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  1. Sootylfc

    Helped with Damaged Lawn

    @SootylfcAkitas are expert lawn destroyers (I have one who when she was younger, used to dig the grass up, as it appears in your 2nd pic). She always used to pee in the same spots which was both...
    @SootylfcAkitas are expert lawn destroyers (I have one who when she was younger, used to dig the grass up, as it appears in your 2nd pic). She always used to pee in the same spots which was both a blessing and a curse.Dog urine (not just females will cause yellow patches if it's not washed...
    @SootylfcAkitas are expert lawn destroyers (I have one who when she was younger, used to dig the grass up, as it appears in your 2nd pic). She always used to pee in the same spots which was both a blessing and a curse.Dog urine (not just...
    @SootylfcAkitas are expert lawn destroyers (I have one who when she was younger, used to dig the grass up, as it appears in your 2nd pic). She always used to pee in the same spots which was both...
  2. Mowerman

    Ferrous Sulphate Dosage for Killing Moss

    Thanks very much for your replies.I've spoken to someone who is somewhat of an expert on scarification and the machine wasn't the right one for the job. If it had a rake attachment, it would've...
    Thanks very much for your replies.I've spoken to someone who is somewhat of an expert on scarification and the machine wasn't the right one for the job. If it had a rake attachment, it would've pulled the moss out much better than the machine I hired with the blade setup. He also recommended...
    Thanks very much for your replies.I've spoken to someone who is somewhat of an expert on scarification and the machine wasn't the right one for the job. If it had a rake attachment, it would've pulled the moss out much better than the machine I...
    Thanks very much for your replies.I've spoken to someone who is somewhat of an expert on scarification and the machine wasn't the right one for the job. If it had a rake attachment, it would've...
  3. dvs

    Soil preparation for new turf (newbie)

    Before you spend money on soil improvers I would double check it really is clay that is causing the problem.A good way to see if your soil is clay is to take a handful from an area that is...
    Before you spend money on soil improvers I would double check it really is clay that is causing the problem.A good way to see if your soil is clay is to take a handful from an area that is moist, not soggy or dry. Squeeze the soil in the palm of your hand; if it forms a sausage shape and stays...
    Before you spend money on soil improvers I would double check it really is clay that is causing the problem.A good way to see if your soil is clay is to take a handful from an area that is moist, not soggy or dry. Squeeze the soil in the palm...
    Before you spend money on soil improvers I would double check it really is clay that is causing the problem.A good way to see if your soil is clay is to take a handful from an area that is...
  4. Craig Macdonald

    Is my new lawn going wrong?

    Welcome to Gardeners Corner Craig. :) You can also stop watering it or it will rot. The roots will have established by now and and dew or rain will supply what it needs over the winter months.
    Welcome to Gardeners Corner Craig. :) You can also stop watering it or it will rot. The roots will have established by now and and dew or rain will supply what it needs over the winter months.
    Welcome to Gardeners Corner Craig. :) You can also stop watering it or it will rot. The roots will have established by now and and dew or rain will supply what it needs over the winter months.
    Welcome to Gardeners Corner Craig. :) You can also stop watering it or it will rot. The roots will have established by now and and dew or rain will supply what it needs over the winter months.
  5. Lee Hagan

    Extending Lawn

    Grass seed is unlikely to germinate under 12C so I agree with Clueless, leave it until next spring.
    Grass seed is unlikely to germinate under 12C so I agree with Clueless, leave it until next spring.
    Grass seed is unlikely to germinate under 12C so I agree with Clueless, leave it until next spring.
    Grass seed is unlikely to germinate under 12C so I agree with Clueless, leave it until next spring.
  6. rkm

    Help needed with new lawn pls

    Yea Worm Casts. Nothing you can really do apart from wait for them to dry and brush them over (hard now the nights are drawing in and its wet).I had them this year but they soon disappear when...
    Yea Worm Casts. Nothing you can really do apart from wait for them to dry and brush them over (hard now the nights are drawing in and its wet).I had them this year but they soon disappear when the grass grows back.
    Yea Worm Casts. Nothing you can really do apart from wait for them to dry and brush them over (hard now the nights are drawing in and its wet).I had them this year but they soon disappear when the grass grows back.
    Yea Worm Casts. Nothing you can really do apart from wait for them to dry and brush them over (hard now the nights are drawing in and its wet).I had them this year but they soon disappear when...
  7. Dietspam

    Son poured salt on my grass

    Grass is very tough
    Grass is very tough
    Grass is very tough
    Grass is very tough
  8. Dan M

    New Rolawn Medallion turf. Is this a weed?

