Greenhouse Growing

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  1. hydrogardener
    Like x 5

    El nino, weird or what?

    Our weather forecast well into the middle of next week is for mild temperatures, with the night temperatures above freezing. Today I placed a number of plants back into the greenhouse for as long...
    Our weather forecast well into the middle of next week is for mild temperatures, with the night temperatures above freezing. Today I placed a number of plants back into the greenhouse for as long as the weather permits. The greenhouse was only closed on the first of January, and here in early...
    Our weather forecast well into the middle of next week is for mild temperatures, with the night temperatures above freezing. Today I placed a number of plants back into the greenhouse for as long as the weather permits. The greenhouse was only...
    Our weather forecast well into the middle of next week is for mild temperatures, with the night temperatures above freezing. Today I placed a number of plants back into the greenhouse for as long...
    12316.jpg ukversion.jpg
  2. hydrogardener
    Like x 3

    Not to be wasted.

    My olive trees put out a lot of tender new growth during their time indoors during the winter. So this time of year I give them a light pruning, avoiding any branches with blossoms of course. We...
    My olive trees put out a lot of tender new growth during their time indoors during the winter. So this time of year I give them a light pruning, avoiding any branches with blossoms of course. We have found that the leaves make an excellent tea, which has a lot of health benefits.The leaves...
    My olive trees put out a lot of tender new growth during their time indoors during the winter. So this time of year I give them a light pruning, avoiding any branches with blossoms of course. We have found that the leaves make an excellent tea,...
    My olive trees put out a lot of tender new growth during their time indoors during the winter. So this time of year I give them a light pruning, avoiding any branches with blossoms of course. We...
  3. MrsTea

    Greenhouse: glass or plastic

    Instead of glass or plastic panes, would polythene sheeting be practical? My noobie logic says that if it's good enough for a polytunnel, it has to be okay for a GH - fact or fantasy?
    Instead of glass or plastic panes, would polythene sheeting be practical? My noobie logic says that if it's good enough for a polytunnel, it has to be okay for a GH - fact or fantasy?
    Instead of glass or plastic panes, would polythene sheeting be practical? My noobie logic says that if it's good enough for a polytunnel, it has to be okay for a GH - fact or fantasy?
    Instead of glass or plastic panes, would polythene sheeting be practical? My noobie logic says that if it's good enough for a polytunnel, it has to be okay for a GH - fact or fantasy?
  4. hydrogardener
    Like x 4

    Thermo cube.

    Using the IP camera installed in the greenhouse and the remote thermometer in the house I was able to monitor the device; sure enough the light was turned on at 2 degrees C. It is nice when...
    Using the IP camera installed in the greenhouse and the remote thermometer in the house I was able to monitor the device; sure enough the light was turned on at 2 degrees C. It is nice when something works like they claim it would, and, I expect to reclaim the cost of the device in electricity...
    Using the IP camera installed in the greenhouse and the remote thermometer in the house I was able to monitor the device; sure enough the light was turned on at 2 degrees C. It is nice when something works like they claim it would, and, I expect...
    Using the IP camera installed in the greenhouse and the remote thermometer in the house I was able to monitor the device; sure enough the light was turned on at 2 degrees C. It is nice when...
    cube.jpg cubeon.JPG
  5. rustyroots

    Greenhouse advice please.

    You don't need to have a base at all and can plant directly into the soil, this would also give you the option of whether or not you use raised beds. The soil would have to be changed from time to...
    You don't need to have a base at all and can plant directly into the soil, this would also give you the option of whether or not you use raised beds. The soil would have to be changed from time to time because of lack of nutrients and possible diseases that may occur. Raised beds may give you...
    You don't need to have a base at all and can plant directly into the soil, this would also give you the option of whether or not you use raised beds. The soil would have to be changed from time to time because of lack of nutrients and possible...
    You don't need to have a base at all and can plant directly into the soil, this would also give you the option of whether or not you use raised beds. The soil would have to be changed from time to...
  6. TMAK

