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  1. samwalker22

    What's happened to my lawn?

    This is just worms. I would advise spraying some verdon on the small muddy bits as they are prone for growing weeks in them
    This is just worms. I would advise spraying some verdon on the small muddy bits as they are prone for growing weeks in them
    This is just worms. I would advise spraying some verdon on the small muddy bits as they are prone for growing weeks in them
    This is just worms. I would advise spraying some verdon on the small muddy bits as they are prone for growing weeks in them
  2. Nash

    Crappy Lawn

    It depends on what you want to pay Nash. Evergreen is a good lawn feed but more expensive than others. Over the last few years I've been using B&Q's granular lawn weed and feed and found it's...
    It depends on what you want to pay Nash. Evergreen is a good lawn feed but more expensive than others. Over the last few years I've been using B&Q's granular lawn weed and feed and found it's okay.With granular you will have to scatter it and water it in, or put it down just before it rains....
    It depends on what you want to pay Nash. Evergreen is a good lawn feed but more expensive than others. Over the last few years I've been using B&Q's granular lawn weed and feed and found it's okay.With granular you will have to scatter it and...
    It depends on what you want to pay Nash. Evergreen is a good lawn feed but more expensive than others. Over the last few years I've been using B&Q's granular lawn weed and feed and found it's...
  3. capney
    Like x 9

    Mowers at the ready

    Believe it or not I prefer the Qualcast. Could be because thats the one I stripped down and serviced. I have not done the other one. (You can tell from the picture) It makes a grand sound in use...
    Believe it or not I prefer the Qualcast. Could be because thats the one I stripped down and serviced. I have not done the other one. (You can tell from the picture) It makes a grand sound in use and is easy. The witch is a tad heavy and really to big for my little patch. I probable use it when...
    Believe it or not I prefer the Qualcast. Could be because thats the one I stripped down and serviced. I have not done the other one. (You can tell from the picture) It makes a grand sound in use and is easy. The witch is a tad heavy and really to...
    Believe it or not I prefer the Qualcast. Could be because thats the one I stripped down and serviced. I have not done the other one. (You can tell from the picture) It makes a grand sound in use...
  4. chris_elevate

    Aerating a lawn

    I have an electric scarifier and only used it once in the six or seven years I've owned it. I don't even know if it still works, time to find out I think.
    I have an electric scarifier and only used it once in the six or seven years I've owned it. I don't even know if it still works, time to find out I think.
    I have an electric scarifier and only used it once in the six or seven years I've owned it. I don't even know if it still works, time to find out I think.
    I have an electric scarifier and only used it once in the six or seven years I've owned it. I don't even know if it still works, time to find out I think.
  5. rosebay

    Lawn Meadows

    Thank you King Edward. Your advice is very helpful. :)
    Thank you King Edward. Your advice is very helpful. :)
    Thank you King Edward. Your advice is very helpful. :)
    Thank you King Edward. Your advice is very helpful. :)
  6. Dan M

    From brambles to a lawn

    The best thing to do is dig the stumps out as it will take a long while to try and kill those with chemicals. I was going to suggest Round-up or something similar with a glyphosate content to kill...
    The best thing to do is dig the stumps out as it will take a long while to try and kill those with chemicals. I was going to suggest Round-up or something similar with a glyphosate content to kill everything else, unfortunately you've cleared the ground and it needs to be sprayed on foliage as...
    The best thing to do is dig the stumps out as it will take a long while to try and kill those with chemicals. I was going to suggest Round-up or something similar with a glyphosate content to kill everything else, unfortunately you've cleared the...
    The best thing to do is dig the stumps out as it will take a long while to try and kill those with chemicals. I was going to suggest Round-up or something similar with a glyphosate content to kill...
  7. thesasgeek

    Newbie to Gardening... Need Help with Lawn Care

    By leaving the grass longer it will become thinner. Grass like any other plant is pruned but by mowing and this encourages it to thicken up as the grass will create it's own new branches. The...
    By leaving the grass longer it will become thinner. Grass like any other plant is pruned but by mowing and this encourages it to thicken up as the grass will create it's own new branches. The first couple of cuts of the season should be done on a high-ish mower setting but after that drop it...
    By leaving the grass longer it will become thinner. Grass like any other plant is pruned but by mowing and this encourages it to thicken up as the grass will create it's own new branches. The first couple of cuts of the season should be done on a...
    By leaving the grass longer it will become thinner. Grass like any other plant is pruned but by mowing and this encourages it to thicken up as the grass will create it's own new branches. The...
  8. luiza

    First grass cut: cut 3/4 of length rather than 1/4 of length :(

    Leave alone and keep off it , no feed its too early in the season you will do more harm than good It will soon bounce back
    Leave alone and keep off it , no feed its too early in the season you will do more harm than good It will soon bounce back
    Leave alone and keep off it , no feed its too early in the season you will do more harm than good It will soon bounce back
    Leave alone and keep off it , no feed its too early in the season you will do more harm than good It will soon bounce back
  9. Jodie Weston

    Raspberries growing in my lawn

    Raspberries spread like mad and they will throw up tons of suckers from one plant.The best bet it to mark where the offending plant is in your lawn with a cane and then remove the lawn.Dig...
    Raspberries spread like mad and they will throw up tons of suckers from one plant.The best bet it to mark where the offending plant is in your lawn with a cane and then remove the lawn.Dig about a foot down under the cane and remove the roots. Follow the runners and this should lead to the...
    Raspberries spread like mad and they will throw up tons of suckers from one plant.The best bet it to mark where the offending plant is in your lawn with a cane and then remove the lawn.Dig about a foot down under the cane and remove the...
    Raspberries spread like mad and they will throw up tons of suckers from one plant.The best bet it to mark where the offending plant is in your lawn with a cane and then remove the lawn.Dig...
  10. yfo

