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Garden Planting Discussion
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Lighter patches
Thank you so much for your wisdom as always.The large tree roots that run under the lawn grow giant honey fungus through the lawn in the winter (foot high, two feet across each "mushroom"). I...
Thank you so much for your wisdom as always.The large tree roots that run under the lawn grow giant honey fungus through the lawn in the winter (foot high, two feet across each "mushroom"). I will see if that matches the light grass areas.
Thank you so much for your wisdom as always.The large tree roots that run under the lawn grow giant honey fungus through the lawn in the winter (foot high, two feet across each "mushroom"). I will see if that matches the light grass areas.
Thank you so much for your wisdom as always.The large tree roots that run under the lawn grow giant honey fungus through the lawn in the winter (foot high, two feet across each "mushroom"). I...
Oct 1, 2019
Oct 1, 2019
Lawn Fungii
Hi Banjobill..even if the next door tree was felled unless all the roots were removed you'll get the fungi as that is what they feed on (Decaying wood).You could dig down and remove as much of the...
Hi Banjobill..even if the next door tree was felled unless all the roots were removed you'll get the fungi as that is what they feed on (Decaying wood).You could dig down and remove as much of the roots as possible but I'd go for the easy option and just brush them away as they appear .
Hi Banjobill..even if the next door tree was felled unless all the roots were removed you'll get the fungi as that is what they feed on (Decaying wood).You could dig down and remove as much of the roots as possible but I'd go for the easy option...
Hi Banjobill..even if the next door tree was felled unless all the roots were removed you'll get the fungi as that is what they feed on (Decaying wood).You could dig down and remove as much of the...
Sep 30, 2019
Sep 30, 2019
Thinking about redoing this lawn from scratch. What do you think?
To be honest I would simply remove the whole lot and have it removed and start fresh. It’s almost a job for a little mini digger.
To be honest I would simply remove the whole lot and have it removed and start fresh. It’s almost a job for a little mini digger.
To be honest I would simply remove the whole lot and have it removed and start fresh. It’s almost a job for a little mini digger.
To be honest I would simply remove the whole lot and have it removed and start fresh. It’s almost a job for a little mini digger.
Sep 14, 2019
Liz the pot
Sep 25, 2019
What's this on my friends lawn?
She's not going to bother dealing with it seeing as she's going to be moving in a couple of years and the new owners might not even want to keep the lawn. No point spending all that time and...
She's not going to bother dealing with it seeing as she's going to be moving in a couple of years and the new owners might not even want to keep the lawn. No point spending all that time and money. I told her she could treat it with moss treatment but that wouldn't sort the underlying problem.
She's not going to bother dealing with it seeing as she's going to be moving in a couple of years and the new owners might not even want to keep the lawn. No point spending all that time and money. I told her she could treat it with moss...
She's not going to bother dealing with it seeing as she's going to be moving in a couple of years and the new owners might not even want to keep the lawn. No point spending all that time and...
Sep 23, 2019
Sep 24, 2019
Seeding a new lawn
Patio is due in a year or twos time and they have a family that need somewhere to play. So hopefully this’ll given them a lawn they can use. That’s the plan anyway.
Patio is due in a year or twos time and they have a family that need somewhere to play. So hopefully this’ll given them a lawn they can use. That’s the plan anyway.
Patio is due in a year or twos time and they have a family that need somewhere to play. So hopefully this’ll given them a lawn they can use. That’s the plan anyway.
Patio is due in a year or twos time and they have a family that need somewhere to play. So hopefully this’ll given them a lawn they can use. That’s the plan anyway.
Sep 10, 2019
Sep 15, 2019
12 months on.
And two weeks later, scarified and hollow tine aerated.I've still got two bins full of top dressing left over from last year, the black sandy stuff, so I'm going to top dress using that mixed...
And two weeks later, scarified and hollow tine aerated.I've still got two bins full of top dressing left over from last year, the black sandy stuff, so I'm going to top dress using that mixed with compost plus the soil plugs on the lawn mixed in.
And two weeks later, scarified and hollow tine aerated.I've still got two bins full of top dressing left over from last year, the black sandy stuff, so I'm going to top dress using that mixed with compost plus the soil plugs on the lawn...
And two weeks later, scarified and hollow tine aerated.I've still got two bins full of top dressing left over from last year, the black sandy stuff, so I'm going to top dress using that mixed...
