Greenhouse Growing

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  1. Sargan

    Tomatoes for next year

    Tomato Taste Test 2022
    Tomato Taste Test 2022
    Tomato Taste Test 2022
    Tomato Taste Test 2022
  2. roders

    Out with the old and in with the new….Greenhouse.

    Ok, heat treated, sounds interesting.I didn't think that was you.:biggrin: but you knew that.Yes looks very expensive, but nice.Can I have the old one.:biggrin:
    Ok, heat treated, sounds interesting.I didn't think that was you.:biggrin: but you knew that.Yes looks very expensive, but nice.Can I have the old one.:biggrin:
    Ok, heat treated, sounds interesting.I didn't think that was you.:biggrin: but you knew that.Yes looks very expensive, but nice.Can I have the old one.:biggrin:
    Ok, heat treated, sounds interesting.I didn't think that was you.:biggrin: but you knew that.Yes looks very expensive, but nice.Can I have the old one.:biggrin:
  3. ricky101

    Greenhouse fumigation - RSMites

    I dont think its banned in Britain anymore than washing up liquid is. You are not allowed to use either as a pesticide.
    I dont think its banned in Britain anymore than washing up liquid is. You are not allowed to use either as a pesticide.
    I dont think its banned in Britain anymore than washing up liquid is. You are not allowed to use either as a pesticide.
    I dont think its banned in Britain anymore than washing up liquid is. You are not allowed to use either as a pesticide.
  4. ricky101
    Like x 4

    Greenhouse - Winter Power Savers ?

    All our heaters ,eg Greenhouse and props are on digital control and the greenhouse min has always been set at 4c which seems to readily keep most things ticking over well, some even growing...
    All our heaters ,eg Greenhouse and props are on digital control and the greenhouse min has always been set at 4c which seems to readily keep most things ticking over well, some even growing away. However think we will be taking it down to 1c or 2 c this winter. Just glad we have 10mm twinwall...
    All our heaters ,eg Greenhouse and props are on digital control and the greenhouse min has always been set at 4c which seems to readily keep most things ticking over well, some even growing away. However think we will be taking it down to 1c or 2...
    All our heaters ,eg Greenhouse and props are on digital control and the greenhouse min has always been set at 4c which seems to readily keep most things ticking over well, some even growing...
  5. ricky101

    Greenhouse growing - time for a change ?

    I've got some stuff that would probably sort them out but I never manage to spray all my plants at one time, there are just too many and it's not a pre mix so it's not really handy as such. I...
    I've got some stuff that would probably sort them out but I never manage to spray all my plants at one time, there are just too many and it's not a pre mix so it's not really handy as such. I usually apply the meths with a small children's paint brush so as to get in all the cracks and crevices...
    I've got some stuff that would probably sort them out but I never manage to spray all my plants at one time, there are just too many and it's not a pre mix so it's not really handy as such. I usually apply the meths with a small children's paint...
    I've got some stuff that would probably sort them out but I never manage to spray all my plants at one time, there are just too many and it's not a pre mix so it's not really handy as such. I...
  6. lindyco

    Help with my greenhouse.

    I avoid Elixir garden supplies like the plague received damaged order which they said they would replace but just messed me around until i gave up
    I avoid Elixir garden supplies like the plague received damaged order which they said they would replace but just messed me around until i gave up
    I avoid Elixir garden supplies like the plague received damaged order which they said they would replace but just messed me around until i gave up
    I avoid Elixir garden supplies like the plague received damaged order which they said they would replace but just messed me around until i gave up
  7. Grum Tum

    Sealant/Putty on a Polycarbonate/Aluminium framed Greenhouse?

