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  1. joc

    rabbit friendly lawn feed

    They eat there own poo to digest the celulose so it shouldn't do them any harm. Let your boy have a whiff of it and threaten to soak his football boots in it if the lawn gets damaged again :heehee:
    They eat there own poo to digest the celulose so it shouldn't do them any harm. Let your boy have a whiff of it and threaten to soak his football boots in it if the lawn gets damaged again :heehee:
    They eat there own poo to digest the celulose so it shouldn't do them any harm. Let your boy have a whiff of it and threaten to soak his football boots in it if the lawn gets damaged again :heehee:
    They eat there own poo to digest the celulose so it shouldn't do them any harm. Let your boy have a whiff of it and threaten to soak his football boots in it if the lawn gets damaged again :heehee:
  2. timcs

    Problem with Petrol Mower - Mountfield SP414

    All I have decided after all to get the mower serviced/repaired for around £50, so fingers crossed and thank you all for your help and input on this matter.ThanksTimCS
    All I have decided after all to get the mower serviced/repaired for around £50, so fingers crossed and thank you all for your help and input on this matter.ThanksTimCS
    All I have decided after all to get the mower serviced/repaired for around £50, so fingers crossed and thank you all for your help and input on this matter.ThanksTimCS
    All I have decided after all to get the mower serviced/repaired for around £50, so fingers crossed and thank you all for your help and input on this matter.ThanksTimCS
  3. Drumsie

    Lawn issues

    Thanks for the info mowerman, I have already forked and scarified so will look at getting nitrogen into the soil before trying the chemical routeThanks again Andrew
    Thanks for the info mowerman, I have already forked and scarified so will look at getting nitrogen into the soil before trying the chemical routeThanks again Andrew
    Thanks for the info mowerman, I have already forked and scarified so will look at getting nitrogen into the soil before trying the chemical routeThanks again Andrew
    Thanks for the info mowerman, I have already forked and scarified so will look at getting nitrogen into the soil before trying the chemical routeThanks again Andrew
  4. tamtoot

    Lawn Fertiliser - Yellow rings and scorch marks

    :pathd:Sweet .... no news yet :fingers crossed:
    :pathd:Sweet .... no news yet :fingers crossed:
    :pathd:Sweet .... no news yet :fingers crossed:
    :pathd:Sweet .... no news yet :fingers crossed:
  5. Kevin777

    Atco Commodore B17 Flywheel

    Thanks Armandii - I'll have a look :thumbsup:
    Thanks Armandii - I'll have a look :thumbsup:
    Thanks Armandii - I'll have a look :thumbsup:
    Thanks Armandii - I'll have a look :thumbsup:
  6. tomhorn3r

    Lawn advice - can this be saved?

    And now I have spent two days on the lawn seminar....To say the least, I did learn a lot. I'm just not sure how much applies to the UK...:dunno:Edit: The comment regarding how much applies to the UK is...
    And now I have spent two days on the lawn seminar....To say the least, I did learn a lot. I'm just not sure how much applies to the UK...:dunno:Edit: The comment regarding how much applies to the UK is a serious one, nd not meant in any way to be funny. The local climate means that certain things...
    And now I have spent two days on the lawn seminar....To say the least, I did learn a lot. I'm just not sure how much applies to the UK...:dunno:Edit: The comment regarding how much applies to the UK is a serious one, nd not meant in any way to be...
    And now I have spent two days on the lawn seminar....To say the least, I did learn a lot. I'm just not sure how much applies to the UK...:dunno:Edit: The comment regarding how much applies to the UK is...
  7. The Early Bushman

    Trouble getting seed

    There's some good suggestions here...Grass Seed mixes / suppliers
    There's some good suggestions here...Grass Seed mixes / suppliers
    There's some good suggestions here...Grass Seed mixes / suppliers
    There's some good suggestions here...Grass Seed mixes / suppliers
  8. Passport1

    Feed for the lawn

    Thanks all for all the replies and information...much appreciated :ThankYou:
    Thanks all for all the replies and information...much appreciated :ThankYou:
    Thanks all for all the replies and information...much appreciated :ThankYou:
    Thanks all for all the replies and information...much appreciated :ThankYou:
  9. bigbore