Aug 23, 2019
Sep 7, 2019
Ready to replant some grass - what now?
(Also, yes, I'm only now starting to understand how many weeds my lawn has :P )
(Also, yes, I'm only now starting to understand how many weeds my lawn has :P )
(Also, yes, I'm only now starting to understand how many weeds my lawn has :P )
(Also, yes, I'm only now starting to understand how many weeds my lawn has :P )
Jul 10, 2019
Aug 24, 2019
What's making these holes?
The one's in our garden are trustworthy, but they have no links to money, just the food I put out for them
To quote Ronny Barker "they dug another tunnel and put the soil down there"
The one's in our garden are trustworthy, but they have no links to money, just the food I put out for them
To quote Ronny Barker "they dug another tunnel and put the soil down there"
The one's in our garden are trustworthy, but they have no links to money, just the food I put out for them
To quote Ronny Barker "they dug another tunnel and put the soil down there"
The one's in our garden are trustworthy, but they have no links to money, just the food I put out for them
To quote Ronny Barker "they dug another tunnel and put the soil down there"
Aug 15, 2019
Aug 18, 2019
What's causing these brown patches in my lawn?
You‘re welcome. Give it a feed then keep us updated. It can be a persistent problem.
You‘re welcome. Give it a feed then keep us updated. It can be a persistent problem.
You‘re welcome. Give it a feed then keep us updated. It can be a persistent problem.
You‘re welcome. Give it a feed then keep us updated. It can be a persistent problem.
Aug 12, 2019
Liz the pot
Aug 14, 2019
Best way to spread evergreen to avoid green "lanes"!
Some do, some don’t. Some come with the ability to add a catcher container too so you can calibrate the output.Looking at this common one there is no guard. Scotts® EasyGreen™ Rotary...
Some do, some don’t. Some come with the ability to add a catcher container too so you can calibrate the output.Looking at this common one there is no guard. Scotts® EasyGreen™ Rotary SpreaderMost of these do. Spreaders | Scottslots of various makes on the market. A guard is a must on a...
Some do, some don’t. Some come with the ability to add a catcher container too so you can calibrate the output.Looking at this common one there is no guard. Scotts® EasyGreen™ Rotary SpreaderMost of these do. Spreaders | Scottslots of...
Some do, some don’t. Some come with the ability to add a catcher container too so you can calibrate the output.Looking at this common one there is no guard. Scotts® EasyGreen™ Rotary...
Aug 13, 2019
Liz the pot
Aug 13, 2019
Order of tasks for autumn lawn care
Look for a local landscape supplier in your area, if unsure phone your local Stihl dealership, if they are like my local ones they will soon put you in touch with local suppliers and they may even...
Look for a local landscape supplier in your area, if unsure phone your local Stihl dealership, if they are like my local ones they will soon put you in touch with local suppliers and they may even do the soil as my local one does.
Look for a local landscape supplier in your area, if unsure phone your local Stihl dealership, if they are like my local ones they will soon put you in touch with local suppliers and they may even do the soil as my local one does.
Look for a local landscape supplier in your area, if unsure phone your local Stihl dealership, if they are like my local ones they will soon put you in touch with local suppliers and they may even...
Aug 5, 2019
Liz the pot
Aug 7, 2019
Different grasses in lawn
Have you fertilised the lawn recently? How many of these areas of increased growth have you got?
Have you fertilised the lawn recently? How many of these areas of increased growth have you got?
Have you fertilised the lawn recently? How many of these areas of increased growth have you got?
Have you fertilised the lawn recently? How many of these areas of increased growth have you got?
Aug 2, 2019
Liz the pot
Aug 3, 2019
Clay soil garden
No probs, any problems just post away.
No probs, any problems just post away.
No probs, any problems just post away.
No probs, any problems just post away.
Aug 1, 2019
Liz the pot
Aug 2, 2019
Patchy new lawn
As your installer recommended that I would follow his advice or else if the problem increases and you use a different product he may blame that. It’s a slow release and yes there are other...
As your installer recommended that I would follow his advice or else if the problem increases and you use a different product he may blame that. It’s a slow release and yes there are other fertilisers that may benefit the turf. Do not be tempted to spread by hand. If you go for another...
As your installer recommended that I would follow his advice or else if the problem increases and you use a different product he may blame that. It’s a slow release and yes there are other fertilisers that may benefit the turf. Do not be tempted...
