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  1. cosmic dave

    leafs on lawn

    remove them as shiney has stated I have been doing this at several gardens over the past few days .... I also remove them from flower beds
    remove them as shiney has stated I have been doing this at several gardens over the past few days .... I also remove them from flower beds
    remove them as shiney has stated I have been doing this at several gardens over the past few days .... I also remove them from flower beds
    remove them as shiney has stated I have been doing this at several gardens over the past few days .... I also remove them from flower beds
  2. keithhampson

    re-grassing fire damaged lawn area

    you could turf that area .... and it can still be done now or you could wait till spring and seed the area what I have found in cases like these, is that the new grass planted in the area...
    you could turf that area .... and it can still be done now or you could wait till spring and seed the area what I have found in cases like these, is that the new grass planted in the area where the bonfire was, will be a lot greener than the rest of the grass (for a long time) .... i.e. you...
    you could turf that area .... and it can still be done now or you could wait till spring and seed the area what I have found in cases like these, is that the new grass planted in the area where the bonfire was, will be a lot greener than the...
    you could turf that area .... and it can still be done now or you could wait till spring and seed the area what I have found in cases like these, is that the new grass planted in the area...
  3. Asgars Garden

    Lawn type advice

    you do not have to pay £1600 for good lawn .... wait till spring and seed the area .... prepare the site proper and use a good seed .... check this: Amenity Seed Products - Sports | BSH one...
    you do not have to pay £1600 for good lawn .... wait till spring and seed the area .... prepare the site proper and use a good seed .... check this: Amenity Seed Products - Sports | BSH one bag will cover approx 600 square meters the stripes are not by the lawn type, but by the lawnmower...
    you do not have to pay £1600 for good lawn .... wait till spring and seed the area .... prepare the site proper and use a good seed .... check this: Amenity Seed Products - Sports | BSH one bag will cover approx 600 square meters the...
    you do not have to pay £1600 for good lawn .... wait till spring and seed the area .... prepare the site proper and use a good seed .... check this: Amenity Seed Products - Sports | BSH one...
  4. Tyke
    Like x 5

    Lawns CAN look good again !

    What kind of lawn seed did you use? Anything fancy?
    What kind of lawn seed did you use? Anything fancy?
    What kind of lawn seed did you use? Anything fancy?
    What kind of lawn seed did you use? Anything fancy?
  5. cosmic dave
  6. Gooseh

    "Yellow" Lawn problem

    Are you having a hair crisis?
    Are you having a hair crisis?
    Are you having a hair crisis?
    Are you having a hair crisis?
  7. Nfunk59

    Mossy lawn preparation for winter

    No lawn expert, but you might be best concentrating your gardening efforts on the further areas of lawn, flower borders etc., and accepting that your children are going to make a bit of a mess of...
    No lawn expert, but you might be best concentrating your gardening efforts on the further areas of lawn, flower borders etc., and accepting that your children are going to make a bit of a mess of the near part. Doesn't seem much point bringing in lots of turf if it's only going to get churned up...
    No lawn expert, but you might be best concentrating your gardening efforts on the further areas of lawn, flower borders etc., and accepting that your children are going to make a bit of a mess of the near part. Doesn't seem much point bringing in...
    No lawn expert, but you might be best concentrating your gardening efforts on the further areas of lawn, flower borders etc., and accepting that your children are going to make a bit of a mess of...
  8. simon_the _shrub

    lawn conundrum

    mow it twice .... but wait till midday or early afternoon on the 1st pass, raise the mower then wait a while, lower the mower to the correct height and mow again, but don't remove more than...
    mow it twice .... but wait till midday or early afternoon on the 1st pass, raise the mower then wait a while, lower the mower to the correct height and mow again, but don't remove more than the top 1/3 of lawn
    mow it twice .... but wait till midday or early afternoon on the 1st pass, raise the mower then wait a while, lower the mower to the correct height and mow again, but don't remove more than the top 1/3 of lawn
    mow it twice .... but wait till midday or early afternoon on the 1st pass, raise the mower then wait a while, lower the mower to the correct height and mow again, but don't remove more than...
  9. cresser

