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Garden Planting Discussion
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Laying my First Lawn
you can do as little as you want, you could rake the soil up a bit lay turf or sow grass seed, and so long as you kept it wet in dry weather, it would grow and look perfectly acceptable. The more...
you can do as little as you want, you could rake the soil up a bit lay turf or sow grass seed, and so long as you kept it wet in dry weather, it would grow and look perfectly acceptable. The more work you put in the better the fininsh. You could hire a rotivator (£30 ish) this will loosen the...
you can do as little as you want, you could rake the soil up a bit lay turf or sow grass seed, and so long as you kept it wet in dry weather, it would grow and look perfectly acceptable. The more work you put in the better the fininsh. You could...
you can do as little as you want, you could rake the soil up a bit lay turf or sow grass seed, and so long as you kept it wet in dry weather, it would grow and look perfectly acceptable. The more...
Mar 30, 2010
Mar 30, 2010
Curved Lawn Edges....
The theory is easy.Make a scale plan of your garden - the larger the better and using a fixed datum point as your start - eg the wall of your house or the fence or pathDraw on it the curve...
The theory is easy.Make a scale plan of your garden - the larger the better and using a fixed datum point as your start - eg the wall of your house or the fence or pathDraw on it the curve you want - you may need to use a pair of compasses - a plate, or tray to get the curve.Measure...
The theory is easy.Make a scale plan of your garden - the larger the better and using a fixed datum point as your start - eg the wall of your house or the fence or pathDraw on it the curve you want - you may need to use a pair of...
The theory is easy.Make a scale plan of your garden - the larger the better and using a fixed datum point as your start - eg the wall of your house or the fence or pathDraw on it the curve...
Apr 5, 2010
has bean counter
Apr 5, 2010
When can you overseed?
Thanks, everyone. Will wait for a fortnight then!
Thanks, everyone. Will wait for a fortnight then!
Thanks, everyone. Will wait for a fortnight then!
Thanks, everyone. Will wait for a fortnight then!
Mar 27, 2010
Apr 5, 2010
Water logged garden and lawn
Afternoon, I need some advice for the back garden of the house I'm renting. At the bottom right corner of the back garden we have a flower bed, and around the garden we have a gravel border, with...
Afternoon, I need some advice for the back garden of the house I'm renting. At the bottom right corner of the back garden we have a flower bed, and around the garden we have a gravel border, with a small path in front of the corner plot. My problem is the right hand side 1/3 of the garden and...
Afternoon, I need some advice for the back garden of the house I'm renting. At the bottom right corner of the back garden we have a flower bed, and around the garden we have a gravel border, with a small path in front of the corner plot. My...
Afternoon, I need some advice for the back garden of the house I'm renting. At the bottom right corner of the back garden we have a flower bed, and around the garden we have a gravel border, with...
Apr 6, 2010
Apr 6, 2010
Artificial lawn and wildlife?
My garden gets very little light for a lot of the year and the lawn is not looking good. The soil is quite clayey too, so there are bare, boggy patches all over it. I have tried sowing clover, but...
My garden gets very little light for a lot of the year and the lawn is not looking good. The soil is quite clayey too, so there are bare, boggy patches all over it. I have tried sowing clover, but in winter this gives very little coverage. So I'm considering artificial turf. I don't get many...
My garden gets very little light for a lot of the year and the lawn is not looking good. The soil is quite clayey too, so there are bare, boggy patches all over it. I have tried sowing clover, but in winter this gives very little coverage. So...
My garden gets very little light for a lot of the year and the lawn is not looking good. The soil is quite clayey too, so there are bare, boggy patches all over it. I have tried sowing clover, but...
Apr 6, 2010
Apr 6, 2010
Inspiration requested for a front lawn centre shrub
Did you see the small trees for small gardens bit on gardeners world last week? The white berried rowan looked beautiful. Sorbus Kashmir... something! Can't remember rest of name but I'm sure...
Did you see the small trees for small gardens bit on gardeners world last week? The white berried rowan looked beautiful. Sorbus Kashmir... something! Can't remember rest of name but I'm sure Google will find it on a search.
Did you see the small trees for small gardens bit on gardeners world last week? The white berried rowan looked beautiful. Sorbus Kashmir... something! Can't remember rest of name but I'm sure Google will find it on a search.
Did you see the small trees for small gardens bit on gardeners world last week? The white berried rowan looked beautiful. Sorbus Kashmir... something! Can't remember rest of name but I'm sure...
Apr 9, 2010
Victoria Plum
Apr 10, 2010
New Turf Problem
Many Thanks all I will do what is recommended.
Many Thanks all I will do what is recommended.
Many Thanks all I will do what is recommended.
Many Thanks all I will do what is recommended.
