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  1. tim091

    New cylinder mower flattening the grass.

    It's only when I take the bag off to empty the clippings when I know if I've achieved anything or almost wasted my time.
    It's only when I take the bag off to empty the clippings when I know if I've achieved anything or almost wasted my time.
    It's only when I take the bag off to empty the clippings when I know if I've achieved anything or almost wasted my time.
    It's only when I take the bag off to empty the clippings when I know if I've achieved anything or almost wasted my time.
  2. Bianca B

    Need help please

    new lawns are no match for weed killers since they do not have the same defenses as older grass. I was told by a gardener that Allow new grass at least three months before applying a weed killer...
    new lawns are no match for weed killers since they do not have the same defenses as older grass. I was told by a gardener that Allow new grass at least three months before applying a weed killer treatment to the lawn. In that time, the new grass will have more established roots, will have...
    new lawns are no match for weed killers since they do not have the same defenses as older grass. I was told by a gardener that Allow new grass at least three months before applying a weed killer treatment to the lawn. In that time, the new...
    new lawns are no match for weed killers since they do not have the same defenses as older grass. I was told by a gardener that Allow new grass at least three months before applying a weed killer...
  3. bengi

    Bare and patchy turf

    Non, no matter what you feed the lawn will continue to suffer and will not improve as long as the dogs use the lawn.
    Non, no matter what you feed the lawn will continue to suffer and will not improve as long as the dogs use the lawn.
    Non, no matter what you feed the lawn will continue to suffer and will not improve as long as the dogs use the lawn.
    Non, no matter what you feed the lawn will continue to suffer and will not improve as long as the dogs use the lawn.
  4. Mane

    Lawn unknown plants growing

    Trefoil.Folks may I offer a few pointers when trying to identify plants. As in this instance. Foliage is three part/leaved, so tre being the three factor, folia =foliage,
    Trefoil.Folks may I offer a few pointers when trying to identify plants. As in this instance. Foliage is three part/leaved, so tre being the three factor, folia =foliage,
    Trefoil.Folks may I offer a few pointers when trying to identify plants. As in this instance. Foliage is three part/leaved, so tre being the three factor, folia =foliage,
    Trefoil.Folks may I offer a few pointers when trying to identify plants. As in this instance. Foliage is three part/leaved, so tre being the three factor, folia =foliage,
  5. Linz

    My new garden. Lawn/border shape advice needed, please :)

    Another thought @Linz - to give the kids the longest possible lawn eg for ball throwing, why not consider making the main axis of the lawn on an angle, so the beds form essentially triangles - one...
    Another thought @Linz - to give the kids the longest possible lawn eg for ball throwing, why not consider making the main axis of the lawn on an angle, so the beds form essentially triangles - one wider near the bottom of the garden, and the other wider near the top?
    Another thought @Linz - to give the kids the longest possible lawn eg for ball throwing, why not consider making the main axis of the lawn on an angle, so the beds form essentially triangles - one wider near the bottom of the garden, and the...
    Another thought @Linz - to give the kids the longest possible lawn eg for ball throwing, why not consider making the main axis of the lawn on an angle, so the beds form essentially triangles - one...
  6. tim091

    what to do with dead grass in lawn?

    Thank you for the top advice as always.
    Thank you for the top advice as always.
    Thank you for the top advice as always.
    Thank you for the top advice as always.
  7. tim091

    Allett scarifying cartridge any good?

    The MO stuff works well if conditions suit it and it needs to go on heavy but the plus side is it eats away the moss. It will not solve the issue of moss returning though. I use an Eliet scarifier...
    The MO stuff works well if conditions suit it and it needs to go on heavy but the plus side is it eats away the moss. It will not solve the issue of moss returning though. I use an Eliet scarifier which has various blade setups. I tend to stick to a fixed blade which suits my line of work as...
    The MO stuff works well if conditions suit it and it needs to go on heavy but the plus side is it eats away the moss. It will not solve the issue of moss returning though. I use an Eliet scarifier which has various blade setups. I tend to stick...
    The MO stuff works well if conditions suit it and it needs to go on heavy but the plus side is it eats away the moss. It will not solve the issue of moss returning though. I use an Eliet scarifier...
  8. HarryS

    Grass Growth Reduction ?

