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Garden Planting Discussion
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Grass eating caterpillar
Let them eat it! It saves mowing it lol :P
Let them eat it! It saves mowing it lol :P
Let them eat it! It saves mowing it lol :P
Let them eat it! It saves mowing it lol :P
May 31, 2010
May 31, 2010
Thank you for all your help,will have a trip to B and Q.
Thank you for all your help,will have a trip to B and Q.
Thank you for all your help,will have a trip to B and Q.
Thank you for all your help,will have a trip to B and Q.
Jun 7, 2010
Jun 8, 2010
New lawn concerns
You'll either have to wait until your lawn is well established and then you can use a selective weedkiller or you can take the little clover plants out by hand (using a lot of care not to disturb...
You'll either have to wait until your lawn is well established and then you can use a selective weedkiller or you can take the little clover plants out by hand (using a lot of care not to disturb the new grass seedlings). It all depends on a) how big your lawn is and b) how many clover plants...
You'll either have to wait until your lawn is well established and then you can use a selective weedkiller or you can take the little clover plants out by hand (using a lot of care not to disturb the new grass seedlings). It all depends on a)...
You'll either have to wait until your lawn is well established and then you can use a selective weedkiller or you can take the little clover plants out by hand (using a lot of care not to disturb...
Jun 8, 2010
Jun 9, 2010
Lawn weed and feed
I think it's because of the pressure and the spread of the spray as opposed to a watering can which just pours it.. Rule of thumb always follow the manufacturers instructions when using these...
I think it's because of the pressure and the spread of the spray as opposed to a watering can which just pours it.. Rule of thumb always follow the manufacturers instructions when using these things unless you have vast experience. It has been tested so...............
I think it's because of the pressure and the spread of the spray as opposed to a watering can which just pours it.. Rule of thumb always follow the manufacturers instructions when using these things unless you have vast experience. It has been...
I think it's because of the pressure and the spread of the spray as opposed to a watering can which just pours it.. Rule of thumb always follow the manufacturers instructions when using these...
Jun 4, 2010
Jun 9, 2010
Care for recently turfed lawn
Don't know the answer to your question, but felt sorry that no one had replied. That happened to me a few weeks ago! I'm sure somebody will respond with a more useful reply eventually!
Don't know the answer to your question, but felt sorry that no one had replied. That happened to me a few weeks ago! I'm sure somebody will respond with a more useful reply eventually!
Don't know the answer to your question, but felt sorry that no one had replied. That happened to me a few weeks ago! I'm sure somebody will respond with a more useful reply eventually!
Don't know the answer to your question, but felt sorry that no one had replied. That happened to me a few weeks ago! I'm sure somebody will respond with a more useful reply eventually!
May 27, 2010
Jun 10, 2010
New Turf Worries
Let's hope all this rain we are having is helping and when you eventually do decide to cut the grass, make sure you cut it at a really high setting so it's not actually that short.
Let's hope all this rain we are having is helping and when you eventually do decide to cut the grass, make sure you cut it at a really high setting so it's not actually that short.
Let's hope all this rain we are having is helping and when you eventually do decide to cut the grass, make sure you cut it at a really high setting so it's not actually that short.
Let's hope all this rain we are having is helping and when you eventually do decide to cut the grass, make sure you cut it at a really high setting so it's not actually that short.
May 14, 2008
Jun 10, 2010
New Lawn is this a problem
This is another section, we really wet the really dry areas. Does this look like new shoot or is the remaining??? Thank you again
This is another section, we really wet the really dry areas. Does this look like new shoot or is the remaining??? Thank you again
This is another section, we really wet the really dry areas. Does this look like new shoot or is the remaining??? Thank you again
This is another section, we really wet the really dry areas. Does this look like new shoot or is the remaining??? Thank you again
Jun 7, 2010
Jun 10, 2010
How to deal with weed covered lawn quickly
Presumably those moving in after you will have seen the property and the accompanying lawn so I guess it's condition won't come as that much of a surprise. You could try something which is...
Presumably those moving in after you will have seen the property and the accompanying lawn so I guess it's condition won't come as that much of a surprise. You could try something which is labelled 'weed and feed' - even a cheapie one from a supermarket will work well, but I do warn (from...
Presumably those moving in after you will have seen the property and the accompanying lawn so I guess it's condition won't come as that much of a surprise. You could try something which is labelled 'weed and feed' - even a cheapie one from a...
Presumably those moving in after you will have seen the property and the accompanying lawn so I guess it's condition won't come as that much of a surprise. You could try something which is...
Jun 7, 2010
Jun 11, 2010
Dying lawn needs help pls!!
I think it's more important not to let the new lawn dry out if the weather gets too hot. If you need to water it, do so early in the morning before the sun gets to it. Rather than get the green...
