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  1. Nicholas Burman

    After the scarifier

    Yes! I have to agree with Verdun regarding a general purpose seed mix, thanks to horticultural science. Much of my time caring for grass related to sports areas etc. At that time a good...
    Yes! I have to agree with Verdun regarding a general purpose seed mix, thanks to horticultural science. Much of my time caring for grass related to sports areas etc. At that time a good knowledge of various grass seed was a must. Usually for a hardwearing turf, a mix of rye, yorkshire fog and...
    Yes! I have to agree with Verdun regarding a general purpose seed mix, thanks to horticultural science. Much of my time caring for grass related to sports areas etc. At that time a good knowledge of various grass seed was a must. Usually for a...
    Yes! I have to agree with Verdun regarding a general purpose seed mix, thanks to horticultural science. Much of my time caring for grass related to sports areas etc. At that time a good...
  2. Nicholas Burman

    Going up the slope

    Hi Nicholas , what about low shrub roses which would cascade down ?
    Hi Nicholas , what about low shrub roses which would cascade down ?
    Hi Nicholas , what about low shrub roses which would cascade down ?
    Hi Nicholas , what about low shrub roses which would cascade down ?
  3. Passport1

    What to do with Lawn

    As Sandy stated you should be able to get a basic ph tester at a local garden centre and then you do a plotted test and record the results. Iron is great at controlling moss but you can alter the...
    As Sandy stated you should be able to get a basic ph tester at a local garden centre and then you do a plotted test and record the results. Iron is great at controlling moss but you can alter the soil levels if too much is applied but you would have to apply a lot over time for this. Moss is a...
    As Sandy stated you should be able to get a basic ph tester at a local garden centre and then you do a plotted test and record the results. Iron is great at controlling moss but you can alter the soil levels if too much is applied but you would...
    As Sandy stated you should be able to get a basic ph tester at a local garden centre and then you do a plotted test and record the results. Iron is great at controlling moss but you can alter the...
  4. HarryS

    Lawn Returf Question ?

    That would be best, saves using a herbicide and would allow a nice fresh application of top soil.
    That would be best, saves using a herbicide and would allow a nice fresh application of top soil.
    That would be best, saves using a herbicide and would allow a nice fresh application of top soil.
    That would be best, saves using a herbicide and would allow a nice fresh application of top soil.
  5. Nicholas Burman

    Reseeding the carport

    Hello,I've spent the last few days reseeding the lawn around my carport. This was planted late last summer however due to the extreme heat northern Italy went through most of it wilted or got...
    Hello,I've spent the last few days reseeding the lawn around my carport. This was planted late last summer however due to the extreme heat northern Italy went through most of it wilted or got stunted. I took the opportunity to also get rid of the soil inside the driveways (one hell of a pain...
    Hello,I've spent the last few days reseeding the lawn around my carport. This was planted late last summer however due to the extreme heat northern Italy went through most of it wilted or got stunted. I took the opportunity to also get rid of...
    Hello,I've spent the last few days reseeding the lawn around my carport. This was planted late last summer however due to the extreme heat northern Italy went through most of it wilted or got...
  6. Nicholas Burman

    Track marks on the lawn

    We had the whole front of the house dug up because we had to lay a new underground drainage system to try and counter rising damp inside the house (my house is located in the bottom of a wide...
    We had the whole front of the house dug up because we had to lay a new underground drainage system to try and counter rising damp inside the house (my house is located in the bottom of a wide river valley, thus ground humidity is an issue). When everything was ready we ordered new soil to go...
    We had the whole front of the house dug up because we had to lay a new underground drainage system to try and counter rising damp inside the house (my house is located in the bottom of a wide river valley, thus ground humidity is an issue). When...
    We had the whole front of the house dug up because we had to lay a new underground drainage system to try and counter rising damp inside the house (my house is located in the bottom of a wide...
  7. Snorky85

    Lawn full of weeds - step by step advice needed pretty please

    Hi snorky i leave every year some weeds in the grass like dasiys for bumble bees i also grow borage up a corner and they have little blue flowers and smell like cucumber but the bees love it and...
    Hi snorky i leave every year some weeds in the grass like dasiys for bumble bees i also grow borage up a corner and they have little blue flowers and smell like cucumber but the bees love it and butterflies, they tend to stay in that corner I did have an hedge at the front garden which...
    Hi snorky i leave every year some weeds in the grass like dasiys for bumble bees i also grow borage up a corner and they have little blue flowers and smell like cucumber but the bees love it and butterflies, they tend to stay in that corner I...
    Hi snorky i leave every year some weeds in the grass like dasiys for bumble bees i also grow borage up a corner and they have little blue flowers and smell like cucumber but the bees love it and...
  8. hedgefog

    Does grass need watering even during winter?

