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  1. David G

    First Cut

    I'd go along with that, though maybe a lesser cut. I've a sneaking thought at the back of my mind that I was told once for the first cut to go no shorter than 1/3, as the shock of a harsher cut...
    I'd go along with that, though maybe a lesser cut. I've a sneaking thought at the back of my mind that I was told once for the first cut to go no shorter than 1/3, as the shock of a harsher cut can stunt the growth of some of the grass.Mind you, no lawn at the moment, so can't put it to the...
    I'd go along with that, though maybe a lesser cut. I've a sneaking thought at the back of my mind that I was told once for the first cut to go no shorter than 1/3, as the shock of a harsher cut can stunt the growth of some of the grass.Mind...
    I'd go along with that, though maybe a lesser cut. I've a sneaking thought at the back of my mind that I was told once for the first cut to go no shorter than 1/3, as the shock of a harsher cut...
  2. flowerpotty

    lawn mower wont start

    Good news, glad it worked out for you.
    Good news, glad it worked out for you.
    Good news, glad it worked out for you.
    Good news, glad it worked out for you.
  3. joemarkey6

    lawn drainage,

    im gutted that my pea pod idea was a none starter, how easy would that be!:dh:
    im gutted that my pea pod idea was a none starter, how easy would that be!:dh:
    im gutted that my pea pod idea was a none starter, how easy would that be!:dh:
    im gutted that my pea pod idea was a none starter, how easy would that be!:dh:
  4. steveandamy

    Turning lawn into raised beds

    We put in raised beds a couple years ago, and i love them :gnthb::gnthb: Here are a couple pics of mine And one more The big one across the back measure 40 feet long, by 4 feet...
    We put in raised beds a couple years ago, and i love them :gnthb::gnthb: Here are a couple pics of mine And one more The big one across the back measure 40 feet long, by 4 feet wide, by 3 1/2 high :thmb: And the smaller one is about 1/2 the size.
    We put in raised beds a couple years ago, and i love them :gnthb::gnthb: Here are a couple pics of mine And one more The big one across the back measure 40 feet long, by 4 feet wide, by 3 1/2 high :thmb: And the smaller one is...
    We put in raised beds a couple years ago, and i love them :gnthb::gnthb: Here are a couple pics of mine And one more The big one across the back measure 40 feet long, by 4 feet...
  5. cymro

    seeding lawn

    cyrmo,If the area is shaded by the trees, use a grass seed mix for shady areas and keep the grass fairly high..You probably only need to aerate if the lawn was growing poorly...
    cyrmo,If the area is shaded by the trees, use a grass seed mix for shady areas and keep the grass fairly high..You probably only need to aerate if the lawn was growing poorly before.Quickest way to get up the leaves is to run the lawn mwer over them. It also provides a good mix for...
    cyrmo,If the area is shaded by the trees, use a grass seed mix for shady areas and keep the grass fairly high..You probably only need to aerate if the lawn was growing poorly before.Quickest way to get up the leaves is to run the lawn...
    cyrmo,If the area is shaded by the trees, use a grass seed mix for shady areas and keep the grass fairly high..You probably only need to aerate if the lawn was growing poorly...
  6. men8ifr

    Does one seed make one blade of grass

    Blimey - spelt it correctly!
    Blimey - spelt it correctly!
    Blimey - spelt it correctly!
    Blimey - spelt it correctly!
  7. clueless1

    Fun on the lawn

    He's gone back home now, and I have to say that while it was fun, I'm glad to have some peace again.After we'd coated the whole lawn in sand, the neighbour came out. He is very knowledgeable...
    He's gone back home now, and I have to say that while it was fun, I'm glad to have some peace again.After we'd coated the whole lawn in sand, the neighbour came out. He is very knowledgeable about all things garden related. I told him what we done and what the plan was, and he immediately...
    He's gone back home now, and I have to say that while it was fun, I'm glad to have some peace again.After we'd coated the whole lawn in sand, the neighbour came out. He is very knowledgeable about all things garden related. I told him what we...
    He's gone back home now, and I have to say that while it was fun, I'm glad to have some peace again.After we'd coated the whole lawn in sand, the neighbour came out. He is very knowledgeable...
  8. benacre

