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  1. Mattyp

    Lawn renovation and thatch issue

    I once used a petrol Mantis to remove moss and thatch. Worked very well but it was odd as you have to walk backwards. Filled a dozen rubbish bags and yes the grass looked a bit bare but soon...
    I once used a petrol Mantis to remove moss and thatch. Worked very well but it was odd as you have to walk backwards. Filled a dozen rubbish bags and yes the grass looked a bit bare but soon recovered.
    I once used a petrol Mantis to remove moss and thatch. Worked very well but it was odd as you have to walk backwards. Filled a dozen rubbish bags and yes the grass looked a bit bare but soon recovered.
    I once used a petrol Mantis to remove moss and thatch. Worked very well but it was odd as you have to walk backwards. Filled a dozen rubbish bags and yes the grass looked a bit bare but soon...
  2. turfturfturf

    Non-gardener, turf advice, recently flattened garden

    I can only go by what I would do, or have done in the past @turfturfturf . There are lawn 'experts' who will no doubt disagree because they see it from a different point of view, and are used to...
    I can only go by what I would do, or have done in the past @turfturfturf . There are lawn 'experts' who will no doubt disagree because they see it from a different point of view, and are used to making and maintaining commercial turfed areas like sports pitches etc, but most gardeners just want...
    I can only go by what I would do, or have done in the past @turfturfturf . There are lawn 'experts' who will no doubt disagree because they see it from a different point of view, and are used to making and maintaining commercial turfed areas...
    I can only go by what I would do, or have done in the past @turfturfturf . There are lawn 'experts' who will no doubt disagree because they see it from a different point of view, and are used to...
  3. Bear1

    To scarify our not to scarify

    It depends how you feel about it, and how big the area is. Many people will use a moss killer, sometimes with a feed, and then scarify once the moss has blackened. You can then re seed when...
    It depends how you feel about it, and how big the area is. Many people will use a moss killer, sometimes with a feed, and then scarify once the moss has blackened. You can then re seed when conditions are warm enough, or just feed and mow. It can be hard work [scarifying] doing it by hand if...
    It depends how you feel about it, and how big the area is. Many people will use a moss killer, sometimes with a feed, and then scarify once the moss has blackened. You can then re seed when conditions are warm enough, or just feed and mow. It...
    It depends how you feel about it, and how big the area is. Many people will use a moss killer, sometimes with a feed, and then scarify once the moss has blackened. You can then re seed when...
  4. Ghost

    Help! Ants are ruining my life.

    Yeah I've never really got the bother about flying ants either, they all appear from under the patio at ours, and it's not a massive patio, so we share. As long as they don't fall into my tea..
    Yeah I've never really got the bother about flying ants either, they all appear from under the patio at ours, and it's not a massive patio, so we share. As long as they don't fall into my tea..
    Yeah I've never really got the bother about flying ants either, they all appear from under the patio at ours, and it's not a massive patio, so we share. As long as they don't fall into my tea..
    Yeah I've never really got the bother about flying ants either, they all appear from under the patio at ours, and it's not a massive patio, so we share. As long as they don't fall into my tea..
  5. MikeStockport

    Problem with white daisy type floweres on lawn

    A chance to revisit childhood How To Make A Daisy Chain | Appleyard blog :)
    A chance to revisit childhood How To Make A Daisy Chain | Appleyard blog :)
    A chance to revisit childhood How To Make A Daisy Chain | Appleyard blog :)
    A chance to revisit childhood How To Make A Daisy Chain | Appleyard blog :)
  6. DavidGarden

    Why does my grass die?

    If it is any consolation I have the same problem in exactly the same spot. Tried everything now I have planted grass seed in a large seed tray then I am going to dig it up put in some general...
    If it is any consolation I have the same problem in exactly the same spot. Tried everything now I have planted grass seed in a large seed tray then I am going to dig it up put in some general compost then replant. Fingers crossed.
    If it is any consolation I have the same problem in exactly the same spot. Tried everything now I have planted grass seed in a large seed tray then I am going to dig it up put in some general compost then replant. Fingers crossed.
    If it is any consolation I have the same problem in exactly the same spot. Tried everything now I have planted grass seed in a large seed tray then I am going to dig it up put in some general...
  7. Meomye

    Spring lawn care- what to do next

    Well you could scarify it and maybe add some General purpose fertilizer after whilst waiting for the ground to warm up sufficiently to apply a grass re-seed :blue thumb:
    Well you could scarify it and maybe add some General purpose fertilizer after whilst waiting for the ground to warm up sufficiently to apply a grass re-seed :blue thumb:
    Well you could scarify it and maybe add some General purpose fertilizer after whilst waiting for the ground to warm up sufficiently to apply a grass re-seed :blue thumb:
    Well you could scarify it and maybe add some General purpose fertilizer after whilst waiting for the ground to warm up sufficiently to apply a grass re-seed :blue thumb:
  8. Kevin Cowans

    First Lawn Cut of the Year?