    Okay, who "grassed"?:dunno::scratch::doh::heehee: :ideaIPB:I reckon it was the Lawn Ranger:snorky:
    Okay, who "grassed"?:dunno::scratch::doh::heehee: :ideaIPB:I reckon it was the Lawn Ranger:snorky:
    Okay, who "grassed"?:dunno::scratch::doh::heehee: :ideaIPB:I reckon it was the Lawn Ranger:snorky:
    Okay, who "grassed"?:dunno::scratch::doh::heehee: :ideaIPB:I reckon it was the Lawn Ranger:snorky:
  9. tony84

    Dropped lawn

    Would that not be classed as compressing? :P
    Would that not be classed as compressing? :P
    Would that not be classed as compressing? :P
    Would that not be classed as compressing? :P
  10. Sargan

    Yellow circles in new Lawn

    No dogs have access - I do occasionally see foxes.I removed and levelled ground, imported 26 T of screened topsoil, applied a pre-turf establishment fertilizer .. and turfed with quality...
    No dogs have access - I do occasionally see foxes.I removed and levelled ground, imported 26 T of screened topsoil, applied a pre-turf establishment fertilizer .. and turfed with quality turf. No treatment since ... and yellow circles appeared after about 3 weeks - before my first cut - so...
    No dogs have access - I do occasionally see foxes.I removed and levelled ground, imported 26 T of screened topsoil, applied a pre-turf establishment fertilizer .. and turfed with quality turf. No treatment since ... and yellow circles appeared...
    No dogs have access - I do occasionally see foxes.I removed and levelled ground, imported 26 T of screened topsoil, applied a pre-turf establishment fertilizer .. and turfed with quality...
  11. hedgefog

    Why so much moss in my lawn?

    Another angle view to the lawn.
    Another angle view to the lawn.
    Another angle view to the lawn.
    Another angle view to the lawn.
    Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at 23.09.59.png Screen Shot 2018-11-01 at 23.15.00.png
  12. silu

    Not strictly a lawn but presume principle the same.

    Yes unfortunately there is an awful lot of things which go on "behind closed doors" in the farming industry just like pretty much all other industries. Who'd have thought VW would have been up to...
    Yes unfortunately there is an awful lot of things which go on "behind closed doors" in the farming industry just like pretty much all other industries. Who'd have thought VW would have been up to their necks fiddling their emissions statistics! For some years I worked closely with the r and d of...
    Yes unfortunately there is an awful lot of things which go on "behind closed doors" in the farming industry just like pretty much all other industries. Who'd have thought VW would have been up to their necks fiddling their emissions...
    Yes unfortunately there is an awful lot of things which go on "behind closed doors" in the farming industry just like pretty much all other industries. Who'd have thought VW would have been up to...
  13. tim091

    Gigantic fungi appeared on lawn

    There will be the tree roots beneath your lawn that's what they are growing on. Honey fungus grows on the roots of trees too so can emerge in lawns/open space up to 100ft from the trees.
    There will be the tree roots beneath your lawn that's what they are growing on. Honey fungus grows on the roots of trees too so can emerge in lawns/open space up to 100ft from the trees.
    There will be the tree roots beneath your lawn that's what they are growing on. Honey fungus grows on the roots of trees too so can emerge in lawns/open space up to 100ft from the trees.
    There will be the tree roots beneath your lawn that's what they are growing on. Honey fungus grows on the roots of trees too so can emerge in lawns/open space up to 100ft from the trees.
  14. hedgefog

