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Grass Seed mixes / suppliers
Thanks Mowerman I will probably try the premium seed as it is in a lower wear part of the garden not the football open lawn area swing area.
Thanks Mowerman I will probably try the premium seed as it is in a lower wear part of the garden not the football open lawn area swing area.
Thanks Mowerman I will probably try the premium seed as it is in a lower wear part of the garden not the football open lawn area swing area.
Thanks Mowerman I will probably try the premium seed as it is in a lower wear part of the garden not the football open lawn area swing area.
Quentin Jackson
Feb 9, 2017
Quentin Jackson
Feb 16, 2017
Thyme lawn
Oh, that would be bliss. Far too expensive though. And, dog poo
Too many horror stories!But, I have found a couple of the brands Liz mentioned on ebay for a decent price so I'm investigating...
Oh, that would be bliss. Far too expensive though. And, dog poo
Too many horror stories!But, I have found a couple of the brands Liz mentioned on ebay for a decent price so I'm investigating that a bit more. And looking at possible alternatives - there are some auction houses locally...
Oh, that would be bliss. Far too expensive though. And, dog poo
Too many horror stories!But, I have found a couple of the brands Liz mentioned on ebay for a decent price so I'm investigating that a bit more. And looking at possible...
Oh, that would be bliss. Far too expensive though. And, dog poo
Too many horror stories!But, I have found a couple of the brands Liz mentioned on ebay for a decent price so I'm investigating...
Jan 20, 2017
Feb 11, 2017
Yorkshire fog/weed grass
You can get rid of patches of weed grass completely by using a total kill weedkiller (Glyphosate-based). It is the only way to be sure to get rid of it. Something like roundup, resolver or other...
You can get rid of patches of weed grass completely by using a total kill weedkiller (Glyphosate-based). It is the only way to be sure to get rid of it. Something like roundup, resolver or other weedkiller will do the job. It will kill ALL grass though, so be careful with it. The good thing...
You can get rid of patches of weed grass completely by using a total kill weedkiller (Glyphosate-based). It is the only way to be sure to get rid of it. Something like roundup, resolver or other weedkiller will do the job. It will kill ALL grass...
You can get rid of patches of weed grass completely by using a total kill weedkiller (Glyphosate-based). It is the only way to be sure to get rid of it. Something like roundup, resolver or other...
Jan 16, 2017
Kris Lord
Jan 17, 2017
New lawn going brown
There are three different approaches that come to mind. Professional, do it yourself or don't do it.Professional is the easy way to go but can be expensive (can always get a quote) but less...
There are three different approaches that come to mind. Professional, do it yourself or don't do it.Professional is the easy way to go but can be expensive (can always get a quote) but less satisfying if you like doing things yourself.DIY is time consuming but can be done by using...
There are three different approaches that come to mind. Professional, do it yourself or don't do it.Professional is the easy way to go but can be expensive (can always get a quote) but less satisfying if you like doing things yourself.DIY is...
There are three different approaches that come to mind. Professional, do it yourself or don't do it.Professional is the easy way to go but can be expensive (can always get a quote) but less...
Dec 7, 2016
Dec 14, 2016
Advice on laying railway sleepers for small raised lawn
The Early Bushman
Nov 21, 2016
Nov 25, 2016
Topsoil for new turf
best thing to do is phone a local company and ask for a grade 1 top soil.
best thing to do is phone a local company and ask for a grade 1 top soil.
best thing to do is phone a local company and ask for a grade 1 top soil.
best thing to do is phone a local company and ask for a grade 1 top soil.
Aug 30, 2016
Nov 23, 2016
New build garden 9 months on
Grass Disease & White Blades"Dead or white patches of grass seriously impact a yard's appearance and warrant concern.Numerous diseases and abiotic disorders potentially impact grass, but only...
Grass Disease & White Blades"Dead or white patches of grass seriously impact a yard's appearance and warrant concern.Numerous diseases and abiotic disorders potentially impact grass, but only a few of these cause grass blades to turn light-colored or white. Knowing the grass species helps...
Grass Disease & White Blades"Dead or white patches of grass seriously impact a yard's appearance and warrant concern.Numerous diseases and abiotic disorders potentially impact grass, but only a few of these cause grass blades to turn...
Grass Disease & White Blades"Dead or white patches of grass seriously impact a yard's appearance and warrant concern.Numerous diseases and abiotic disorders potentially impact grass, but only...
Oct 30, 2016
Nov 9, 2016
Moss over winter?
Have you checked if you are being overshadowed by trees bushes etc as moss thrives in shade. I wouldn't put anything on the lawn till early spring and scarifying now would be a disaster. Snow is...
Have you checked if you are being overshadowed by trees bushes etc as moss thrives in shade. I wouldn't put anything on the lawn till early spring and scarifying now would be a disaster. Snow is forecast today and the grass has stopped growing here in Scotland so if you scarily you'll be left...
