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Garden Planting Discussion
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Blending grass
I did say 'if we're lucky' Tim.
I've got similar weather to you here and I don't think it's going to improve either. Today the island has fog, rain and 13C.....that's not summer!Book the good...
I did say 'if we're lucky' Tim.
I've got similar weather to you here and I don't think it's going to improve either. Today the island has fog, rain and 13C.....that's not summer!Book the good weather for me please, I'm in Scotland in September!
I did say 'if we're lucky' Tim.
I've got similar weather to you here and I don't think it's going to improve either. Today the island has fog, rain and 13C.....that's not summer!Book the good weather for me please, I'm in Scotland in September!
I did say 'if we're lucky' Tim.
I've got similar weather to you here and I don't think it's going to improve either. Today the island has fog, rain and 13C.....that's not summer!Book the good...
Tim Shields
Jun 24, 2015
Jun 25, 2015
Grass Seed
I'm sorry, but the seed isn't buried, it's lightly covered with some compost or topsoil which I believe aids germination and in most cases if it isn't covered then birds will thieve it before it...
I'm sorry, but the seed isn't buried, it's lightly covered with some compost or topsoil which I believe aids germination and in most cases if it isn't covered then birds will thieve it before it has a chance to get that far.
Many seeds as all gardeners will tell you are started off in pots and...
I'm sorry, but the seed isn't buried, it's lightly covered with some compost or topsoil which I believe aids germination and in most cases if it isn't covered then birds will thieve it before it has a chance to get that far.
Many seeds as all...
I'm sorry, but the seed isn't buried, it's lightly covered with some compost or topsoil which I believe aids germination and in most cases if it isn't covered then birds will thieve it before it...
Jun 14, 2015
Jun 24, 2015
Bird scarer to protect lawn seeds
I heard of using plastic bottles as well,but filling them with water and laying them on the garden.Never tried it myself but I've was told that the birds and cats see their images in the water and...
I heard of using plastic bottles as well,but filling them with water and laying them on the garden.Never tried it myself but I've was told that the birds and cats see their images in the water and it scares them off.
I heard of using plastic bottles as well,but filling them with water and laying them on the garden.Never tried it myself but I've was told that the birds and cats see their images in the water and it scares them off.
I heard of using plastic bottles as well,but filling them with water and laying them on the garden.Never tried it myself but I've was told that the birds and cats see their images in the water and...
Jun 22, 2015
Jun 23, 2015
Chafer beetle treatment
Merit will obtain better results if you do suffer from either chafer or leather jackets but it's a chemical and should only be used if you do have a history or are suffering the side effects of...
Merit will obtain better results if you do suffer from either chafer or leather jackets but it's a chemical and should only be used if you do have a history or are suffering the side effects of the above. I very rarely use it but I've seen a well known company use it where it's not needed. A...
Merit will obtain better results if you do suffer from either chafer or leather jackets but it's a chemical and should only be used if you do have a history or are suffering the side effects of the above. I very rarely use it but I've seen a well...
Merit will obtain better results if you do suffer from either chafer or leather jackets but it's a chemical and should only be used if you do have a history or are suffering the side effects of...
Jun 21, 2015
Jun 23, 2015
What lies beneath?
How big is the hole across, I know the talk is of drainage, my first thought was rotary clothes line.
How big is the hole across, I know the talk is of drainage, my first thought was rotary clothes line.
How big is the hole across, I know the talk is of drainage, my first thought was rotary clothes line.
How big is the hole across, I know the talk is of drainage, my first thought was rotary clothes line.
Jun 21, 2015
Jun 22, 2015
Dead lawn - Restart?
Okay thanks again, that's great. I think I now have a better understanding of how things work and what's involved. The weather's starting to become miserable and it's off to work I go for this...
Okay thanks again, that's great. I think I now have a better understanding of how things work and what's involved. The weather's starting to become miserable and it's off to work I go for this week, so hopefully we'll see what lies beneath before the next weekend starts where I can start making...
Okay thanks again, that's great. I think I now have a better understanding of how things work and what's involved. The weather's starting to become miserable and it's off to work I go for this week, so hopefully we'll see what lies beneath before...
Okay thanks again, that's great. I think I now have a better understanding of how things work and what's involved. The weather's starting to become miserable and it's off to work I go for this...
Jun 21, 2015
Jun 22, 2015
Let's restore my lawn
There's every possibility that the same grass is in your neighbours lawn and the runners are coming through to yours. It wont help that she puts her mowings against the fence, any seeds will blow...
There's every possibility that the same grass is in your neighbours lawn and the runners are coming through to yours. It wont help that she puts her mowings against the fence, any seeds will blow through and I don't think you'll be able to stop that.If you decide to kill the lawn a systemic...