    Lawn Care

    Now is a good time to prick your compacted Lawns. on clay soil this is important to increase drainage and help the air circulate. I normally rake as much moss off as I can, prick the lawn mix...
    Now is a good time to prick your compacted Lawns. on clay soil this is important to increase drainage and help the air circulate. I normally rake as much moss off as I can, prick the lawn mix grass seed in with sharp sand and rake the lot in. I do not use a moss killer prefering to broadcast...
    Now is a good time to prick your compacted Lawns. on clay soil this is important to increase drainage and help the air circulate. I normally rake as much moss off as I can, prick the lawn mix grass seed in with sharp sand and rake the lot in. I...
    Now is a good time to prick your compacted Lawns. on clay soil this is important to increase drainage and help the air circulate. I normally rake as much moss off as I can, prick the lawn mix...
  9. RipSlider

    Earliest time of year I can lay turf?

    Agree with Loofah - also you might have a bit of difficulty finding turf supplies?
    Agree with Loofah - also you might have a bit of difficulty finding turf supplies?
    Agree with Loofah - also you might have a bit of difficulty finding turf supplies?
    Agree with Loofah - also you might have a bit of difficulty finding turf supplies?
  10. sheppy

    Wet, muddy, heartbreakingly sad looking lawn :(

    Hi, it's been a while since I've been on this site, but need your help again please. My garden has always been prone to holding water, and previous winters we have left it knowing that it would...
    Hi, it's been a while since I've been on this site, but need your help again please. My garden has always been prone to holding water, and previous winters we have left it knowing that it would dry out in the spring. But, since last year we adopted Scooby, our lovely Springer Spaniel! Now...
    Hi, it's been a while since I've been on this site, but need your help again please. My garden has always been prone to holding water, and previous winters we have left it knowing that it would dry out in the spring. But, since last year we...
    Hi, it's been a while since I've been on this site, but need your help again please. My garden has always been prone to holding water, and previous winters we have left it knowing that it would...
  11. ade1970

    Lawn Question?

    ade,This winter has been the worst I can remember for being both cold and wet which wont have helped. If its a recently established lawn - it needs to get its roots down. I would wait until...
    ade,This winter has been the worst I can remember for being both cold and wet which wont have helped. If its a recently established lawn - it needs to get its roots down. I would wait until March and see what its like then.
    ade,This winter has been the worst I can remember for being both cold and wet which wont have helped. If its a recently established lawn - it needs to get its roots down. I would wait until March and see what its like then.
    ade,This winter has been the worst I can remember for being both cold and wet which wont have helped. If its a recently established lawn - it needs to get its roots down. I would wait until...
  12. Stig

    messed up lawn.

    I wouldn't plant a willow close to the house or other houses even if it is pollarded. If you have puddles arter it rains then you have a problem but lots of people manage with a clay soil and it...
    I wouldn't plant a willow close to the house or other houses even if it is pollarded. If you have puddles arter it rains then you have a problem but lots of people manage with a clay soil and it suits a goodrange of plants.You could try obtaining some dogwood cuttings - but thats on another...
    I wouldn't plant a willow close to the house or other houses even if it is pollarded. If you have puddles arter it rains then you have a problem but lots of people manage with a clay soil and it suits a goodrange of plants.You could try...
    I wouldn't plant a willow close to the house or other houses even if it is pollarded. If you have puddles arter it rains then you have a problem but lots of people manage with a clay soil and it...
  13. ChrisLuv

    Removing unwanted lawn

    "Though the garden is on a bit of a slope bordering a public footpath so they offer a bit of privacy from the top you could see the bottom of the garden and the house without them."Perhaps...
    "Though the garden is on a bit of a slope bordering a public footpath so they offer a bit of privacy from the top you could see the bottom of the garden and the house without them."Perhaps consider replacing with a pleached hedge. You'll have to wait a few years for it to make a privacy-wall...
    "Though the garden is on a bit of a slope bordering a public footpath so they offer a bit of privacy from the top you could see the bottom of the garden and the house without them."Perhaps consider replacing with a pleached hedge. You'll have...
    "Though the garden is on a bit of a slope bordering a public footpath so they offer a bit of privacy from the top you could see the bottom of the garden and the house without them."Perhaps...
  14. shiney