I think it's more important not to let the new lawn dry out if the weather gets too hot. If you need to water it, do so early in the morning before the sun gets to it. Rather than get the green stuff on top you need to cultivate good root growth, from good roots you get a good lawn, that's why...
I think it's more important not to let the new lawn dry out if the weather gets too hot. If you need to water it, do so early in the morning before the sun gets to it. Rather than get the green stuff on top you need to cultivate good root growth,...
I think it's more important not to let the new lawn dry out if the weather gets too hot. If you need to water it, do so early in the morning before the sun gets to it. Rather than get the green...
Jun 13, 2010
Jun 14, 2010
Getting rid of alchemilla mollis from lawns.
Hi Bigron,send it to me lol. I am surprised it hasn't been destroyed by a weedkiller.
Hi Bigron,send it to me lol. I am surprised it hasn't been destroyed by a weedkiller.
Hi Bigron,send it to me lol. I am surprised it hasn't been destroyed by a weedkiller.
Hi Bigron,send it to me lol. I am surprised it hasn't been destroyed by a weedkiller.
big ron manager
Jun 16, 2010
Jun 16, 2010
Roots or Branches under lawn???
They are cherry. I recognise the shoots on the roots. I had that after I planted cherries but not on the lawn. The leaves look quite different to those of the parent plant. I have a feeling your...
They are cherry. I recognise the shoots on the roots. I had that after I planted cherries but not on the lawn. The leaves look quite different to those of the parent plant. I have a feeling your neighbours are not going to want to take their tree down. Other members would advise I am sure but do...
They are cherry. I recognise the shoots on the roots. I had that after I planted cherries but not on the lawn. The leaves look quite different to those of the parent plant. I have a feeling your neighbours are not going to want to take their tree...
They are cherry. I recognise the shoots on the roots. I had that after I planted cherries but not on the lawn. The leaves look quite different to those of the parent plant. I have a feeling your...
Jun 16, 2010
Jun 16, 2010
Killing Grass / returning to soil
Thanks, Karl.It's a good point you make, and for £22 I could cover my entire garden with a cheapo tarp from B&Q. (Might finally help me to teach the dog to stop crapping on there too!I'll...
Thanks, Karl.It's a good point you make, and for £22 I could cover my entire garden with a cheapo tarp from B&Q. (Might finally help me to teach the dog to stop crapping on there too!I'll give it a go.Thanks for the reply.Rob
Thanks, Karl.It's a good point you make, and for £22 I could cover my entire garden with a cheapo tarp from B&Q. (Might finally help me to teach the dog to stop crapping on there too!I'll give it a go.Thanks for the reply.Rob
Thanks, Karl.It's a good point you make, and for £22 I could cover my entire garden with a cheapo tarp from B&Q. (Might finally help me to teach the dog to stop crapping on there too!I'll...
Jun 18, 2010
Jun 18, 2010
5 week old turf - could be looking better....
Turf is pre treated to make it look nice when it's laid so I wouldn't advise feeding again. Water, water and water.
Turf is pre treated to make it look nice when it's laid so I wouldn't advise feeding again. Water, water and water.
Turf is pre treated to make it look nice when it's laid so I wouldn't advise feeding again. Water, water and water.
Turf is pre treated to make it look nice when it's laid so I wouldn't advise feeding again. Water, water and water.
Jun 15, 2010
Jun 18, 2010
Had a quote for new Lawn
Cost of the job seems extreme and it always pays to get more than one quote and would always ask friends and relitives for a recommendation of a company they have experience of. Don't always go...
Cost of the job seems extreme and it always pays to get more than one quote and would always ask friends and relitives for a recommendation of a company they have experience of. Don't always go with the cheapest however, my brother did and had to have it all done again because the finished job...
Cost of the job seems extreme and it always pays to get more than one quote and would always ask friends and relitives for a recommendation of a company they have experience of. Don't always go with the cheapest however, my brother did and had to...
Cost of the job seems extreme and it always pays to get more than one quote and would always ask friends and relitives for a recommendation of a company they have experience of. Don't always go...
Jun 17, 2010
lorne greene
Jun 22, 2010
Reducing Lawn Watering, do you think this would work?
Just re-read your origonal post and I'm not sure if the gel is meant for lawns. I've come accross a few products that are used as water conservers for lawns which work well, but they'd need to be...
Just re-read your origonal post and I'm not sure if the gel is meant for lawns. I've come accross a few products that are used as water conservers for lawns which work well, but they'd need to be applied with a knapsack sprayer, not sure you could get your gel in one of these.
Just re-read your origonal post and I'm not sure if the gel is meant for lawns. I've come accross a few products that are used as water conservers for lawns which work well, but they'd need to be applied with a knapsack sprayer, not sure you...
