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  1. Nicholas Burman

    Defending the garden against summer

    Great info, as always, liz the pot :)
    Great info, as always, liz the pot :)
    Great info, as always, liz the pot :)
    Great info, as always, liz the pot :)
  2. Gn0me

    Is it now too late to overseed?

    It’s patchy probably due to the fertiliser not being applied at an even rate at the recommended does. Not a problem, it can be sorted. As the lawn is nice and uniform in size and layout and if you...
    It’s patchy probably due to the fertiliser not being applied at an even rate at the recommended does. Not a problem, it can be sorted. As the lawn is nice and uniform in size and layout and if you want to apply a granular feed a drop spreader would give you the best results. If you stick with...
    It’s patchy probably due to the fertiliser not being applied at an even rate at the recommended does. Not a problem, it can be sorted. As the lawn is nice and uniform in size and layout and if you want to apply a granular feed a drop spreader...
    It’s patchy probably due to the fertiliser not being applied at an even rate at the recommended does. Not a problem, it can be sorted. As the lawn is nice and uniform in size and layout and if you...
  3. Nicholas Burman

    Midday irrigation

    Interesting info liz the pot. :) Alongside the woods where I often take my dog the golf course greens are mown every day to almost nothing yet look green and healthy. If we did the same to our...
    Interesting info liz the pot. :) Alongside the woods where I often take my dog the golf course greens are mown every day to almost nothing yet look green and healthy. If we did the same to our lawns they would soon wither away to nothing. Here my own lawns are maintained at a generous height...
    Interesting info liz the pot. :) Alongside the woods where I often take my dog the golf course greens are mown every day to almost nothing yet look green and healthy. If we did the same to our lawns they would soon wither away to nothing. Here...
    Interesting info liz the pot. :) Alongside the woods where I often take my dog the golf course greens are mown every day to almost nothing yet look green and healthy. If we did the same to our...
  4. HarryS

    Lawn feed , liquid V granules ?

    Both granular and liquid have their plus and negative points. If your grass is showing signs it’s in need of feed, ie a yellowing and the weather is fairly settled with no rain forecast a liquid...
    Both granular and liquid have their plus and negative points. If your grass is showing signs it’s in need of feed, ie a yellowing and the weather is fairly settled with no rain forecast a liquid feed and watering will help. Here we see a plant showing signs of being stressed but this can be...
    Both granular and liquid have their plus and negative points. If your grass is showing signs it’s in need of feed, ie a yellowing and the weather is fairly settled with no rain forecast a liquid feed and watering will help. Here we see a plant...
    Both granular and liquid have their plus and negative points. If your grass is showing signs it’s in need of feed, ie a yellowing and the weather is fairly settled with no rain forecast a liquid...
  5. deanoliv

    Is there a difference between a Ryobi Battery Lawnmower RLM18X33H40 or OLM1833H40?

    The RLM one is £380 and the OLM £147 (approx.) The RLM Is 36v 2x18v batteries WIDER CUT The OLM is 18v 1x 18v battery
    The RLM one is £380 and the OLM £147 (approx.) The RLM Is 36v 2x18v batteries WIDER CUT The OLM is 18v 1x 18v battery
    The RLM one is £380 and the OLM £147 (approx.) The RLM Is 36v 2x18v batteries WIDER CUT The OLM is 18v 1x 18v battery
    The RLM one is £380 and the OLM £147 (approx.) The RLM Is 36v 2x18v batteries WIDER CUT The OLM is 18v 1x 18v battery
  6. LincsJohn

    Weed then feed, or the other way around?

    I'll get some photos taken; I was out in the garden today, but forgot! To busy digging. :)
    I'll get some photos taken; I was out in the garden today, but forgot! To busy digging. :)
    I'll get some photos taken; I was out in the garden today, but forgot! To busy digging. :)
    I'll get some photos taken; I was out in the garden today, but forgot! To busy digging. :)
  7. Nicholas Burman

