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  1. mikes

    Struggling DIY lawn enthusiast

    Poa annua (Annual Meadow Grass) is usually considered a weed in a lawn because it is very coarse and spreads quickly. I would dig that patch out before it seeds.
    Poa annua (Annual Meadow Grass) is usually considered a weed in a lawn because it is very coarse and spreads quickly. I would dig that patch out before it seeds.
    Poa annua (Annual Meadow Grass) is usually considered a weed in a lawn because it is very coarse and spreads quickly. I would dig that patch out before it seeds.
    Poa annua (Annual Meadow Grass) is usually considered a weed in a lawn because it is very coarse and spreads quickly. I would dig that patch out before it seeds.
  2. Locksnapper

    Do I need some patience........ or should a sow some more seed!?

    you could use a board / plank to stand on as it will distributed your weight more evenly as my lawn is like a sponge at the moment with all this rain we have had so I am keeping off it until it...
    you could use a board / plank to stand on as it will distributed your weight more evenly as my lawn is like a sponge at the moment with all this rain we have had so I am keeping off it until it dries out
    you could use a board / plank to stand on as it will distributed your weight more evenly as my lawn is like a sponge at the moment with all this rain we have had so I am keeping off it until it dries out
    you could use a board / plank to stand on as it will distributed your weight more evenly as my lawn is like a sponge at the moment with all this rain we have had so I am keeping off it until it...
  3. ric1982

    New turf laid - now what?

    I remember watching QPR and the subs were smoking before coming ona lot of sports like cricket or golf the sub soil is prepared differently in places where it’s critical so they can get away...
    I remember watching QPR and the subs were smoking before coming ona lot of sports like cricket or golf the sub soil is prepared differently in places where it’s critical so they can get away with patching.
    I remember watching QPR and the subs were smoking before coming ona lot of sports like cricket or golf the sub soil is prepared differently in places where it’s critical so they can get away with patching.
    I remember watching QPR and the subs were smoking before coming ona lot of sports like cricket or golf the sub soil is prepared differently in places where it’s critical so they can get away...
  4. Scott Power

    Why is my grass growing better in patches

    I'd try a light sprinkling watered in well,don't think it would do any real harm.
    I'd try a light sprinkling watered in well,don't think it would do any real harm.
    I'd try a light sprinkling watered in well,don't think it would do any real harm.
    I'd try a light sprinkling watered in well,don't think it would do any real harm.
  5. Oldcodger

    Recommend a lawn feed that works in a Levington Maxi Lawn Spreader

    Then it’s down to speed to see what drop rate is achievable. You calibrate with a constant speed vs drop rate. My apologies as I don’t have that much time on my hands.
    Then it’s down to speed to see what drop rate is achievable. You calibrate with a constant speed vs drop rate. My apologies as I don’t have that much time on my hands.
    Then it’s down to speed to see what drop rate is achievable. You calibrate with a constant speed vs drop rate. My apologies as I don’t have that much time on my hands.
    Then it’s down to speed to see what drop rate is achievable. You calibrate with a constant speed vs drop rate. My apologies as I don’t have that much time on my hands.
  6. devs

    How to repair lows on lawn?

    hi doesnt look that bad to be honest ... i would place the soil in then lightly firm with walking on then rake over as the sub soil I would imagine will be firm already
    hi doesnt look that bad to be honest ... i would place the soil in then lightly firm with walking on then rake over as the sub soil I would imagine will be firm already
    hi doesnt look that bad to be honest ... i would place the soil in then lightly firm with walking on then rake over as the sub soil I would imagine will be firm already
    hi doesnt look that bad to be honest ... i would place the soil in then lightly firm with walking on then rake over as the sub soil I would imagine will be firm already
  7. Scotty2088

    Lawn patches

    Hi what did you use when putting the feed on ? as it doesn't look like a even spread
    Hi what did you use when putting the feed on ? as it doesn't look like a even spread
    Hi what did you use when putting the feed on ? as it doesn't look like a even spread
    Hi what did you use when putting the feed on ? as it doesn't look like a even spread
  8. waggie

    Lawn Scarifier

    Thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup: I'm usually wary when using new equipment anyway. Screwfix are currently out of stock here in Inverness but I'm told there should be some in on Thursday.
    Thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup: I'm usually wary when using new equipment anyway. Screwfix are currently out of stock here in Inverness but I'm told there should be some in on Thursday.
    Thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup: I'm usually wary when using new equipment anyway. Screwfix are currently out of stock here in Inverness but I'm told there should be some in on Thursday.
    Thanks for the heads up. :thumbsup: I'm usually wary when using new equipment anyway. Screwfix are currently out of stock here in Inverness but I'm told there should be some in on Thursday.
  9. Gn0me

    Grass too long to use a lawnmower?