Just re-read your origonal post and I'm not sure if the gel is meant for lawns. I've come accross a few products that are used as water conservers for lawns which work well, but they'd need to be...
Jun 24, 2010
Jun 24, 2010
Lawn Advice Required Urgently
Can you not get a selective herbicide? I've got loads of the stuff, but I'm in the trade. Surely a selective can be bought at a garden centre? If you rotavete a lawn then the weeds will just...
Can you not get a selective herbicide? I've got loads of the stuff, but I'm in the trade. Surely a selective can be bought at a garden centre? If you rotavete a lawn then the weeds will just re-grow and you'll be back where you started.
Can you not get a selective herbicide? I've got loads of the stuff, but I'm in the trade. Surely a selective can be bought at a garden centre? If you rotavete a lawn then the weeds will just re-grow and you'll be back where you started.
Can you not get a selective herbicide? I've got loads of the stuff, but I'm in the trade. Surely a selective can be bought at a garden centre? If you rotavete a lawn then the weeds will just...
Jun 23, 2010
Jun 24, 2010
Seeded Lawn.....filling in patches
We had our lawn dug up, removed the grass, raked levelled etc and reseeded by the local Bowls Greenkeeper.When the seed went down it seemed fairly evenly spread but as expected not all of it...
We had our lawn dug up, removed the grass, raked levelled etc and reseeded by the local Bowls Greenkeeper.When the seed went down it seemed fairly evenly spread but as expected not all of it germinated.When most of the grass established I started putting more seed down on the odd bare...
We had our lawn dug up, removed the grass, raked levelled etc and reseeded by the local Bowls Greenkeeper.When the seed went down it seemed fairly evenly spread but as expected not all of it germinated.When most of the grass established I...
We had our lawn dug up, removed the grass, raked levelled etc and reseeded by the local Bowls Greenkeeper.When the seed went down it seemed fairly evenly spread but as expected not all of it...
Jun 24, 2010
Jun 24, 2010
dead grass
I have used putting tomato juice in the dogs food, if he is on a dry mix it makes it easier again as the food soaks it up, but is a bit of a pain ensuring you have tomato juice in the...
I have used putting tomato juice in the dogs food, if he is on a dry mix it makes it easier again as the food soaks it up, but is a bit of a pain ensuring you have tomato juice in the house!Also heard about the dog rocks as someone mentioned but not sure of their success.
I have used putting tomato juice in the dogs food, if he is on a dry mix it makes it easier again as the food soaks it up, but is a bit of a pain ensuring you have tomato juice in the house!Also heard about the dog rocks as someone mentioned...
I have used putting tomato juice in the dogs food, if he is on a dry mix it makes it easier again as the food soaks it up, but is a bit of a pain ensuring you have tomato juice in the...
May 4, 2007
Jun 24, 2010
Does lawn treatment work?
Sadly the RS is now gone, as has my racing days.:( I used to race with Bemsee doing supersport 400 on an RGV 250 which wa squickly followed by an RLR tuned RVF400. I then had a brief spell in...
Sadly the RS is now gone, as has my racing days.:( I used to race with Bemsee doing supersport 400 on an RGV 250 which wa squickly followed by an RLR tuned RVF400. I then had a brief spell in the GP250 class. Sadly my riding style didn't suit GP250 and I kept loosing the front end of the...
Sadly the RS is now gone, as has my racing days.:( I used to race with Bemsee doing supersport 400 on an RGV 250 which wa squickly followed by an RLR tuned RVF400. I then had a brief spell in the GP250 class. Sadly my riding style didn't suit...
Sadly the RS is now gone, as has my racing days.:( I used to race with Bemsee doing supersport 400 on an RGV 250 which wa squickly followed by an RLR tuned RVF400. I then had a brief spell in...
May 20, 2010
Jun 25, 2010
10 week old lawn looking bad
As has already been said, considering the lack of rainfall lately, that lawn is looking pretty good! It looks much better than most of the lawns do in the area that I live.Also, as Doghouse...
As has already been said, considering the lack of rainfall lately, that lawn is looking pretty good! It looks much better than most of the lawns do in the area that I live.Also, as Doghouse says, watering once a week when its dry like this is not enough. I have managed to keep my lawn looking...
As has already been said, considering the lack of rainfall lately, that lawn is looking pretty good! It looks much better than most of the lawns do in the area that I live.Also, as Doghouse says, watering once a week when its dry like this is...
As has already been said, considering the lack of rainfall lately, that lawn is looking pretty good! It looks much better than most of the lawns do in the area that I live.Also, as Doghouse...
Jun 19, 2010
Jun 25, 2010
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