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  1. mosamahab

    Renovate or maybe start from scratch.

    Glyphosate would mean killing about 50% of grass with it.Gonna have to try other methods.
    Glyphosate would mean killing about 50% of grass with it.Gonna have to try other methods.
    Glyphosate would mean killing about 50% of grass with it.Gonna have to try other methods.
    Glyphosate would mean killing about 50% of grass with it.Gonna have to try other methods.
  2. mr c

    just mowed the weeds

    ie Your "grass" must be the same make as mine @burnie, Plus side to ours is because ours is hmmmm probably 75% moss it doesn't need cut quite so often in comparison to smart bowling green type lawn!
    ie Your "grass" must be the same make as mine @burnie, Plus side to ours is because ours is hmmmm probably 75% moss it doesn't need cut quite so often in comparison to smart bowling green type lawn!
    ie Your "grass" must be the same make as mine @burnie, Plus side to ours is because ours is hmmmm probably 75% moss it doesn't need cut quite so often in comparison to smart bowling green type lawn!
    ie Your "grass" must be the same make as mine @burnie, Plus side to ours is because ours is hmmmm probably 75% moss it doesn't need cut quite so often in comparison to smart bowling green type lawn!
  3. HarryS

    Leatherjacket Cure ?

    @NigelJ , not a bad idea . At £15 for a 100 sq metre dose it is a doable cure. :blue thumb: Never used Nematodes how effective are they , anyone ?
    @NigelJ , not a bad idea . At £15 for a 100 sq metre dose it is a doable cure. :blue thumb: Never used Nematodes how effective are they , anyone ?
    @NigelJ , not a bad idea . At £15 for a 100 sq metre dose it is a doable cure. :blue thumb: Never used Nematodes how effective are they , anyone ?
    @NigelJ , not a bad idea . At £15 for a 100 sq metre dose it is a doable cure. :blue thumb: Never used Nematodes how effective are they , anyone ?
  4. hedgefog

    Snails on the grass

    This year has been slug and snail heaven due to the weather and their numbers have increased to epic proportions.There is always a certain amount of guilt about killing creatures but they are...
    This year has been slug and snail heaven due to the weather and their numbers have increased to epic proportions.There is always a certain amount of guilt about killing creatures but they are beyond serious pests this year and if you have dogs or cats, lungworm parasites can kill both unless...
    This year has been slug and snail heaven due to the weather and their numbers have increased to epic proportions.There is always a certain amount of guilt about killing creatures but they are beyond serious pests this year and if you have dogs...
    This year has been slug and snail heaven due to the weather and their numbers have increased to epic proportions.There is always a certain amount of guilt about killing creatures but they are...
  5. chris_elevate

    Filling in "foot prints" with new turf

    As Linz said fill holes with new turf and patch in with soil and seed. Make sure the turf is fresh . As you may only need two rolls B and Q may be best . If you ask they will tell you when they...
    As Linz said fill holes with new turf and patch in with soil and seed. Make sure the turf is fresh . As you may only need two rolls B and Q may be best . If you ask they will tell you when they are to receive a fresh batch. So you can nip down and get it then. Tatty old turf struggles - I know...
    As Linz said fill holes with new turf and patch in with soil and seed. Make sure the turf is fresh . As you may only need two rolls B and Q may be best . If you ask they will tell you when they are to receive a fresh batch. So you can nip down...
    As Linz said fill holes with new turf and patch in with soil and seed. Make sure the turf is fresh . As you may only need two rolls B and Q may be best . If you ask they will tell you when they...
  6. David E Peacock

    Patches of 'coarse' grass self seeded into an old and well established lawn.

    The problem with digging out areas of weed grass is that their roots can travel all over the place and unless you get every minuscule piece of root out, they will soon resurface.Take couch grass...
    The problem with digging out areas of weed grass is that their roots can travel all over the place and unless you get every minuscule piece of root out, they will soon resurface.Take couch grass for instance... it's roots are a nightmare to get rid of as they spead so far and wide, plus it...
    The problem with digging out areas of weed grass is that their roots can travel all over the place and unless you get every minuscule piece of root out, they will soon resurface.Take couch grass for instance... it's roots are a nightmare to get...
    The problem with digging out areas of weed grass is that their roots can travel all over the place and unless you get every minuscule piece of root out, they will soon resurface.Take couch grass...
  7. Sarie

    Lawn Refurb - Any advice welcome :)

    Two threads for you. Beginning to end result.Plenty of advice and discussion in them.
    Two threads for you. Beginning to end result.Plenty of advice and discussion in them.
    Two threads for you. Beginning to end result.Plenty of advice and discussion in them.
    Two threads for you. Beginning to end result.Plenty of advice and discussion in them.
  8. Dave0w

    What is the best feed for a new turf lawn.