    Hang on just a minute Dan....What you have here is Annual Meadow Grass. it is a weed and I'm in exactly the same position as you now. My grass has been laid a couple of weeks and my turf from...
    Hang on just a minute Dan....What you have here is Annual Meadow Grass. it is a weed and I'm in exactly the same position as you now. My grass has been laid a couple of weeks and my turf from Rolawn is absolutely riddled with a AMG just like yoursI'm in the process of dealing with trading...
    Hang on just a minute Dan....What you have here is Annual Meadow Grass. it is a weed and I'm in exactly the same position as you now. My grass has been laid a couple of weeks and my turf from Rolawn is absolutely riddled with a AMG just like...
    Hang on just a minute Dan....What you have here is Annual Meadow Grass. it is a weed and I'm in exactly the same position as you now. My grass has been laid a couple of weeks and my turf from...
  9. iain geddes

    seeded lawn advice

    Welcome to GC Iain. :) Although it needs time to establish walking on it only if really necessary is not a problem but try and take a different route each time so that the grass has a chance to...
    Welcome to GC Iain. :) Although it needs time to establish walking on it only if really necessary is not a problem but try and take a different route each time so that the grass has a chance to recover.New grass actually benefits from been trodden on as it breaks the stems and encourages further...
    Welcome to GC Iain. :) Although it needs time to establish walking on it only if really necessary is not a problem but try and take a different route each time so that the grass has a chance to recover.New grass actually benefits from been...
    Welcome to GC Iain. :) Although it needs time to establish walking on it only if really necessary is not a problem but try and take a different route each time so that the grass has a chance to...
  10. John-Barry

    Total mess of a garden!

    As long as you're still happy to play then age shouldn't be a problem, unless the team pension you off of course. :)
    As long as you're still happy to play then age shouldn't be a problem, unless the team pension you off of course. :)
    As long as you're still happy to play then age shouldn't be a problem, unless the team pension you off of course. :)
    As long as you're still happy to play then age shouldn't be a problem, unless the team pension you off of course. :)
  11. Dan M

    Advice on lawn edging.

    A lawn will drop over time so make sure the top soil is level with the path before laying the turf/seeding. This will ensure after settling the lawn is level with the path.
    A lawn will drop over time so make sure the top soil is level with the path before laying the turf/seeding. This will ensure after settling the lawn is level with the path.
    A lawn will drop over time so make sure the top soil is level with the path before laying the turf/seeding. This will ensure after settling the lawn is level with the path.
    A lawn will drop over time so make sure the top soil is level with the path before laying the turf/seeding. This will ensure after settling the lawn is level with the path.
  12. Zola

    Can I scarify again?

    Two weeks since overseed etc, most of the soil seems to have settled down... the grass is coming up well over the new soil patch but a little hard to see in these photos. It was beginning to look...
    Two weeks since overseed etc, most of the soil seems to have settled down... the grass is coming up well over the new soil patch but a little hard to see in these photos. It was beginning to look a bit messy, so I gave it a quick mow on the very highest setting, didnt take much at all. The bag...
    Two weeks since overseed etc, most of the soil seems to have settled down... the grass is coming up well over the new soil patch but a little hard to see in these photos. It was beginning to look a bit messy, so I gave it a quick mow on the very...
    Two weeks since overseed etc, most of the soil seems to have settled down... the grass is coming up well over the new soil patch but a little hard to see in these photos. It was beginning to look...
    862015181655.jpg 16_9th_September_Scarify_Autumn_Feed.jpg 17_14th_September_Top_Dressing_Overseed.jpg 19_27th_September_Recovering__.jpg 27th_September.jpg
  13. chris_elevate

    Investing in a scarifier

    Chris is the spreader the one I recommended with the trigger release? If it is then a setting of 6 to 6.5 depending on walking speed will apply at near max recommended amount. Should really...
    Chris is the spreader the one I recommended with the trigger release? If it is then a setting of 6 to 6.5 depending on walking speed will apply at near max recommended amount. Should really calibrate them but that's what I use as a setting, I have a fairly quick walk so I tend to stick to...
    Chris is the spreader the one I recommended with the trigger release? If it is then a setting of 6 to 6.5 depending on walking speed will apply at near max recommended amount. Should really calibrate them but that's what I use as a setting, I...
    Chris is the spreader the one I recommended with the trigger release? If it is then a setting of 6 to 6.5 depending on walking speed will apply at near max recommended amount. Should really...
  14. gardenny

    Large-Lawn Lawn Mower Help

    Toro own Hayter and there's an interesting article about lean manufacturing which no doubt has happened. Hayter seem stuck on their designs and if there's one mower I leave on a damp, wet day it's...
    Toro own Hayter and there's an interesting article about lean manufacturing which no doubt has happened. Hayter seem stuck on their designs and if there's one mower I leave on a damp, wet day it's my 48Pro which is nothing but useless. I tried high lift blades on the 48 and they did nothing to...
    Toro own Hayter and there's an interesting article about lean manufacturing which no doubt has happened. Hayter seem stuck on their designs and if there's one mower I leave on a damp, wet day it's my 48Pro which is nothing but useless. I tried...
    Toro own Hayter and there's an interesting article about lean manufacturing which no doubt has happened. Hayter seem stuck on their designs and if there's one mower I leave on a damp, wet day it's...
  15. ExpatInAction

