Greenhouse Growing

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  1. quba

    capilliary matting

    Cor, that's a good idea, Peter.
    Cor, that's a good idea, Peter.
    Cor, that's a good idea, Peter.
    Cor, that's a good idea, Peter.
  2. mef750

    mini greenhouse?

    I bought two similar ones from a garden centre (mesh reinforced, �£50 each). They do need anchoring down and both have suffered from wind damage where the seams have pulled apart near the velcro...
    I bought two similar ones from a garden centre (mesh reinforced, �£50 each). They do need anchoring down and both have suffered from wind damage where the seams have pulled apart near the velcro points. I bought them because I have to raise my old greenhouse to stop it getting flooded in the...
    I bought two similar ones from a garden centre (mesh reinforced, �£50 each). They do need anchoring down and both have suffered from wind damage where the seams have pulled apart near the velcro points. I bought them because I have to raise my...
    I bought two similar ones from a garden centre (mesh reinforced, �£50 each). They do need anchoring down and both have suffered from wind damage where the seams have pulled apart near the velcro...
  3. Mrs Bobs

    Peas in the greenhouse

    Hi John,Mine were planted straight into the raised beds and are doing fine.
    Hi John,Mine were planted straight into the raised beds and are doing fine.
    Hi John,Mine were planted straight into the raised beds and are doing fine.
    Hi John,Mine were planted straight into the raised beds and are doing fine.
  4. badsal72

    Jeyes Fluid

    Liz said --------------------------------------------- I have no intention of scrubbing out the greenhouse, I'll give the bits I can reach a good clean. Does everybody go to these lengths every...
    Liz said --------------------------------------------- I have no intention of scrubbing out the greenhouse, I'll give the bits I can reach a good clean. Does everybody go to these lengths every Autumn? ---------------------------------------------Although we used to do it we haven't done it...
    Liz said --------------------------------------------- I have no intention of scrubbing out the greenhouse, I'll give the bits I can reach a good clean. Does everybody go to these lengths every Autumn? ...
    Liz said --------------------------------------------- I have no intention of scrubbing out the greenhouse, I'll give the bits I can reach a good clean. Does everybody go to these lengths every...
  5. r2oo

    I Need to buy a greenhouse, but where from?

    I bought my 8x6 greenhouse from focus last year, it was the cheapest price around at the time - �£120, green painted aluminium with horticultural glassWe had to order it and wait 3 weeks for...
    I bought my 8x6 greenhouse from focus last year, it was the cheapest price around at the time - �£120, green painted aluminium with horticultural glassWe had to order it and wait 3 weeks for it to be delivered to the store, when we eventually picked it up and got it home we realised they...
    I bought my 8x6 greenhouse from focus last year, it was the cheapest price around at the time - �£120, green painted aluminium with horticultural glassWe had to order it and wait 3 weeks for it to be delivered to the store, when we...
    I bought my 8x6 greenhouse from focus last year, it was the cheapest price around at the time - �£120, green painted aluminium with horticultural glassWe had to order it and wait 3 weeks for...
  6. David H

    Cheap Bubble Wrap

    I know of someone who goes to ASDA and raid the bins for bubble plastic and cardboard.
    I know of someone who goes to ASDA and raid the bins for bubble plastic and cardboard.
    I know of someone who goes to ASDA and raid the bins for bubble plastic and cardboard.
    I know of someone who goes to ASDA and raid the bins for bubble plastic and cardboard.
  7. darkgr33n

    Greenhouse next to fence?

    Slabs used was 1 pack of 20 off O.6m sq. (23.5") standard grey paving (Jewsons, also got a tonne bag of sand delivered which left a bit over). For the dry cement mix I got a couple of bags of...
    Slabs used was 1 pack of 20 off O.6m sq. (23.5") standard grey paving (Jewsons, also got a tonne bag of sand delivered which left a bit over). For the dry cement mix I got a couple of bags of cement from Focus and used a 5:1 mix. Shop around though because prices differ quit dramatically.The...
    Slabs used was 1 pack of 20 off O.6m sq. (23.5") standard grey paving (Jewsons, also got a tonne bag of sand delivered which left a bit over). For the dry cement mix I got a couple of bags of cement from Focus and used a 5:1 mix. Shop around...
    Slabs used was 1 pack of 20 off O.6m sq. (23.5") standard grey paving (Jewsons, also got a tonne bag of sand delivered which left a bit over). For the dry cement mix I got a couple of bags of...
  8. Hornbeam


    Hello Dendys work collegue. [ 08. March 2007, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
    Hello Dendys work collegue. [ 08. March 2007, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
    Hello Dendys work collegue. [ 08. March 2007, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
    Hello Dendys work collegue. [ 08. March 2007, 05:26 PM: Message edited by: Scotkat ]
  9. Deegee

    Where to put automatic openers?

    Good idea Deegee.
    Good idea Deegee.
    Good idea Deegee.
    Good idea Deegee.
  10. Kathy3

    greenhouse sold

    Not the dreaded g...... w......!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Not the dreaded g...... w......!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Not the dreaded g...... w......!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
    Not the dreaded g...... w......!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:
  11. teajay

    economic greenhouse shading

    Hi TeeJay, Cool glass is the cheapest I know of & is efficient as Honeybee says.. I have blinds in the other green house & find they are as good as each other really.. I use coolglass for the...
    Hi TeeJay, Cool glass is the cheapest I know of & is efficient as Honeybee says.. I have blinds in the other green house & find they are as good as each other really.. I use coolglass for the ends & it works well..
    Hi TeeJay, Cool glass is the cheapest I know of & is efficient as Honeybee says.. I have blinds in the other green house & find they are as good as each other really.. I use coolglass for the ends & it works well..
    Hi TeeJay, Cool glass is the cheapest I know of & is efficient as Honeybee says.. I have blinds in the other green house & find they are as good as each other really.. I use coolglass for the...
  12. painted lady

    My havn't got it yet greenhouse!

