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Garden Planting Discussion
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Canada green lawn seed
Morning forum can anyone let me if and where i can buy canada green lawn seed in a 25kg bag as i have 1/2 and acre to sow. I have been reading good things about this seed and am keen to get...
Morning forum can anyone let me if and where i can buy canada green lawn seed in a 25kg bag as i have 1/2 and acre to sow. I have been reading good things about this seed and am keen to get it.Any help would be appreciated.regardstony
Morning forum can anyone let me if and where i can buy canada green lawn seed in a 25kg bag as i have 1/2 and acre to sow. I have been reading good things about this seed and am keen to get it.Any help would be appreciated.regardstony
Morning forum can anyone let me if and where i can buy canada green lawn seed in a 25kg bag as i have 1/2 and acre to sow. I have been reading good things about this seed and am keen to get...
Sep 16, 2010
Sep 16, 2010
Cheapest Way To Replace A Lawn?
Yep, seed is the cheapest. And if you ask me, the least hassle and most satisfying. Now is a very good time to sow a new lawn, with warm soil and plenty of moisture about. You shouldn't need a...
Yep, seed is the cheapest. And if you ask me, the least hassle and most satisfying. Now is a very good time to sow a new lawn, with warm soil and plenty of moisture about. You shouldn't need a rotovator. If the ground is in reasonable condition, just dig it over and incorporate lots of organic...
Yep, seed is the cheapest. And if you ask me, the least hassle and most satisfying. Now is a very good time to sow a new lawn, with warm soil and plenty of moisture about. You shouldn't need a rotovator. If the ground is in reasonable...
Yep, seed is the cheapest. And if you ask me, the least hassle and most satisfying. Now is a very good time to sow a new lawn, with warm soil and plenty of moisture about. You shouldn't need a...
Sep 10, 2010
Sep 10, 2010
New lawn preparation
Thanks Flinty, sounds good to me.
Thanks Flinty, sounds good to me.
Thanks Flinty, sounds good to me.
Thanks Flinty, sounds good to me.
Aug 27, 2010
Sep 3, 2010
What can be the cost of new lawn?
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but turf normally costs between £2 and £3 per sq metre. Then you have the labour of preparing the ground which depends on what is there already and how...
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but turf normally costs between £2 and £3 per sq metre. Then you have the labour of preparing the ground which depends on what is there already and how much levelling is necessary.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but turf normally costs between £2 and £3 per sq metre. Then you have the labour of preparing the ground which depends on what is there already and how much levelling is necessary.
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking but turf normally costs between £2 and £3 per sq metre. Then you have the labour of preparing the ground which depends on what is there already and how...
Aug 22, 2010
Aug 22, 2010
New turf
Cheers Riley, I didn't think I could for a while but someone said to me that it would help it to root in so I thought I'd just check. Cheers Ken
Cheers Riley, I didn't think I could for a while but someone said to me that it would help it to root in so I thought I'd just check. Cheers Ken
Cheers Riley, I didn't think I could for a while but someone said to me that it would help it to root in so I thought I'd just check. Cheers Ken
Cheers Riley, I didn't think I could for a while but someone said to me that it would help it to root in so I thought I'd just check. Cheers Ken
Aug 21, 2010
Aug 22, 2010
Preparing a new lawn
I've reseeded an established lawn that was very weedy mostly with dandiloin and large areas of moss. I let the weeds grow so they were easier to see and handle and dug them all out by hand. Hands...
I've reseeded an established lawn that was very weedy mostly with dandiloin and large areas of moss. I let the weeds grow so they were easier to see and handle and dug them all out by hand. Hands and knees job but the best way of getting rid of them. I would suggest you leave it now to see where...
I've reseeded an established lawn that was very weedy mostly with dandiloin and large areas of moss. I let the weeds grow so they were easier to see and handle and dug them all out by hand. Hands and knees job but the best way of getting rid of...
I've reseeded an established lawn that was very weedy mostly with dandiloin and large areas of moss. I let the weeds grow so they were easier to see and handle and dug them all out by hand. Hands...
Aug 4, 2010
Rob Jones
Aug 21, 2010
Turf replacement
You can patch areas with turf. I did a complete run down the border of both my gardens as I was sick of moss re-appearing each year despite getting the proper treatment. It cured the problem and...
You can patch areas with turf. I did a complete run down the border of both my gardens as I was sick of moss re-appearing each year despite getting the proper treatment. It cured the problem and after four weeks you couldn't tell where it was laid. This isn't always the cae as sometimes the...
You can patch areas with turf. I did a complete run down the border of both my gardens as I was sick of moss re-appearing each year despite getting the proper treatment. It cured the problem and after four weeks you couldn't tell where it was...
You can patch areas with turf. I did a complete run down the border of both my gardens as I was sick of moss re-appearing each year despite getting the proper treatment. It cured the problem and...
Aug 19, 2010
Doghouse Riley
Aug 19, 2010
canada green grass seed ?
