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  1. helenkab

    Mushrooms in my new lawn

    Pleased all is well Helen :gnthb:
    Pleased all is well Helen :gnthb:
    Pleased all is well Helen :gnthb:
    Pleased all is well Helen :gnthb:
  2. GardenerNewbie

    Neglected Tufty Lawn

    "Shoud I add the sand and top soil now or wait until early autumn?"Do that at the time you over-seed (personally I would do that in the Autumn)I would think that Sand and Soil will be about...
    "Shoud I add the sand and top soil now or wait until early autumn?"Do that at the time you over-seed (personally I would do that in the Autumn)I would think that Sand and Soil will be about the same cost. Both are heavy, so its all in the cost of transporting it. If you have a large area...
    "Shoud I add the sand and top soil now or wait until early autumn?"Do that at the time you over-seed (personally I would do that in the Autumn)I would think that Sand and Soil will be about the same cost. Both are heavy, so its all in the...
    "Shoud I add the sand and top soil now or wait until early autumn?"Do that at the time you over-seed (personally I would do that in the Autumn)I would think that Sand and Soil will be about...
  3. bilabonic

    HELP - Given up on my lawn !!!!! Start Again !!!

    As Kristen says, you most certainly are selling yourself short-it even has stripes-completely different to my lawn-full of clover, daisees and buttercups-wouldn't stand a chance in a competition...
    As Kristen says, you most certainly are selling yourself short-it even has stripes-completely different to my lawn-full of clover, daisees and buttercups-wouldn't stand a chance in a competition with yours. Well done.
    As Kristen says, you most certainly are selling yourself short-it even has stripes-completely different to my lawn-full of clover, daisees and buttercups-wouldn't stand a chance in a competition with yours. Well done.
    As Kristen says, you most certainly are selling yourself short-it even has stripes-completely different to my lawn-full of clover, daisees and buttercups-wouldn't stand a chance in a competition...
  4. grovsey

    discoloured grass

    hi Grovsey. i always give the grass a good spray down ,after every cut,especially the edges,ie paths borders,edging stones, etc .especially if using a strimmer for the borders.i find the grass...
    hi Grovsey. i always give the grass a good spray down ,after every cut,especially the edges,ie paths borders,edging stones, etc .especially if using a strimmer for the borders.i find the grass gets torn with strimmers, and a good soaking heals the damaged blades of has worked for me. i...
    hi Grovsey. i always give the grass a good spray down ,after every cut,especially the edges,ie paths borders,edging stones, etc .especially if using a strimmer for the borders.i find the grass gets torn with strimmers, and a good soaking heals...
    hi Grovsey. i always give the grass a good spray down ,after every cut,especially the edges,ie paths borders,edging stones, etc .especially if using a strimmer for the borders.i find the grass...
  5. sweetpeas


    they cute sweetpeas and i like their new home
    they cute sweetpeas and i like their new home
    they cute sweetpeas and i like their new home
    they cute sweetpeas and i like their new home
  6. completely green but keen

    Laying a new lawn - a different problem

    On Gardeners Question Time today they were saying it is nearly time for new lawns ,to do all the ground work and allow the soil to settle, dig it over and then, any weeds that come through can be...
    On Gardeners Question Time today they were saying it is nearly time for new lawns ,to do all the ground work and allow the soil to settle, dig it over and then, any weeds that come through can be removed before the final raking of the soil . :thumb:
    On Gardeners Question Time today they were saying it is nearly time for new lawns ,to do all the ground work and allow the soil to settle, dig it over and then, any weeds that come through can be removed before the final raking of the soil . :thumb:
    On Gardeners Question Time today they were saying it is nearly time for new lawns ,to do all the ground work and allow the soil to settle, dig it over and then, any weeds that come through can be...
  7. lsg

    Laying a new lawn - can I mix bark with topsoil?

    It will encourage fungi as said previously
    It will encourage fungi as said previously
    It will encourage fungi as said previously
    It will encourage fungi as said previously
  8. alistairjackman

    Absolute beginner - preparing soil for lawn HELP!

