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  1. rqy99g

    Chamomile Lawn Advice Needed

    @toppington thanks to your advice.... experiment :snorky: I've sown my teabag too :fingers crossed: will give you an update when there's news :spinning:
    @toppington thanks to your advice.... experiment :snorky: I've sown my teabag too :fingers crossed: will give you an update when there's news :spinning:
    @toppington thanks to your advice.... experiment :snorky: I've sown my teabag too :fingers crossed: will give you an update when there's news :spinning:
    @toppington thanks to your advice.... experiment :snorky: I've sown my teabag too :fingers crossed: will give you an update when there's news :spinning:
  2. chris_elevate

    Lawn Fertiliser

    Makes sense Liz:)
    Makes sense Liz:)
    Makes sense Liz:)
    Makes sense Liz:)
  3. TheMadHedger

    Ride on mower - need some recommendations

    Very interesting Paul, it was a fair few years ago when I tried one out. They have obviously been updated somewhat :blue thumb:
    Very interesting Paul, it was a fair few years ago when I tried one out. They have obviously been updated somewhat :blue thumb:
    Very interesting Paul, it was a fair few years ago when I tried one out. They have obviously been updated somewhat :blue thumb:
    Very interesting Paul, it was a fair few years ago when I tried one out. They have obviously been updated somewhat :blue thumb:
  4. HarryS

    Simple Lawn Levelling ?

    Not a very inspiring photo - here is the first fill of the hollow . The area is just under 3ft x 2ft . The soil mix was raked in and smoothed with the back of the rake , trod down and re-smoothed...
    Not a very inspiring photo - here is the first fill of the hollow . The area is just under 3ft x 2ft . The soil mix was raked in and smoothed with the back of the rake , trod down and re-smoothed . I reckon it is just under 1/2" thickness . So possibly three of these , the last one having grass...
    Not a very inspiring photo - here is the first fill of the hollow . The area is just under 3ft x 2ft . The soil mix was raked in and smoothed with the back of the rake , trod down and re-smoothed . I reckon it is just under 1/2" thickness . So...
    Not a very inspiring photo - here is the first fill of the hollow . The area is just under 3ft x 2ft . The soil mix was raked in and smoothed with the back of the rake , trod down and re-smoothed...
  5. stony

    Ants in the Lawn

    Well today have ants everywhere even coming out of the bricks of the house a real infestation. Using ant powder carefully as have dog, even resorted to boiling kettles of water and pouring on...
    Well today have ants everywhere even coming out of the bricks of the house a real infestation. Using ant powder carefully as have dog, even resorted to boiling kettles of water and pouring on nests. Never known anything this bad.
    Well today have ants everywhere even coming out of the bricks of the house a real infestation. Using ant powder carefully as have dog, even resorted to boiling kettles of water and pouring on nests. Never known anything this bad.
    Well today have ants everywhere even coming out of the bricks of the house a real infestation. Using ant powder carefully as have dog, even resorted to boiling kettles of water and pouring on...
  6. Bob Carolgees

    Kill lawn and start again

    They will ban chemicals and access from the public first. This has slowly been going on for years. With modern tech spraying herbicides has got a lot more refined right down to equipment that can...
    They will ban chemicals and access from the public first. This has slowly been going on for years. With modern tech spraying herbicides has got a lot more refined right down to equipment that can use Glyphosate neat thus cutting down on amounts used. The largest abuse comes from public who use...
    They will ban chemicals and access from the public first. This has slowly been going on for years. With modern tech spraying herbicides has got a lot more refined right down to equipment that can use Glyphosate neat thus cutting down on amounts...
    They will ban chemicals and access from the public first. This has slowly been going on for years. With modern tech spraying herbicides has got a lot more refined right down to equipment that can...
  7. lawnpain

    Help with my lawn

    Many thanks @HarryS @Verdun,I should have explained better, the grass was ok all over the lawn, when I said cutting them I went straight over them with the lawn mower obviously turned them into...
    Many thanks @HarryS @Verdun,I should have explained better, the grass was ok all over the lawn, when I said cutting them I went straight over them with the lawn mower obviously turned them into a pulp,Reading up nasturtiums contain lots of vitamin C ascorbic acid so I'm guessing that's...
    Many thanks @HarryS @Verdun,I should have explained better, the grass was ok all over the lawn, when I said cutting them I went straight over them with the lawn mower obviously turned them into a pulp,Reading up nasturtiums contain lots of...
    Many thanks @HarryS @Verdun,I should have explained better, the grass was ok all over the lawn, when I said cutting them I went straight over them with the lawn mower obviously turned them into...
  8. Irmemac

