Identification Area

Have you seen any Pests, Diseases or even any Plants which you cannot work out, what they are ..... Ask in here ..

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  1. Grays

    Solved Anyone know this wild flower/weed?

    Leaves and flowers are edible, if you have enough. Will seed in UK conditions. Can be milled or roasted wholeseeds
    Leaves and flowers are edible, if you have enough. Will seed in UK conditions. Can be milled or roasted wholeseeds
    Leaves and flowers are edible, if you have enough. Will seed in UK conditions. Can be milled or roasted wholeseeds
    Leaves and flowers are edible, if you have enough. Will seed in UK conditions. Can be milled or roasted wholeseeds
  2. BB3

    ID please

    Thank you. I love them.
    Thank you. I love them.
    Thank you. I love them.
    Thank you. I love them.
  3. Capture1

    Solved Lilium stargazer

    thank you for all the info, i was hoping to grow the Joop Lilly in my garden as I recently lost my dog of 15 years who’s name is Joop. it may sound silly but thought it would be a good way to...
    thank you for all the info, i was hoping to grow the Joop Lilly in my garden as I recently lost my dog of 15 years who’s name is Joop. it may sound silly but thought it would be a good way to honour him, again thanks for all the info really appreciate it
    thank you for all the info, i was hoping to grow the Joop Lilly in my garden as I recently lost my dog of 15 years who’s name is Joop. it may sound silly but thought it would be a good way to honour him, again thanks for all the info really...
    thank you for all the info, i was hoping to grow the Joop Lilly in my garden as I recently lost my dog of 15 years who’s name is Joop. it may sound silly but thought it would be a good way to...
  4. FranT

    Solved Plant identification

    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
    Thank you
  5. simone_in_wiltshire

    Solved PlantID please - what have I bought?

    Thanks for the tip. I will try my seeds then in Autumn. I did it in March and nothing came up....
    Thanks for the tip. I will try my seeds then in Autumn. I did it in March and nothing came up....
    Thanks for the tip. I will try my seeds then in Autumn. I did it in March and nothing came up....
    Thanks for the tip. I will try my seeds then in Autumn. I did it in March and nothing came up....
  6. Wiltshirewild

    Solved Is this a weed?

    That's the kind of plant that gives a little colour when you lawn is burnt to a crisp in the middle of summer - if we get one. I'm happy to leave them in my grassy patch.
    That's the kind of plant that gives a little colour when you lawn is burnt to a crisp in the middle of summer - if we get one. I'm happy to leave them in my grassy patch.
    That's the kind of plant that gives a little colour when you lawn is burnt to a crisp in the middle of summer - if we get one. I'm happy to leave them in my grassy patch.
    That's the kind of plant that gives a little colour when you lawn is burnt to a crisp in the middle of summer - if we get one. I'm happy to leave them in my grassy patch.
  7. Humberboy

    Solved Any Idea what this plant is

    Thanks all. 100% its Willow Herb. Its coming out at the weekend.
    Thanks all. 100% its Willow Herb. Its coming out at the weekend.
    Thanks all. 100% its Willow Herb. Its coming out at the weekend.
    Thanks all. 100% its Willow Herb. Its coming out at the weekend.
  8. Oldgreenfingers85

    Tree id help

    The bark in pic 2 does suggest a cherry. Lots of the flowering kinds used as street trees, it looks very upright in growth habit.Dont really know enough to suggest what variety it may be.
    The bark in pic 2 does suggest a cherry. Lots of the flowering kinds used as street trees, it looks very upright in growth habit.Dont really know enough to suggest what variety it may be.
    The bark in pic 2 does suggest a cherry. Lots of the flowering kinds used as street trees, it looks very upright in growth habit.Dont really know enough to suggest what variety it may be.
    The bark in pic 2 does suggest a cherry. Lots of the flowering kinds used as street trees, it looks very upright in growth habit.Dont really know enough to suggest what variety it may be.
  9. zebrina

    Solved weed id please

    Ah yes, thanks.
    Ah yes, thanks.
    Ah yes, thanks.
    Ah yes, thanks.
  10. Palustris

    Read this label

    There is a hosta called Yellow Bowl
    There is a hosta called Yellow Bowl
    There is a hosta called Yellow Bowl
    There is a hosta called Yellow Bowl
  11. sandhun

    Fast growing, unknown plant

    If it is a philadelphus don’t cut it back .. hopefully you’ll get beautiful strongly scented blooms in the early summer :)
    If it is a philadelphus don’t cut it back .. hopefully you’ll get beautiful strongly scented blooms in the early summer :)
    If it is a philadelphus don’t cut it back .. hopefully you’ll get beautiful strongly scented blooms in the early summer :)
    If it is a philadelphus don’t cut it back .. hopefully you’ll get beautiful strongly scented blooms in the early summer :)
  12. Palustris

    Solved Digitalis, but what?