    It's the wrong time of year for the nematode treatments. They need to be watered in when the grubs are small and the soil warm (August-October usually) They are an annual pest so will be gone when...
    It's the wrong time of year for the nematode treatments. They need to be watered in when the grubs are small and the soil warm (August-October usually) They are an annual pest so will be gone when the crane flys emerge later on in the year. You may not ever get them again. Infection is a bit of...
    It's the wrong time of year for the nematode treatments. They need to be watered in when the grubs are small and the soil warm (August-October usually) They are an annual pest so will be gone when the crane flys emerge later on in the year. You...
    It's the wrong time of year for the nematode treatments. They need to be watered in when the grubs are small and the soil warm (August-October usually) They are an annual pest so will be gone when...
  10. luciusmaximus

    Treating Moss

    There's this stuff, which I've heard people praising recently. I've no lawn (Yippee ! ) so have NO experience of using it. MossOff Lawn care-100% Chemical Free Moss and algae treatment
    There's this stuff, which I've heard people praising recently. I've no lawn (Yippee ! ) so have NO experience of using it. MossOff Lawn care-100% Chemical Free Moss and algae treatment
    There's this stuff, which I've heard people praising recently. I've no lawn (Yippee ! ) so have NO experience of using it. MossOff Lawn care-100% Chemical Free Moss and algae treatment
    There's this stuff, which I've heard people praising recently. I've no lawn (Yippee ! ) so have NO experience of using it. MossOff Lawn care-100% Chemical Free Moss and algae treatment
  11. Max6389

    Fungus in lawn

    Thank you that's great. Have googled dog lichen and yes this looks the same as in my lawn. sounds like I have some work to do. You were also correct with the clay soil.
    Thank you that's great. Have googled dog lichen and yes this looks the same as in my lawn. sounds like I have some work to do. You were also correct with the clay soil.
    Thank you that's great. Have googled dog lichen and yes this looks the same as in my lawn. sounds like I have some work to do. You were also correct with the clay soil.
    Thank you that's great. Have googled dog lichen and yes this looks the same as in my lawn. sounds like I have some work to do. You were also correct with the clay soil.
  12. HarryS

    New to me - Lawn, Root Zone ?

    Hi Harry, we have used rootzone, loam/sand mix, very free draining and almost stoneless. Mixed with a little "fine" compost, it makes a good seed sowing mix. Lawn dressing seems a good use for it...
    Hi Harry, we have used rootzone, loam/sand mix, very free draining and almost stoneless. Mixed with a little "fine" compost, it makes a good seed sowing mix. Lawn dressing seems a good use for it too (but not having a lawn?) :)
    Hi Harry, we have used rootzone, loam/sand mix, very free draining and almost stoneless. Mixed with a little "fine" compost, it makes a good seed sowing mix. Lawn dressing seems a good use for it too (but not having a lawn?) :)
    Hi Harry, we have used rootzone, loam/sand mix, very free draining and almost stoneless. Mixed with a little "fine" compost, it makes a good seed sowing mix. Lawn dressing seems a good use for it...
  13. 2nd_bassoon

    Tackling the "lawn"

    Thanks @Mowerman, that's very helpful. I hadn't thought about weedkilling, will look into options there - the hens don't have access to the lawn (thanks Defra) but they are right next to it so...
    Thanks @Mowerman, that's very helpful. I hadn't thought about weedkilling, will look into options there - the hens don't have access to the lawn (thanks Defra) but they are right next to it so will check on overspill etc. There are definitely wild violets in there, having googled some pictures...
    Thanks @Mowerman, that's very helpful. I hadn't thought about weedkilling, will look into options there - the hens don't have access to the lawn (thanks Defra) but they are right next to it so will check on overspill etc. There are definitely...
    Thanks @Mowerman, that's very helpful. I hadn't thought about weedkilling, will look into options there - the hens don't have access to the lawn (thanks Defra) but they are right next to it so...
  14. Portisgrass

    Lawn mower technical help. Throttle doesn't work.

    Thanks people for those. It's the throttle stop. Was wound in too much!!
    Thanks people for those. It's the throttle stop. Was wound in too much!!
    Thanks people for those. It's the throttle stop. Was wound in too much!!
    Thanks people for those. It's the throttle stop. Was wound in too much!!
  15. Gn0me

    New turf already dying?

