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Garden Planting Discussion
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soil under the grass
If you see plenty of healthy earthworms, the soil is good, but will almost certainly still benefit from some compost or well rotted manure. Or, you can always cheat, and just grow plants that...
If you see plenty of healthy earthworms, the soil is good, but will almost certainly still benefit from some compost or well rotted manure. Or, you can always cheat, and just grow plants that don't care this year (I like nasturtium for that purpose, but there are many very pretty 'green manure'...
If you see plenty of healthy earthworms, the soil is good, but will almost certainly still benefit from some compost or well rotted manure. Or, you can always cheat, and just grow plants that don't care this year (I like nasturtium for that...
If you see plenty of healthy earthworms, the soil is good, but will almost certainly still benefit from some compost or well rotted manure. Or, you can always cheat, and just grow plants that...
Mar 2, 2012
Mar 2, 2012
When to......
Not a real problem for me as I did a last cut when it stopped growing, and at about 1.5" Now it is starting to grow again bright green shoots, so I it gets to 2.5" I will do a cut down to 1.5" if...
Not a real problem for me as I did a last cut when it stopped growing, and at about 1.5" Now it is starting to grow again bright green shoots, so I it gets to 2.5" I will do a cut down to 1.5" if there is no fear of frost Jack McHammocklashing
Not a real problem for me as I did a last cut when it stopped growing, and at about 1.5" Now it is starting to grow again bright green shoots, so I it gets to 2.5" I will do a cut down to 1.5" if there is no fear of frost Jack McHammocklashing
Not a real problem for me as I did a last cut when it stopped growing, and at about 1.5" Now it is starting to grow again bright green shoots, so I it gets to 2.5" I will do a cut down to 1.5" if...
Mar 2, 2012
Jack McHammocklashing
Mar 2, 2012
Fertilising the Lawn - but avoiding flower beds
The other sites probably know what they are taking about though
You can't. If I'm putting on something that will kill the plants I don't use the spreader/chucker, I use the Seeder instead...
The other sites probably know what they are taking about though
You can't. If I'm putting on something that will kill the plants I don't use the spreader/chucker, I use the Seeder instead (when using the "seeder" the "stuff" just drops out of holes in the bottom of the hopper as the...
The other sites probably know what they are taking about though
You can't. If I'm putting on something that will kill the plants I don't use the spreader/chucker, I use the Seeder instead (when using the "seeder" the "stuff" just drops...
The other sites probably know what they are taking about though
You can't. If I'm putting on something that will kill the plants I don't use the spreader/chucker, I use the Seeder instead...
Feb 27, 2012
Feb 27, 2012
problem with lawn versus paving slabs
This is the stuff I'm thinking of getting to separate my border from the lawn ...Mow Over Lawn Edging
This is the stuff I'm thinking of getting to separate my border from the lawn ...Mow Over Lawn Edging
This is the stuff I'm thinking of getting to separate my border from the lawn ...Mow Over Lawn Edging
This is the stuff I'm thinking of getting to separate my border from the lawn ...Mow Over Lawn Edging
yorkshire lass
Feb 25, 2012
Feb 25, 2012
Help Needed from Over-50's Lawn Mower Users.
Me speak Binary.
No I haven't got beyond roman numerals yet.
Me speak Binary.
No I haven't got beyond roman numerals yet.
Me speak Binary.
No I haven't got beyond roman numerals yet.
Me speak Binary.
No I haven't got beyond roman numerals yet.
Simon Foster
Feb 22, 2012
Feb 24, 2012
Getting rid of a lawn
That is just what I have been doing this week with my Lawn (meadow) ready for my Veg plot, only 12' x 12' but it is hard graft at my age, and rain has stopped play, what was nice light loam, is...
That is just what I have been doing this week with my Lawn (meadow) ready for my Veg plot, only 12' x 12' but it is hard graft at my age, and rain has stopped play, what was nice light loam, is becoming compacted mud with me standing on it, So I have forked it all over, and awaiting it to frost...
That is just what I have been doing this week with my Lawn (meadow) ready for my Veg plot, only 12' x 12' but it is hard graft at my age, and rain has stopped play, what was nice light loam, is becoming compacted mud with me standing on it, So I...
That is just what I have been doing this week with my Lawn (meadow) ready for my Veg plot, only 12' x 12' but it is hard graft at my age, and rain has stopped play, what was nice light loam, is...
Feb 20, 2012
Jack McHammocklashing
Feb 21, 2012
A good day.
Ya Boo! Fiddlesticks!!!
Ya Boo! Fiddlesticks!!!
Ya Boo! Fiddlesticks!!!
Ya Boo! Fiddlesticks!!!