    Lawn Edging

    Bricks are another good idea. Thank you!
    Bricks are another good idea. Thank you!
    Bricks are another good idea. Thank you!
    Bricks are another good idea. Thank you!
  9. Jimmyennis100

    My lawn is dying

    Did you notice any colour change when the area started to die i.e. Red, yellow? Did the area start with patches which slowly enlarged and joined together? Have you tested the pH levels? Have you...
    Did you notice any colour change when the area started to die i.e. Red, yellow? Did the area start with patches which slowly enlarged and joined together? Have you tested the pH levels? Have you lifted a section of turf to see what's below? Do you have a photo showing the lawn before you used a...
    Did you notice any colour change when the area started to die i.e. Red, yellow? Did the area start with patches which slowly enlarged and joined together? Have you tested the pH levels? Have you lifted a section of turf to see what's below? Do...
    Did you notice any colour change when the area started to die i.e. Red, yellow? Did the area start with patches which slowly enlarged and joined together? Have you tested the pH levels? Have you...
  10. Philcw1984

    6/8 week lawn - going brown

    How often are you cutting it, if it's new turf it looks a tad low. Too much tap water can also effect levels but you would have to really be watering hard but it can be bad depending on...
    How often are you cutting it, if it's new turf it looks a tad low. Too much tap water can also effect levels but you would have to really be watering hard but it can be bad depending on area. Quality of turf also comes into play. Is there any sign of white like growth close to the soil?
    How often are you cutting it, if it's new turf it looks a tad low. Too much tap water can also effect levels but you would have to really be watering hard but it can be bad depending on area. Quality of turf also comes into play. Is there any...
    How often are you cutting it, if it's new turf it looks a tad low. Too much tap water can also effect levels but you would have to really be watering hard but it can be bad depending on...
  11. Mike Gardener

    Can anyone identify these on my lawn and suggestions to treat them

    As @Mowerman said liquid weed and feed twice a year should keep your lawn clear of most nasties. The liquid stuff made by Vitax is not to easy to find in garden centres , had to buy mine on...
    As @Mowerman said liquid weed and feed twice a year should keep your lawn clear of most nasties. The liquid stuff made by Vitax is not to easy to find in garden centres , had to buy mine on Amazon this year.
    As @Mowerman said liquid weed and feed twice a year should keep your lawn clear of most nasties. The liquid stuff made by Vitax is not to easy to find in garden centres , had to buy mine on Amazon this year.
    As @Mowerman said liquid weed and feed twice a year should keep your lawn clear of most nasties. The liquid stuff made by Vitax is not to easy to find in garden centres , had to buy mine on...
    IMG_1352.jpg IMG_1355.jpg IMG_1359.jpg 810f8Ro6wgL._SL1500_.jpg
  12. Zola

    Zola's Season 2

    Yes ...a summer high nitrogen feed. Liquid is ok but a granular one, in any diy store, would be better Fine to treat in autumn but give it a few weeks off for now :rasp:
    Yes ...a summer high nitrogen feed. Liquid is ok but a granular one, in any diy store, would be better Fine to treat in autumn but give it a few weeks off for now :rasp:
    Yes ...a summer high nitrogen feed. Liquid is ok but a granular one, in any diy store, would be better Fine to treat in autumn but give it a few weeks off for now :rasp:
    Yes ...a summer high nitrogen feed. Liquid is ok but a granular one, in any diy store, would be better Fine to treat in autumn but give it a few weeks off for now :rasp:
  13. JonathanPark

    Clueless ! Turf or seed ?

    Looks like you are cutting too low jonathan. Raise the cut and try to mow at least once a week. Keep well watered too :) For me regular mowing and higher cut are two of the most important things...
    Looks like you are cutting too low jonathan. Raise the cut and try to mow at least once a week. Keep well watered too :) For me regular mowing and higher cut are two of the most important things to do to a lawn right now
    Looks like you are cutting too low jonathan. Raise the cut and try to mow at least once a week. Keep well watered too :) For me regular mowing and higher cut are two of the most important things to do to a lawn right now
    Looks like you are cutting too low jonathan. Raise the cut and try to mow at least once a week. Keep well watered too :) For me regular mowing and higher cut are two of the most important things...
  14. Tim Shields

    21 days after

    Excellent Tim :wow: Dont be tempted to cut too short. A raised cut and mowing once a week will keep your lawn looking good. A feed every 4 to 6 weeks too :)
    Excellent Tim :wow: Dont be tempted to cut too short. A raised cut and mowing once a week will keep your lawn looking good. A feed every 4 to 6 weeks too :)
    Excellent Tim :wow: Dont be tempted to cut too short. A raised cut and mowing once a week will keep your lawn looking good. A feed every 4 to 6 weeks too :)
    Excellent Tim :wow: Dont be tempted to cut too short. A raised cut and mowing once a week will keep your lawn looking good. A feed every 4 to 6 weeks too :)
  15. Voobwm

    How to remove these plants and prepare for turf?