Have you checked if you are being overshadowed by trees bushes etc as moss thrives in shade. I wouldn't put anything on the lawn till early spring and scarifying now would be a disaster. Snow is forecast today and the grass has stopped growing...
Have you checked if you are being overshadowed by trees bushes etc as moss thrives in shade. I wouldn't put anything on the lawn till early spring and scarifying now would be a disaster. Snow is...
Nov 8, 2016
Nov 9, 2016
Lawn advice for a newbie
As @WeeTam suggested, iron sulphate is brilliant at killing moss. It also greens up the grass brilliantly.A spray penetrates much better than granular products. Moss turns black within minutes...
As @WeeTam suggested, iron sulphate is brilliant at killing moss. It also greens up the grass brilliantly.A spray penetrates much better than granular products. Moss turns black within minutes and is soon killed off, which gives a great indicator of moss patches that can easily be overlooked....
As @WeeTam suggested, iron sulphate is brilliant at killing moss. It also greens up the grass brilliantly.A spray penetrates much better than granular products. Moss turns black within minutes and is soon killed off, which gives a great...
As @WeeTam suggested, iron sulphate is brilliant at killing moss. It also greens up the grass brilliantly.A spray penetrates much better than granular products. Moss turns black within minutes...
Oct 11, 2016
Oct 21, 2016
Time to get the scarifier out?
Should still be fine but if your weather outlook looks like it's going to change dramatically you could do a light scarify rather than a heavy one then in the Spring do another scarify or if the...
Should still be fine but if your weather outlook looks like it's going to change dramatically you could do a light scarify rather than a heavy one then in the Spring do another scarify or if the grounds too wet and you are worried about doing more harm than good then wait till spring.
Should still be fine but if your weather outlook looks like it's going to change dramatically you could do a light scarify rather than a heavy one then in the Spring do another scarify or if the grounds too wet and you are worried about doing...
Should still be fine but if your weather outlook looks like it's going to change dramatically you could do a light scarify rather than a heavy one then in the Spring do another scarify or if the...
Sep 13, 2016
Liz the pot
Oct 4, 2016
Desperate help For my lawn
Really well, actually happy with it right now It took off had a few cuts at highest level
Really well, actually happy with it right now It took off had a few cuts at highest level
Really well, actually happy with it right now It took off had a few cuts at highest level
Really well, actually happy with it right now It took off had a few cuts at highest level
Michael neal
Jul 31, 2016
Michael neal
Oct 2, 2016
Lawn Rescue Advice Please!
Thanks! I might have to bite the bullet and get someone into aerate the lawn for me, given that I can get my manual hollow-tine aerator into the ground!!I have used the scarifier before, but not...
Thanks! I might have to bite the bullet and get someone into aerate the lawn for me, given that I can get my manual hollow-tine aerator into the ground!!I have used the scarifier before, but not this year... because I'm never 100% sure I'm doing the right thing and secondly because it makes...
Thanks! I might have to bite the bullet and get someone into aerate the lawn for me, given that I can get my manual hollow-tine aerator into the ground!!I have used the scarifier before, but not this year... because I'm never 100% sure I'm...
Thanks! I might have to bite the bullet and get someone into aerate the lawn for me, given that I can get my manual hollow-tine aerator into the ground!!I have used the scarifier before, but not...
Sep 17, 2016
Sep 18, 2016
Lawn mower help
Hopefully you'll get it fixed.A customer who moved away had an antigue Mountfield M5 (or M3... anyway it had a steel rear roller) that she instisted on being used on her lawn. It was...
Hopefully you'll get it fixed.A customer who moved away had an antigue Mountfield M5 (or M3... anyway it had a steel rear roller) that she instisted on being used on her lawn. It was self-propelled and was like being towed by a snail but it did the job, and the lawn always looked magnificently...
Hopefully you'll get it fixed.A customer who moved away had an antigue Mountfield M5 (or M3... anyway it had a steel rear roller) that she instisted on being used on her lawn. It was self-propelled and was like being towed by a snail but it did...
Hopefully you'll get it fixed.A customer who moved away had an antigue Mountfield M5 (or M3... anyway it had a steel rear roller) that she instisted on being used on her lawn. It was...
Sep 8, 2016
Sep 15, 2016
Operation Garden
I personally would push a narrow bamboo cane through the turf, then a finger at various sections of turf (they'll heal over soon enough) to test how damp the subsoil is. It needs to be damp but...
I personally would push a narrow bamboo cane through the turf, then a finger at various sections of turf (they'll heal over soon enough) to test how damp the subsoil is. It needs to be damp but not soaking wet. As seen from your pics, you're wise using boards to walk across the grass.You may...
I personally would push a narrow bamboo cane through the turf, then a finger at various sections of turf (they'll heal over soon enough) to test how damp the subsoil is. It needs to be damp but not soaking wet. As seen from your pics, you're wise...
I personally would push a narrow bamboo cane through the turf, then a finger at various sections of turf (they'll heal over soon enough) to test how damp the subsoil is. It needs to be damp but...