    Yup, @ricky101, that is it. It is wide enough to have nearly and each going up both side and I cut it a 1/2" too long so that I could squish the two sides together to make a total seal.
    Yup, @ricky101, that is it. It is wide enough to have nearly and each going up both side and I cut it a 1/2" too long so that I could squish the two sides together to make a total seal.
    Yup, @ricky101, that is it. It is wide enough to have nearly and each going up both side and I cut it a 1/2" too long so that I could squish the two sides together to make a total seal.
    Yup, @ricky101, that is it. It is wide enough to have nearly and each going up both side and I cut it a 1/2" too long so that I could squish the two sides together to make a total seal.
  8. landimad

    Auto vent problem

    Mine were jammed this year and have been jammed in the past, so I added some lithium grease to all the moveable bits and the piston, that has done the trick. They are about 10 years old now
    Mine were jammed this year and have been jammed in the past, so I added some lithium grease to all the moveable bits and the piston, that has done the trick. They are about 10 years old now
    Mine were jammed this year and have been jammed in the past, so I added some lithium grease to all the moveable bits and the piston, that has done the trick. They are about 10 years old now
    Mine were jammed this year and have been jammed in the past, so I added some lithium grease to all the moveable bits and the piston, that has done the trick. They are about 10 years old now
  9. landimad
    Like x 4

    Overwhelmed with new babies.

    Thanks, might grow that one in a hanging basket to complement my similar-looking 'Mrs Popple', which is in a pot on my patio. :blue thumb:Nick
    Thanks, might grow that one in a hanging basket to complement my similar-looking 'Mrs Popple', which is in a pot on my patio. :blue thumb:Nick
    Thanks, might grow that one in a hanging basket to complement my similar-looking 'Mrs Popple', which is in a pot on my patio. :blue thumb:Nick
    Thanks, might grow that one in a hanging basket to complement my similar-looking 'Mrs Popple', which is in a pot on my patio. :blue thumb:Nick
  10. ricky101

    Twin Walled 10mm Polycarbonate, cleaning.

    Had chance to get the pressure washer out and gave a small panel a blast.Took some time to clean it all out but did work well as @pete mentioned. Think the water method would be better than an...
    Had chance to get the pressure washer out and gave a small panel a blast.Took some time to clean it all out but did work well as @pete mentioned. Think the water method would be better than an air compressor as it helps soften the residue.The new breather tape seem so much stronger than the...
    Had chance to get the pressure washer out and gave a small panel a blast.Took some time to clean it all out but did work well as @pete mentioned. Think the water method would be better than an air compressor as it helps soften the residue.The...
    Had chance to get the pressure washer out and gave a small panel a blast.Took some time to clean it all out but did work well as @pete mentioned. Think the water method would be better than an...
    IMG_20220422_142900146_HDR (2).jpg IMG_20220422_165726765_HDR (2).jpg
  11. Emery339

    Greenhouse survey - Alevel student

    For the sake of completeness, permission was granted for this subject/survey previously, so this is linked. Greenhouse focus group
    For the sake of completeness, permission was granted for this subject/survey previously, so this is linked. Greenhouse focus group
    For the sake of completeness, permission was granted for this subject/survey previously, so this is linked. Greenhouse focus group
    For the sake of completeness, permission was granted for this subject/survey previously, so this is linked. Greenhouse focus group
  12. Jocko
    Funny x 6

    What do you do about this in your greenhouse?

    WOW!! That is scary. So glad nobody was injured or worse.
    WOW!! That is scary. So glad nobody was injured or worse.
    WOW!! That is scary. So glad nobody was injured or worse.
    WOW!! That is scary. So glad nobody was injured or worse.
  13. Welshman
    Like x 3

    Greenhouse growing has started

    I used to sow beetroot in cell trays for planting out in the ground. The idea is that you put two or three seeds in each cell. You don't need to thin multiple seeds because if they have enough...
    I used to sow beetroot in cell trays for planting out in the ground. The idea is that you put two or three seeds in each cell. You don't need to thin multiple seeds because if they have enough room they just push one another away. Then you don't really thin them until some are big enough to eat.
    I used to sow beetroot in cell trays for planting out in the ground. The idea is that you put two or three seeds in each cell. You don't need to thin multiple seeds because if they have enough room they just push one another away. Then you...
    I used to sow beetroot in cell trays for planting out in the ground. The idea is that you put two or three seeds in each cell. You don't need to thin multiple seeds because if they have enough...
  14. stumorphmac


