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  1. Calum

    Will I over Nitrogen my lawn?

    Too much can also burn the grass
    Too much can also burn the grass
    Too much can also burn the grass
    Too much can also burn the grass
  2. Calum

    Patch magic, when can I cut?

    by "short" I mean 2inches. It was getting to like 4inches. I just cut it. Just in the nick of time. Didnt harm the patch magic bits.
    by "short" I mean 2inches. It was getting to like 4inches. I just cut it. Just in the nick of time. Didnt harm the patch magic bits.
    by "short" I mean 2inches. It was getting to like 4inches. I just cut it. Just in the nick of time. Didnt harm the patch magic bits.
    by "short" I mean 2inches. It was getting to like 4inches. I just cut it. Just in the nick of time. Didnt harm the patch magic bits.
  3. Geek2Garden

    Liquid Lawnfood Question

    Nitrogen is taken up by the roots, so rain will be fine (provided it isn't so heavy that it washes the nitrogen into next door's garden!)I don't think it will matter than you feed directly after...
    Nitrogen is taken up by the roots, so rain will be fine (provided it isn't so heavy that it washes the nitrogen into next door's garden!)I don't think it will matter than you feed directly after mowing, although it probably helps to let the grass recover a day or two after mowing. However,...
    Nitrogen is taken up by the roots, so rain will be fine (provided it isn't so heavy that it washes the nitrogen into next door's garden!)I don't think it will matter than you feed directly after mowing, although it probably helps to let the...
    Nitrogen is taken up by the roots, so rain will be fine (provided it isn't so heavy that it washes the nitrogen into next door's garden!)I don't think it will matter than you feed directly after...
  4. keithhampson

    growing grass

    Thanks I was meaning ordinary sand from a quarry. I need to build up an area of around 2 x 3 metres by around 5 inches to get it flat and to a level flat surface. Could I mix it with say compost...
    Thanks I was meaning ordinary sand from a quarry. I need to build up an area of around 2 x 3 metres by around 5 inches to get it flat and to a level flat surface. Could I mix it with say compost 50/50?Keith
    Thanks I was meaning ordinary sand from a quarry. I need to build up an area of around 2 x 3 metres by around 5 inches to get it flat and to a level flat surface. Could I mix it with say compost 50/50?Keith
    Thanks I was meaning ordinary sand from a quarry. I need to build up an area of around 2 x 3 metres by around 5 inches to get it flat and to a level flat surface. Could I mix it with say compost...
  5. Calum

    Can I renovate a lawn now? or wait till spring?

    Ah, sorry forgot about that.Only shade seems to be the divide between you and your neighbour to the South, or perhaps I have missed something? Is that a very high barrier? In Summer a 6' fence...
    Ah, sorry forgot about that.Only shade seems to be the divide between you and your neighbour to the South, or perhaps I have missed something? Is that a very high barrier? In Summer a 6' fence doesn't cast much shadow.Note that you can get a nice stripy lawn with bog standard grass seed,...
    Ah, sorry forgot about that.Only shade seems to be the divide between you and your neighbour to the South, or perhaps I have missed something? Is that a very high barrier? In Summer a 6' fence doesn't cast much shadow.Note that you can get...
    Ah, sorry forgot about that.Only shade seems to be the divide between you and your neighbour to the South, or perhaps I have missed something? Is that a very high barrier? In Summer a 6' fence...
  6. brendannewell

    Turfing my garden

    You'll have "grass" a month after sowing seed - it will look like green velvet, so to speak, to start with, but [from seed, rather than turf] it would be better to try not to walk on it / much...
    You'll have "grass" a month after sowing seed - it will look like green velvet, so to speak, to start with, but [from seed, rather than turf] it would be better to try not to walk on it / much during the winter. I suggest you dig a hole and see what it looks like underneath. If this used to be...
    You'll have "grass" a month after sowing seed - it will look like green velvet, so to speak, to start with, but [from seed, rather than turf] it would be better to try not to walk on it / much during the winter. I suggest you dig a hole and see...
    You'll have "grass" a month after sowing seed - it will look like green velvet, so to speak, to start with, but [from seed, rather than turf] it would be better to try not to walk on it / much...
  7. Mane