    Hi AlastairWelcome to the forum.Your idea is perfectly feasible.What you are digging in will be the subsoil for your lawn. Remove any stones (as big as a walnut) and any solid patches...
    Hi AlastairWelcome to the forum.Your idea is perfectly feasible.What you are digging in will be the subsoil for your lawn. Remove any stones (as big as a walnut) and any solid patches of gravel or shingle. Then compact it - but not too much. Then you'll need at least 150mm layer of...
    Hi AlastairWelcome to the forum.Your idea is perfectly feasible.What you are digging in will be the subsoil for your lawn. Remove any stones (as big as a walnut) and any solid patches of gravel or shingle. Then compact it - but not...
    Hi AlastairWelcome to the forum.Your idea is perfectly feasible.What you are digging in will be the subsoil for your lawn. Remove any stones (as big as a walnut) and any solid patches...
  9. chriz1

    iffy looking lawn

    i will give it a good raking and wattering too,it has been very hot and dry lately
    i will give it a good raking and wattering too,it has been very hot and dry lately
    i will give it a good raking and wattering too,it has been very hot and dry lately
    i will give it a good raking and wattering too,it has been very hot and dry lately
  10. harveypooka

    Laid a lawn - is it ready?

    "I'd forgotten about that bit":DNail-scissors will take a little longer, eh?!
    "I'd forgotten about that bit":DNail-scissors will take a little longer, eh?!
    "I'd forgotten about that bit":DNail-scissors will take a little longer, eh?!
    "I'd forgotten about that bit":DNail-scissors will take a little longer, eh?!
  11. chipper

    My lawn renovation

    Thanks Paul.:thmb: Just been on their site and ALS Premier Soluble Iron 4kg = £9.50+ £14.50 postage.
    Thanks Paul.:thmb: Just been on their site and ALS Premier Soluble Iron 4kg = £9.50+ £14.50 postage.
    Thanks Paul.:thmb: Just been on their site and ALS Premier Soluble Iron 4kg = £9.50+ £14.50 postage.
    Thanks Paul.:thmb: Just been on their site and ALS Premier Soluble Iron 4kg = £9.50+ £14.50 postage.
  12. Dawn78

    What can i do to make this dead lawn nice again :(

    Got any picks of yellowing. Don't cut too short and feed with some liquid iron.
    Got any picks of yellowing. Don't cut too short and feed with some liquid iron.
    Got any picks of yellowing. Don't cut too short and feed with some liquid iron.
    Got any picks of yellowing. Don't cut too short and feed with some liquid iron.
  13. Dawn78

    lawn going brown :(

    i am noticing alot of the grass strands are going a browny-yellow, can anyone help with ideas what this could be, was loving having such green grass but its a overall problem rather than a patch :(
    i am noticing alot of the grass strands are going a browny-yellow, can anyone help with ideas what this could be, was loving having such green grass but its a overall problem rather than a patch :(
    i am noticing alot of the grass strands are going a browny-yellow, can anyone help with ideas what this could be, was loving having such green grass but its a overall problem rather than a patch :(
    i am noticing alot of the grass strands are going a browny-yellow, can anyone help with ideas what this could be, was loving having such green grass but its a overall problem rather than a patch :(
  14. shubbard1980

    Fungi in a freshly turfed lawn

    I laid new turf last Spring and got small fungi appearing soon after. They only appear at the edges, in the damp area of the garden and don't get big. I just brush them over with a brush to...
    I laid new turf last Spring and got small fungi appearing soon after. They only appear at the edges, in the damp area of the garden and don't get big. I just brush them over with a brush to destroy the heads. They don't really seem that bad.
    I laid new turf last Spring and got small fungi appearing soon after. They only appear at the edges, in the damp area of the garden and don't get big. I just brush them over with a brush to destroy the heads. They don't really seem that bad.
    I laid new turf last Spring and got small fungi appearing soon after. They only appear at the edges, in the damp area of the garden and don't get big. I just brush them over with a brush to...
  15. Rekusu