Apr 9, 2010
Apr 11, 2010
soaking wet lawn all year
Pip,I was just going to ask exactly the same questions as Stephent so many thanks!I'll get the fork out this afternoon...................
Pip,I was just going to ask exactly the same questions as Stephent so many thanks!I'll get the fork out this afternoon...................
Pip,I was just going to ask exactly the same questions as Stephent so many thanks!I'll get the fork out this afternoon...................
Pip,I was just going to ask exactly the same questions as Stephent so many thanks!I'll get the fork out this afternoon...................
Mar 29, 2010
Apr 14, 2010
Laying New Lawn on Sand?
Hi There! I have just moved into a new house and im taking up the ugly concrete slabs covering the whole of my back garden to lay some nice green turf. In doing so I have noticed that there is...
Hi There! I have just moved into a new house and im taking up the ugly concrete slabs covering the whole of my back garden to lay some nice green turf. In doing so I have noticed that there is about 20cm of shard sand under the slabs. Would i need to remove all this sand and replace it with...
Hi There! I have just moved into a new house and im taking up the ugly concrete slabs covering the whole of my back garden to lay some nice green turf. In doing so I have noticed that there is about 20cm of shard sand under the slabs. Would i...
Hi There! I have just moved into a new house and im taking up the ugly concrete slabs covering the whole of my back garden to lay some nice green turf. In doing so I have noticed that there is...
Apr 14, 2010
Apr 14, 2010
Returfing a lawn - how to a raise the height
a good silty loam should do it.raising it by 4cm will be about 1 cubic meter of soil - shop around
a good silty loam should do it.raising it by 4cm will be about 1 cubic meter of soil - shop around
a good silty loam should do it.raising it by 4cm will be about 1 cubic meter of soil - shop around
a good silty loam should do it.raising it by 4cm will be about 1 cubic meter of soil - shop around
Apr 16, 2010
has bean counter
Apr 16, 2010
Laying a new lawn on top of an old one?
buy a lawn book at under £10, it will save you a fortune in time and money.Lawn preparation is best done in the autumn and its too late in the year to sow a lawn from seed, unless you are on...
buy a lawn book at under £10, it will save you a fortune in time and money.Lawn preparation is best done in the autumn and its too late in the year to sow a lawn from seed, unless you are on unmetered water and are prepared to flout the regulations..Best bet is to apply lawn weed, feed...
buy a lawn book at under £10, it will save you a fortune in time and money.Lawn preparation is best done in the autumn and its too late in the year to sow a lawn from seed, unless you are on unmetered water and are prepared to flout the...
buy a lawn book at under £10, it will save you a fortune in time and money.Lawn preparation is best done in the autumn and its too late in the year to sow a lawn from seed, unless you are on...
Apr 17, 2010
has bean counter
Apr 17, 2010
Turf stack revisited - with pictures
NewbieGreenThe soil from the stack contains a lot of visible fibrous roots which you have to judge are dead. If they're not, it would be like sowing grass everywhere when you mix it with...
NewbieGreenThe soil from the stack contains a lot of visible fibrous roots which you have to judge are dead. If they're not, it would be like sowing grass everywhere when you mix it with other soil. Some roots may look dead but possibly aren't. They could revive when exposed to the right...
NewbieGreenThe soil from the stack contains a lot of visible fibrous roots which you have to judge are dead. If they're not, it would be like sowing grass everywhere when you mix it with other soil. Some roots may look dead but possibly...
NewbieGreenThe soil from the stack contains a lot of visible fibrous roots which you have to judge are dead. If they're not, it would be like sowing grass everywhere when you mix it with...
Apr 18, 2010
Apr 19, 2010
My cats are pooing and weeing all over my lawn
i got it from my local garden centre, it actually does work, have to re put it down after 4 wks thou, but it definately is keeping the cats away cost me about 8 quid for a box of it but thought...
i got it from my local garden centre, it actually does work, have to re put it down after 4 wks thou, but it definately is keeping the cats away cost me about 8 quid for a box of it but thought worth a try as hate seeing my grass ruined due to cat poop :P
i got it from my local garden centre, it actually does work, have to re put it down after 4 wks thou, but it definately is keeping the cats away cost me about 8 quid for a box of it but thought worth a try as hate seeing my grass ruined due to...
i got it from my local garden centre, it actually does work, have to re put it down after 4 wks thou, but it definately is keeping the cats away cost me about 8 quid for a box of it but thought...
Feb 27, 2010
Apr 20, 2010
alternative to grass lawn
Hi, I'm new here and I know this is an old thread but have been looking around the web for some info regarding artificial grass. I've been thinking of buying from here: Artificial Grass ...
Hi, I'm new here and I know this is an old thread but have been looking around the web for some info regarding artificial grass. I've been thinking of buying from here: Artificial Grass Anyone else installed an artificial lawn?