    Rough patched in the lawn

    Heavy rain forecast for East Anglia on Saturday. That could wash seed away (you run that risk at any time of course, but avoid if it is forecast :) only other tangential thought is that...
    Heavy rain forecast for East Anglia on Saturday. That could wash seed away (you run that risk at any time of course, but avoid if it is forecast :) only other tangential thought is that many/most? spray-on chemicals (such as selective weedkillers) need a period of dry (often 6 hours, maybe 12...
    Heavy rain forecast for East Anglia on Saturday. That could wash seed away (you run that risk at any time of course, but avoid if it is forecast :) only other tangential thought is that many/most? spray-on chemicals (such as selective...
    Heavy rain forecast for East Anglia on Saturday. That could wash seed away (you run that risk at any time of course, but avoid if it is forecast :) only other tangential thought is that...
  8. Trunky

    What's looking brown in July 2013?

    Couldn't bring myself to press the "like" button Trunky :heehee: Jenny
    Couldn't bring myself to press the "like" button Trunky :heehee: Jenny
    Couldn't bring myself to press the "like" button Trunky :heehee: Jenny
    Couldn't bring myself to press the "like" button Trunky :heehee: Jenny
  9. intel

    Lawn Aerator - Which Is Better?

    I think if I left plugs of soil all over the lawn, the missus would be pretty displeased when lad and I come in the house with them stuck to our shoes and trail them all over.
    I think if I left plugs of soil all over the lawn, the missus would be pretty displeased when lad and I come in the house with them stuck to our shoes and trail them all over.
    I think if I left plugs of soil all over the lawn, the missus would be pretty displeased when lad and I come in the house with them stuck to our shoes and trail them all over.
    I think if I left plugs of soil all over the lawn, the missus would be pretty displeased when lad and I come in the house with them stuck to our shoes and trail them all over.
  10. knobstop

    please help new lawn weeds!

    Oh and they said all there seed comes from america so could be why we nor they can identify the pest!!
    Oh and they said all there seed comes from america so could be why we nor they can identify the pest!!
    Oh and they said all there seed comes from america so could be why we nor they can identify the pest!!
    Oh and they said all there seed comes from america so could be why we nor they can identify the pest!!
  11. TheBatman

    appalling soil, want a lawn..

    I'll just reiterate what I said before - do it right or you'll be doing it again. Another thought - have you considered fake grass? You'll be amazed at how it looks (I was very sceptical before...
    I'll just reiterate what I said before - do it right or you'll be doing it again. Another thought - have you considered fake grass? You'll be amazed at how it looks (I was very sceptical before seeing it)
    I'll just reiterate what I said before - do it right or you'll be doing it again. Another thought - have you considered fake grass? You'll be amazed at how it looks (I was very sceptical before seeing it)
    I'll just reiterate what I said before - do it right or you'll be doing it again. Another thought - have you considered fake grass? You'll be amazed at how it looks (I was very sceptical before...
  12. lesley1978


    Wow! That's made a big difference Lesley. :dbgrtmb:
    Wow! That's made a big difference Lesley. :dbgrtmb:
    Wow! That's made a big difference Lesley. :dbgrtmb:
    Wow! That's made a big difference Lesley. :dbgrtmb:
  13. NewGardener 11

    Overseeding problem...

    Is the growth from bare patches existing turf, previously scalped by the mower, now regrowing? That would happen more quickly than seed germination. Prickly branches, e.g. Holly, scattered...
    Is the growth from bare patches existing turf, previously scalped by the mower, now regrowing? That would happen more quickly than seed germination. Prickly branches, e.g. Holly, scattered over the area can help. Or thin twine / cotton stretched between sticks criss-cross. Or sow some...
    Is the growth from bare patches existing turf, previously scalped by the mower, now regrowing? That would happen more quickly than seed germination. Prickly branches, e.g. Holly, scattered over the area can help. Or thin twine / cotton...
    Is the growth from bare patches existing turf, previously scalped by the mower, now regrowing? That would happen more quickly than seed germination. Prickly branches, e.g. Holly, scattered...
  14. parcheesy

    Levelling a lawn?

    I resemble that remark :heehee:
    I resemble that remark :heehee:
    I resemble that remark :heehee:
    I resemble that remark :heehee:
  15. Bob Duckodil

    Patches in Lawn?