    Ha! I could have written this! :biggrin: I don't mow any more as it is too much for my back. I have a strimmer and I wave this around when things get desperate, but mostly I just ignore it.
    Ha! I could have written this! :biggrin: I don't mow any more as it is too much for my back. I have a strimmer and I wave this around when things get desperate, but mostly I just ignore it.
    Ha! I could have written this! :biggrin: I don't mow any more as it is too much for my back. I have a strimmer and I wave this around when things get desperate, but mostly I just ignore it.
    Ha! I could have written this! :biggrin: I don't mow any more as it is too much for my back. I have a strimmer and I wave this around when things get desperate, but mostly I just ignore it.
  9. welshone

    Extreme rainfall - Lawn drainage holes

    My concern would be that you'd create a series of sumps where the water would accumulate in wet weather and not really improve the rest of the lawn. You could put in proper land drains to take the...
    My concern would be that you'd create a series of sumps where the water would accumulate in wet weather and not really improve the rest of the lawn. You could put in proper land drains to take the water to a soak away at the low point of the garden. Either just trench and put drains in or strip...
    My concern would be that you'd create a series of sumps where the water would accumulate in wet weather and not really improve the rest of the lawn. You could put in proper land drains to take the water to a soak away at the low point of the...
    My concern would be that you'd create a series of sumps where the water would accumulate in wet weather and not really improve the rest of the lawn. You could put in proper land drains to take the...
  10. Gareth71

    Birds digging up new turf

    Thanks for all your reply's, it's appreciated, I will look into getting netting put over areas that are needing replaced. Will look on amazon unless someone knows a better place to purchase.
    Thanks for all your reply's, it's appreciated, I will look into getting netting put over areas that are needing replaced. Will look on amazon unless someone knows a better place to purchase.
    Thanks for all your reply's, it's appreciated, I will look into getting netting put over areas that are needing replaced. Will look on amazon unless someone knows a better place to purchase.
    Thanks for all your reply's, it's appreciated, I will look into getting netting put over areas that are needing replaced. Will look on amazon unless someone knows a better place to purchase.
  11. Clo_E

    Have I killed my new lawn

    Thank you so much!
    Thank you so much!
    Thank you so much!
    Thank you so much!
  12. Nuno

    Lawn is virtually all moss and weeds

    Treat with ferric sulphate as Lawn sand before you scarify, otherwise you are distributing moss spores, which will spread the moss. Allow 14-21 days before raking. The moss will blacken. This does...
    Treat with ferric sulphate as Lawn sand before you scarify, otherwise you are distributing moss spores, which will spread the moss. Allow 14-21 days before raking. The moss will blacken. This does not leave a problem free area, because the conditions that allow moss persist. See above. Improve...
    Treat with ferric sulphate as Lawn sand before you scarify, otherwise you are distributing moss spores, which will spread the moss. Allow 14-21 days before raking. The moss will blacken. This does not leave a problem free area, because the...
    Treat with ferric sulphate as Lawn sand before you scarify, otherwise you are distributing moss spores, which will spread the moss. Allow 14-21 days before raking. The moss will blacken. This does...
  13. grooster

    Help and advice needed with a lawn please

    If the problem is leatherjackets; then there is a nematode treatment you can water on. Soil temperature needs to be high enough. There is a similar treatment for chafer beetle grubs.
    If the problem is leatherjackets; then there is a nematode treatment you can water on. Soil temperature needs to be high enough. There is a similar treatment for chafer beetle grubs.
    If the problem is leatherjackets; then there is a nematode treatment you can water on. Soil temperature needs to be high enough. There is a similar treatment for chafer beetle grubs.
    If the problem is leatherjackets; then there is a nematode treatment you can water on. Soil temperature needs to be high enough. There is a similar treatment for chafer beetle grubs.
  14. garden_novice

    Partial Lawn Replacement Advice

    OK, thanks for the comments everyone, I have a better picture now.Just two further questions before I contact the Bloke...* If I ask him to reseed it, what sort of month would it be when it...
    OK, thanks for the comments everyone, I have a better picture now.Just two further questions before I contact the Bloke...* If I ask him to reseed it, what sort of month would it be when it started to look like actual grass, rather than just bare earth? * If I asked him to returf it, what...
    OK, thanks for the comments everyone, I have a better picture now.Just two further questions before I contact the Bloke...* If I ask him to reseed it, what sort of month would it be when it started to look like actual grass, rather than just...
    OK, thanks for the comments everyone, I have a better picture now.Just two further questions before I contact the Bloke...* If I ask him to reseed it, what sort of month would it be when it...
  15. Joanna Louise

    What Is Happening To My Grass?