    Moss treatment Q

    The golden rule is to only spray what you need to, you should be able to avoid shrubs ie not covering them in spray. This applies to weed and feeds, herbicides, whatever you plan on doing. While...
    The golden rule is to only spray what you need to, you should be able to avoid shrubs ie not covering them in spray. This applies to weed and feeds, herbicides, whatever you plan on doing. While iron is not particularly harmful to shrubs if you follow the advice above it insures no harm is done.
    The golden rule is to only spray what you need to, you should be able to avoid shrubs ie not covering them in spray. This applies to weed and feeds, herbicides, whatever you plan on doing. While iron is not particularly harmful to shrubs if you...
    The golden rule is to only spray what you need to, you should be able to avoid shrubs ie not covering them in spray. This applies to weed and feeds, herbicides, whatever you plan on doing. While...
  8. ricky101

    Lawn Thatch - Neudorff Clean Lawn

    Have a peep here and then ring to make sure they stock what you are after. Neudorff : Stockists
    Have a peep here and then ring to make sure they stock what you are after. Neudorff : Stockists
    Have a peep here and then ring to make sure they stock what you are after. Neudorff : Stockists
    Have a peep here and then ring to make sure they stock what you are after. Neudorff : Stockists
  9. Gabriel Syme

    Best lawn-care sequence to proceed in?

    We tend to keep on top of the weeds - the problem is that many of the neighbours don't bother and so their lawns are breeding grounds for all kinds of weeds etc. The Evergreen is one layer of our...
    We tend to keep on top of the weeds - the problem is that many of the neighbours don't bother and so their lawns are breeding grounds for all kinds of weeds etc. The Evergreen is one layer of our anti-weed defence, others are plucking individual weeds and also spraying with lawn Resolva.But...
    We tend to keep on top of the weeds - the problem is that many of the neighbours don't bother and so their lawns are breeding grounds for all kinds of weeds etc. The Evergreen is one layer of our anti-weed defence, others are plucking individual...
    We tend to keep on top of the weeds - the problem is that many of the neighbours don't bother and so their lawns are breeding grounds for all kinds of weeds etc. The Evergreen is one layer of our...
  10. TerryCTR

    New lawn, some advice please

    Thanks for the link, it was only put down towards the end of last summer so this is something on my list to make sure it’s kept in good condition moving forward
    Thanks for the link, it was only put down towards the end of last summer so this is something on my list to make sure it’s kept in good condition moving forward
    Thanks for the link, it was only put down towards the end of last summer so this is something on my list to make sure it’s kept in good condition moving forward
    Thanks for the link, it was only put down towards the end of last summer so this is something on my list to make sure it’s kept in good condition moving forward
  11. hoofy

    Scarifying and patch magic.

    I would normally say it’s easier to stay with Evergreen products as you will have the settings for your spreader. They have changed a bit though and while they do a fert only it’s a high N which...
    I would normally say it’s easier to stay with Evergreen products as you will have the settings for your spreader. They have changed a bit though and while they do a fert only it’s a high N which I’m not keen on as it creates flush growth which can create issues. As it’s still early and as...
    I would normally say it’s easier to stay with Evergreen products as you will have the settings for your spreader. They have changed a bit though and while they do a fert only it’s a high N which I’m not keen on as it creates flush growth which...
    I would normally say it’s easier to stay with Evergreen products as you will have the settings for your spreader. They have changed a bit though and while they do a fert only it’s a high N which...
  12. Mane

    lawn established last Oct but ruined

    thanks to you both for help
    thanks to you both for help
    thanks to you both for help
    thanks to you both for help
  13. tim091

    Using weed killer after Mo Bactor?

    Thank you so much for taking the time to give all that information. Fantastically useful!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to give all that information. Fantastically useful!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to give all that information. Fantastically useful!
    Thank you so much for taking the time to give all that information. Fantastically useful!
  14. Bob Duckodil

    Moss, weeds, bare patches, dead grass, where do I start?

    That’s interesting @Liz the pot . After this round of lawn treatment etc i will try out that Mo Bacter.
    That’s interesting @Liz the pot . After this round of lawn treatment etc i will try out that Mo Bacter.
    That’s interesting @Liz the pot . After this round of lawn treatment etc i will try out that Mo Bacter.
    That’s interesting @Liz the pot . After this round of lawn treatment etc i will try out that Mo Bacter.
  15. Bob Duckodil

    Small holes and mounds in grass.

    Oh great, thanks for the replies
    Oh great, thanks for the replies
    Oh great, thanks for the replies
    Oh great, thanks for the replies
  16. JustJim

    Lawn with moss.