As your installer recommended that I would follow his advice or else if the problem increases and you use a different product he may blame that. It’s a slow release and yes there are other...
Jul 30, 2019
Liz the pot
Aug 1, 2019
Should I rip out moss patches all the time or wait until autumn?
If it works it’s a winner. It looks like they have added the seaweed content across the board. There are so many fertilisers on the market, lots vary to do various jobs but for a general purpose...
If it works it’s a winner. It looks like they have added the seaweed content across the board. There are so many fertilisers on the market, lots vary to do various jobs but for a general purpose fertiliser it’s fine. I would think the product is supplied from one of the many manufactures out...
If it works it’s a winner. It looks like they have added the seaweed content across the board. There are so many fertilisers on the market, lots vary to do various jobs but for a general purpose fertiliser it’s fine. I would think the product...
If it works it’s a winner. It looks like they have added the seaweed content across the board. There are so many fertilisers on the market, lots vary to do various jobs but for a general purpose...
Jul 24, 2019
Liz the pot
Jul 25, 2019
Should I de-thatch now, or wait?
Some cracking thunder here too, I stupidly forgot I left my van drivers window open a small bit for air but not a sign of water had entered. No work today, lawns have stunted and one customer did...
Some cracking thunder here too, I stupidly forgot I left my van drivers window open a small bit for air but not a sign of water had entered. No work today, lawns have stunted and one customer did not want me out in the afternoon heat. Housework today, I hate it!With these temps the poor rain...
Some cracking thunder here too, I stupidly forgot I left my van drivers window open a small bit for air but not a sign of water had entered. No work today, lawns have stunted and one customer did not want me out in the afternoon heat. Housework...
Some cracking thunder here too, I stupidly forgot I left my van drivers window open a small bit for air but not a sign of water had entered. No work today, lawns have stunted and one customer did...
Jul 23, 2019
Liz the pot
Jul 24, 2019
From "bald" to decent front patch
Looks better. Last year was just so hot.
Looks better. Last year was just so hot.
Looks better. Last year was just so hot.
Looks better. Last year was just so hot.
Green Glass Goblin
Jul 23, 2019
Liz the pot
Jul 23, 2019
Creating curves
Lilac syringa microphylla superba is a good choice. Its shape is basically an inverted cone, so you can plant it fairly close to the edge of the bed without it causing problems with the lawn....
Lilac syringa microphylla superba is a good choice. Its shape is basically an inverted cone, so you can plant it fairly close to the edge of the bed without it causing problems with the lawn. Pretty pink flowers, highly scented, with a main flowering in spring and then (unlike other lilacs) on...
Lilac syringa microphylla superba is a good choice. Its shape is basically an inverted cone, so you can plant it fairly close to the edge of the bed without it causing problems with the lawn. Pretty pink flowers, highly scented, with a main...
Lilac syringa microphylla superba is a good choice. Its shape is basically an inverted cone, so you can plant it fairly close to the edge of the bed without it causing problems with the lawn....
Jul 22, 2019
Graham B
Jul 22, 2019
New lawn over hardcore
I'm resurecting an old thread, but thought it would be good to update as these things take time.A year down the line we're very glad we went to the hassle of getting the hardcore dug out....
I'm resurecting an old thread, but thought it would be good to update as these things take time.A year down the line we're very glad we went to the hassle of getting the hardcore dug out. Generally the lawn looks great, but the areas at the very edge where the soil depth was a bit lower have...
I'm resurecting an old thread, but thought it would be good to update as these things take time.A year down the line we're very glad we went to the hassle of getting the hardcore dug out. Generally the lawn looks great, but the areas at the...
I'm resurecting an old thread, but thought it would be good to update as these things take time.A year down the line we're very glad we went to the hassle of getting the hardcore dug out....
Apr 15, 2018
Jul 18, 2019
What's this in my lawn... and how do I get rid of it?!
Look up liverwort. Caused by poor drainage and low light. You don’t need a weed killer for that, you need to improve the area for the grass plant.
Look up liverwort. Caused by poor drainage and low light. You don’t need a weed killer for that, you need to improve the area for the grass plant.
Look up liverwort. Caused by poor drainage and low light. You don’t need a weed killer for that, you need to improve the area for the grass plant.
Look up liverwort. Caused by poor drainage and low light. You don’t need a weed killer for that, you need to improve the area for the grass plant.
Jul 16, 2019
Liz the pot
Jul 16, 2019
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