    Hi Painted Lady..Re My method is that he will get so fed up of falling over plants and pots that he will come up with the idea that he really must let me have a greenhouse next year.That's my...
    Hi Painted Lady..Re My method is that he will get so fed up of falling over plants and pots that he will come up with the idea that he really must let me have a greenhouse next year.That's my trick, I've got pots and propogators on every shelf, all around hubbies office/PC...
    Hi Painted Lady..Re My method is that he will get so fed up of falling over plants and pots that he will come up with the idea that he really must let me have a greenhouse next year.That's my trick, I've got pots and propogators on every...
    Hi Painted Lady..Re My method is that he will get so fed up of falling over plants and pots that he will come up with the idea that he really must let me have a greenhouse next year.That's my...
  13. Summer

    Greenhouse Instructions

    I rebuilt a 6x6 Focus/Homebase type last year and didn't have any instructions (even worse I didn't take it down!) It went up without too much bother and the only problem was with the door and...
    I rebuilt a 6x6 Focus/Homebase type last year and didn't have any instructions (even worse I didn't take it down!) It went up without too much bother and the only problem was with the door and track. Once I got that sussed it was easy peasy. Cleaning everthing before re-assembly is the best...
    I rebuilt a 6x6 Focus/Homebase type last year and didn't have any instructions (even worse I didn't take it down!) It went up without too much bother and the only problem was with the door and track. Once I got that sussed it was easy peasy....
    I rebuilt a 6x6 Focus/Homebase type last year and didn't have any instructions (even worse I didn't take it down!) It went up without too much bother and the only problem was with the door and...
  14. Black Cat

    Grow House/Lean to greenhouse

    Fancy, check your house contents insurance, very often it will cover sheds, fencing and greenhouses. David.
    Fancy, check your house contents insurance, very often it will cover sheds, fencing and greenhouses. David.
    Fancy, check your house contents insurance, very often it will cover sheds, fencing and greenhouses. David.
    Fancy, check your house contents insurance, very often it will cover sheds, fencing and greenhouses. David.
  15. Mike T

    New greenhouse

    Mike, I don`t want to put a damp squid on it, but does your house insurance cover you for a greenhouse over your french doors? It may for a conservatory but if I were you I would check and if they...
    Mike, I don`t want to put a damp squid on it, but does your house insurance cover you for a greenhouse over your french doors? It may for a conservatory but if I were you I would check and if they say yes, get it in writing. David.
    Mike, I don`t want to put a damp squid on it, but does your house insurance cover you for a greenhouse over your french doors? It may for a conservatory but if I were you I would check and if they say yes, get it in writing. David.
    Mike, I don`t want to put a damp squid on it, but does your house insurance cover you for a greenhouse over your french doors? It may for a conservatory but if I were you I would check and if they...
  16. Liz

    Rodent in the greenhouse!

    I've really got the wind up now. I've got all my half hardies covered in straw and I'm nervous of looking under it in case I find a rat (or two).
    I've really got the wind up now. I've got all my half hardies covered in straw and I'm nervous of looking under it in case I find a rat (or two).
    I've really got the wind up now. I've got all my half hardies covered in straw and I'm nervous of looking under it in case I find a rat (or two).
    I've really got the wind up now. I've got all my half hardies covered in straw and I'm nervous of looking under it in case I find a rat (or two).
  17. Waco

    electric propagatoe v heat mat

    It works for me, lets try it again; this fails visit my website to 'M' and look under my set up.I have...
    It works for me, lets try it again; this fails visit my website to 'M' and look under my set up.I have previwed this post and both links work for me, I hope you are more successful this time
    It works for me, lets try it again; this fails visit my website to 'M' and look under my set up.I have previwed this post and both links work for me, I...
    It works for me, lets try it again; this fails visit my website to 'M' and look under my set up.I have...
  18. Bonnyrigg Lea

    Old greenhouse in need of replacement glass or other suitable medium

    Interesting stuff guys. All useful grist to the DIY mill.
    Interesting stuff guys. All useful grist to the DIY mill.
    Interesting stuff guys. All useful grist to the DIY mill.
    Interesting stuff guys. All useful grist to the DIY mill.
  19. grandchild4

    Green house

    I made up a set of free-standing staging from sawn timber from B&Q. That way you get it to fit your purpose.
    I made up a set of free-standing staging from sawn timber from B&Q. That way you get it to fit your purpose.
    I made up a set of free-standing staging from sawn timber from B&Q. That way you get it to fit your purpose.
    I made up a set of free-standing staging from sawn timber from B&Q. That way you get it to fit your purpose.
  20. arwyn

    greenhouse cleaning

    I've used Jeyes in mine many times and give it a good rinse after. No problems.
    I've used Jeyes in mine many times and give it a good rinse after. No problems.
    I've used Jeyes in mine many times and give it a good rinse after. No problems.
    I've used Jeyes in mine many times and give it a good rinse after. No problems.

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