Mine took a little longer than the 14 days they said but the lawn looks great & is standing up to the dogs wear & tear I bought mine online because it was cheaper than Homebase
Mine took a little longer than the 14 days they said but the lawn looks great & is standing up to the dogs wear & tear I bought mine online because it was cheaper than Homebase
Mine took a little longer than the 14 days they said but the lawn looks great & is standing up to the dogs wear & tear I bought mine online because it was cheaper than Homebase
Mine took a little longer than the 14 days they said but the lawn looks great & is standing up to the dogs wear & tear I bought mine online because it was cheaper than Homebase
Apr 23, 2006
Aug 19, 2010
Lawn advice please
Take a look here. They are very helpful if you speak to them - Dan is the Sales Mgr. Very good.
Take a look here. They are very helpful if you speak to them - Dan is the Sales Mgr. Very good.
Take a look here. They are very helpful if you speak to them - Dan is the Sales Mgr. Very good.
Take a look here. They are very helpful if you speak to them - Dan is the Sales Mgr. Very good.
Aug 6, 2010
Aug 16, 2010
Put soil for new lawn on existing grass, is it a problem?
Thanks for advice. I think now it is too late. By the way, the dried old soil created a lot of cracks on surface, so a lot of new soil fell into these cracks. I was quite surprised how many of...
Thanks for advice. I think now it is too late. By the way, the dried old soil created a lot of cracks on surface, so a lot of new soil fell into these cracks. I was quite surprised how many of these cracks I had - perhaps average distance between cracks was less than one foot and cracks were...
Thanks for advice. I think now it is too late. By the way, the dried old soil created a lot of cracks on surface, so a lot of new soil fell into these cracks. I was quite surprised how many of these cracks I had - perhaps average distance between...
Thanks for advice. I think now it is too late. By the way, the dried old soil created a lot of cracks on surface, so a lot of new soil fell into these cracks. I was quite surprised how many of...
Aug 9, 2010
Aug 16, 2010
something on with my new turf
Without seeing it it's difficult to say but it's usually a sign of the opposite, i.e the lawn requires more water.Is there anything different about the half of the lawn with colouring? Was all...
Without seeing it it's difficult to say but it's usually a sign of the opposite, i.e the lawn requires more water.Is there anything different about the half of the lawn with colouring? Was all the ground prepared in the same manner? Is there a tree or any plant which could be taking moisture?
Without seeing it it's difficult to say but it's usually a sign of the opposite, i.e the lawn requires more water.Is there anything different about the half of the lawn with colouring? Was all the ground prepared in the same manner? Is there...
Without seeing it it's difficult to say but it's usually a sign of the opposite, i.e the lawn requires more water.Is there anything different about the half of the lawn with colouring? Was all...
Aug 6, 2010
Aug 14, 2010
To be honest if the seeds have been down 3 weeks and not germinated (providing you've kept the soil from drying out) I'd be worrying. I've just done a major job on my lawns and 3 of the 4 have an...
To be honest if the seeds have been down 3 weeks and not germinated (providing you've kept the soil from drying out) I'd be worrying. I've just done a major job on my lawns and 3 of the 4 have an pleasing covering of new grass, one is very patchy though and like you the old grass needs a...
To be honest if the seeds have been down 3 weeks and not germinated (providing you've kept the soil from drying out) I'd be worrying. I've just done a major job on my lawns and 3 of the 4 have an pleasing covering of new grass, one is very patchy...
To be honest if the seeds have been down 3 weeks and not germinated (providing you've kept the soil from drying out) I'd be worrying. I've just done a major job on my lawns and 3 of the 4 have an...
Aug 11, 2010
Rob Jones
Aug 12, 2010
Stripe effect on lawn
On the subject of mowing, they used to mow the greens on our golf course with self-propelled hand mowers. Modern technology and cost has made that no longer necessary or economic and they use a...
On the subject of mowing, they used to mow the greens on our golf course with self-propelled hand mowers. Modern technology and cost has made that no longer necessary or economic and they use a big-ride on a Toro mower now, which achieves an extremely even cut and "precision striping." One of...
On the subject of mowing, they used to mow the greens on our golf course with self-propelled hand mowers. Modern technology and cost has made that no longer necessary or economic and they use a big-ride on a Toro mower now, which achieves an...
On the subject of mowing, they used to mow the greens on our golf course with self-propelled hand mowers. Modern technology and cost has made that no longer necessary or economic and they use a...
Aug 9, 2010
Doghouse Riley
Aug 10, 2010
Lawn Invader
Well, I've sprayed about 5 suckers with SBK. It's been about 24 hours so far, but I've seen no real change yet. How long will it take to travel back to the parent tree/plant, and then kill the...
Well, I've sprayed about 5 suckers with SBK. It's been about 24 hours so far, but I've seen no real change yet. How long will it take to travel back to the parent tree/plant, and then kill the suckers? JW
Well, I've sprayed about 5 suckers with SBK. It's been about 24 hours so far, but I've seen no real change yet. How long will it take to travel back to the parent tree/plant, and then kill the suckers? JW
Well, I've sprayed about 5 suckers with SBK. It's been about 24 hours so far, but I've seen no real change yet. How long will it take to travel back to the parent tree/plant, and then kill the...
