Identification Area

Have you seen any Pests, Diseases or even any Plants which you cannot work out, what they are ..... Ask in here ..

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  1. Victoria

    Help! What is this please?

    About this product 250 g With microelements and magnesium Prevents yellowing of leaves
    About this product 250 g With microelements and magnesium Prevents yellowing of leaves
    About this product 250 g With microelements and magnesium Prevents yellowing of leaves
    About this product 250 g With microelements and magnesium Prevents yellowing of leaves
    ID4.jpg ID£4 .jpg pellets.jpg Hib Row1 8 Oct 24.jpg Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 11-08-34 Flower Ferro-Plus verde 250 g 10 3 x 3 7 x 14 5 cm Amazon(1).jpg
  2. beanybob

    Solved Is this a rogue Welsh poppy?

    Our oranges grow well but don't spread so much.
    Our oranges grow well but don't spread so much.
    Our oranges grow well but don't spread so much.
    Our oranges grow well but don't spread so much.
    PXL_20241007_155318813.jpg upload_2024-10-8_9-17-23.jpeg
  3. Escarpment

    Solved Is this a Physalis?

    The other thing it might be is a relative of physalis, shoo fly plant, Nicandra physalodes which does sometimes pop up from nowhere. In which case it is a hardy annual which grows to about 4 to 5...
    The other thing it might be is a relative of physalis, shoo fly plant, Nicandra physalodes which does sometimes pop up from nowhere. In which case it is a hardy annual which grows to about 4 to 5 feet and has attractive mauve flowers. Don't eat the fruit, they are poisonous!
    The other thing it might be is a relative of physalis, shoo fly plant, Nicandra physalodes which does sometimes pop up from nowhere. In which case it is a hardy annual which grows to about 4 to 5 feet and has attractive mauve flowers. Don't eat...
    The other thing it might be is a relative of physalis, shoo fly plant, Nicandra physalodes which does sometimes pop up from nowhere. In which case it is a hardy annual which grows to about 4 to 5...
  4. Songbird

    Solved Plant ID

    Thank. you everyone for your input. I’ll go with Ligularia for now.
    Thank. you everyone for your input. I’ll go with Ligularia for now.
    Thank. you everyone for your input. I’ll go with Ligularia for now.
    Thank. you everyone for your input. I’ll go with Ligularia for now.
  5. Pink678

    Solved I found this climbing plant over my hawthorn hedge, does anyone know what it is?

    Our next door neighbour had white bryony in their bamboo. It got bigger every year and started falling over the wall into our front garden. They decided to dig the lot out to make a new bed. It...
    Our next door neighbour had white bryony in their bamboo. It got bigger every year and started falling over the wall into our front garden. They decided to dig the lot out to make a new bed. It was a big job. The root was huge. The bamboo wasn't easy either. They left the clump nearest our wall....
    Our next door neighbour had white bryony in their bamboo. It got bigger every year and started falling over the wall into our front garden. They decided to dig the lot out to make a new bed. It was a big job. The root was huge. The bamboo wasn't...
    Our next door neighbour had white bryony in their bamboo. It got bigger every year and started falling over the wall into our front garden. They decided to dig the lot out to make a new bed. It...
  6. Selleri

    Fungal growth on a wild rose?

    We call it "wind's nest" in Finnish- quite a good name too. :)
    We call it "wind's nest" in Finnish- quite a good name too. :)
    We call it "wind's nest" in Finnish- quite a good name too. :)
    We call it "wind's nest" in Finnish- quite a good name too. :)
  7. Wild_Violet

    Type of Willows?

    @PeteB thank you and @ClematisDbee for your suggestions. I’ve collected them over a number of years along with many other self-seeded saplings in my garden and just stuck them in pots dotted...
    @PeteB thank you and @ClematisDbee for your suggestions. I’ve collected them over a number of years along with many other self-seeded saplings in my garden and just stuck them in pots dotted about. I’ve recently offered them for free to folks who could use them as I wouldn’t plant them in my...
    @PeteB thank you and @ClematisDbee for your suggestions. I’ve collected them over a number of years along with many other self-seeded saplings in my garden and just stuck them in pots dotted about. I’ve recently offered them for free to folks who...
    @PeteB thank you and @ClematisDbee for your suggestions. I’ve collected them over a number of years along with many other self-seeded saplings in my garden and just stuck them in pots dotted...
  8. zebrina


    Agree Carex pendula.Pendulous Sedge Carex pendula images from Roscadghill Parc
    Agree Carex pendula.Pendulous Sedge Carex pendula images from Roscadghill Parc
    Agree Carex pendula.Pendulous Sedge Carex pendula images from Roscadghill Parc
    Agree Carex pendula.Pendulous Sedge Carex pendula images from Roscadghill Parc
  9. Garry Knight

    Solved Mystery Plant to Get Rid!