    To me even that amount of grass needs a decent mower to make it look good and as @CanadianLori says it needs doing once a week when growing well and a bit less in dry spells.I dont like corded...
    To me even that amount of grass needs a decent mower to make it look good and as @CanadianLori says it needs doing once a week when growing well and a bit less in dry spells.I dont like corded mowers, not sure if you said how old she is but a good push mower would work well on that. Everyone...
    To me even that amount of grass needs a decent mower to make it look good and as @CanadianLori says it needs doing once a week when growing well and a bit less in dry spells.I dont like corded mowers, not sure if you said how old she is but a...
    To me even that amount of grass needs a decent mower to make it look good and as @CanadianLori says it needs doing once a week when growing well and a bit less in dry spells.I dont like corded...
  10. weedaway


    Well, deep breath and first things first :):) Either dig out the brambles (easier said than done!) or treat them with SBK. Then, drag or rake all the rubbish into the middle of the plot (are you...
    Well, deep breath and first things first :):) Either dig out the brambles (easier said than done!) or treat them with SBK. Then, drag or rake all the rubbish into the middle of the plot (are you allowed to have bonfires?) If you can safely burn it, with a hosepipe handy just in case, all well and...
    Well, deep breath and first things first :):) Either dig out the brambles (easier said than done!) or treat them with SBK. Then, drag or rake all the rubbish into the middle of the plot (are you allowed to have bonfires?) If you can safely burn it,...
    Well, deep breath and first things first :):) Either dig out the brambles (easier said than done!) or treat them with SBK. Then, drag or rake all the rubbish into the middle of the plot (are you...
  11. ric1982

    Recommendations for retailers turf

    Hi,Does any have recommendations for buying new turf online/high street? There are lots of retrailers out there with lot of different types.Would grately appriciate your inputs.Thanks
    Hi,Does any have recommendations for buying new turf online/high street? There are lots of retrailers out there with lot of different types.Would grately appriciate your inputs.Thanks
    Hi,Does any have recommendations for buying new turf online/high street? There are lots of retrailers out there with lot of different types.Would grately appriciate your inputs.Thanks
    Hi,Does any have recommendations for buying new turf online/high street? There are lots of retrailers out there with lot of different types.Would grately appriciate your inputs.Thanks
  12. David Richards

    Novice lawn question

    Are we talking like 3-5m evergreens, the kind with sort of feathery rubbery fronds, which are actually cypresses? Or actually firs where "mature" means 20m or more?For cypresses, you can write...
    Are we talking like 3-5m evergreens, the kind with sort of feathery rubbery fronds, which are actually cypresses? Or actually firs where "mature" means 20m or more?For cypresses, you can write off the ground immediately under them, but outside that you're usually not too bad. You can also...
    Are we talking like 3-5m evergreens, the kind with sort of feathery rubbery fronds, which are actually cypresses? Or actually firs where "mature" means 20m or more?For cypresses, you can write off the ground immediately under them, but outside...
    Are we talking like 3-5m evergreens, the kind with sort of feathery rubbery fronds, which are actually cypresses? Or actually firs where "mature" means 20m or more?For cypresses, you can write...
  13. Hobbitmum

    More weeds than grass!

    Hi there @Hobbitmum and
    Hi there @Hobbitmum and
    Hi there @Hobbitmum and
    Hi there @Hobbitmum and
  14. Simon Harris

    Old yellow grass looks like sad lawn's carpet

    Thank you all! Tomorrow with warmer weather it will be the raking time!The lawn looked just fine last year before the yellowing set in :} With your helpful pieces of advice we'll surely bring it...
    Thank you all! Tomorrow with warmer weather it will be the raking time!The lawn looked just fine last year before the yellowing set in :} With your helpful pieces of advice we'll surely bring it back to its former glory!
    Thank you all! Tomorrow with warmer weather it will be the raking time!The lawn looked just fine last year before the yellowing set in :} With your helpful pieces of advice we'll surely bring it back to its former glory!
    Thank you all! Tomorrow with warmer weather it will be the raking time!The lawn looked just fine last year before the yellowing set in :} With your helpful pieces of advice we'll surely bring it...
    photo_2021-04-01_15-54-47.jpg photo_2021-04-01_15-54-45.jpg 000524.jpg photo_2021-04-01_21-14-29.jpg 000525.jpg photo_2021-04-03_12-36-57.jpg
  15. Simon Harris

