Greenhouse Growing

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  1. capney
    Like x 6

    Conservatory / greenhouse

    Absolutely brilliant, Capney. It's nice to see a conservatory being put to good use, and I enjoyed the tour:thumbsup::D:thankyou:
    Absolutely brilliant, Capney. It's nice to see a conservatory being put to good use, and I enjoyed the tour:thumbsup::D:thankyou:
    Absolutely brilliant, Capney. It's nice to see a conservatory being put to good use, and I enjoyed the tour:thumbsup::D:thankyou:
    Absolutely brilliant, Capney. It's nice to see a conservatory being put to good use, and I enjoyed the tour:thumbsup::D:thankyou:
  2. Nightingale

    New Plastic Greenhouse but I'm lost..........

    If you're growing tomatoes, you'll also need some canes and some garden twine (to tie the plants to and with!). You could also put a pepper plant in there. Growbags are good, (don't put more than...
    If you're growing tomatoes, you'll also need some canes and some garden twine (to tie the plants to and with!). You could also put a pepper plant in there. Growbags are good, (don't put more than 2 tomato plants per bag) you can also plant stuff in old buckets etc. If you haven't already got...
    If you're growing tomatoes, you'll also need some canes and some garden twine (to tie the plants to and with!). You could also put a pepper plant in there. Growbags are good, (don't put more than 2 tomato plants per bag) you can also plant stuff...
    If you're growing tomatoes, you'll also need some canes and some garden twine (to tie the plants to and with!). You could also put a pepper plant in there. Growbags are good, (don't put more than...
  3. davygfuchsia

    Flowering in greenhouse at the moment

    Hi Peter I keep my greenhouse around 45/50F best I can . The Alyogyne stays evergreen all winter in there, and it starts flowering as soon as the light improves . It's about 4yrs old in a 10in...
    Hi Peter I keep my greenhouse around 45/50F best I can . The Alyogyne stays evergreen all winter in there, and it starts flowering as soon as the light improves . It's about 4yrs old in a 10in pot .I have lightly pruned it and did managed to root a cutting last year.It can be grown from seed I...
    Hi Peter I keep my greenhouse around 45/50F best I can . The Alyogyne stays evergreen all winter in there, and it starts flowering as soon as the light improves . It's about 4yrs old in a 10in pot .I have lightly pruned it and did managed to...
    Hi Peter I keep my greenhouse around 45/50F best I can . The Alyogyne stays evergreen all winter in there, and it starts flowering as soon as the light improves . It's about 4yrs old in a 10in...
  4. fidel21

    Should I buy glass or polyurethane greenhouse?

    Also look in your local Free Ads paper, I got mine for free when a non-gardening friend moved into a new house and they didn't want the greenhouse already there.
    Also look in your local Free Ads paper, I got mine for free when a non-gardening friend moved into a new house and they didn't want the greenhouse already there.
    Also look in your local Free Ads paper, I got mine for free when a non-gardening friend moved into a new house and they didn't want the greenhouse already there.
    Also look in your local Free Ads paper, I got mine for free when a non-gardening friend moved into a new house and they didn't want the greenhouse already there.
  5. penny_lane

    Beetroot in modules in the greenhouse

    Hi Gerard, yes it has been warm and mild at night here for a while, looks like temps of 20C today too :yess:I've got fleece handy though in case things turn, hopefully not though as I've...
    Hi Gerard, yes it has been warm and mild at night here for a while, looks like temps of 20C today too :yess:I've got fleece handy though in case things turn, hopefully not though as I've radishes coming up on the plot now, along with broad beans and onions, which I've just planted out. I...
    Hi Gerard, yes it has been warm and mild at night here for a while, looks like temps of 20C today too :yess:I've got fleece handy though in case things turn, hopefully not though as I've radishes coming up on the plot now, along with broad...
    Hi Gerard, yes it has been warm and mild at night here for a while, looks like temps of 20C today too :yess:I've got fleece handy though in case things turn, hopefully not though as I've...
  6. Sargan

    Anybody have an Eden Greenhouse by Monarch Aluminium

    Manufacturer ceased manufacture of 'Monarch Aluminium' greenhouses when Eden & Hall merged. I did contact them ... all I could get from them was 'new Monarch is a different design, no spares for...
    Manufacturer ceased manufacture of 'Monarch Aluminium' greenhouses when Eden & Hall merged. I did contact them ... all I could get from them was 'new Monarch is a different design, no spares for previous model'
    Manufacturer ceased manufacture of 'Monarch Aluminium' greenhouses when Eden & Hall merged. I did contact them ... all I could get from them was 'new Monarch is a different design, no spares for previous model'
    Manufacturer ceased manufacture of 'Monarch Aluminium' greenhouses when Eden & Hall merged. I did contact them ... all I could get from them was 'new Monarch is a different design, no spares for...
  7. willow13