    Just for curiosity try putting some black polythene over the patch and leave overnight,in the morning turn it over and see if there are any critters there:blue thumb: may need to try t a couple of times.
    Just for curiosity try putting some black polythene over the patch and leave overnight,in the morning turn it over and see if there are any critters there:blue thumb: may need to try t a couple of times.
    Just for curiosity try putting some black polythene over the patch and leave overnight,in the morning turn it over and see if there are any critters there:blue thumb: may need to try t a couple of times.
    Just for curiosity try putting some black polythene over the patch and leave overnight,in the morning turn it over and see if there are any critters there:blue thumb: may need to try t a couple of times.
  16. AmandaJ

    Terrible lawn…help please

    Yes they will be worm casts, at this time of year they do make a mess. In a way they do long term good as they aerate the soil and indicate it is in good health.
    Yes they will be worm casts, at this time of year they do make a mess. In a way they do long term good as they aerate the soil and indicate it is in good health.
    Yes they will be worm casts, at this time of year they do make a mess. In a way they do long term good as they aerate the soil and indicate it is in good health.
    Yes they will be worm casts, at this time of year they do make a mess. In a way they do long term good as they aerate the soil and indicate it is in good health.
  17. NoviceGardener2023

    New Build Lawn Advice - 12 weeks in

    I'm not sure which is best first and your welcome.
    I'm not sure which is best first and your welcome.
    I'm not sure which is best first and your welcome.
    I'm not sure which is best first and your welcome.
  18. MaMu

    New Lawn Prep and Fertilisation

    Yes - fresh manure is no good for any plant, including turf or grass seed. If the soil's good already, it would be fine to just rake it over or give it a bit of forking to loosen it all, and then...
    Yes - fresh manure is no good for any plant, including turf or grass seed. If the soil's good already, it would be fine to just rake it over or give it a bit of forking to loosen it all, and then do the usual levelling and firming for the turf. You could keep all the manure for your beds and...
    Yes - fresh manure is no good for any plant, including turf or grass seed. If the soil's good already, it would be fine to just rake it over or give it a bit of forking to loosen it all, and then do the usual levelling and firming for the turf....
    Yes - fresh manure is no good for any plant, including turf or grass seed. If the soil's good already, it would be fine to just rake it over or give it a bit of forking to loosen it all, and then...
  19. Battynatty

    Lawn replacement

    If it were mine( oh I wish!), I would continue the mowing regime including the fortnightly, cut to 30mm and let the clippings remain.On a bi-monthly visit, I should spot weed, concentrating on...
    If it were mine( oh I wish!), I would continue the mowing regime including the fortnightly, cut to 30mm and let the clippings remain.On a bi-monthly visit, I should spot weed, concentrating on preventing any going to seed. This could be by chemical/vinegar or daisy grubber*.Concentrate upon a...
    If it were mine( oh I wish!), I would continue the mowing regime including the fortnightly, cut to 30mm and let the clippings remain.On a bi-monthly visit, I should spot weed, concentrating on preventing any going to seed. This could be by...
    If it were mine( oh I wish!), I would continue the mowing regime including the fortnightly, cut to 30mm and let the clippings remain.On a bi-monthly visit, I should spot weed, concentrating on...
  20. Paul L.

    Levelling a lawn

    I find grass will grow through if you only have a slight depression any thing more than an inch and it might struggle. It's best done when the grass is growing strongly, spring mostly.You need...
    I find grass will grow through if you only have a slight depression any thing more than an inch and it might struggle. It's best done when the grass is growing strongly, spring mostly.You need to keep it damp.
    I find grass will grow through if you only have a slight depression any thing more than an inch and it might struggle. It's best done when the grass is growing strongly, spring mostly.You need to keep it damp.
    I find grass will grow through if you only have a slight depression any thing more than an inch and it might struggle. It's best done when the grass is growing strongly, spring mostly.You need...

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