    Ok will keep digging. Did about half today already and wasn't as bad as I thought. Just do a bit at a time. Thanks for the advice.
    Ok will keep digging. Did about half today already and wasn't as bad as I thought. Just do a bit at a time. Thanks for the advice.
    Ok will keep digging. Did about half today already and wasn't as bad as I thought. Just do a bit at a time. Thanks for the advice.
    Ok will keep digging. Did about half today already and wasn't as bad as I thought. Just do a bit at a time. Thanks for the advice.
  16. Sam Laycock

    Please help fix my lawn :-/

    Just go at the tree any way you like, you won't kill it. Might be nice to expose some trunk so trim the low branches right to the collar at the trunk, and the others just snip off so the tree gets...
    Just go at the tree any way you like, you won't kill it. Might be nice to expose some trunk so trim the low branches right to the collar at the trunk, and the others just snip off so the tree gets shaped in a way you like the look of.The tiny patches that are left - I'm a fan of trying to...
    Just go at the tree any way you like, you won't kill it. Might be nice to expose some trunk so trim the low branches right to the collar at the trunk, and the others just snip off so the tree gets shaped in a way you like the look of.The tiny...
    Just go at the tree any way you like, you won't kill it. Might be nice to expose some trunk so trim the low branches right to the collar at the trunk, and the others just snip off so the tree gets...
  17. JennyR89

    New Turf problems

    Im sure it will be fine. The technical answer involves a process called evapotranspiration which in basic terms is how the plant controls the release of moisture through openings in the Cuticle...
    Im sure it will be fine. The technical answer involves a process called evapotranspiration which in basic terms is how the plant controls the release of moisture through openings in the Cuticle called stomata. Its a very important process as it effect photosynthesis. New turf will have an good...
    Im sure it will be fine. The technical answer involves a process called evapotranspiration which in basic terms is how the plant controls the release of moisture through openings in the Cuticle called stomata. Its a very important process as it...
    Im sure it will be fine. The technical answer involves a process called evapotranspiration which in basic terms is how the plant controls the release of moisture through openings in the Cuticle...
  18. chris_elevate

    Easiest way to apply granular feed

    For me, hand spreading fertiliser is best. Marked out with canes and half spread one way and half the other direction. Quicker than using a spreader :)
    For me, hand spreading fertiliser is best. Marked out with canes and half spread one way and half the other direction. Quicker than using a spreader :)
    For me, hand spreading fertiliser is best. Marked out with canes and half spread one way and half the other direction. Quicker than using a spreader :)
    For me, hand spreading fertiliser is best. Marked out with canes and half spread one way and half the other direction. Quicker than using a spreader :)
  19. JDQuinn

    Prep work advice for large lawn

    Thanks all for helpful replies. I don't think the lawn will be happening this year, too many other projects at the minute.Thinking about it, where I live I don't believe it possible to have a...
    Thanks all for helpful replies. I don't think the lawn will be happening this year, too many other projects at the minute.Thinking about it, where I live I don't believe it possible to have a first rate lawn. The neighboring fields are in poor condition with rushes, unkept new woodland full...
    Thanks all for helpful replies. I don't think the lawn will be happening this year, too many other projects at the minute.Thinking about it, where I live I don't believe it possible to have a first rate lawn. The neighboring fields are in...
    Thanks all for helpful replies. I don't think the lawn will be happening this year, too many other projects at the minute.Thinking about it, where I live I don't believe it possible to have a...
  20. Guesty

    Lawn - Advice

    Hi,If it makes you feel any better I'm in a similar boat. I live in the country and no matter what I do I can't avoid couch or weed grasses. They thrive in our cold wet climate and my water...
    Hi,If it makes you feel any better I'm in a similar boat. I live in the country and no matter what I do I can't avoid couch or weed grasses. They thrive in our cold wet climate and my water retaining soil. They used to bother me and still do but I've learned to relax a bit and enjoy the...
    Hi,If it makes you feel any better I'm in a similar boat. I live in the country and no matter what I do I can't avoid couch or weed grasses. They thrive in our cold wet climate and my water retaining soil. They used to bother me and still...
    Hi,If it makes you feel any better I'm in a similar boat. I live in the country and no matter what I do I can't avoid couch or weed grasses. They thrive in our cold wet climate and my water...

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