    That did cross my mind Freddy !
    That did cross my mind Freddy !
    That did cross my mind Freddy !
    That did cross my mind Freddy !
  9. Graham B

    Buying grass seed online - a recommendation

    Good to know @Graham B garden centre seed is always very expensive and as you say a nice green fuzz there... :thumbsup:
    Good to know @Graham B garden centre seed is always very expensive and as you say a nice green fuzz there... :thumbsup:
    Good to know @Graham B garden centre seed is always very expensive and as you say a nice green fuzz there... :thumbsup:
    Good to know @Graham B garden centre seed is always very expensive and as you say a nice green fuzz there... :thumbsup:
  10. Temmy

    New garden - lawn care

    Weedol is one option. Make sure that you buy weedol for lawns. This will kill weeds but not the grass.Take advice from Liz the pot and feed a week or so before applying weed killer
    Weedol is one option. Make sure that you buy weedol for lawns. This will kill weeds but not the grass.Take advice from Liz the pot and feed a week or so before applying weed killer
    Weedol is one option. Make sure that you buy weedol for lawns. This will kill weeds but not the grass.Take advice from Liz the pot and feed a week or so before applying weed killer
    Weedol is one option. Make sure that you buy weedol for lawns. This will kill weeds but not the grass.Take advice from Liz the pot and feed a week or so before applying weed killer
  11. LoveSunshine

    Really need help with our lawn!

    Weedkill the bit you don't want. Then you can get turf, or buy some good seed. I've just reseeded our front lawn with low-maintenance seed from Grass Seed & Lawn Seeds - UK Supplier - GSS DIRECT...
    Weedkill the bit you don't want. Then you can get turf, or buy some good seed. I've just reseeded our front lawn with low-maintenance seed from Grass Seed & Lawn Seeds - UK Supplier - GSS DIRECT LTD and it's sprouting really nicely after only 2 weeks. (Not an advert - I'm just really pleased...
    Weedkill the bit you don't want. Then you can get turf, or buy some good seed. I've just reseeded our front lawn with low-maintenance seed from Grass Seed & Lawn Seeds - UK Supplier - GSS DIRECT LTD and it's sprouting really nicely after only 2...
    Weedkill the bit you don't want. Then you can get turf, or buy some good seed. I've just reseeded our front lawn with low-maintenance seed from Grass Seed & Lawn Seeds - UK Supplier - GSS DIRECT...
  12. anth85

    Antisocial mowing

    Sounds like you’ve been decent and diffused the situation. Isn’t it a silly mad world we live in that “social” media has made most that use it less social, more isolated and caused so many other...
    Sounds like you’ve been decent and diffused the situation. Isn’t it a silly mad world we live in that “social” media has made most that use it less social, more isolated and caused so many other issues. Not to mention whatever’s coming from over exposure to using mobile phones and WiFi...
    Sounds like you’ve been decent and diffused the situation. Isn’t it a silly mad world we live in that “social” media has made most that use it less social, more isolated and caused so many other issues. Not to mention whatever’s coming from over...
    Sounds like you’ve been decent and diffused the situation. Isn’t it a silly mad world we live in that “social” media has made most that use it less social, more isolated and caused so many other...
  13. Redwing

    Cub Cadet Mowers - Anyone Got One?

    so when they came to pick ours up to take for serve, there was another one on the flat bed, it was yellow also. guess they are all yellow.
    so when they came to pick ours up to take for serve, there was another one on the flat bed, it was yellow also. guess they are all yellow.
    so when they came to pick ours up to take for serve, there was another one on the flat bed, it was yellow also. guess they are all yellow.
    so when they came to pick ours up to take for serve, there was another one on the flat bed, it was yellow also. guess they are all yellow.
  14. IainC

    Lawn Imrovements

    Most broad-leaved weeds can't be outcompeted though. Dandelions, daisies, buttercups and plantain are the usual culprits, but if your lawn is bad then you could also have nettle, dead nettle,...
    Most broad-leaved weeds can't be outcompeted though. Dandelions, daisies, buttercups and plantain are the usual culprits, but if your lawn is bad then you could also have nettle, dead nettle, bugle, field balm, mallow, various types of thistle, and so on. Mowing generally won't shift them once...
    Most broad-leaved weeds can't be outcompeted though. Dandelions, daisies, buttercups and plantain are the usual culprits, but if your lawn is bad then you could also have nettle, dead nettle, bugle, field balm, mallow, various types of thistle,...
    Most broad-leaved weeds can't be outcompeted though. Dandelions, daisies, buttercups and plantain are the usual culprits, but if your lawn is bad then you could also have nettle, dead nettle,...
  15. hoofy

    New lawn from seed, when to test soil?