Jul 26, 2010
Aug 10, 2010
how often should I water my lawn?
To Elaborate on my Early post. i had a Rotary Mower which i found was hacking the grass and leaving a Torn finish which did yellow very quickly i started to hose after each cut and this made a...
To Elaborate on my Early post. i had a Rotary Mower which i found was hacking the grass and leaving a Torn finish which did yellow very quickly i started to hose after each cut and this made a vast improvement to the lawn. i purchased a Cylinder lawn mower this year and the cut is far Superior....
To Elaborate on my Early post. i had a Rotary Mower which i found was hacking the grass and leaving a Torn finish which did yellow very quickly i started to hose after each cut and this made a vast improvement to the lawn. i purchased a Cylinder...
To Elaborate on my Early post. i had a Rotary Mower which i found was hacking the grass and leaving a Torn finish which did yellow very quickly i started to hose after each cut and this made a...
Aug 4, 2010
Aug 5, 2010
Getting started with an incredibly weedy lawn
Alright...and by "initial graft" you mean weeding the patches that need it (which really is the whole thing in my case
), and reseeding those patches?Thanks again, Brennon
Alright...and by "initial graft" you mean weeding the patches that need it (which really is the whole thing in my case
), and reseeding those patches?Thanks again, Brennon
Alright...and by "initial graft" you mean weeding the patches that need it (which really is the whole thing in my case
), and reseeding those patches?Thanks again, Brennon
Alright...and by "initial graft" you mean weeding the patches that need it (which really is the whole thing in my case
), and reseeding those patches?Thanks again, Brennon
Aug 2, 2010
Aug 4, 2010
Right time to scarify/aereate?
It was absolute heaven to see a little moisture and will top the water butts up slightly but with a little breeze the rest will sadly evaporate and disappear in no time!
It was absolute heaven to see a little moisture and will top the water butts up slightly but with a little breeze the rest will sadly evaporate and disappear in no time!
It was absolute heaven to see a little moisture and will top the water butts up slightly but with a little breeze the rest will sadly evaporate and disappear in no time!
It was absolute heaven to see a little moisture and will top the water butts up slightly but with a little breeze the rest will sadly evaporate and disappear in no time!
Aug 4, 2010
Aug 4, 2010
Long coarse grass (weed?) in lawn.
Hi RaymondAre you sure it's a grass? Check out this thread, just in case it's the dreaded horsestailAssuming it is a grass, however, your best bet is to keep the lawn mown short (but...
Hi RaymondAre you sure it's a grass? Check out this thread, just in case it's the dreaded horsestailAssuming it is a grass, however, your best bet is to keep the lawn mown short (but not too short in hot dry weather) to stop it seeding and to dig out the worst clumps by hand....
Hi RaymondAre you sure it's a grass? Check out this thread, just in case it's the dreaded horsestailAssuming it is a grass, however, your best bet is to keep the lawn mown short (but not too short in hot dry weather) to stop it seeding...
Hi RaymondAre you sure it's a grass? Check out this thread, just in case it's the dreaded horsestailAssuming it is a grass, however, your best bet is to keep the lawn mown short (but...
Aug 2, 2010
Aug 3, 2010
moss/thatch problem
OK thanks - I think I will do the back garden too as its small, the side bit can wait as its quite green anyway...thanks for all your help :gnthb: - I can get back to the work indoors now :thumb:
OK thanks - I think I will do the back garden too as its small, the side bit can wait as its quite green anyway...thanks for all your help :gnthb: - I can get back to the work indoors now :thumb:
OK thanks - I think I will do the back garden too as its small, the side bit can wait as its quite green anyway...thanks for all your help :gnthb: - I can get back to the work indoors now :thumb:
OK thanks - I think I will do the back garden too as its small, the side bit can wait as its quite green anyway...thanks for all your help :gnthb: - I can get back to the work indoors now :thumb:
Jul 29, 2010
Aug 2, 2010
New Turf Cut Too Short
Hanna, if it`s only been down two or three weeks why are you cutting it and feeding it? Leave it to establish for a couple of MONTHS.DO NOT cut, DO NOT feed.:lollol::lollol::gnthb:
Hanna, if it`s only been down two or three weeks why are you cutting it and feeding it? Leave it to establish for a couple of MONTHS.DO NOT cut, DO NOT feed.:lollol::lollol::gnthb:
Hanna, if it`s only been down two or three weeks why are you cutting it and feeding it? Leave it to establish for a couple of MONTHS.DO NOT cut, DO NOT feed.:lollol::lollol::gnthb:
Hanna, if it`s only been down two or three weeks why are you cutting it and feeding it? Leave it to establish for a couple of MONTHS.DO NOT cut, DO NOT feed.:lollol::lollol::gnthb:
Jul 29, 2010
Aug 1, 2010
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