    Advice needed on old knackered Hayter Ambassador

    Quote A few thoughts:-You could contact Hayters (they're two miles from me)You may find that it's an engine that runs on four star and not unleaded.I don't know whether Hayters used...
    Quote A few thoughts:-You could contact Hayters (they're two miles from me)You may find that it's an engine that runs on four star and not unleaded.I don't know whether Hayters used Villiers engines before they went over to Briggs and Stratton but you could investigate on line. If so,...
    Quote A few thoughts:-You could contact Hayters (they're two miles from me)You may find that it's an engine that runs on four star and not unleaded.I don't know whether Hayters used Villiers engines before they went over to Briggs and...
    Quote A few thoughts:-You could contact Hayters (they're two miles from me)You may find that it's an engine that runs on four star and not unleaded.I don't know whether Hayters used...
  11. capney

    Old Mowers, That includes me!

    Indeed. I did towards the back of last year. It really deserves a larger lawn to work on. Get,s mine done in no time at all!
    Indeed. I did towards the back of last year. It really deserves a larger lawn to work on. Get,s mine done in no time at all!
    Indeed. I did towards the back of last year. It really deserves a larger lawn to work on. Get,s mine done in no time at all!
    Indeed. I did towards the back of last year. It really deserves a larger lawn to work on. Get,s mine done in no time at all!
  12. noksucow

    patching old grass up

    pics please............
    pics please............
    pics please............
    pics please............
  13. Bill Bergia

    Badger damage on my lawn

    Are they digging up chafer grubs? If so, get rid of those grubs and the badgers will lose interest.
    Are they digging up chafer grubs? If so, get rid of those grubs and the badgers will lose interest.
    Are they digging up chafer grubs? If so, get rid of those grubs and the badgers will lose interest.
    Are they digging up chafer grubs? If so, get rid of those grubs and the badgers will lose interest.
  14. nickp

    Is it too late to over seed my lawn ?

    Thanks JWK - it's looking good
    Thanks JWK - it's looking good
    Thanks JWK - it's looking good
    Thanks JWK - it's looking good
  15. JohnD

    How can i improve my lawn?

    Thanks Sheal, that's a good idea, i'll try that :blue thumb:
    Thanks Sheal, that's a good idea, i'll try that :blue thumb:
    Thanks Sheal, that's a good idea, i'll try that :blue thumb:
    Thanks Sheal, that's a good idea, i'll try that :blue thumb:
  16. JohnD

    Should i mow now.

    Thanks guys, Appreciated :blue thumb:
    Thanks guys, Appreciated :blue thumb:
    Thanks guys, Appreciated :blue thumb:
    Thanks guys, Appreciated :blue thumb:
  17. JJ28

    What to do?

    It's a toss up between the leaves shading the grass or the damage you do by walking. To be honest walking won't do much harm normally provided it's not frosty. Personally I'd leave the leaves, at...
    It's a toss up between the leaves shading the grass or the damage you do by walking. To be honest walking won't do much harm normally provided it's not frosty. Personally I'd leave the leaves, at the moment on my lawn the worms are doing a great job of aerating. They are pulling some of the...
    It's a toss up between the leaves shading the grass or the damage you do by walking. To be honest walking won't do much harm normally provided it's not frosty. Personally I'd leave the leaves, at the moment on my lawn the worms are doing a great...
    It's a toss up between the leaves shading the grass or the damage you do by walking. To be honest walking won't do much harm normally provided it's not frosty. Personally I'd leave the leaves, at...
  18. Engelbert

    New dog = lawn is suffering... Badly! Any advice? (In UK)

    I gave up on grass completely. I put some paths down from the house outwards and planted up the rest. My dogs actually really enjoy going in and out of the shrubs etc. Fortunately they enjoy...
    I gave up on grass completely. I put some paths down from the house outwards and planted up the rest. My dogs actually really enjoy going in and out of the shrubs etc. Fortunately they enjoy going in and out of the polytunnel too. One of them is a great ratter/mouser in there. :)
    I gave up on grass completely. I put some paths down from the house outwards and planted up the rest. My dogs actually really enjoy going in and out of the shrubs etc. Fortunately they enjoy going in and out of the polytunnel too. One of them is...
    I gave up on grass completely. I put some paths down from the house outwards and planted up the rest. My dogs actually really enjoy going in and out of the shrubs etc. Fortunately they enjoy...
  19. stuart62

    New seeded lawn turning yellow in places

    The conifers are in next doors garden and around 4 ft away from the edge of my lawn and on a lower level so I'm confident they won't cause a problem that way...just shade around this time of year....
    The conifers are in next doors garden and around 4 ft away from the edge of my lawn and on a lower level so I'm confident they won't cause a problem that way...just shade around this time of year. During the summer the lawn will get plenty of sun all over...if we get any :-)
    The conifers are in next doors garden and around 4 ft away from the edge of my lawn and on a lower level so I'm confident they won't cause a problem that way...just shade around this time of year. During the summer the lawn will get plenty of sun...
    The conifers are in next doors garden and around 4 ft away from the edge of my lawn and on a lower level so I'm confident they won't cause a problem that way...just shade around this time of year....
  20. Ellisium

    Where do I start?

    Elliseum, please ignore the attached file on my post above, I hit a key by mistake and that came up. I've no idea how to get rid of it. :doh:
    Elliseum, please ignore the attached file on my post above, I hit a key by mistake and that came up. I've no idea how to get rid of it. :doh:
    Elliseum, please ignore the attached file on my post above, I hit a key by mistake and that came up. I've no idea how to get rid of it. :doh:
    Elliseum, please ignore the attached file on my post above, I hit a key by mistake and that came up. I've no idea how to get rid of it. :doh:

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