    Dead lawn patches

    As they said, that can be due to pets (cats, etc.). If pets is not the cause, it could be a "fungus". That's what I was told some time ago. In that case a special treatment is needed. The...
    As they said, that can be due to pets (cats, etc.). If pets is not the cause, it could be a "fungus". That's what I was told some time ago. In that case a special treatment is needed. The treatment consist on diluiting a special liquid product (just a few drops) in an amount of water (say 1...
    As they said, that can be due to pets (cats, etc.). If pets is not the cause, it could be a "fungus". That's what I was told some time ago. In that case a special treatment is needed. The treatment consist on diluiting a special liquid product...
    As they said, that can be due to pets (cats, etc.). If pets is not the cause, it could be a "fungus". That's what I was told some time ago. In that case a special treatment is needed. The...
  10. andrewh

    Lawns. Love em or hate em?

    Thanks, Sam :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks, Sam :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks, Sam :dbgrtmb:
    Thanks, Sam :dbgrtmb:
  11. cstonenw5

    Help Pls .... Dead patches on lawn

    Your mothers lawn problem is most likely as already said a fungal disease . Usually caused by the damp autumn weather , shorter daylight ,moisture sitting on the grass throuhout the day ..In most...
    Your mothers lawn problem is most likely as already said a fungal disease . Usually caused by the damp autumn weather , shorter daylight ,moisture sitting on the grass throuhout the day ..In most cases the lawn will recover in time .. Dave
    Your mothers lawn problem is most likely as already said a fungal disease . Usually caused by the damp autumn weather , shorter daylight ,moisture sitting on the grass throuhout the day ..In most cases the lawn will recover in time .. Dave
    Your mothers lawn problem is most likely as already said a fungal disease . Usually caused by the damp autumn weather , shorter daylight ,moisture sitting on the grass throuhout the day ..In most...
  12. Greenpaws

    Turf not rooting

    Nothing else growing there Jack/Dai - it's part of the garden which used to be higher ground and we had it dug out to keep the lawn flat. So there are banks c.18" high round two sides of it but...
    Nothing else growing there Jack/Dai - it's part of the garden which used to be higher ground and we had it dug out to keep the lawn flat. So there are banks c.18" high round two sides of it but no planting yet. The soil is a wee bit stonier than elsewhere but the lawn layer thought it was ok. ...
    Nothing else growing there Jack/Dai - it's part of the garden which used to be higher ground and we had it dug out to keep the lawn flat. So there are banks c.18" high round two sides of it but no planting yet. The soil is a wee bit stonier than...
    Nothing else growing there Jack/Dai - it's part of the garden which used to be higher ground and we had it dug out to keep the lawn flat. So there are banks c.18" high round two sides of it but...
  13. scatz

    Worse lawn ever...where to start?

    that doesn't sound too bad and will not cost you an arm and a leg, first mow the lawn and the rake off the dead/cut grass off of it then using an aerator aerate and over-seed the lawn add some...
    that doesn't sound too bad and will not cost you an arm and a leg, first mow the lawn and the rake off the dead/cut grass off of it then using an aerator aerate and over-seed the lawn add some fertilizer and your done! now water it daily and mow at-least once a month :) if you don't have a mower...
    that doesn't sound too bad and will not cost you an arm and a leg, first mow the lawn and the rake off the dead/cut grass off of it then using an aerator aerate and over-seed the lawn add some fertilizer and your done! now water it daily and mow...
    that doesn't sound too bad and will not cost you an arm and a leg, first mow the lawn and the rake off the dead/cut grass off of it then using an aerator aerate and over-seed the lawn add some...
  14. Melinda

    Soil structure query- Heavy compacted clay lawn

    Cheers Dim.Got 3/4 of it done last night, working by security light till about 9pm and then a friend rescued me and we went out to eat.Woke up today completely convinced it was a Saturday. I...
    Cheers Dim.Got 3/4 of it done last night, working by security light till about 9pm and then a friend rescued me and we went out to eat.Woke up today completely convinced it was a Saturday. I was actually in the car listening to the radio before realising it wasnt. Went back to bed, and had...
    Cheers Dim.Got 3/4 of it done last night, working by security light till about 9pm and then a friend rescued me and we went out to eat.Woke up today completely convinced it was a Saturday. I was actually in the car listening to the radio...
    Cheers Dim.Got 3/4 of it done last night, working by security light till about 9pm and then a friend rescued me and we went out to eat.Woke up today completely convinced it was a Saturday. I...
  15. waiting for the weather

    Top tips for planting bulbs in lawns?