    Emergency Lawn Resuscitation

    You can purchase the commercial stuff but the person spraying it must either be trained to the required standards or be under supervision by a person with the Relevant training. In this case I...
    You can purchase the commercial stuff but the person spraying it must either be trained to the required standards or be under supervision by a person with the Relevant training. In this case I don't think they used any type of chemical requiring this but rather a chemical that has been mentioned.
    You can purchase the commercial stuff but the person spraying it must either be trained to the required standards or be under supervision by a person with the Relevant training. In this case I don't think they used any type of chemical...
    You can purchase the commercial stuff but the person spraying it must either be trained to the required standards or be under supervision by a person with the Relevant training. In this case I...
  16. chris_elevate

    Lawn advice on sandy soil

    A lot of domestic weed killer aimed at lawns suggest spraying the whole lawn but if it's just the odd few I would just spot spray them. If you have a large number of weeds all over then spray the...
    A lot of domestic weed killer aimed at lawns suggest spraying the whole lawn but if it's just the odd few I would just spot spray them. If you have a large number of weeds all over then spray the whole area. Don't worry about mulching, collect the cuttings and dispose of them. Don't add them to...
    A lot of domestic weed killer aimed at lawns suggest spraying the whole lawn but if it's just the odd few I would just spot spray them. If you have a large number of weeds all over then spray the whole area. Don't worry about mulching, collect...
    A lot of domestic weed killer aimed at lawns suggest spraying the whole lawn but if it's just the odd few I would just spot spray them. If you have a large number of weeds all over then spray the...
  17. Sootylfc

    Help with recent new lawn

    Most domestic herbicides are around 2 months if you look at the manufacturers notes. However the ones you have to mix need a little care as its not uncommon for people to believe in mixing a...
    Most domestic herbicides are around 2 months if you look at the manufacturers notes. However the ones you have to mix need a little care as its not uncommon for people to believe in mixing a stronger mix than is quoted thus causing issues. No matter what labels quote be it herbicides or seeds...
    Most domestic herbicides are around 2 months if you look at the manufacturers notes. However the ones you have to mix need a little care as its not uncommon for people to believe in mixing a stronger mix than is quoted thus causing issues. No...
    Most domestic herbicides are around 2 months if you look at the manufacturers notes. However the ones you have to mix need a little care as its not uncommon for people to believe in mixing a...
  18. Fat Controller
    Like x 3

    Operation 'Lawn' is in full swing!

    At the moment, it is too long! I am back at work, and when I have had time off it has been p-p-p-p-persisting down with rain, hence the lawn is in dire need of a mowing. Otherwise, it is pretty...
    At the moment, it is too long! I am back at work, and when I have had time off it has been p-p-p-p-persisting down with rain, hence the lawn is in dire need of a mowing. Otherwise, it is pretty good - definitely worth the effort.
    At the moment, it is too long! I am back at work, and when I have had time off it has been p-p-p-p-persisting down with rain, hence the lawn is in dire need of a mowing. Otherwise, it is pretty good - definitely worth the effort.
    At the moment, it is too long! I am back at work, and when I have had time off it has been p-p-p-p-persisting down with rain, hence the lawn is in dire need of a mowing. Otherwise, it is pretty...
  19. Mildcheeese

    Lawn drains and dries very quickly

    Thank you both for your feedback. I hadn't read up on Fescue grass but I will now. The mowing height is interesting as I mow short, I thought that might help things, obviously not! That's a few...
    Thank you both for your feedback. I hadn't read up on Fescue grass but I will now. The mowing height is interesting as I mow short, I thought that might help things, obviously not! That's a few bits to go on, thanks both.
    Thank you both for your feedback. I hadn't read up on Fescue grass but I will now. The mowing height is interesting as I mow short, I thought that might help things, obviously not! That's a few bits to go on, thanks both.
    Thank you both for your feedback. I hadn't read up on Fescue grass but I will now. The mowing height is interesting as I mow short, I thought that might help things, obviously not! That's a few...
  20. thebadgarden

    Major lawn inside

    Dead patches can be caused by several things. My simplest advice would be to cut the grass as low as possible.Then scarify, remove as much dead grass and thatch. Reseed and ad some good quality...
    Dead patches can be caused by several things. My simplest advice would be to cut the grass as low as possible.Then scarify, remove as much dead grass and thatch. Reseed and ad some good quality topsoil.Have a look at the following threads.
    Dead patches can be caused by several things. My simplest advice would be to cut the grass as low as possible.Then scarify, remove as much dead grass and thatch. Reseed and ad some good quality topsoil.Have a look at the following threads.
    Dead patches can be caused by several things. My simplest advice would be to cut the grass as low as possible.Then scarify, remove as much dead grass and thatch. Reseed and ad some good quality...

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