Feb 16, 2012
Feb 18, 2012
Dead Grass? Query
actually, your lawn looks very good a good spring high nitrogen fertilizer such as this will perk it up nicely: Country Club 18-4-12+2%Mg | Lebanon Country Club | Pitchcare Shop that is a...
actually, your lawn looks very good a good spring high nitrogen fertilizer such as this will perk it up nicely: Country Club 18-4-12+2%Mg | Lebanon Country Club | Pitchcare Shop that is a large bag ... you only need approx 30 grams per square meter, so depending on the size of your...
actually, your lawn looks very good a good spring high nitrogen fertilizer such as this will perk it up nicely: Country Club 18-4-12+2%Mg | Lebanon Country Club | Pitchcare Shop that is a large bag ... you only need approx 30 grams per...
actually, your lawn looks very good a good spring high nitrogen fertilizer such as this will perk it up nicely: Country Club 18-4-12+2%Mg | Lebanon Country Club | Pitchcare Shop that is a...
Jan 21, 2012
Feb 7, 2012
Problem lawn
Good evening and welcome to the site.
It sounds to me like a lack of water. Turf MUST be kept moist for it to establish. Grass seed needs to be lightly raked into the top inch of soil and again,...
Good evening and welcome to the site.
It sounds to me like a lack of water. Turf MUST be kept moist for it to establish. Grass seed needs to be lightly raked into the top inch of soil and again, kept moist. And moist MEANS moist, not soaked once a week but lightly watered every evening.
Good evening and welcome to the site.
It sounds to me like a lack of water. Turf MUST be kept moist for it to establish. Grass seed needs to be lightly raked into the top inch of soil and again, kept moist. And moist MEANS moist, not soaked once...
Good evening and welcome to the site.
It sounds to me like a lack of water. Turf MUST be kept moist for it to establish. Grass seed needs to be lightly raked into the top inch of soil and again,...
Jan 27, 2012
Jan 27, 2012
Oh OK .... nick a square meter from your local community centre at night .... or from your neighbour :D
Oh OK .... nick a square meter from your local community centre at night .... or from your neighbour :D
Oh OK .... nick a square meter from your local community centre at night .... or from your neighbour :D
Oh OK .... nick a square meter from your local community centre at night .... or from your neighbour :D
Mr Grinch
Jan 22, 2012
Jan 23, 2012
Lawn Care - which order to carry out works?
if we look at the one corner of the garden, with the hedge and the trees in leaf, there will be a lot of shade (I'm guessing, as it depends which way is south) I have added some similar size...
if we look at the one corner of the garden, with the hedge and the trees in leaf, there will be a lot of shade (I'm guessing, as it depends which way is south) I have added some similar size trees in leaf .... you may need to overseed some areas with shade loving grass?
if we look at the one corner of the garden, with the hedge and the trees in leaf, there will be a lot of shade (I'm guessing, as it depends which way is south) I have added some similar size trees in leaf .... you may need to overseed some...
if we look at the one corner of the garden, with the hedge and the trees in leaf, there will be a lot of shade (I'm guessing, as it depends which way is south) I have added some similar size...
Jan 13, 2012
Jan 18, 2012
Turning lawn into a wild garden, while stopping it from going feral
The Oak leaves, similarly to Beech, take forever to break down. If you have access to a Garden Vac then sucking them through that will chomp them down to small bits. They can then be used as...
The Oak leaves, similarly to Beech, take forever to break down. If you have access to a Garden Vac then sucking them through that will chomp them down to small bits. They can then be used as mulch, or will be less of a problem in compost - although they still take a long time to break down...
The Oak leaves, similarly to Beech, take forever to break down. If you have access to a Garden Vac then sucking them through that will chomp them down to small bits. They can then be used as mulch, or will be less of a problem in compost -...
The Oak leaves, similarly to Beech, take forever to break down. If you have access to a Garden Vac then sucking them through that will chomp them down to small bits. They can then be used as...
Jan 14, 2012
Jan 15, 2012
Help Needed....
OK, thanks. :thumb:Will get some pics at the weekend of the areas affected.Perhaps could be shade on one part, and I think poor drainage on another.To aerate a large lawn would a machine be...
OK, thanks. :thumb:Will get some pics at the weekend of the areas affected.Perhaps could be shade on one part, and I think poor drainage on another.To aerate a large lawn would a machine be better?I am right in saying that you can get a scarify machine that can also aerate?Will check...
OK, thanks. :thumb:Will get some pics at the weekend of the areas affected.Perhaps could be shade on one part, and I think poor drainage on another.To aerate a large lawn would a machine be better?I am right in saying that you can get a...
OK, thanks. :thumb:Will get some pics at the weekend of the areas affected.Perhaps could be shade on one part, and I think poor drainage on another.To aerate a large lawn would a machine be...
Jan 12, 2012
Jan 12, 2012
Salvageable Lawn?