    It usually is, yet somehow they always seem to make us feel like it's our fault.As for extreme watering, as long as it drains freely and doesn't form puddles on the surface, I doubt very much...
    It usually is, yet somehow they always seem to make us feel like it's our fault.As for extreme watering, as long as it drains freely and doesn't form puddles on the surface, I doubt very much you'll drown it. Anything you do with a regular hose and sprinkler is nothing compared to a good...
    It usually is, yet somehow they always seem to make us feel like it's our fault.As for extreme watering, as long as it drains freely and doesn't form puddles on the surface, I doubt very much you'll drown it. Anything you do with a regular...
    It usually is, yet somehow they always seem to make us feel like it's our fault.As for extreme watering, as long as it drains freely and doesn't form puddles on the surface, I doubt very much...
  16. Keith Thomas

    Waterlogged soil and lawn

    What sort of sand should I add? Is it just builders sand?Cheers Keith
    What sort of sand should I add? Is it just builders sand?Cheers Keith
    What sort of sand should I add? Is it just builders sand?Cheers Keith
    What sort of sand should I add? Is it just builders sand?Cheers Keith
  17. Gn0me

    Temporarily remove turf

    The door is quite rickety. In fact, the bottom hinge is no longer attached to the frame because that part of the frame has rotted which is probably the result of the grass & soil being so close to...
    The door is quite rickety. In fact, the bottom hinge is no longer attached to the frame because that part of the frame has rotted which is probably the result of the grass & soil being so close to it originally.I will have a rethink and give priority to the best solution for keeping the...
    The door is quite rickety. In fact, the bottom hinge is no longer attached to the frame because that part of the frame has rotted which is probably the result of the grass & soil being so close to it originally.I will have a rethink and give...
    The door is quite rickety. In fact, the bottom hinge is no longer attached to the frame because that part of the frame has rotted which is probably the result of the grass & soil being so close to...
  18. zMastaa

    Advice needed on inherited lawn

    Just wondering as seen a fair few new builds where the builders have dumped tonnes of topsoil, simply raked it around and thrown a load of grass seed on top. After heavy rain, feet can literally...
    Just wondering as seen a fair few new builds where the builders have dumped tonnes of topsoil, simply raked it around and thrown a load of grass seed on top. After heavy rain, feet can literally sink right into the soil.Your lawn looks like it needs levelling otherwise you could always end up...
    Just wondering as seen a fair few new builds where the builders have dumped tonnes of topsoil, simply raked it around and thrown a load of grass seed on top. After heavy rain, feet can literally sink right into the soil.Your lawn looks like it...
    Just wondering as seen a fair few new builds where the builders have dumped tonnes of topsoil, simply raked it around and thrown a load of grass seed on top. After heavy rain, feet can literally...
  19. bigbore

    Spring lawn care

    But the post question was about the best care for lawns , which Kris has given. I don't think eyebrows need to be raised. Maybe an alternate lawn style post needs to be raised :biggrin:
    But the post question was about the best care for lawns , which Kris has given. I don't think eyebrows need to be raised. Maybe an alternate lawn style post needs to be raised :biggrin:
    But the post question was about the best care for lawns , which Kris has given. I don't think eyebrows need to be raised. Maybe an alternate lawn style post needs to be raised :biggrin:
    But the post question was about the best care for lawns , which Kris has given. I don't think eyebrows need to be raised. Maybe an alternate lawn style post needs to be raised :biggrin:
  20. Scott_369

    Clay soil and new grass

    It would be wise to calculate the cubic volume i.e. length x width x height (depth) and add a good bit extra on top.Buying topsoil in bulk, say half a tonne, will work out heck of a lot cheaper...
    It would be wise to calculate the cubic volume i.e. length x width x height (depth) and add a good bit extra on top.Buying topsoil in bulk, say half a tonne, will work out heck of a lot cheaper than buying it in bags from a DIY store. You can always use the spare to invigorate flower beds etc....
    It would be wise to calculate the cubic volume i.e. length x width x height (depth) and add a good bit extra on top.Buying topsoil in bulk, say half a tonne, will work out heck of a lot cheaper than buying it in bags from a DIY store. You can...
    It would be wise to calculate the cubic volume i.e. length x width x height (depth) and add a good bit extra on top.Buying topsoil in bulk, say half a tonne, will work out heck of a lot cheaper...

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