    My first guess is the same as Kris Lords: heavy ground and compacted. If so needs aerating, sulphate of iron applied to kill the moss, which will go black "over night", and then rake it out -...
    My first guess is the same as Kris Lords: heavy ground and compacted. If so needs aerating, sulphate of iron applied to kill the moss, which will go black "over night", and then rake it out - which is hard work! (or borrow/hire a machine to do that)
    My first guess is the same as Kris Lords: heavy ground and compacted. If so needs aerating, sulphate of iron applied to kill the moss, which will go black "over night", and then rake it out - which is hard work! (or borrow/hire a machine to do...
    My first guess is the same as Kris Lords: heavy ground and compacted. If so needs aerating, sulphate of iron applied to kill the moss, which will go black "over night", and then rake it out -...
  16. Glen Lawn Care

    Enthusiasm for lawns..?

    Good point. We get plenty of people here asking how to convert a bramble field into a decent lawn, and a service that did just that ("Soup to nuts") might well be appealing to new home buyers....
    Good point. We get plenty of people here asking how to convert a bramble field into a decent lawn, and a service that did just that ("Soup to nuts") might well be appealing to new home buyers. They mostly pitch up here saying "How do I lay turf over concrete/scrub/whatever" so they are clearly...
    Good point. We get plenty of people here asking how to convert a bramble field into a decent lawn, and a service that did just that ("Soup to nuts") might well be appealing to new home buyers. They mostly pitch up here saying "How do I lay turf...
    Good point. We get plenty of people here asking how to convert a bramble field into a decent lawn, and a service that did just that ("Soup to nuts") might well be appealing to new home buyers....
  17. claire ayoub

    Help with awful lawn

    :sign0016: to the corner Claire.
    :sign0016: to the corner Claire.
    :sign0016: to the corner Claire.
    :sign0016: to the corner Claire.
  18. Annemieke


    That depends. Almost all newer petrol engines are four stroke and have electronic ignition and even fuel injection (even some of the tiny engines). Its because they are much cleaner and more...
    That depends. Almost all newer petrol engines are four stroke and have electronic ignition and even fuel injection (even some of the tiny engines). Its because they are much cleaner and more efficient. Older (and some smaller and cheaper) engines are two stroke. Two strokes engines are a bit...
    That depends. Almost all newer petrol engines are four stroke and have electronic ignition and even fuel injection (even some of the tiny engines). Its because they are much cleaner and more efficient. Older (and some smaller and cheaper)...
    That depends. Almost all newer petrol engines are four stroke and have electronic ignition and even fuel injection (even some of the tiny engines). Its because they are much cleaner and more...
  19. Alaric

    Cemented lawn...

    With reference to your mulcher observation. I presume a dedicated mulcher, if so no problem running on lowest setting. It will IMO never look as groomed as if cut by a rotary or cylinder...
    With reference to your mulcher observation. I presume a dedicated mulcher, if so no problem running on lowest setting. It will IMO never look as groomed as if cut by a rotary or cylinder collecting clippings. I run a Viking Mulcher and its specification says 'A mulcher is designed to cut grass...
    With reference to your mulcher observation. I presume a dedicated mulcher, if so no problem running on lowest setting. It will IMO never look as groomed as if cut by a rotary or cylinder collecting clippings. I run a Viking Mulcher and its...
    With reference to your mulcher observation. I presume a dedicated mulcher, if so no problem running on lowest setting. It will IMO never look as groomed as if cut by a rotary or cylinder...
  20. irwit

    Turfing over wood chip?

    Indeed, but I was more concerned that it would restrict root-run (turf may dry out, and also be starved of nutrients as a result) and as the bark decomposes the turf will sink.
    Indeed, but I was more concerned that it would restrict root-run (turf may dry out, and also be starved of nutrients as a result) and as the bark decomposes the turf will sink.
    Indeed, but I was more concerned that it would restrict root-run (turf may dry out, and also be starved of nutrients as a result) and as the bark decomposes the turf will sink.
    Indeed, but I was more concerned that it would restrict root-run (turf may dry out, and also be starved of nutrients as a result) and as the bark decomposes the turf will sink.

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