    I've mowed twice a week since you posted this 6 weeks ago and the course grass has almost gone.
    I've mowed twice a week since you posted this 6 weeks ago and the course grass has almost gone.
    I've mowed twice a week since you posted this 6 weeks ago and the course grass has almost gone.
    I've mowed twice a week since you posted this 6 weeks ago and the course grass has almost gone.
  16. Quentin Jackson

    Lawn Feed Recommendations inorganic vs pelleted chicken manure

    In my experience of using chicken pellets on the lawn they encouraged foxes, dogs, cats and the like to dig there. They also made the surface “unsittable” on until eventually broken down....not...
    In my experience of using chicken pellets on the lawn they encouraged foxes, dogs, cats and the like to dig there. They also made the surface “unsittable” on until eventually broken down....not nice to play on etc. :)
    In my experience of using chicken pellets on the lawn they encouraged foxes, dogs, cats and the like to dig there. They also made the surface “unsittable” on until eventually broken down....not nice to play on etc. :)
    In my experience of using chicken pellets on the lawn they encouraged foxes, dogs, cats and the like to dig there. They also made the surface “unsittable” on until eventually broken down....not...
  17. markocosic

    Level garden and create a lawn - advice please

    A digger with driver would do that in less than 30 mins.
    A digger with driver would do that in less than 30 mins.
    A digger with driver would do that in less than 30 mins.
    A digger with driver would do that in less than 30 mins.
  18. Gn0me

    Which sprinklers will be best?

    The problem with water pressure is that it varies. In areas like South Manchester where we live, the pressure locally has fallen since I installed these in 2012. I think it's because of all the...
    The problem with water pressure is that it varies. In areas like South Manchester where we live, the pressure locally has fallen since I installed these in 2012. I think it's because of all the new builds over time which create a greater load and they don't uprate the pumps (they also reduce the...
    The problem with water pressure is that it varies. In areas like South Manchester where we live, the pressure locally has fallen since I installed these in 2012. I think it's because of all the new builds over time which create a greater load and...
    The problem with water pressure is that it varies. In areas like South Manchester where we live, the pressure locally has fallen since I installed these in 2012. I think it's because of all the...
  19. andrews

    Lawn Weed & Feed vs Feed Only

    Granular iron based feeds with iron never work as fast as liquid based iron. I too would be cautious about scarifying as the weather may turn hot, fine if you water but sometimes it plays to be...
    Granular iron based feeds with iron never work as fast as liquid based iron. I too would be cautious about scarifying as the weather may turn hot, fine if you water but sometimes it plays to be safe. The secret to get a good weed kill is to feed the lawn first then a week or two later spray the...
    Granular iron based feeds with iron never work as fast as liquid based iron. I too would be cautious about scarifying as the weather may turn hot, fine if you water but sometimes it plays to be safe. The secret to get a good weed kill is to feed...
    Granular iron based feeds with iron never work as fast as liquid based iron. I too would be cautious about scarifying as the weather may turn hot, fine if you water but sometimes it plays to be...
  20. McClements

    Lawn dead?

    oh dear, its beyond saving I'm afraid. I would however as you have a chance to see, lift off a bit of turf and see whats its laid on. Chances are if the builders did the work you will have a bit...
    oh dear, its beyond saving I'm afraid. I would however as you have a chance to see, lift off a bit of turf and see whats its laid on. Chances are if the builders did the work you will have a bit of topsoil then the rest will be not so good soil. If the topsoil is not 150mm I would argue that...
    oh dear, its beyond saving I'm afraid. I would however as you have a chance to see, lift off a bit of turf and see whats its laid on. Chances are if the builders did the work you will have a bit of topsoil then the rest will be not so good soil....
    oh dear, its beyond saving I'm afraid. I would however as you have a chance to see, lift off a bit of turf and see whats its laid on. Chances are if the builders did the work you will have a bit...

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