    Greenhouse in north facing garden

    Cheers for all the advice. Might look into insulating the larger one. Or partition it off. The celotex could be awkward. It's a dome greenhouse so the angles would be a nightmare.Sent from my...
    Cheers for all the advice. Might look into insulating the larger one. Or partition it off. The celotex could be awkward. It's a dome greenhouse so the angles would be a nightmare.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Cheers for all the advice. Might look into insulating the larger one. Or partition it off. The celotex could be awkward. It's a dome greenhouse so the angles would be a nightmare.Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Cheers for all the advice. Might look into insulating the larger one. Or partition it off. The celotex could be awkward. It's a dome greenhouse so the angles would be a nightmare.Sent from my...
  7. clum111

    New Greenhouse

    The Halls greenhouse is a much better choice and will outlive the wooden one.
    The Halls greenhouse is a much better choice and will outlive the wooden one.
    The Halls greenhouse is a much better choice and will outlive the wooden one.
    The Halls greenhouse is a much better choice and will outlive the wooden one.
  8. enchanté jardinier
    Like x 6

    My big wood greenhouse

    My project choose in this page to----> Greenhouses
    My project choose in this page to----> Greenhouses
    My project choose in this page to----> Greenhouses
    My project choose in this page to----> Greenhouses
  9. Fat Controller

    Greenhouse fruit

    I grow peaches, grapes and lemons in greenhouse. The lemons are in a large tub that goes out for the summer. I grew toms again this year but threw loads away. I now realise I don't need to grow so...
    I grow peaches, grapes and lemons in greenhouse. The lemons are in a large tub that goes out for the summer. I grew toms again this year but threw loads away. I now realise I don't need to grow so many almost a spring madness !must grow toms!. Cucumbers just how many do you need I tend to get...
    I grow peaches, grapes and lemons in greenhouse. The lemons are in a large tub that goes out for the summer. I grew toms again this year but threw loads away. I now realise I don't need to grow so many almost a spring madness !must grow toms!....
    I grow peaches, grapes and lemons in greenhouse. The lemons are in a large tub that goes out for the summer. I grew toms again this year but threw loads away. I now realise I don't need to grow so...
  10. Seasidesal

    Winter growing

    Thank you for you help and ideas.
    Thank you for you help and ideas.
    Thank you for you help and ideas.
    Thank you for you help and ideas.
  11. Anzia

    Buying a second hand greenhouse

    It's going very well, thanks! Slowly... The greenhouse is now on a proper base - mortar, paving slab edge and middle path, gravel strips to the inner sides - and fully assembled on it with half...
    It's going very well, thanks! Slowly... The greenhouse is now on a proper base - mortar, paving slab edge and middle path, gravel strips to the inner sides - and fully assembled on it with half the glass in. I ran out of glazing strip and have had to order more for it to be finished!I'd...
    It's going very well, thanks! Slowly... The greenhouse is now on a proper base - mortar, paving slab edge and middle path, gravel strips to the inner sides - and fully assembled on it with half the glass in. I ran out of glazing strip and have...
    It's going very well, thanks! Slowly... The greenhouse is now on a proper base - mortar, paving slab edge and middle path, gravel strips to the inner sides - and fully assembled on it with half...
  12. IceColdRum

    Laying a concrete base?

    I would go for the footing way and solid concrete blocks. You could put some 300 x 300 slabs for a path and grow into the soil or in containers on top. More alternatives this way concrete is very...
    I would go for the footing way and solid concrete blocks. You could put some 300 x 300 slabs for a path and grow into the soil or in containers on top. More alternatives this way concrete is very permanent.
    I would go for the footing way and solid concrete blocks. You could put some 300 x 300 slabs for a path and grow into the soil or in containers on top. More alternatives this way concrete is very permanent.
    I would go for the footing way and solid concrete blocks. You could put some 300 x 300 slabs for a path and grow into the soil or in containers on top. More alternatives this way concrete is very...
  13. roger06

    Why aren't my cukes growing?

