Greenhouse Growing

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  1. Sussexgardener

    Plastic "Greenhouse"

    I have two of those Argos-style plastic greenhouses. I paid about 10 quid each for mind, not £40 ....... I use them inside my (cold) conservatory in the spring to start seedlings off. I put a...
    I have two of those Argos-style plastic greenhouses. I paid about 10 quid each for mind, not £40 ....... I use them inside my (cold) conservatory in the spring to start seedlings off. I put a 40W light bulb in the bottom to generate enough heat on frosty nights etc. and zip them up to keep...
    I have two of those Argos-style plastic greenhouses. I paid about 10 quid each for mind, not £40 ....... I use them inside my (cold) conservatory in the spring to start seedlings off. I put a 40W light bulb in the bottom to generate enough...
    I have two of those Argos-style plastic greenhouses. I paid about 10 quid each for mind, not £40 ....... I use them inside my (cold) conservatory in the spring to start seedlings off. I put a...
  2. Scotkat

    Autumn in my greenhouse

    Have not posted any photos to of inside my greenhouse.
    Have not posted any photos to of inside my greenhouse.
    Have not posted any photos to of inside my greenhouse.
    Have not posted any photos to of inside my greenhouse.
  3. mickwall

    greenhouse perennial

    Wow, it is really the same plant I saw!! It had most definitely a Ruellish look, I should have trusted my first istinct, but the white stripe sidetracked me, thanks for the correction! I saw this...
    Wow, it is really the same plant I saw!! It had most definitely a Ruellish look, I should have trusted my first istinct, but the white stripe sidetracked me, thanks for the correction! I saw this plant in the same greenhouse where I took all those butterly pics, it was amazing, lots of very...
    Wow, it is really the same plant I saw!! It had most definitely a Ruellish look, I should have trusted my first istinct, but the white stripe sidetracked me, thanks for the correction! I saw this plant in the same greenhouse where I took all...
    Wow, it is really the same plant I saw!! It had most definitely a Ruellish look, I should have trusted my first istinct, but the white stripe sidetracked me, thanks for the correction! I saw this...
  4. wilroda

    greenhouse suphur candles - oops!

    I don't know whether the blighters here are more resistant, but its been a bad year here for them.The Encarisa didn't seem to make any impact, and for the non-Organic sprays I have used this...
    I don't know whether the blighters here are more resistant, but its been a bad year here for them.The Encarisa didn't seem to make any impact, and for the non-Organic sprays I have used this year (not on the Encarsia obviously!!) the food crops would have had to be sprayed more times / more...
    I don't know whether the blighters here are more resistant, but its been a bad year here for them.The Encarisa didn't seem to make any impact, and for the non-Organic sprays I have used this year (not on the Encarsia obviously!!) the food crops...
    I don't know whether the blighters here are more resistant, but its been a bad year here for them.The Encarisa didn't seem to make any impact, and for the non-Organic sprays I have used this...
  5. Loofah

    Greenhouse on woking freecycle

    I had a lot of stuff for my allotment from 'freecycle' saves me paying for slabs and wood.:thumb:
    I had a lot of stuff for my allotment from 'freecycle' saves me paying for slabs and wood.:thumb:
    I had a lot of stuff for my allotment from 'freecycle' saves me paying for slabs and wood.:thumb:
    I had a lot of stuff for my allotment from 'freecycle' saves me paying for slabs and wood.:thumb:
  6. compost maker
  7. Freddy

    New(ish) Greenhouse

    Hi folks. Just to let you know, my toms started ripening around 2 weeks ago but I don't think I'm going to get many. There are plenty of fruits but still looking very green. I'm just looking...
    Hi folks. Just to let you know, my toms started ripening around 2 weeks ago but I don't think I'm going to get many. There are plenty of fruits but still looking very green. I'm just looking forward to next year now with regard to the toms. Cheers...freddy.
    Hi folks. Just to let you know, my toms started ripening around 2 weeks ago but I don't think I'm going to get many. There are plenty of fruits but still looking very green. I'm just looking forward to next year now with regard to the toms....
    Hi folks. Just to let you know, my toms started ripening around 2 weeks ago but I don't think I'm going to get many. There are plenty of fruits but still looking very green. I'm just looking...
  8. Helofadigger

    Greenhouse vs Cold frame

    Thank you for that Kristen, and the inspiring photo, that is a real success and early enough in the growing season to get a continuous crop given a decent summer. I put my failures down to the...
    Thank you for that Kristen, and the inspiring photo, that is a real success and early enough in the growing season to get a continuous crop given a decent summer. I put my failures down to the lack of good sunny days but what I lack in gardening skill is compensated for by unfounded optimism,...
    Thank you for that Kristen, and the inspiring photo, that is a real success and early enough in the growing season to get a continuous crop given a decent summer. I put my failures down to the lack of good sunny days but what I lack in gardening...
    Thank you for that Kristen, and the inspiring photo, that is a real success and early enough in the growing season to get a continuous crop given a decent summer. I put my failures down to the...
  9. PeterS

    Home build greenhouse.

