Greenhouse Growing

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  1. Freddy

    Greenhouse Border

    My small greenhouse has a slab base.I grow toms etc. in 3gall 99p cheapo builder's buckets and use a JI type mixture for growing in. 7 parts loam, 2 parts home compost from dalek bin, 1 part...
    My small greenhouse has a slab base.I grow toms etc. in 3gall 99p cheapo builder's buckets and use a JI type mixture for growing in. 7 parts loam, 2 parts home compost from dalek bin, 1 part peat and 1 part sharp sand. All except sand are passed through a 3/8 mesh sieve. Use a rasp to make...
    My small greenhouse has a slab base.I grow toms etc. in 3gall 99p cheapo builder's buckets and use a JI type mixture for growing in. 7 parts loam, 2 parts home compost from dalek bin, 1 part peat and 1 part sharp sand. All except sand are...
    My small greenhouse has a slab base.I grow toms etc. in 3gall 99p cheapo builder's buckets and use a JI type mixture for growing in. 7 parts loam, 2 parts home compost from dalek bin, 1 part...
  2. Hotelier

    Greenhouse book?

    THanks Hex, Downloaded the book and will have a look tonight.
    THanks Hex, Downloaded the book and will have a look tonight.
    THanks Hex, Downloaded the book and will have a look tonight.
    THanks Hex, Downloaded the book and will have a look tonight.
  3. Fidgetsmum

    A 'coolglass' question

    Thanks to all for the helpful replies. I did have some netting Kristen, but it was while that was on that we had the very hot weather and although it 'shaded' the plants, it didn't seem to do...
    Thanks to all for the helpful replies. I did have some netting Kristen, but it was while that was on that we had the very hot weather and although it 'shaded' the plants, it didn't seem to do anything regards keeping the temperature down. To JWK - I too was looking for something similar,...
    Thanks to all for the helpful replies. I did have some netting Kristen, but it was while that was on that we had the very hot weather and although it 'shaded' the plants, it didn't seem to do anything regards keeping the temperature down. To...
    Thanks to all for the helpful replies. I did have some netting Kristen, but it was while that was on that we had the very hot weather and although it 'shaded' the plants, it didn't seem to do...
  4. mojo

    Winter green house .

    Kristen, it can all get a bit confusing I reckon. Somewhere I read that manure has no value as a fertilizer, but rather creates an environment where nutrients within the soil can be released...
    Kristen, it can all get a bit confusing I reckon. Somewhere I read that manure has no value as a fertilizer, but rather creates an environment where nutrients within the soil can be released effectively. Or was that Lime ? :scratch:
    Kristen, it can all get a bit confusing I reckon. Somewhere I read that manure has no value as a fertilizer, but rather creates an environment where nutrients within the soil can be released effectively. Or was that Lime ? :scratch:
    Kristen, it can all get a bit confusing I reckon. Somewhere I read that manure has no value as a fertilizer, but rather creates an environment where nutrients within the soil can be released...
  5. Steve R

    Coolglass greenhouse shading from Bayer garden

    I bought one of those telescopic window cleaning thingies (either from Kleeneze or Betterware) - not much use for the bedroom windows but perfect for reaching the greenhouse roof.
    I bought one of those telescopic window cleaning thingies (either from Kleeneze or Betterware) - not much use for the bedroom windows but perfect for reaching the greenhouse roof.
    I bought one of those telescopic window cleaning thingies (either from Kleeneze or Betterware) - not much use for the bedroom windows but perfect for reaching the greenhouse roof.
    I bought one of those telescopic window cleaning thingies (either from Kleeneze or Betterware) - not much use for the bedroom windows but perfect for reaching the greenhouse roof.
  6. JayneyG

    A mouse in my greenhouse!

    this is a mouse my cats caught and brought into the house.(S)he was eating their food whilst they were sleeping - they did get him in the end thoughI've also seen a mouse in the tree,...
    this is a mouse my cats caught and brought into the house.(S)he was eating their food whilst they were sleeping - they did get him in the end thoughI've also seen a mouse in the tree, or rather on the bird feeder hanging in the tree, eating the peanuts intended for the birds.My...
    this is a mouse my cats caught and brought into the house.(S)he was eating their food whilst they were sleeping - they did get him in the end thoughI've also seen a mouse in the tree, or rather on the bird feeder hanging in the tree,...
    this is a mouse my cats caught and brought into the house.(S)he was eating their food whilst they were sleeping - they did get him in the end thoughI've also seen a mouse in the tree,...
  7. Jan How