    I'm thinking on using an Eden gas heater or similar for next winter any using one I would be interested in comments
    I'm thinking on using an Eden gas heater or similar for next winter any using one I would be interested in comments
    I'm thinking on using an Eden gas heater or similar for next winter any using one I would be interested in comments
    I'm thinking on using an Eden gas heater or similar for next winter any using one I would be interested in comments
  15. Skylark1

    Incorrect greenhouse installation

    Trouble with a lot of folk is, they put down a base or expect the house to be exact. I have and always will allow for the base and a bit to ensure there is plenty of room for my houses. 8 x 8...
    Trouble with a lot of folk is, they put down a base or expect the house to be exact. I have and always will allow for the base and a bit to ensure there is plenty of room for my houses. 8 x 8 allow for a bit more. Due to these being installed in metric, which would be 2.4m not 8 feet, I had put...
    Trouble with a lot of folk is, they put down a base or expect the house to be exact. I have and always will allow for the base and a bit to ensure there is plenty of room for my houses. 8 x 8 allow for a bit more. Due to these being installed in...
    Trouble with a lot of folk is, they put down a base or expect the house to be exact. I have and always will allow for the base and a bit to ensure there is plenty of room for my houses. 8 x 8...
  16. ricky101

    Greenhouse Staging

    Not after the tidiest just putting the house together before it gets planted.
    Not after the tidiest just putting the house together before it gets planted.
    Not after the tidiest just putting the house together before it gets planted.
    Not after the tidiest just putting the house together before it gets planted.
  17. Tinkerbelle61

    Best position for a cold frame please?

    Thanks for the replies guys, I’ll get OH on it at the weekend:)
    Thanks for the replies guys, I’ll get OH on it at the weekend:)
    Thanks for the replies guys, I’ll get OH on it at the weekend:)
    Thanks for the replies guys, I’ll get OH on it at the weekend:)
  18. 43576

    Which soil for chill peppers?

    It will only be available to the commercial sector, its called, Tracer insecticide.Tracer Insecticide 500ml (
    It will only be available to the commercial sector, its called, Tracer insecticide.Tracer Insecticide 500ml (
    It will only be available to the commercial sector, its called, Tracer insecticide.Tracer Insecticide 500ml (
    It will only be available to the commercial sector, its called, Tracer insecticide.Tracer Insecticide 500ml (
  19. Fat Controller

    Cleaning - properly, properly cleaning...

    Generally use this low cost cleaner that does not require the plants moving out.Clean and wipe down the surfaces/ benches and then replace the plants, with saucers under the pots so the roots...
    Generally use this low cost cleaner that does not require the plants moving out.Clean and wipe down the surfaces/ benches and then replace the plants, with saucers under the pots so the roots do not touch the treated surfaces.Economic and Smells nice too ...
    Generally use this low cost cleaner that does not require the plants moving out.Clean and wipe down the surfaces/ benches and then replace the plants, with saucers under the pots so the roots do not touch the treated surfaces.Economic and...
    Generally use this low cost cleaner that does not require the plants moving out.Clean and wipe down the surfaces/ benches and then replace the plants, with saucers under the pots so the roots...
  20. mazambo

    Led grow lights recommendations.

    I've only got a few rooted cuttings and some bits and pieces at the moment Lori, just trying it out. Things are growing but only slowly, maybe I need to up it a bit on the 12 hr day, I've got the...
    I've only got a few rooted cuttings and some bits and pieces at the moment Lori, just trying it out. Things are growing but only slowly, maybe I need to up it a bit on the 12 hr day, I've got the temperature set at 20c. I'll be sowing some seed soon so that might be a better trial.
    I've only got a few rooted cuttings and some bits and pieces at the moment Lori, just trying it out. Things are growing but only slowly, maybe I need to up it a bit on the 12 hr day, I've got the temperature set at 20c. I'll be sowing some seed...
    I've only got a few rooted cuttings and some bits and pieces at the moment Lori, just trying it out. Things are growing but only slowly, maybe I need to up it a bit on the 12 hr day, I've got the...

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