I would go for high cut with box on , rotary mower only at this time of year, sound advice from clueless, be careful as grass not actively growing if mean temperature under 7*C so could easily do...
I would go for high cut with box on , rotary mower only at this time of year, sound advice from clueless, be careful as grass not actively growing if mean temperature under 7*C so could easily do more harm than good if you are too agressive.
I would go for high cut with box on , rotary mower only at this time of year, sound advice from clueless, be careful as grass not actively growing if mean temperature under 7*C so could easily do more harm than good if you are too agressive.
I would go for high cut with box on , rotary mower only at this time of year, sound advice from clueless, be careful as grass not actively growing if mean temperature under 7*C so could easily do...
Lewis B
Jan 8, 2012
Jan 9, 2012
Boggy Lawn
Your idea may work, but not if the water table is high anyway. What I'd do is dig a small test hole and see if it fills with water. Doing a test hole over winter is a good time to see what...
Your idea may work, but not if the water table is high anyway. What I'd do is dig a small test hole and see if it fills with water. Doing a test hole over winter is a good time to see what happens. If you have a high water table then a soak away won't really help, you will need to drain it off...
Your idea may work, but not if the water table is high anyway. What I'd do is dig a small test hole and see if it fills with water. Doing a test hole over winter is a good time to see what happens. If you have a high water table then a soak away...
Your idea may work, but not if the water table is high anyway. What I'd do is dig a small test hole and see if it fills with water. Doing a test hole over winter is a good time to see what...
Jan 7, 2012
Jan 7, 2012
Buying turf
We have found that it is best to physically go and look at the turf before buying. We bought our turf from homebase last year, it is generally good turf, best to by it on a thursday / friday when...
We have found that it is best to physically go and look at the turf before buying. We bought our turf from homebase last year, it is generally good turf, best to by it on a thursday / friday when they have it delivered for the weekend, but feel they may not start stocking it until maybe March/...
We have found that it is best to physically go and look at the turf before buying. We bought our turf from homebase last year, it is generally good turf, best to by it on a thursday / friday when they have it delivered for the weekend, but feel...
We have found that it is best to physically go and look at the turf before buying. We bought our turf from homebase last year, it is generally good turf, best to by it on a thursday / friday when...
Gay Gardener
Jan 1, 2012
Jan 2, 2012
repairing large areas to grass.
Can you post some pics so as we may see what the damage/problem is? Then we can give you the best advice.
Can you post some pics so as we may see what the damage/problem is? Then we can give you the best advice.
Can you post some pics so as we may see what the damage/problem is? Then we can give you the best advice.
Can you post some pics so as we may see what the damage/problem is? Then we can give you the best advice.
Dec 27, 2011
Dec 27, 2011
Is it too late to mow ?
Blimey, that must be a record:OUCH:
Blimey, that must be a record:OUCH:
Blimey, that must be a record:OUCH:
Blimey, that must be a record:OUCH:
Evil Len
Nov 28, 2011
Phil A
Dec 24, 2011
Project dig up lawn replace path
That's interesting Eddie. Biking has been in my family for many years and my son watches the GP racing every year. Both my son and daughter have had to give up there bikes this year, as they...
That's interesting Eddie. Biking has been in my family for many years and my son watches the GP racing every year. Both my son and daughter have had to give up there bikes this year, as they both emigrated. Whether they'll be able to afford to replace them in time they don't know at present. ...
That's interesting Eddie. Biking has been in my family for many years and my son watches the GP racing every year. Both my son and daughter have had to give up there bikes this year, as they both emigrated. Whether they'll be able to afford to...
That's interesting Eddie. Biking has been in my family for many years and my son watches the GP racing every year. Both my son and daughter have had to give up there bikes this year, as they...
Dec 22, 2011
Dec 23, 2011
Moss in Lawn
get a free quote from Greenthumb (they are pretty cheap) GreenThumb: Lawn Care, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Treatment, Lawn Advice Service some guys use liquid moss killer in winter .... your lawn...
get a free quote from Greenthumb (they are pretty cheap) GreenThumb: Lawn Care, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Treatment, Lawn Advice Service some guys use liquid moss killer in winter .... your lawn may need aerating/scarifying, or your soil may be acidic, or you have too much shade greenthumb...
get a free quote from Greenthumb (they are pretty cheap) GreenThumb: Lawn Care, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Treatment, Lawn Advice Service some guys use liquid moss killer in winter .... your lawn may need aerating/scarifying, or your soil may be...
get a free quote from Greenthumb (they are pretty cheap) GreenThumb: Lawn Care, Lawn Maintenance, Lawn Treatment, Lawn Advice Service some guys use liquid moss killer in winter .... your lawn...
Dec 14, 2011
Dec 14, 2011
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