    That really does look like it. Thank you very much. Nice that this hybrid between lutea and purpurea should occur in my garden.
    That really does look like it. Thank you very much. Nice that this hybrid between lutea and purpurea should occur in my garden.
    That really does look like it. Thank you very much. Nice that this hybrid between lutea and purpurea should occur in my garden.
    That really does look like it. Thank you very much. Nice that this hybrid between lutea and purpurea should occur in my garden.
  13. latimer

    Solved Hedge woundwort?

    I hate the smell and it spreads like mad in OH's garden in Norfolk. Quite pretty when in flower but not otherwise. I pull it up, there are much prettier plants to have in your borders.
    I hate the smell and it spreads like mad in OH's garden in Norfolk. Quite pretty when in flower but not otherwise. I pull it up, there are much prettier plants to have in your borders.
    I hate the smell and it spreads like mad in OH's garden in Norfolk. Quite pretty when in flower but not otherwise. I pull it up, there are much prettier plants to have in your borders.
    I hate the smell and it spreads like mad in OH's garden in Norfolk. Quite pretty when in flower but not otherwise. I pull it up, there are much prettier plants to have in your borders.
  14. simone_in_wiltshire

    Solved PlantID please

    I will check the smell today when I see him before heading home, @noisette47 I don’t think any plant that is described as happy self-seeder has got a chance to grow in my garden with me around....
    I will check the smell today when I see him before heading home, @noisette47 I don’t think any plant that is described as happy self-seeder has got a chance to grow in my garden with me around. I’m addicted to weeding :)
    I will check the smell today when I see him before heading home, @noisette47 I don’t think any plant that is described as happy self-seeder has got a chance to grow in my garden with me around. I’m addicted to weeding :)
    I will check the smell today when I see him before heading home, @noisette47 I don’t think any plant that is described as happy self-seeder has got a chance to grow in my garden with me around....
  15. pitter-patter

    Solved Seedling identification

    It’s lovely, I like the red petiole as well.
    It’s lovely, I like the red petiole as well.
    It’s lovely, I like the red petiole as well.
    It’s lovely, I like the red petiole as well.
  16. zebrina

    id please - anenome?

    They grow back from bits of root so some people find them difficult to remove. It tells you something when the recommended means of propagation is root cuttings :biggrin:.
    They grow back from bits of root so some people find them difficult to remove. It tells you something when the recommended means of propagation is root cuttings :biggrin:.
    They grow back from bits of root so some people find them difficult to remove. It tells you something when the recommended means of propagation is root cuttings :biggrin:.
    They grow back from bits of root so some people find them difficult to remove. It tells you something when the recommended means of propagation is root cuttings :biggrin:.
  17. Grays

    Solved Shrub/flower ID

  18. mazambo


    Is yours called Chartreuse? If it is you didn't get it from me.
    Is yours called Chartreuse? If it is you didn't get it from me.
    Is yours called Chartreuse? If it is you didn't get it from me.
    Is yours called Chartreuse? If it is you didn't get it from me.
  19. Grays

    Solved Shrub ID please.

    Tutsan is a very interesting plant. Hypericum androsaemum - Wikipedia
    Tutsan is a very interesting plant. Hypericum androsaemum - Wikipedia
    Tutsan is a very interesting plant. Hypericum androsaemum - Wikipedia
    Tutsan is a very interesting plant. Hypericum androsaemum - Wikipedia
  20. Grays

    Solved Flower ID please.

    They are easy to grow, will self-seed and are very attractive to pollinators.I sowed a packet in the back garden last year; early this spring I found plants coming up and dug up a few for the...
    They are easy to grow, will self-seed and are very attractive to pollinators.I sowed a packet in the back garden last year; early this spring I found plants coming up and dug up a few for the front garden where they have flowered well. Hopefully I'll now have a constant presence in both gardens.
    They are easy to grow, will self-seed and are very attractive to pollinators.I sowed a packet in the back garden last year; early this spring I found plants coming up and dug up a few for the front garden where they have flowered well. Hopefully...
    They are easy to grow, will self-seed and are very attractive to pollinators.I sowed a packet in the back garden last year; early this spring I found plants coming up and dug up a few for the...

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