    Best way to weed out a shady side of the lawn

    Dig over remove weeds as you go, plant shade loving ground cover plants and job done.
    Dig over remove weeds as you go, plant shade loving ground cover plants and job done.
    Dig over remove weeds as you go, plant shade loving ground cover plants and job done.
    Dig over remove weeds as you go, plant shade loving ground cover plants and job done.
  16. John Leeson

    Dog wee ruining grass!!

    Hi all,First post and a problem we have been battling with for years.Last year the hot Summer weather didn’t help with the problem, and even after flushing the grass down with copious amounts...
    Hi all,First post and a problem we have been battling with for years.Last year the hot Summer weather didn’t help with the problem, and even after flushing the grass down with copious amounts of water the dreaded brown patch of doom appeared.We turned to the internet for advice and came...
    Hi all,First post and a problem we have been battling with for years.Last year the hot Summer weather didn’t help with the problem, and even after flushing the grass down with copious amounts of water the dreaded brown patch of doom...
    Hi all,First post and a problem we have been battling with for years.Last year the hot Summer weather didn’t help with the problem, and even after flushing the grass down with copious amounts...
  17. ric1982

    Land drain before lawn

    Most of what i did was field work, so most of the time it was 20ton + loads of limestone, one field we did we ordered over a 100 tons, so times we didn't have enough and sometimes we had more but...
    Most of what i did was field work, so most of the time it was 20ton + loads of limestone, one field we did we ordered over a 100 tons, so times we didn't have enough and sometimes we had more but then that was put into the gate ways of the fieldsIt will depened on how wide/long/deep you dig...
    Most of what i did was field work, so most of the time it was 20ton + loads of limestone, one field we did we ordered over a 100 tons, so times we didn't have enough and sometimes we had more but then that was put into the gate ways of the...
    Most of what i did was field work, so most of the time it was 20ton + loads of limestone, one field we did we ordered over a 100 tons, so times we didn't have enough and sometimes we had more but...
  18. ric1982

    Topsoil for new lawn

    Going by that description I would call it organic garden mulch, its certainly not top soil. If your on face book, type "top soil" in the search bar, in the filters put your location and distance,...
    Going by that description I would call it organic garden mulch, its certainly not top soil. If your on face book, type "top soil" in the search bar, in the filters put your location and distance, you might find someone local.
    Going by that description I would call it organic garden mulch, its certainly not top soil. If your on face book, type "top soil" in the search bar, in the filters put your location and distance, you might find someone local.
    Going by that description I would call it organic garden mulch, its certainly not top soil. If your on face book, type "top soil" in the search bar, in the filters put your location and distance,...
  19. ricky101

    Which Lawn Seed ?

    Tricky question! Skip the rye as you probably already have it, go for the slender bladed types often found in the 'luxury' mixes
    Tricky question! Skip the rye as you probably already have it, go for the slender bladed types often found in the 'luxury' mixes
    Tricky question! Skip the rye as you probably already have it, go for the slender bladed types often found in the 'luxury' mixes
    Tricky question! Skip the rye as you probably already have it, go for the slender bladed types often found in the 'luxury' mixes
  20. ric1982

    Ordering Topsoil in advance

    The topsoil shouldn't really care if it sits in the bags for a few weeks. You might get a decline in microbiological activity and some of the worms (if there are any in it) might die because they...
    The topsoil shouldn't really care if it sits in the bags for a few weeks. You might get a decline in microbiological activity and some of the worms (if there are any in it) might die because they are trapped in a non-ideal climate, but otherwise there won't be a lot of change in soil...
    The topsoil shouldn't really care if it sits in the bags for a few weeks. You might get a decline in microbiological activity and some of the worms (if there are any in it) might die because they are trapped in a non-ideal climate, but otherwise...
    The topsoil shouldn't really care if it sits in the bags for a few weeks. You might get a decline in microbiological activity and some of the worms (if there are any in it) might die because they...

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