    Lawn edging advice

    Great thread with gems of instruction how to edge lawns with excellent photos. Much appreciated. Thanks.
    Great thread with gems of instruction how to edge lawns with excellent photos. Much appreciated. Thanks.
    Great thread with gems of instruction how to edge lawns with excellent photos. Much appreciated. Thanks.
    Great thread with gems of instruction how to edge lawns with excellent photos. Much appreciated. Thanks.
  15. Mane

    Lawn - dead grass and moss

    Im in Essex. I may rake and spread few seeds and see how it goes.
    Im in Essex. I may rake and spread few seeds and see how it goes.
    Im in Essex. I may rake and spread few seeds and see how it goes.
    Im in Essex. I may rake and spread few seeds and see how it goes.
  16. Mane

    New front lawn - when to cut grass

    I let mine get to about 4 inches and cut it on the highest setting for the first few cuts. Make sure you have a sharp blade otherwise you run the risk of pulling it out
    I let mine get to about 4 inches and cut it on the highest setting for the first few cuts. Make sure you have a sharp blade otherwise you run the risk of pulling it out
    I let mine get to about 4 inches and cut it on the highest setting for the first few cuts. Make sure you have a sharp blade otherwise you run the risk of pulling it out
    I let mine get to about 4 inches and cut it on the highest setting for the first few cuts. Make sure you have a sharp blade otherwise you run the risk of pulling it out
  17. danjr

    pre-Turfing advice ...?

    hi - about time i posted the pictures of the lawn all done! It's worked out great. We did get down as much grade A top soil as we could (which was only a few inches/maybe only a few cm in...
    hi - about time i posted the pictures of the lawn all done! It's worked out great. We did get down as much grade A top soil as we could (which was only a few inches/maybe only a few cm in places) and i also used pre-turf fertiliser (6:9:6). As soon as it was down i watered it and then that...
    hi - about time i posted the pictures of the lawn all done! It's worked out great. We did get down as much grade A top soil as we could (which was only a few inches/maybe only a few cm in places) and i also used pre-turf fertiliser (6:9:6). As...
    hi - about time i posted the pictures of the lawn all done! It's worked out great. We did get down as much grade A top soil as we could (which was only a few inches/maybe only a few cm in...
  18. Mane

    New lawn and old lawn

    Looks like it’s well on it’s way back to recovering.
    Looks like it’s well on it’s way back to recovering.
    Looks like it’s well on it’s way back to recovering.
    Looks like it’s well on it’s way back to recovering.
  19. Russ_79

    Yellow Lawn

    Looks pretty spot on. It’s caused by fungi in the genus Puccinia and is commonly known as a low nitrogen disease. An Autumn feed may help it to recover. To double check get a white cloth and rub...
    Looks pretty spot on. It’s caused by fungi in the genus Puccinia and is commonly known as a low nitrogen disease. An Autumn feed may help it to recover. To double check get a white cloth and rub the leaf and it should show brown marks.
    Looks pretty spot on. It’s caused by fungi in the genus Puccinia and is commonly known as a low nitrogen disease. An Autumn feed may help it to recover. To double check get a white cloth and rub the leaf and it should show brown marks.
    Looks pretty spot on. It’s caused by fungi in the genus Puccinia and is commonly known as a low nitrogen disease. An Autumn feed may help it to recover. To double check get a white cloth and rub...
  20. alan kearn

    How long after using feed and weed can I reseed

    Good morning alan kearn ...welcome :)I usually wait 3 or 4 weeks before reseeding however I am the impatient sort and I think a full 4 weeks is better.Ideally weed n feed applied in August and...
    Good morning alan kearn ...welcome :)I usually wait 3 or 4 weeks before reseeding however I am the impatient sort and I think a full 4 weeks is better.Ideally weed n feed applied in August and then grass seed sown in early September.So, I would sow seed before the end of September....both...
    Good morning alan kearn ...welcome :)I usually wait 3 or 4 weeks before reseeding however I am the impatient sort and I think a full 4 weeks is better.Ideally weed n feed applied in August and then grass seed sown in early September.So, I...
    Good morning alan kearn ...welcome :)I usually wait 3 or 4 weeks before reseeding however I am the impatient sort and I think a full 4 weeks is better.Ideally weed n feed applied in August and...

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