    yellow edge is they are cold or they need a feed or both
    yellow edge is they are cold or they need a feed or both
    yellow edge is they are cold or they need a feed or both
    yellow edge is they are cold or they need a feed or both
  14. Joe Bristol

    New greenhouse / how to make a base

    Wow Martin! And to think, I just put a few slabs down and stuck my greenhouse on top lol!
    Wow Martin! And to think, I just put a few slabs down and stuck my greenhouse on top lol!
    Wow Martin! And to think, I just put a few slabs down and stuck my greenhouse on top lol!
    Wow Martin! And to think, I just put a few slabs down and stuck my greenhouse on top lol!
  15. phalnoob

    grow racks

    I have one pf these but decided to upgrade to a greenhouse as we got on with sorting the garden. Mine tore where the zip joins the plastic but that is because I was naughty and just pulled the...
    I have one pf these but decided to upgrade to a greenhouse as we got on with sorting the garden. Mine tore where the zip joins the plastic but that is because I was naughty and just pulled the panel at the front up instead of actually unzipping it. I just put some bull dog clips on it and it...
    I have one pf these but decided to upgrade to a greenhouse as we got on with sorting the garden. Mine tore where the zip joins the plastic but that is because I was naughty and just pulled the panel at the front up instead of actually unzipping...
    I have one pf these but decided to upgrade to a greenhouse as we got on with sorting the garden. Mine tore where the zip joins the plastic but that is because I was naughty and just pulled the...
  16. Cannyfullpots

    Ideas on making a greenhouse..?

    I have found Pinterest invaluable for my garden diy's. If you put in a search for diy greenhouses there are hundreds of ideas and tutorials on how to do it. Good luck and well done on what you...
    I have found Pinterest invaluable for my garden diy's. If you put in a search for diy greenhouses there are hundreds of ideas and tutorials on how to do it. Good luck and well done on what you have done so far!
    I have found Pinterest invaluable for my garden diy's. If you put in a search for diy greenhouses there are hundreds of ideas and tutorials on how to do it. Good luck and well done on what you have done so far!
    I have found Pinterest invaluable for my garden diy's. If you put in a search for diy greenhouses there are hundreds of ideas and tutorials on how to do it. Good luck and well done on what you...
  17. hydrogardener

    Protected growing

    Well, the protected growing is paying off, as we have been picking tomatoes and cucumbers for several days, with lots more coming. This year's tomatoes are huge, and the only thing I can think of...
    Well, the protected growing is paying off, as we have been picking tomatoes and cucumbers for several days, with lots more coming. This year's tomatoes are huge, and the only thing I can think of is that they are due to the change in growing media to my homemade media.The fruit is not only...
    Well, the protected growing is paying off, as we have been picking tomatoes and cucumbers for several days, with lots more coming. This year's tomatoes are huge, and the only thing I can think of is that they are due to the change in growing...
    Well, the protected growing is paying off, as we have been picking tomatoes and cucumbers for several days, with lots more coming. This year's tomatoes are huge, and the only thing I can think of...
  18. Ariadae

    Pinching out tomatoes?

    other way around
    other way around
    other way around
    other way around
  19. kerrygirl

    Sowing perennial seeds

    Sorry I'm so late getting back to you all. I've been so busy. Thanks for all the information. I understand things a lot clearer now.
    Sorry I'm so late getting back to you all. I've been so busy. Thanks for all the information. I understand things a lot clearer now.
    Sorry I'm so late getting back to you all. I've been so busy. Thanks for all the information. I understand things a lot clearer now.
    Sorry I'm so late getting back to you all. I've been so busy. Thanks for all the information. I understand things a lot clearer now.
  20. Eldy

    Plastic bottle greenhouses

    Hard to beat a greenhouse with a unique design, only downside is collecting bin bags full of bottles :)
    Hard to beat a greenhouse with a unique design, only downside is collecting bin bags full of bottles :)
    Hard to beat a greenhouse with a unique design, only downside is collecting bin bags full of bottles :)
    Hard to beat a greenhouse with a unique design, only downside is collecting bin bags full of bottles :)

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