    An anti-lawn queston

    Wow, thanks for the replies. Really like the dog suggestion!Reckon I did not have the ground wet enough, which may help. I don't think standing on it would have helped as it seemed to be...
    Wow, thanks for the replies. Really like the dog suggestion!Reckon I did not have the ground wet enough, which may help. I don't think standing on it would have helped as it seemed to be swaying around the cutting blade. On the bits where it worked, it was great, but when I look at how...
    Wow, thanks for the replies. Really like the dog suggestion!Reckon I did not have the ground wet enough, which may help. I don't think standing on it would have helped as it seemed to be swaying around the cutting blade. On the bits where...
    Wow, thanks for the replies. Really like the dog suggestion!Reckon I did not have the ground wet enough, which may help. I don't think standing on it would have helped as it seemed to be...
  16. bilabonic

    My lawn renovation with pics

    Calcified seaweed is excellent, I aways used to use it in the past but our local farm suplier stopped selling it so I now rely on liquid feeds.
    Calcified seaweed is excellent, I aways used to use it in the past but our local farm suplier stopped selling it so I now rely on liquid feeds.
    Calcified seaweed is excellent, I aways used to use it in the past but our local farm suplier stopped selling it so I now rely on liquid feeds.
    Calcified seaweed is excellent, I aways used to use it in the past but our local farm suplier stopped selling it so I now rely on liquid feeds.
  17. brandyball

    Lawn Problem

    Nicksun,its called "washboarding" and is rectified by mowing in different directions, presumably after its been rolled flet. Well, according to The Lawn Expert.
    Nicksun,its called "washboarding" and is rectified by mowing in different directions, presumably after its been rolled flet. Well, according to The Lawn Expert.
    Nicksun,its called "washboarding" and is rectified by mowing in different directions, presumably after its been rolled flet. Well, according to The Lawn Expert.
    Nicksun,its called "washboarding" and is rectified by mowing in different directions, presumably after its been rolled flet. Well, according to The Lawn Expert.
  18. Canucks72

    Lawn top dressing: What does it do?

    Excellent explaination clueless, that sums it up perfectly. I have no moss on my lawn and it drains well so it's not something that I need to do by the sounds of it. Thanks for taking the time...
    Excellent explaination clueless, that sums it up perfectly. I have no moss on my lawn and it drains well so it's not something that I need to do by the sounds of it. Thanks for taking the time to post that, cheers. :thumb:
    Excellent explaination clueless, that sums it up perfectly. I have no moss on my lawn and it drains well so it's not something that I need to do by the sounds of it. Thanks for taking the time to post that, cheers. :thumb:
    Excellent explaination clueless, that sums it up perfectly. I have no moss on my lawn and it drains well so it's not something that I need to do by the sounds of it. Thanks for taking the time...
  19. bilabonic

    Quality turf/topsoil suppliers ??

    Good tip. Will have a hunt around. How deep do i want to go with the screened topsoil and should i add sharp sand to it/compost ?As i mentioned i am laying onto hard clay.
    Good tip. Will have a hunt around. How deep do i want to go with the screened topsoil and should i add sharp sand to it/compost ?As i mentioned i am laying onto hard clay.
    Good tip. Will have a hunt around. How deep do i want to go with the screened topsoil and should i add sharp sand to it/compost ?As i mentioned i am laying onto hard clay.
    Good tip. Will have a hunt around. How deep do i want to go with the screened topsoil and should i add sharp sand to it/compost ?As i mentioned i am laying onto hard clay.
  20. nickp

    My lawn is driving me crazy ...

    Looks to me as it just needs a short cut and GOOD scarification by machine. Mine looked exactly like that.
    Looks to me as it just needs a short cut and GOOD scarification by machine. Mine looked exactly like that.
    Looks to me as it just needs a short cut and GOOD scarification by machine. Mine looked exactly like that.
    Looks to me as it just needs a short cut and GOOD scarification by machine. Mine looked exactly like that.

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