There's every possibility that the same grass is in your neighbours lawn and the runners are coming through to yours. It wont help that she puts her mowings against the fence, any seeds will blow through and I don't think you'll be able to stop...
There's every possibility that the same grass is in your neighbours lawn and the runners are coming through to yours. It wont help that she puts her mowings against the fence, any seeds will blow...
May 19, 2015
Jun 21, 2015
Can lawn feed go out of date ?
While all fertilisers have a shelf life the yellowing is a sign of a problem developing. Last 2 years has seen a great deal of red thread for example, did you have signs of this in previous...
While all fertilisers have a shelf life the yellowing is a sign of a problem developing. Last 2 years has seen a great deal of red thread for example, did you have signs of this in previous years? Was there patches of increased growth which left the yellowing spots sticking out?
While all fertilisers have a shelf life the yellowing is a sign of a problem developing. Last 2 years has seen a great deal of red thread for example, did you have signs of this in previous years? Was there patches of increased growth which left...
While all fertilisers have a shelf life the yellowing is a sign of a problem developing. Last 2 years has seen a great deal of red thread for example, did you have signs of this in previous...
Jun 15, 2015
Jun 21, 2015
turning clay to soil for lawn
Ive not got round to using my riddle yet but thought i would see how good the soil was by planting some of the seed in a tray full of the soil i have been working on, very pleased with how fast it...
Ive not got round to using my riddle yet but thought i would see how good the soil was by planting some of the seed in a tray full of the soil i have been working on, very pleased with how fast it has grown. This is a photo i took 10 days after sowing the seeds
Ive not got round to using my riddle yet but thought i would see how good the soil was by planting some of the seed in a tray full of the soil i have been working on, very pleased with how fast it has grown. This is a photo i took 10 days after...
Ive not got round to using my riddle yet but thought i would see how good the soil was by planting some of the seed in a tray full of the soil i have been working on, very pleased with how fast it...
Jun 10, 2015
Jun 18, 2015
Thick stalks
Adam I sometimes have this when I haven't been able to cut my grass for several weeks if the weather has been damp and I think your long pieces of grass like mine are actually grass that has gone...
Adam I sometimes have this when I haven't been able to cut my grass for several weeks if the weather has been damp and I think your long pieces of grass like mine are actually grass that has gone to seed especially if the plant has been stressed due to hot weather.Most utility lawns are made up...
Adam I sometimes have this when I haven't been able to cut my grass for several weeks if the weather has been damp and I think your long pieces of grass like mine are actually grass that has gone to seed especially if the plant has been stressed...
Adam I sometimes have this when I haven't been able to cut my grass for several weeks if the weather has been damp and I think your long pieces of grass like mine are actually grass that has gone...
Jun 15, 2015
Jun 15, 2015
Blank spots on lawn
August 2014? That would suggest it's 10 months out of date. If this is the case then it's unlikely to germinate.Your lawn looks quite long Passport1 I suggest you give it a cut, it won't hurt...
August 2014? That would suggest it's 10 months out of date. If this is the case then it's unlikely to germinate.Your lawn looks quite long Passport1 I suggest you give it a cut, it won't hurt for the mower to run over the bare patches until the new grass comes through.
Sadly it does look...
August 2014? That would suggest it's 10 months out of date. If this is the case then it's unlikely to germinate.Your lawn looks quite long Passport1 I suggest you give it a cut, it won't hurt for the mower to run over the bare patches until the...
August 2014? That would suggest it's 10 months out of date. If this is the case then it's unlikely to germinate.Your lawn looks quite long Passport1 I suggest you give it a cut, it won't hurt...
May 23, 2015
Jun 14, 2015
Replanting and reviving pieces of turf
Thanks for the info John.
Thanks for the info John.
Thanks for the info John.
Thanks for the info John.
Aj Reltuc
Jun 4, 2015
Jun 5, 2015
Lawn seed for shade
Thank you @ Mr Green. I'm beginning to think I should invest in some astro turf! There is no way I could trim back the branches. This tree is massive being well over 100 years old. The power...
Thank you @ Mr Green. I'm beginning to think I should invest in some astro turf! There is no way I could trim back the branches. This tree is massive being well over 100 years old. The power company had to bring in professional tree surgeons to lop bits off it a few years ago. They wanted to...
Thank you @ Mr Green. I'm beginning to think I should invest in some astro turf! There is no way I could trim back the branches. This tree is massive being well over 100 years old. The power company had to bring in professional tree surgeons to...
Thank you @ Mr Green. I'm beginning to think I should invest in some astro turf! There is no way I could trim back the branches. This tree is massive being well over 100 years old. The power...