    Its not too difficult although it gets expensive for the various bits. You just need to make the pillows as airtight as possible and then keep them inflated at the correct pressure. Sounds easy...
    Its not too difficult although it gets expensive for the various bits. You just need to make the pillows as airtight as possible and then keep them inflated at the correct pressure. Sounds easy enough ;)
    Its not too difficult although it gets expensive for the various bits. You just need to make the pillows as airtight as possible and then keep them inflated at the correct pressure. Sounds easy enough ;)
    Its not too difficult although it gets expensive for the various bits. You just need to make the pillows as airtight as possible and then keep them inflated at the correct pressure. Sounds easy...
  10. Steve R

    Greenhouse cheap at Focus DIY

    Excellent job Bob. well done...:thumb: funnily enough I measured my weeny space out of curiosity only this morning. I assmed I had 4ft depth so I was going to go for a 4 x 6 and position it...
    Excellent job Bob. well done...:thumb: funnily enough I measured my weeny space out of curiosity only this morning. I assmed I had 4ft depth so I was going to go for a 4 x 6 and position it sideways so to speak. I am so glad I didnt order one as the paved area isnt 4ft its only about 3ft 8ins...
    Excellent job Bob. well done...:thumb: funnily enough I measured my weeny space out of curiosity only this morning. I assmed I had 4ft depth so I was going to go for a 4 x 6 and position it sideways so to speak. I am so glad I didnt order one as...
    Excellent job Bob. well done...:thumb: funnily enough I measured my weeny space out of curiosity only this morning. I assmed I had 4ft depth so I was going to go for a 4 x 6 and position it...
  11. shimsham

    Greenhouse Shelving

    If we are talking dead cheap then get to one of those instore places or wilkinsons-tenner each for a four tier.
    If we are talking dead cheap then get to one of those instore places or wilkinsons-tenner each for a four tier.
    If we are talking dead cheap then get to one of those instore places or wilkinsons-tenner each for a four tier.
    If we are talking dead cheap then get to one of those instore places or wilkinsons-tenner each for a four tier.
  12. dalbuie

    Fan in greenhouse

    We have not had much sunshine here for the last few weeks and everything in the greenhouse is suffering. All my toms seem to develop a white mould and the fruit rotted at the bottom, the cucumbers...
    We have not had much sunshine here for the last few weeks and everything in the greenhouse is suffering. All my toms seem to develop a white mould and the fruit rotted at the bottom, the cucumbers were not quite so bad had quite a few of them but it seems to have finished flowering now and has...
    We have not had much sunshine here for the last few weeks and everything in the greenhouse is suffering. All my toms seem to develop a white mould and the fruit rotted at the bottom, the cucumbers were not quite so bad had quite a few of them but...
    We have not had much sunshine here for the last few weeks and everything in the greenhouse is suffering. All my toms seem to develop a white mould and the fruit rotted at the bottom, the cucumbers...
  13. stel

    greenhouse heating

    stel it depends on what you plan to keep or grow in your greenhouse over the winter. If you just want to overwiter a few tender plants it would be much cheaper keeping them indoors on a...
    stel it depends on what you plan to keep or grow in your greenhouse over the winter. If you just want to overwiter a few tender plants it would be much cheaper keeping them indoors on a windowsill, rather than heating a whole greenhouse. If you are starting from scratch why not consider an...
    stel it depends on what you plan to keep or grow in your greenhouse over the winter. If you just want to overwiter a few tender plants it would be much cheaper keeping them indoors on a windowsill, rather than heating a whole greenhouse. If you...
    stel it depends on what you plan to keep or grow in your greenhouse over the winter. If you just want to overwiter a few tender plants it would be much cheaper keeping them indoors on a...
  14. Katherna

    New Greenhouse ...

    The whole of my back garden is 35m square (I think, might be slightly out and a little smaller than that) and a triangular shape, my mums gardens bigger. I've got a coldframe that my dad made me...
    The whole of my back garden is 35m square (I think, might be slightly out and a little smaller than that) and a triangular shape, my mums gardens bigger. I've got a coldframe that my dad made me sat on the patio so I can do a small amount of overwintering things. I love freesias, I was going to...
    The whole of my back garden is 35m square (I think, might be slightly out and a little smaller than that) and a triangular shape, my mums gardens bigger. I've got a coldframe that my dad made me sat on the patio so I can do a small amount of...
    The whole of my back garden is 35m square (I think, might be slightly out and a little smaller than that) and a triangular shape, my mums gardens bigger. I've got a coldframe that my dad made me...
  15. cajary

    Greenhouse Panels.