    Greenhouse Cucumbers

    I don't take any side shoots off my Cucumbers (but they don't produce many that actually grow). My book says to pinch the laterals out them 2 leaves after a flower, and any that don't flower at 2...
    I don't take any side shoots off my Cucumbers (but they don't produce many that actually grow). My book says to pinch the laterals out them 2 leaves after a flower, and any that don't flower at 2 feet.
    I don't take any side shoots off my Cucumbers (but they don't produce many that actually grow). My book says to pinch the laterals out them 2 leaves after a flower, and any that don't flower at 2 feet.
    I don't take any side shoots off my Cucumbers (but they don't produce many that actually grow). My book says to pinch the laterals out them 2 leaves after a flower, and any that don't flower at 2...
  8. sweetpeas

    6x6 greenhouse new to me

    Last year i only had a 6x4 plastic greenhouse, now ive got my 6x6 glass house (cost a crate of john smiths) and its a lot better for growing in. Make sure it is perfectly level before you start...
    Last year i only had a 6x4 plastic greenhouse, now ive got my 6x6 glass house (cost a crate of john smiths) and its a lot better for growing in. Make sure it is perfectly level before you start with glass fitting, both front to back and side to side, if not the glass wont fit correctly and can...
    Last year i only had a 6x4 plastic greenhouse, now ive got my 6x6 glass house (cost a crate of john smiths) and its a lot better for growing in. Make sure it is perfectly level before you start with glass fitting, both front to back and side to...
    Last year i only had a 6x4 plastic greenhouse, now ive got my 6x6 glass house (cost a crate of john smiths) and its a lot better for growing in. Make sure it is perfectly level before you start...
  9. pamsdish

    Greenhouse Time

    Hi Pam, It`ll be easier with a hose and a fine spray nozzle. I covered mine with old hessian sacking with poly over that to slow evaporation and hosed the sacking down twice a day for a week. It...
    Hi Pam, It`ll be easier with a hose and a fine spray nozzle. I covered mine with old hessian sacking with poly over that to slow evaporation and hosed the sacking down twice a day for a week. It shouldn`t be allowed to dry out at any time :wink:
    Hi Pam, It`ll be easier with a hose and a fine spray nozzle. I covered mine with old hessian sacking with poly over that to slow evaporation and hosed the sacking down twice a day for a week. It shouldn`t be allowed to dry out at any time :wink:
    Hi Pam, It`ll be easier with a hose and a fine spray nozzle. I covered mine with old hessian sacking with poly over that to slow evaporation and hosed the sacking down twice a day for a week. It...
  10. logi06

    New beginner of a greenhouse!!

    A photograph of the leaves might help be more sure of the cause.
    A photograph of the leaves might help be more sure of the cause.
    A photograph of the leaves might help be more sure of the cause.
    A photograph of the leaves might help be more sure of the cause.
  11. moonrakermagpie

    Green house guttering!!!!

    Hi, By the sounds of it I think itâ??s the same gutters my granâ??s greenhouse has. The guttering problem was solved in two ways:One gutter has sort of what Kristen said but I think a piece of...
    Hi, By the sounds of it I think itâ??s the same gutters my granâ??s greenhouse has. The guttering problem was solved in two ways:One gutter has sort of what Kristen said but I think a piece of sheet aluminium was used. Then a bit of hard plastic pipe a bit bigger than the diameter of a...
    Hi, By the sounds of it I think itâ??s the same gutters my granâ??s greenhouse has. The guttering problem was solved in two ways:One gutter has sort of what Kristen said but I think a piece of sheet aluminium was used. Then a bit of hard...
    Hi, By the sounds of it I think itâ??s the same gutters my granâ??s greenhouse has. The guttering problem was solved in two ways:One gutter has sort of what Kristen said but I think a piece of...
  12. Canucks72

    Pests and flies in the greenhouse roof

    Peteandjayne, that is an excellent link. :gnthb: Thankyou:)
    Peteandjayne, that is an excellent link. :gnthb: Thankyou:)
    Peteandjayne, that is an excellent link. :gnthb: Thankyou:)
    Peteandjayne, that is an excellent link. :gnthb: Thankyou:)
  13. treeplanter

    Capillary Matting

    One point about using capilliary matting. Its easy to get the matting wet and to put pots on it. But you have to be sure that the soil in the pot is in contact with the wet matting. You either...
    One point about using capilliary matting. Its easy to get the matting wet and to put pots on it. But you have to be sure that the soil in the pot is in contact with the wet matting. You either need flat bottomed pots, or a thick matting so that the pot can sink into it - preferably both. If you...
    One point about using capilliary matting. Its easy to get the matting wet and to put pots on it. But you have to be sure that the soil in the pot is in contact with the wet matting. You either need flat bottomed pots, or a thick matting so that...
    One point about using capilliary matting. Its easy to get the matting wet and to put pots on it. But you have to be sure that the soil in the pot is in contact with the wet matting. You either...
  14. maltaron