Stiff Lil Green Fingers
Sep 3, 2016
Sep 8, 2016
Advise for Poa annua control
I have had this issue for the past year or so.The problem is starting to decrease now by these steps,1 - Digging out patches an reseeding. 2 - Regular scarifying then cutting, Poa Annua shreds...
I have had this issue for the past year or so.The problem is starting to decrease now by these steps,1 - Digging out patches an reseeding. 2 - Regular scarifying then cutting, Poa Annua shreds up when scarified. 3 - Regular mowing, not too low to encourage other grasses through. 4 - Watering...
I have had this issue for the past year or so.The problem is starting to decrease now by these steps,1 - Digging out patches an reseeding. 2 - Regular scarifying then cutting, Poa Annua shreds up when scarified. 3 - Regular mowing, not too...
I have had this issue for the past year or so.The problem is starting to decrease now by these steps,1 - Digging out patches an reseeding. 2 - Regular scarifying then cutting, Poa Annua shreds...
Aug 6, 2016
Aug 30, 2016
Lawn Striping issues
The early bird!
I agree, the cutting is much too low for this weather (and possibly for the type of grass - but can't tell), but it seems as though the overlapping may be giving the effect of...
The early bird!
I agree, the cutting is much too low for this weather (and possibly for the type of grass - but can't tell), but it seems as though the overlapping may be giving the effect of both sides being low.
The early bird!
I agree, the cutting is much too low for this weather (and possibly for the type of grass - but can't tell), but it seems as though the overlapping may be giving the effect of both sides being low.
The early bird!
I agree, the cutting is much too low for this weather (and possibly for the type of grass - but can't tell), but it seems as though the overlapping may be giving the effect of...
Aug 21, 2016
Aug 24, 2016
2016 lawn strategy?
The weather has been so depressing recently. So rainy!I have sprayed the lawn for clover, it was growing in the new areas, it is all dead now, but the grass is fine.I reckon once the dry...
The weather has been so depressing recently. So rainy!I have sprayed the lawn for clover, it was growing in the new areas, it is all dead now, but the grass is fine.I reckon once the dry weather returns I am going to cut the lawn short and then scarify a day or two later!Its coming to...
The weather has been so depressing recently. So rainy!I have sprayed the lawn for clover, it was growing in the new areas, it is all dead now, but the grass is fine.I reckon once the dry weather returns I am going to cut the lawn short and...
The weather has been so depressing recently. So rainy!I have sprayed the lawn for clover, it was growing in the new areas, it is all dead now, but the grass is fine.I reckon once the dry...
Mar 20, 2016
Aug 23, 2016
Patchy McPatch Face :(
You can buy nematodes which are microscpic parasites that kill leather jackets. It may be worth buying some to see if it makes any difference. Slugs can will also eat grass if there's nothing more...
You can buy nematodes which are microscpic parasites that kill leather jackets. It may be worth buying some to see if it makes any difference. Slugs can will also eat grass if there's nothing more tasty to destroy. In tidy gardens like yours, they eat whatever they can - including grass.Also,...
You can buy nematodes which are microscpic parasites that kill leather jackets. It may be worth buying some to see if it makes any difference. Slugs can will also eat grass if there's nothing more tasty to destroy. In tidy gardens like yours,...
You can buy nematodes which are microscpic parasites that kill leather jackets. It may be worth buying some to see if it makes any difference. Slugs can will also eat grass if there's nothing more...
Aug 13, 2016
Aug 16, 2016
Top soil depth
Many thanks....I got some pre lawn fertiliser too.. I'm trying everything the "professional" who did it last year didn't And blocking it off completely for a month (no kids,dogs ,humans lol )
Many thanks....I got some pre lawn fertiliser too.. I'm trying everything the "professional" who did it last year didn't And blocking it off completely for a month (no kids,dogs ,humans lol )
Many thanks....I got some pre lawn fertiliser too.. I'm trying everything the "professional" who did it last year didn't And blocking it off completely for a month (no kids,dogs ,humans lol )
Many thanks....I got some pre lawn fertiliser too.. I'm trying everything the "professional" who did it last year didn't And blocking it off completely for a month (no kids,dogs ,humans lol )
Michael neal
Aug 9, 2016
Michael neal
Aug 9, 2016
A new tactic (for me) to get the lawn I want.
Indeed it is Sian. I just have a few, small 'sink-holes' to level and seed, and I'll be able to expose my 50 year old beer-belly to the sun!
Indeed it is Sian. I just have a few, small 'sink-holes' to level and seed, and I'll be able to expose my 50 year old beer-belly to the sun!
Indeed it is Sian. I just have a few, small 'sink-holes' to level and seed, and I'll be able to expose my 50 year old beer-belly to the sun!
Indeed it is Sian. I just have a few, small 'sink-holes' to level and seed, and I'll be able to expose my 50 year old beer-belly to the sun!
Jun 7, 2016
Aug 4, 2016
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