    Thanks I'll be trying this
    Thanks I'll be trying this
    Thanks I'll be trying this
    Thanks I'll be trying this
  10. simone_in_wiltshire

    Solved PlantID please: green with small white blisters

    Thanks @noisette47 , I will keep it.
    Thanks @noisette47 , I will keep it.
    Thanks @noisette47 , I will keep it.
    Thanks @noisette47 , I will keep it.
  11. martinlest

    Solved Can anyone identify this exactly?

    Even better! Thank you.
    Even better! Thank you.
    Even better! Thank you.
    Even better! Thank you.
  12. thriftybri

    Solved is this a quince

    thank you for that
    thank you for that
    thank you for that
    thank you for that
  13. orbitingstar

    Solved Shrub ID?

    Correction; it should be microphyllus not microphylla.
    Correction; it should be microphyllus not microphylla.
    Correction; it should be microphyllus not microphylla.
    Correction; it should be microphyllus not microphylla.
  14. NigelJ

    Solved Unknown Shrub

    I'm not sure it was a swap as there were 6 or 8 all labelled the same. :)
    I'm not sure it was a swap as there were 6 or 8 all labelled the same. :)
    I'm not sure it was a swap as there were 6 or 8 all labelled the same. :)
    I'm not sure it was a swap as there were 6 or 8 all labelled the same. :)
  15. pete

    Solved Chestnut perhaps?

    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very...
    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very thin. The buds are so easy to id...just like all beech trees. I loved it. Super autumn colour. Bought...
    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very thin. The buds are so easy to id...just like all...
    There are several trees with cut leaves..I love the cut leaf Oak..Quercus robur filicifolia.In our old garden in Wales we had a very slow dwarf one called Fagus sylvatica Mercedes. Leaves very...
    20240803_101521.jpg 20240803_101512.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 29-10-2007 13-35-36.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 17-05-2008 16-51-59.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 21-11-2008 11-09-02.jpg FAGUS  SYLVATICA  MERCEDES 21-11-2008 11-11-06.jpg
  16. wiseowl

    Solved Tree I D

    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
    Good afternoon @LG_ and @On the Levels and thank you for your input my friends its very much appreciated
  17. He who dares

    Solved Can anyone identify this for me?

    I cannot see any detail clearly enough...have trimmed it below. Do please add a close up..... just to show the leaves./a single leaf.Pilea depressa...from www...."Yes, Pilea depressa has...
    I cannot see any detail clearly enough...have trimmed it below. Do please add a close up..... just to show the leaves./a single leaf.Pilea depressa...from www...."Yes, Pilea depressa has small, rounded leaves that grow in opposite pairs. Other characteristics of Pilea depressa include: ...
    I cannot see any detail clearly enough...have trimmed it below. Do please add a close up..... just to show the leaves./a single leaf.Pilea depressa...from www...."Yes, Pilea depressa has small, rounded leaves that grow in opposite pairs....
    I cannot see any detail clearly enough...have trimmed it below. Do please add a close up..... just to show the leaves./a single leaf.Pilea depressa...from www...."Yes, Pilea depressa has...
    IMG20240903124315.jpg IMG20240904112053.jpg Mystery plant 08-09-2024 13-43-21.jpg
  18. InTheMoors

    Strange plants

    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
    Perhaps you need the shelter of a walled garden, styled on Rivington perhaps?
  19. Baalmaiden

    Solved I think this is sea beet

    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
    The link is very useful. The striped stems clinch it. Incidentally the Huauzontle behind it which is in the same family also has red striped stems. Neither seem to be bothered much with pests.
  20. Michael Hewett

    Solved Identification please

    Thank you @BB3 and @Thevictorian I always remember the old names better
    Thank you @BB3 and @Thevictorian I always remember the old names better
    Thank you @BB3 and @Thevictorian I always remember the old names better
    Thank you @BB3 and @Thevictorian I always remember the old names better

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