    You can also cut polycarb sheets by scoring a line along the sheet with a craft knife or stiff broken hacksaw blade and then placing the sheet on a table with the scored line at the edge and and a...
    You can also cut polycarb sheets by scoring a line along the sheet with a craft knife or stiff broken hacksaw blade and then placing the sheet on a table with the scored line at the edge and and a straight-edged piece of wood on top and then give the overhanging (usually the waste side) of the...
    You can also cut polycarb sheets by scoring a line along the sheet with a craft knife or stiff broken hacksaw blade and then placing the sheet on a table with the scored line at the edge and and a straight-edged piece of wood on top and then give...
    You can also cut polycarb sheets by scoring a line along the sheet with a craft knife or stiff broken hacksaw blade and then placing the sheet on a table with the scored line at the edge and and a...
  16. The Nut

    greenhouse position

    "I bought one of those frames with a plastic cover u pull over"I think that's an excellent piece of kit. (It has limitations, of course, but they are pretty obvious, eh?)The problem with a...
    "I bought one of those frames with a plastic cover u pull over"I think that's an excellent piece of kit. (It has limitations, of course, but they are pretty obvious, eh?)The problem with a small greenhouse is that it is difficult to get the atmosphere right - a bit like a party that is...
    "I bought one of those frames with a plastic cover u pull over"I think that's an excellent piece of kit. (It has limitations, of course, but they are pretty obvious, eh?)The problem with a small greenhouse is that it is difficult to get the...
    "I bought one of those frames with a plastic cover u pull over"I think that's an excellent piece of kit. (It has limitations, of course, but they are pretty obvious, eh?)The problem with a...
  17. UJH

    Cacti in Greenhouse

    My son bought the pineapple from Homebase but when he read the tag it said the plant could be poisonous. He has 2 cats that he adores and decided to give it to us rather than take it home. I...
    My son bought the pineapple from Homebase but when he read the tag it said the plant could be poisonous. He has 2 cats that he adores and decided to give it to us rather than take it home. I can't imagine it will grow into a pineapple that can be eaten - but who knows ???Hey- I don't think...
    My son bought the pineapple from Homebase but when he read the tag it said the plant could be poisonous. He has 2 cats that he adores and decided to give it to us rather than take it home. I can't imagine it will grow into a pineapple that can...
    My son bought the pineapple from Homebase but when he read the tag it said the plant could be poisonous. He has 2 cats that he adores and decided to give it to us rather than take it home. I...
  18. linlin

    Halls Greenhouses - rainwater kit

    I found my water butts at the tip! They had cracks in the bottom but OH managed to seal them with gutter sealant/mastic. Work a treat! I managed to cobble together - with cable ties/duck tape -...
    I found my water butts at the tip! They had cracks in the bottom but OH managed to seal them with gutter sealant/mastic. Work a treat! I managed to cobble together - with cable ties/duck tape - a drainage system that does the biz using a bit of drainpipe about 2" across and a couple of angled...
    I found my water butts at the tip! They had cracks in the bottom but OH managed to seal them with gutter sealant/mastic. Work a treat! I managed to cobble together - with cable ties/duck tape - a drainage system that does the biz using a bit of...
    I found my water butts at the tip! They had cracks in the bottom but OH managed to seal them with gutter sealant/mastic. Work a treat! I managed to cobble together - with cable ties/duck tape -...
  19. hammer

    argos greenhouse.

    I can imagine the difficulty, I probably wouldn't have the temperament to see it through :(
    I can imagine the difficulty, I probably wouldn't have the temperament to see it through :(
    I can imagine the difficulty, I probably wouldn't have the temperament to see it through :(
    I can imagine the difficulty, I probably wouldn't have the temperament to see it through :(
  20. tweaky

    Blank Canvas. Greenhouse. Advice Appreciated.

    Defiantly something I shall bear in mind.To be honest, I can't remember how high it is, as I bought it early last year...think it's 8foot at the apex, so I assume it goes from 6 foot at the...
    Defiantly something I shall bear in mind.To be honest, I can't remember how high it is, as I bought it early last year...think it's 8foot at the apex, so I assume it goes from 6 foot at the sides...will check it out.:thumb:
    Defiantly something I shall bear in mind.To be honest, I can't remember how high it is, as I bought it early last year...think it's 8foot at the apex, so I assume it goes from 6 foot at the sides...will check it out.:thumb:
    Defiantly something I shall bear in mind.To be honest, I can't remember how high it is, as I bought it early last year...think it's 8foot at the apex, so I assume it goes from 6 foot at the...

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