    A well balanced low N,P and K lawn fertiliser would be a good idea to add to the soil prior to turfing. Decent turf suppliers add it to your order as a matter of course. Often they'll add their...
    A well balanced low N,P and K lawn fertiliser would be a good idea to add to the soil prior to turfing. Decent turf suppliers add it to your order as a matter of course. Often they'll add their own or bags of chicken pellets. Don't go higher than about 8/8/8.
    A well balanced low N,P and K lawn fertiliser would be a good idea to add to the soil prior to turfing. Decent turf suppliers add it to your order as a matter of course. Often they'll add their own or bags of chicken pellets. Don't go higher...
    A well balanced low N,P and K lawn fertiliser would be a good idea to add to the soil prior to turfing. Decent turf suppliers add it to your order as a matter of course. Often they'll add their...
  9. dortmunder

    Will existing grass grow through layer of topsoil?

    Actually, he's also a friend who took advice from another gardener before starting. They must both be rubbish gardeners...Thanks for the replies.
    Actually, he's also a friend who took advice from another gardener before starting. They must both be rubbish gardeners...Thanks for the replies.
    Actually, he's also a friend who took advice from another gardener before starting. They must both be rubbish gardeners...Thanks for the replies.
    Actually, he's also a friend who took advice from another gardener before starting. They must both be rubbish gardeners...Thanks for the replies.
  10. EnglishmanCFC

    Relaying lawn

    I'd put on a bit more than 3mm and increase the frequency - say 10mm every 3 weeks. Keep watering it well over the summer to keep it growing and if 10mm seems to be smothering the garss then cut...
    I'd put on a bit more than 3mm and increase the frequency - say 10mm every 3 weeks. Keep watering it well over the summer to keep it growing and if 10mm seems to be smothering the garss then cut down the depth next time.
    I'd put on a bit more than 3mm and increase the frequency - say 10mm every 3 weeks. Keep watering it well over the summer to keep it growing and if 10mm seems to be smothering the garss then cut down the depth next time.
    I'd put on a bit more than 3mm and increase the frequency - say 10mm every 3 weeks. Keep watering it well over the summer to keep it growing and if 10mm seems to be smothering the garss then cut...
  11. Poly Hive

    More moss than grass.....

    Situation last weekend after mowing. Personally we think it is improving.PH
    Situation last weekend after mowing. Personally we think it is improving.PH
    Situation last weekend after mowing. Personally we think it is improving.PH
    Situation last weekend after mowing. Personally we think it is improving.PH
    DSCF1571[1].JPG DSCF1596.JPG
  12. Saus

    Question re fertiliser

    If you want to apply seed I would hold back on using fertiliser. Manufacturers normally indicate a time scale of when to apply fertiliser on seed but if you seed and use a fine grade top soil the...
    If you want to apply seed I would hold back on using fertiliser. Manufacturers normally indicate a time scale of when to apply fertiliser on seed but if you seed and use a fine grade top soil the nutrients in that will be enough to promote a good start for the seed and will do the same with the...
    If you want to apply seed I would hold back on using fertiliser. Manufacturers normally indicate a time scale of when to apply fertiliser on seed but if you seed and use a fine grade top soil the nutrients in that will be enough to promote a good...
    If you want to apply seed I would hold back on using fertiliser. Manufacturers normally indicate a time scale of when to apply fertiliser on seed but if you seed and use a fine grade top soil the...
  13. Tim Shields

    Mowing dilemma

    Looking good Tim:blue thumb:
    Looking good Tim:blue thumb:
    Looking good Tim:blue thumb:
    Looking good Tim:blue thumb:
  14. 6434N

    First shot at a new lawn

    Basically you have a subsoil clay base with sand on top, that won't be any good for a lawn. It will need a good layer of topsoil before seeding plus as much organic material as you can find -...
    Basically you have a subsoil clay base with sand on top, that won't be any good for a lawn. It will need a good layer of topsoil before seeding plus as much organic material as you can find - spent mushroom compost is cheap and ideal for helping to improve clay.
    Basically you have a subsoil clay base with sand on top, that won't be any good for a lawn. It will need a good layer of topsoil before seeding plus as much organic material as you can find - spent mushroom compost is cheap and ideal for helping...
    Basically you have a subsoil clay base with sand on top, that won't be any good for a lawn. It will need a good layer of topsoil before seeding plus as much organic material as you can find -...
  15. fingermouse

    new lawn for the inexperienced gardener...