    When I first started gardening, I put grass seeds on all the soil in container plants...thought it would look better than soil :o
    When I first started gardening, I put grass seeds on all the soil in container plants...thought it would look better than soil :o
    When I first started gardening, I put grass seeds on all the soil in container plants...thought it would look better than soil :o
    When I first started gardening, I put grass seeds on all the soil in container plants...thought it would look better than soil :o
  16. clueless1

    I've just top dressed my lawn for winter

    it's also a good time to aerate .... this can be done with a decent garden fork .... punch holes into the lawn and try to go 3-4 inches deep .... and make rows 6 inches apart (hard work but worth...
    it's also a good time to aerate .... this can be done with a decent garden fork .... punch holes into the lawn and try to go 3-4 inches deep .... and make rows 6 inches apart (hard work but worth the effort and only needs to be done once a year) then add an autumn/winter lawn fertilizer and...
    it's also a good time to aerate .... this can be done with a decent garden fork .... punch holes into the lawn and try to go 3-4 inches deep .... and make rows 6 inches apart (hard work but worth the effort and only needs to be done once a year) ...
    it's also a good time to aerate .... this can be done with a decent garden fork .... punch holes into the lawn and try to go 3-4 inches deep .... and make rows 6 inches apart (hard work but worth...
  17. carlnorwich

    Lawn prep

    it's always good to have different opinions, that's what makes forums so interesting as mentioned, I am not an expert, however, my viewpoint is that the OP (original poster) has said that the...
    it's always good to have different opinions, that's what makes forums so interesting as mentioned, I am not an expert, however, my viewpoint is that the OP (original poster) has said that the weeds are removed, but is worried about new ones from the roots that remain ... so in a few days...
    it's always good to have different opinions, that's what makes forums so interesting as mentioned, I am not an expert, however, my viewpoint is that the OP (original poster) has said that the weeds are removed, but is worried about new ones...
    it's always good to have different opinions, that's what makes forums so interesting as mentioned, I am not an expert, however, my viewpoint is that the OP (original poster) has said that the...

    New lawn

    Depends on several factors.What sort of condition is the existing lawn in? What type of grass is in there? No need to be too specific, but generally you get what the garden centres call...
    Depends on several factors.What sort of condition is the existing lawn in? What type of grass is in there? No need to be too specific, but generally you get what the garden centres call ornamental or hard wearing lawns. Ornamental ones have really fine grass in, whereas the hard wearing ones...
    Depends on several factors.What sort of condition is the existing lawn in? What type of grass is in there? No need to be too specific, but generally you get what the garden centres call ornamental or hard wearing lawns. Ornamental ones have...
    Depends on several factors.What sort of condition is the existing lawn in? What type of grass is in there? No need to be too specific, but generally you get what the garden centres call...
  19. ragdoll520

    Help with my lawn

    get one of these from maplins .... works for cats too High Power Ultra Sonic Animal Repeller Free Delivery : Animal Deterrents : Maplin place it to protect the section of lawn that you want to...
    get one of these from maplins .... works for cats too High Power Ultra Sonic Animal Repeller Free Delivery : Animal Deterrents : Maplin place it to protect the section of lawn that you want to keep the dogs off
    get one of these from maplins .... works for cats too High Power Ultra Sonic Animal Repeller Free Delivery : Animal Deterrents : Maplin place it to protect the section of lawn that you want to keep the dogs off
    get one of these from maplins .... works for cats too High Power Ultra Sonic Animal Repeller Free Delivery : Animal Deterrents : Maplin place it to protect the section of lawn that you want to...
  20. *dim*

    still confused about lawn fertilizers

    Some more Explanation of NPK and fertilizers
    Some more Explanation of NPK and fertilizers
    Some more Explanation of NPK and fertilizers
    Some more Explanation of NPK and fertilizers

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