.jpeg IMG_4260.jpeg IMG_2812.jpeg
  3. BB3

    Weedkiller: for and against

    Like many above I use Glyphosate on paths, driveway and on the border between my garden and the fields next door. There are some weeds like field thistle which are nigh on impossible to dig out so...
    Like many above I use Glyphosate on paths, driveway and on the border between my garden and the fields next door. There are some weeds like field thistle which are nigh on impossible to dig out so the weedkiller has its uses. I do not use weedkiller on any of the flower or veg beds and hand weed...
    Like many above I use Glyphosate on paths, driveway and on the border between my garden and the fields next door. There are some weeds like field thistle which are nigh on impossible to dig out so the weedkiller has its uses. I do not use...
    Like many above I use Glyphosate on paths, driveway and on the border between my garden and the fields next door. There are some weeds like field thistle which are nigh on impossible to dig out so...

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