    The subsoil is predominantly ashy / gritty. its apparently typical for this area. Not clay based at all.Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
    The subsoil is predominantly ashy / gritty. its apparently typical for this area. Not clay based at all.Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
    The subsoil is predominantly ashy / gritty. its apparently typical for this area. Not clay based at all.Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
    The subsoil is predominantly ashy / gritty. its apparently typical for this area. Not clay based at all.Sent from my E5823 using Tapatalk
  16. waggie

    Removing ants

    Put clay flower pots upside down over them, when they move the nest into them for the warmth, slide a spade under it and move it to a neighbour's lawn, preferably wearing a balaclava :snorky:
    Put clay flower pots upside down over them, when they move the nest into them for the warmth, slide a spade under it and move it to a neighbour's lawn, preferably wearing a balaclava :snorky:
    Put clay flower pots upside down over them, when they move the nest into them for the warmth, slide a spade under it and move it to a neighbour's lawn, preferably wearing a balaclava :snorky:
    Put clay flower pots upside down over them, when they move the nest into them for the warmth, slide a spade under it and move it to a neighbour's lawn, preferably wearing a balaclava :snorky:
  17. Sootylfc

    Lawn advise

    That, my friend, is indeed a rather healthy-looking lawn.Feed and weed leaves black patches if moss or weeds are present but there doesn't appear to be any signs of this.... just a growth of...
    That, my friend, is indeed a rather healthy-looking lawn.Feed and weed leaves black patches if moss or weeds are present but there doesn't appear to be any signs of this.... just a growth of strong grass, which should keep moss and weeds like dandelions, lesser trefoil, self heal etc at...
    That, my friend, is indeed a rather healthy-looking lawn.Feed and weed leaves black patches if moss or weeds are present but there doesn't appear to be any signs of this.... just a growth of strong grass, which should keep moss and weeds like...
    That, my friend, is indeed a rather healthy-looking lawn.Feed and weed leaves black patches if moss or weeds are present but there doesn't appear to be any signs of this.... just a growth of...
  18. nickp

    Lawn sprinkler with attached feeder

    Hi - I would like to feed my lawn with a sprinkler because it will save me some time not having to stand there spraying through a bottle, which I attached to my hosepipe.Does anybody know of a...
    Hi - I would like to feed my lawn with a sprinkler because it will save me some time not having to stand there spraying through a bottle, which I attached to my hosepipe.Does anybody know of a sprinkler that you can pore liquid feed into or a suitable bottle that has an 'in connection' and...
    Hi - I would like to feed my lawn with a sprinkler because it will save me some time not having to stand there spraying through a bottle, which I attached to my hosepipe.Does anybody know of a sprinkler that you can pore liquid feed into or a...
    Hi - I would like to feed my lawn with a sprinkler because it will save me some time not having to stand there spraying through a bottle, which I attached to my hosepipe.Does anybody know of a...
  19. AdamW

    Year Round Lawn Treatment

    Seems to work OK Adam . Its not a showpiece lawn , Molly makes sure of that ,but it looks ok with zero weeds. If you have a large lawn it may be better to just go for "green" as Shiney can get a...
    Seems to work OK Adam . Its not a showpiece lawn , Molly makes sure of that ,but it looks ok with zero weeds. If you have a large lawn it may be better to just go for "green" as Shiney can get a bit pricey feeding it several times a year.
    Seems to work OK Adam . Its not a showpiece lawn , Molly makes sure of that ,but it looks ok with zero weeds. If you have a large lawn it may be better to just go for "green" as Shiney can get a bit pricey feeding it several times a year.
    Seems to work OK Adam . Its not a showpiece lawn , Molly makes sure of that ,but it looks ok with zero weeds. If you have a large lawn it may be better to just go for "green" as Shiney can get a...
  20. DazG36

    Help! Weeds in my topsoil before laying turf

    I'd use a hoe - on a hot sunny day like today hoeing them up would kill 99% of them.
    I'd use a hoe - on a hot sunny day like today hoeing them up would kill 99% of them.
    I'd use a hoe - on a hot sunny day like today hoeing them up would kill 99% of them.
    I'd use a hoe - on a hot sunny day like today hoeing them up would kill 99% of them.

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