    greenhouse heaters

    Hi Marley . Can I ask what size your greenhouse is heated with the gas heater ? I use electric at the moment but might look into the gas heating Dave
    Hi Marley . Can I ask what size your greenhouse is heated with the gas heater ? I use electric at the moment but might look into the gas heating Dave
    Hi Marley . Can I ask what size your greenhouse is heated with the gas heater ? I use electric at the moment but might look into the gas heating Dave
    Hi Marley . Can I ask what size your greenhouse is heated with the gas heater ? I use electric at the moment but might look into the gas heating Dave
  8. oakdaledave

    cheap and chearful plastic greenhouse

    I have a small plastic one in the garden where I start my seeds off before moving them to the allotment, it then takes 2 gro-bags of tomatoes through the summer with the shelves taken out. It...
    I have a small plastic one in the garden where I start my seeds off before moving them to the allotment, it then takes 2 gro-bags of tomatoes through the summer with the shelves taken out. It looks like it should give a third year so I definitely recommend them.
    I have a small plastic one in the garden where I start my seeds off before moving them to the allotment, it then takes 2 gro-bags of tomatoes through the summer with the shelves taken out. It looks like it should give a third year so I...
    I have a small plastic one in the garden where I start my seeds off before moving them to the allotment, it then takes 2 gro-bags of tomatoes through the summer with the shelves taken out. It...
  9. miriam

    how to use fertilizer, greenhouse and cat questions

    Miriam, I just hope the cat doesn't take lemon with it's martini!! Good luck!Hi, First timer, no I didn't try the removable lid trick. I discovered the slack chicken wire trick when I saw my...
    Miriam, I just hope the cat doesn't take lemon with it's martini!! Good luck!Hi, First timer, no I didn't try the removable lid trick. I discovered the slack chicken wire trick when I saw my cat jump up on the first section of chicken wire, and saw the wire give way to her weight in her...
    Miriam, I just hope the cat doesn't take lemon with it's martini!! Good luck!Hi, First timer, no I didn't try the removable lid trick. I discovered the slack chicken wire trick when I saw my cat jump up on the first section of chicken wire,...
    Miriam, I just hope the cat doesn't take lemon with it's martini!! Good luck!Hi, First timer, no I didn't try the removable lid trick. I discovered the slack chicken wire trick when I saw my...
  10. RachelN76

    My first greenhouse

    It's good to hear how excited you are with your first greenhouse! Don't worry about the size of it because you'll probably get more pleasure out it than some with a big greenhouse. Grow as...
    It's good to hear how excited you are with your first greenhouse! Don't worry about the size of it because you'll probably get more pleasure out it than some with a big greenhouse. Grow as much as you can!!
    It's good to hear how excited you are with your first greenhouse! Don't worry about the size of it because you'll probably get more pleasure out it than some with a big greenhouse. Grow as much as you can!!
    It's good to hear how excited you are with your first greenhouse! Don't worry about the size of it because you'll probably get more pleasure out it than some with a big greenhouse. Grow as...
  11. gazzamon7

    Cheap Greenhouse needed!

    I placed an add on Adtrader ... had a choice of several ....and it's free
    I placed an add on Adtrader ... had a choice of several ....and it's free
    I placed an add on Adtrader ... had a choice of several ....and it's free
    I placed an add on Adtrader ... had a choice of several ....and it's free
  12. chrisinoxford

    Greenhouse Germination - is it ok now?

    As there are three copies of this thread can I direct replies here so we can keep a single main one going
    As there are three copies of this thread can I direct replies here so we can keep a single main one going
    As there are three copies of this thread can I direct replies here so we can keep a single main one going
    As there are three copies of this thread can I direct replies here so we can keep a single main one going
  13. jddevel

    Building a Greenhouse

    That's saved me writing most of my answer, thanks John!Water butt at the front = need one either side of the door (but nearer the door to fill the can). At the back = one butt can collect both...
    That's saved me writing most of my answer, thanks John!Water butt at the front = need one either side of the door (but nearer the door to fill the can). At the back = one butt can collect both gutters. Slope the greenhouse slightly to whichever end the gutters should flow.I have grown in...
    That's saved me writing most of my answer, thanks John!Water butt at the front = need one either side of the door (but nearer the door to fill the can). At the back = one butt can collect both gutters. Slope the greenhouse slightly to...
    That's saved me writing most of my answer, thanks John!Water butt at the front = need one either side of the door (but nearer the door to fill the can). At the back = one butt can collect both...
  14. Seanster