    I love my moss in my lawn, the marbling effect. some here and there. I just cut the lawn as normal with my big ridding mower. with shade one expects some. finding the right shade grass seed is...
    I love my moss in my lawn, the marbling effect. some here and there. I just cut the lawn as normal with my big ridding mower. with shade one expects some. finding the right shade grass seed is important also.
    I love my moss in my lawn, the marbling effect. some here and there. I just cut the lawn as normal with my big ridding mower. with shade one expects some. finding the right shade grass seed is important also.
    I love my moss in my lawn, the marbling effect. some here and there. I just cut the lawn as normal with my big ridding mower. with shade one expects some. finding the right shade grass seed is...
  17. Nicholas Burman

    Weeds before the grass

    Nicholas, use a lawn weed killer on them ...that’s my advice :) Digging them out is difficult.....dandelions have a long, long taproot. Left behind, only a small piece, will result in it growing...
    Nicholas, use a lawn weed killer on them ...that’s my advice :) Digging them out is difficult.....dandelions have a long, long taproot. Left behind, only a small piece, will result in it growing back. Here, I now have no need to use a lawn weed killer wholesale across the lawn ....I need only to...
    Nicholas, use a lawn weed killer on them ...that’s my advice :) Digging them out is difficult.....dandelions have a long, long taproot. Left behind, only a small piece, will result in it growing back. Here, I now have no need to use a lawn weed...
    Nicholas, use a lawn weed killer on them ...that’s my advice :) Digging them out is difficult.....dandelions have a long, long taproot. Left behind, only a small piece, will result in it growing...
  18. Faye34667

    Is this a lost cause and I will need to returf?

    Hi Faye, thanks for posting back. Last summer was hot and I saw many a lawn damaged with feeds due to the heat and lack of water. If you fancy trying yourself to seed it’s fairly easy but do you...
    Hi Faye, thanks for posting back. Last summer was hot and I saw many a lawn damaged with feeds due to the heat and lack of water. If you fancy trying yourself to seed it’s fairly easy but do you mind posting a pic showing the lawn and it’s surrounding area as it might be a case of being too...
    Hi Faye, thanks for posting back. Last summer was hot and I saw many a lawn damaged with feeds due to the heat and lack of water. If you fancy trying yourself to seed it’s fairly easy but do you mind posting a pic showing the lawn and it’s ...
    Hi Faye, thanks for posting back. Last summer was hot and I saw many a lawn damaged with feeds due to the heat and lack of water. If you fancy trying yourself to seed it’s fairly easy but do you...
  19. Mohsin Khan

    Lawn using seed help

    Hiya Mohsin :) Welcome:) Hmmm! I love my lawns and always suggest folks have an area of grass if possible in their gardens but even a shade mixture could struggle there. Perhaps others will suggest...
    Hiya Mohsin :) Welcome:) Hmmm! I love my lawns and always suggest folks have an area of grass if possible in their gardens but even a shade mixture could struggle there. Perhaps others will suggest shade mixtures and you could try them but have you thought of an alternative to grass? Not keen on...
    Hiya Mohsin :) Welcome:) Hmmm! I love my lawns and always suggest folks have an area of grass if possible in their gardens but even a shade mixture could struggle there. Perhaps others will suggest shade mixtures and you could try them but have you...
    Hiya Mohsin :) Welcome:) Hmmm! I love my lawns and always suggest folks have an area of grass if possible in their gardens but even a shade mixture could struggle there. Perhaps others will suggest...
  20. tristanstartsgardening

    It is practical to maintain the lawn yourself?

    I looked into having our lawn looked after by one of the franchised lawn maintenance companies and the cost was more than I was prepared to pay (think it was around £70 a month five or so years...
    I looked into having our lawn looked after by one of the franchised lawn maintenance companies and the cost was more than I was prepared to pay (think it was around £70 a month five or so years ago). Having dogs, our lawn will never be perfect but a twice yearly feed, regular mowing and scarify...
    I looked into having our lawn looked after by one of the franchised lawn maintenance companies and the cost was more than I was prepared to pay (think it was around £70 a month five or so years ago). Having dogs, our lawn will never be perfect...
    I looked into having our lawn looked after by one of the franchised lawn maintenance companies and the cost was more than I was prepared to pay (think it was around £70 a month five or so years...

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