    Greenhouse temperature

    Probably the best option is to use a combination of shadecloth, misting and ventilation. Putting everything outside on a really hot sunny day might not help.
    Probably the best option is to use a combination of shadecloth, misting and ventilation. Putting everything outside on a really hot sunny day might not help.
    Probably the best option is to use a combination of shadecloth, misting and ventilation. Putting everything outside on a really hot sunny day might not help.
    Probably the best option is to use a combination of shadecloth, misting and ventilation. Putting everything outside on a really hot sunny day might not help.
  15. peteyjen

    Bayliss mark 7 on Elite greenhouse

    Yes I did fit them and it was a lot easier than I thought, the best tip I can give is to take the glass out of the opening windows. It made the fitting much easier, although you will have to watch...
    Yes I did fit them and it was a lot easier than I thought, the best tip I can give is to take the glass out of the opening windows. It made the fitting much easier, although you will have to watch that the openers are parralel to the glass before you put it back in as it wont go in if it isnt....
    Yes I did fit them and it was a lot easier than I thought, the best tip I can give is to take the glass out of the opening windows. It made the fitting much easier, although you will have to watch that the openers are parralel to the glass before...
    Yes I did fit them and it was a lot easier than I thought, the best tip I can give is to take the glass out of the opening windows. It made the fitting much easier, although you will have to watch...
  16. moonrakermagpie

    Getting heated!!

    Depends what you are growing :)But for conventional Cold Greenhouse crops, such as Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Aubergines, you want a minimum of 10C - otherwise the plants will "check"
    Depends what you are growing :)But for conventional Cold Greenhouse crops, such as Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Aubergines, you want a minimum of 10C - otherwise the plants will "check"
    Depends what you are growing :)But for conventional Cold Greenhouse crops, such as Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Aubergines, you want a minimum of 10C - otherwise the plants will "check"
    Depends what you are growing :)But for conventional Cold Greenhouse crops, such as Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Peppers, Aubergines, you want a minimum of 10C - otherwise the plants will "check"
  17. Craftyloulou

    Beginners Greenhouse

    It's the basic one. £69.00 and then £10.00 for p&pOrdered it this afternoon. Just waiting for an ETA now :D
    It's the basic one. £69.00 and then £10.00 for p&pOrdered it this afternoon. Just waiting for an ETA now :D
    It's the basic one. £69.00 and then £10.00 for p&pOrdered it this afternoon. Just waiting for an ETA now :D
    It's the basic one. £69.00 and then £10.00 for p&pOrdered it this afternoon. Just waiting for an ETA now :D
  18. The horticulturist

    need a greenhouse , bored hunting for one.. help!

    I bought one from "Wilkos" last year, it was plastic covered with loads of shelves :cnfs: It tore as we were putting it together, we went to the store and the manager offered to refund our...
    I bought one from "Wilkos" last year, it was plastic covered with loads of shelves :cnfs: It tore as we were putting it together, we went to the store and the manager offered to refund our money,or we could take another cover, from another box. We took the second cover and duck taped the...
    I bought one from "Wilkos" last year, it was plastic covered with loads of shelves :cnfs: It tore as we were putting it together, we went to the store and the manager offered to refund our money,or we could take another cover, from another...
    I bought one from "Wilkos" last year, it was plastic covered with loads of shelves :cnfs: It tore as we were putting it together, we went to the store and the manager offered to refund our...
  19. Adam Moran

    Heating a mini greenhouse

    I am not sure if this is true, but apparently the temperature immediatly next to a house wall can be a couple of degrees warmer. I have one of those small plastic greenhouses and have moved ours...
    I am not sure if this is true, but apparently the temperature immediatly next to a house wall can be a couple of degrees warmer. I have one of those small plastic greenhouses and have moved ours next to the wall. Everything seems ok inside, so I don't know if this has made a difference or not,...
    I am not sure if this is true, but apparently the temperature immediatly next to a house wall can be a couple of degrees warmer. I have one of those small plastic greenhouses and have moved ours next to the wall. Everything seems ok inside, so I...
    I am not sure if this is true, but apparently the temperature immediatly next to a house wall can be a couple of degrees warmer. I have one of those small plastic greenhouses and have moved ours...
  20. missemma

    My First Greenhouse

    It's this one. Big enough for what I need :)
    It's this one. Big enough for what I need :)
    It's this one. Big enough for what I need :)
    It's this one. Big enough for what I need :)

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