Hi, I'm new here and I know this is an old thread but have been looking around the web for some info regarding artificial grass. I've been thinking of buying from here: Artificial Grass Anyone else installed an artificial lawn?
Hi, I'm new here and I know this is an old thread but have been looking around the web for some info regarding artificial grass. I've been thinking of buying from here: Artificial Grass ...
Jun 16, 2008
Apr 23, 2010
Lawn under attack
More likely to be mining bees than anything else. As such they are very useful and should not be discouraged. The holes will soon disappear. We have lots of them in our grass areas and they make...
More likely to be mining bees than anything else. As such they are very useful and should not be discouraged. The holes will soon disappear. We have lots of them in our grass areas and they make little difference to it. Even mowing closely does not seem to bother them.
More likely to be mining bees than anything else. As such they are very useful and should not be discouraged. The holes will soon disappear. We have lots of them in our grass areas and they make little difference to it. Even mowing closely does...
More likely to be mining bees than anything else. As such they are very useful and should not be discouraged. The holes will soon disappear. We have lots of them in our grass areas and they make...
Apr 22, 2010
Apr 23, 2010
New lawn
As daitheplant mentioned its really important to get a decent tilth going to allow for good root penetration once the lawn has settled a bit and started to push its roots through. Otherwise you...
As daitheplant mentioned its really important to get a decent tilth going to allow for good root penetration once the lawn has settled a bit and started to push its roots through. Otherwise you will have the existing lawn warring with the new lawn, and once the lawn underneath starts to rot that...
As daitheplant mentioned its really important to get a decent tilth going to allow for good root penetration once the lawn has settled a bit and started to push its roots through. Otherwise you will have the existing lawn warring with the new...
As daitheplant mentioned its really important to get a decent tilth going to allow for good root penetration once the lawn has settled a bit and started to push its roots through. Otherwise you...
Apr 20, 2010
Apr 23, 2010
An end to lawn edging and subsequent "border creep."
Actually, not too bad. I had to break up a lot of old surplus small pieces of York stone to make the hard core. Then mix five bags of concrete mix (expensive way of doing it, but more convenient)...
Actually, not too bad. I had to break up a lot of old surplus small pieces of York stone to make the hard core. Then mix five bags of concrete mix (expensive way of doing it, but more convenient) with more cement and sand added to make it more workable. The breaking up of the stone with a lump...
Actually, not too bad. I had to break up a lot of old surplus small pieces of York stone to make the hard core. Then mix five bags of concrete mix (expensive way of doing it, but more convenient) with more cement and sand added to make it more...
Actually, not too bad. I had to break up a lot of old surplus small pieces of York stone to make the hard core. Then mix five bags of concrete mix (expensive way of doing it, but more convenient)...
Doghouse Riley
Apr 23, 2010
Doghouse Riley
Apr 24, 2010
Scrapping old garden and laying new grass
Good evening Alex and welcome to the site. Any chance of a couple of pics of the clumps?:thumb:
Good evening Alex and welcome to the site. Any chance of a couple of pics of the clumps?:thumb:
Good evening Alex and welcome to the site. Any chance of a couple of pics of the clumps?:thumb:
Good evening Alex and welcome to the site. Any chance of a couple of pics of the clumps?:thumb:
Apr 26, 2010
Apr 26, 2010
Thanks, I've done it and it does look a bit shocking but the lawns been neglected for over 2 years so that was expected. It's certainly done what it's supposed to.
Thanks, I've done it and it does look a bit shocking but the lawns been neglected for over 2 years so that was expected. It's certainly done what it's supposed to.
Thanks, I've done it and it does look a bit shocking but the lawns been neglected for over 2 years so that was expected. It's certainly done what it's supposed to.
Thanks, I've done it and it does look a bit shocking but the lawns been neglected for over 2 years so that was expected. It's certainly done what it's supposed to.
Apr 12, 2010
Apr 27, 2010
What to do in first year of a newly sown lawn
Last year (autumn) I killed, dug, levelled and re-seeded my lawn with good quality shade tolerant grass. Success! It looks good. Its could do with being a bit denser, I get wheel tracks...
Last year (autumn) I killed, dug, levelled and re-seeded my lawn with good quality shade tolerant grass. Success! It looks good. Its could do with being a bit denser, I get wheel tracks (flattened grass) after mowing that last a few days, and a few weeds are appearing but I'm happy. What...
Last year (autumn) I killed, dug, levelled and re-seeded my lawn with good quality shade tolerant grass. Success! It looks good. Its could do with being a bit denser, I get wheel tracks (flattened grass) after mowing that last a few days, and a...
Last year (autumn) I killed, dug, levelled and re-seeded my lawn with good quality shade tolerant grass. Success! It looks good. Its could do with being a bit denser, I get wheel tracks...
Apr 27, 2010
Apr 27, 2010
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