    GreenHouse heaters

    :thumbsup: Well done Harry, but I have to say I have always kept a thermometer at the bottom by the sensor & one higher around the green house.. Took me a while to suss it out, but did in the end.. No the...
    :thumbsup: Well done Harry, but I have to say I have always kept a thermometer at the bottom by the sensor & one higher around the green house.. Took me a while to suss it out, but did in the end.. No the thermostats are not that accurate but not far off it though.... Over the whole of this winter...
    :thumbsup: Well done Harry, but I have to say I have always kept a thermometer at the bottom by the sensor & one higher around the green house.. Took me a while to suss it out, but did in the end.. No the thermostats are not that accurate but not far off...
    :thumbsup: Well done Harry, but I have to say I have always kept a thermometer at the bottom by the sensor & one higher around the green house.. Took me a while to suss it out, but did in the end.. No the...
  15. Stingo

    To sow direct into soil or start off in the greenhouse

    I'm mostly a 'start off in the greenhouse" man. Actually I start off mostly in a propogator indoors then move them into the greenhosue once they have germinated.Except for root crops like...
    I'm mostly a 'start off in the greenhouse" man. Actually I start off mostly in a propogator indoors then move them into the greenhosue once they have germinated.Except for root crops like carrots and parsnips, if you disturb the roots when you transplant they will 'fork'. I've tried using...
    I'm mostly a 'start off in the greenhouse" man. Actually I start off mostly in a propogator indoors then move them into the greenhosue once they have germinated.Except for root crops like carrots and parsnips, if you disturb the roots when you...
    I'm mostly a 'start off in the greenhouse" man. Actually I start off mostly in a propogator indoors then move them into the greenhosue once they have germinated.Except for root crops like...
  16. markpb

    plastic greenhouse fixings

    Hi markpb and welcome to the forums! :thumbsup:We had exactly the same problem with the snow. Many of the critical top plastic fixings had become brittle (most likely in the sun and heat from summer) and...
    Hi markpb and welcome to the forums! :thumbsup:We had exactly the same problem with the snow. Many of the critical top plastic fixings had become brittle (most likely in the sun and heat from summer) and snapped under the weight of over a foot of snow.Not that it will be much help to you, but we threw...
    Hi markpb and welcome to the forums! :thumbsup:We had exactly the same problem with the snow. Many of the critical top plastic fixings had become brittle (most likely in the sun and heat from summer) and snapped under the weight of over a foot of...
    Hi markpb and welcome to the forums! :thumbsup:We had exactly the same problem with the snow. Many of the critical top plastic fixings had become brittle (most likely in the sun and heat from summer) and...
  17. Lizziepbe

    Garlic in a Greenhouse?

    That's the way to go Lizzie. Keep notes and let us know. You could become our garlic expert.
    That's the way to go Lizzie. Keep notes and let us know. You could become our garlic expert.
    That's the way to go Lizzie. Keep notes and let us know. You could become our garlic expert.
    That's the way to go Lizzie. Keep notes and let us know. You could become our garlic expert.
  18. lukenotts

    Taking my seedlings into greenhouse

    Now now... dont tempt me to try this too!I have read that coleus from seed tend to send out flower spikes more often, however, i'm hoping to nip them out the very second that they appear. Im...
    Now now... dont tempt me to try this too!I have read that coleus from seed tend to send out flower spikes more often, however, i'm hoping to nip them out the very second that they appear. Im hoping to grow Coleus Palisanda as a standard... i think it will be trial and error (with a bit of...
    Now now... dont tempt me to try this too!I have read that coleus from seed tend to send out flower spikes more often, however, i'm hoping to nip them out the very second that they appear. Im hoping to grow Coleus Palisanda as a standard... i...
    Now now... dont tempt me to try this too!I have read that coleus from seed tend to send out flower spikes more often, however, i'm hoping to nip them out the very second that they appear. Im...
  19. Gsylass

    Project Greenhouse

    Sorry if I burst the bubble .I've always dreamed of a glasshouse that size to ..Don't give up though ,I'm sure there is a solution ..:dbgrtmb:Dave
    Sorry if I burst the bubble .I've always dreamed of a glasshouse that size to ..Don't give up though ,I'm sure there is a solution ..:dbgrtmb:Dave
    Sorry if I burst the bubble .I've always dreamed of a glasshouse that size to ..Don't give up though ,I'm sure there is a solution ..:dbgrtmb:Dave
    Sorry if I burst the bubble .I've always dreamed of a glasshouse that size to ..Don't give up though ,I'm sure there is a solution ..:dbgrtmb:Dave
  20. davygfuchsia

    Greenhouse tidy up

    Davy - thanks for the info on Saparmannia. I see that Thompson and Morgan sell the seeds - so I might have a go at that.
    Davy - thanks for the info on Saparmannia. I see that Thompson and Morgan sell the seeds - so I might have a go at that.
    Davy - thanks for the info on Saparmannia. I see that Thompson and Morgan sell the seeds - so I might have a go at that.
    Davy - thanks for the info on Saparmannia. I see that Thompson and Morgan sell the seeds - so I might have a go at that.

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