Jun 4, 2015
Jun 4, 2015
Boggy lawn
Hi GYO, The gardening bit scares me to death, but as for your lawn, here's my take on it, you have two choices, it would appear your garden slopes slightly down to the bottom where the clay is and...
Hi GYO, The gardening bit scares me to death, but as for your lawn, here's my take on it, you have two choices, it would appear your garden slopes slightly down to the bottom where the clay is and it's going to be a nightmare to do anything worth while with that part of your lawn, so here's what...
Hi GYO, The gardening bit scares me to death, but as for your lawn, here's my take on it, you have two choices, it would appear your garden slopes slightly down to the bottom where the clay is and it's going to be a nightmare to do anything worth...
Hi GYO, The gardening bit scares me to death, but as for your lawn, here's my take on it, you have two choices, it would appear your garden slopes slightly down to the bottom where the clay is and...
GYO newbie
Apr 8, 2015
Mr Green
Jun 3, 2015
New turf lawn help
Hi Matt, From what you said I would say that most of the nutrients in the soil have washed away so I would fertilize just before rain to wash it in and get it activated, then your lawn should look...
Hi Matt, From what you said I would say that most of the nutrients in the soil have washed away so I would fertilize just before rain to wash it in and get it activated, then your lawn should look a lot better. Mr Green
Hi Matt, From what you said I would say that most of the nutrients in the soil have washed away so I would fertilize just before rain to wash it in and get it activated, then your lawn should look a lot better. Mr Green
Hi Matt, From what you said I would say that most of the nutrients in the soil have washed away so I would fertilize just before rain to wash it in and get it activated, then your lawn should look...
Jun 2, 2015
Mr Green
Jun 3, 2015
Overseeding new turf
Enjoy your weekend!
Enjoy your weekend!
Enjoy your weekend!
Enjoy your weekend!
Tim Shields
Jun 3, 2015
Jun 3, 2015
Seeded Lawn issues
Thanks for thatI'll look into aerator and, hopefully, the sun will show itself at some point :-)
Thanks for thatI'll look into aerator and, hopefully, the sun will show itself at some point :-)
Thanks for thatI'll look into aerator and, hopefully, the sun will show itself at some point :-)
Thanks for thatI'll look into aerator and, hopefully, the sun will show itself at some point :-)
May 30, 2015
May 31, 2015
Scarifying lawns ?
Some great advice here
@fa1con - I have the option of using the tines or the blades on my scarifier; my lawn is in poor shape too (been neglected for goodness knows how many years before I got...
Some great advice here
@fa1con - I have the option of using the tines or the blades on my scarifier; my lawn is in poor shape too (been neglected for goodness knows how many years before I got here), and feels very hard underfoot, so I am reckoning that I need to use the blades to get things...
Some great advice here
@fa1con - I have the option of using the tines or the blades on my scarifier; my lawn is in poor shape too (been neglected for goodness knows how many years before I got here), and feels very hard underfoot, so I am...
Some great advice here
@fa1con - I have the option of using the tines or the blades on my scarifier; my lawn is in poor shape too (been neglected for goodness knows how many years before I got...
Mar 22, 2015
Fat Controller
May 28, 2015
Bad turf recovery
Thanks guys - yeah, will keep on with the watering and hope it come through in the end, just wasnt sure how to long before giving it up as a not going to happen.
Thanks guys - yeah, will keep on with the watering and hope it come through in the end, just wasnt sure how to long before giving it up as a not going to happen.
Thanks guys - yeah, will keep on with the watering and hope it come through in the end, just wasnt sure how to long before giving it up as a not going to happen.
Thanks guys - yeah, will keep on with the watering and hope it come through in the end, just wasnt sure how to long before giving it up as a not going to happen.
Tim Shields
May 27, 2015
Tim Shields
May 27, 2015
"Stuff" in my lawn + general questions
Yes I can see it now, if it bothers you too much you could dig out those areas and re-turf or lay grass seed, but the grass seed would be a different type and possibly wouldn't blend in.I can't...
Yes I can see it now, if it bothers you too much you could dig out those areas and re-turf or lay grass seed, but the grass seed would be a different type and possibly wouldn't blend in.I can't see any weeds or moss in the lawn but if you have patches then you could treat those with a separate...
Yes I can see it now, if it bothers you too much you could dig out those areas and re-turf or lay grass seed, but the grass seed would be a different type and possibly wouldn't blend in.I can't see any weeds or moss in the lawn but if you have...
Yes I can see it now, if it bothers you too much you could dig out those areas and re-turf or lay grass seed, but the grass seed would be a different type and possibly wouldn't blend in.I can't...
Gabriel Syme
May 25, 2015
May 26, 2015
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