    To Mow Or Not To Mow

    Hi Sherlock :hehe: You're right about no toys or bikes but the other bits are there but out of sight of the camera :thumb:. You can see that I left a stepladder out - should have moved that...
    Hi Sherlock :hehe: You're right about no toys or bikes but the other bits are there but out of sight of the camera :thumb:. You can see that I left a stepladder out - should have moved that before taking the photo. You can see more of my garden in this thread:-
    Hi Sherlock :hehe: You're right about no toys or bikes but the other bits are there but out of sight of the camera :thumb:. You can see that I left a stepladder out - should have moved that before taking the photo. You can see more of my...
    Hi Sherlock :hehe: You're right about no toys or bikes but the other bits are there but out of sight of the camera :thumb:. You can see that I left a stepladder out - should have moved that...
  15. men8ifr

    What type of grass is this?

    That looks like standard grade turf.Unless you are prepared to mow weekly with a cylinder mower and religiusly spray,water, feed and scarify then there is no point wasting money on fine grade...
    That looks like standard grade turf.Unless you are prepared to mow weekly with a cylinder mower and religiusly spray,water, feed and scarify then there is no point wasting money on fine grade turf.
    That looks like standard grade turf.Unless you are prepared to mow weekly with a cylinder mower and religiusly spray,water, feed and scarify then there is no point wasting money on fine grade turf.
    That looks like standard grade turf.Unless you are prepared to mow weekly with a cylinder mower and religiusly spray,water, feed and scarify then there is no point wasting money on fine grade...
  16. RYDALL
  17. RoRo

    Patchy lawn

    Roro, listen to Claire and Paul, don`t follow the " expert ".:gnthb:
    Roro, listen to Claire and Paul, don`t follow the " expert ".:gnthb:
    Roro, listen to Claire and Paul, don`t follow the " expert ".:gnthb:
    Roro, listen to Claire and Paul, don`t follow the " expert ".:gnthb:
  18. Nigel62

    Problem lawn

    Hi What you have is slime mold usually sandy soil and in a drip line of a tree becomes a hard crust when dry and a slime when wet.Yes Hollow tine aerate the whole lawn but first treat with lawn...
    Hi What you have is slime mold usually sandy soil and in a drip line of a tree becomes a hard crust when dry and a slime when wet.Yes Hollow tine aerate the whole lawn but first treat with lawn sand (sulphate of iron & sulphate of ammonia and sharp sand mixed) sold for under £10 in 20gk. Be...
    Hi What you have is slime mold usually sandy soil and in a drip line of a tree becomes a hard crust when dry and a slime when wet.Yes Hollow tine aerate the whole lawn but first treat with lawn sand (sulphate of iron & sulphate of ammonia and...
    Hi What you have is slime mold usually sandy soil and in a drip line of a tree becomes a hard crust when dry and a slime when wet.Yes Hollow tine aerate the whole lawn but first treat with lawn...
  19. colint

    Is it too late to mow / winter care

    Just about to cut my lawns now to make the most of the dry weather!
    Just about to cut my lawns now to make the most of the dry weather!
    Just about to cut my lawns now to make the most of the dry weather!
    Just about to cut my lawns now to make the most of the dry weather!
  20. Small flower

    Best impliment to aerate the lawn?

    I've just fed my lawn with an autumn feed with moss killer in and then hopefully next week I can aerate and scarify and top dress and by next year it'll be a brilliant lawn. Well as long as it's...
    I've just fed my lawn with an autumn feed with moss killer in and then hopefully next week I can aerate and scarify and top dress and by next year it'll be a brilliant lawn. Well as long as it's better than my dad's I'll be happy :D
    I've just fed my lawn with an autumn feed with moss killer in and then hopefully next week I can aerate and scarify and top dress and by next year it'll be a brilliant lawn. Well as long as it's better than my dad's I'll be happy :D
    I've just fed my lawn with an autumn feed with moss killer in and then hopefully next week I can aerate and scarify and top dress and by next year it'll be a brilliant lawn. Well as long as it's...

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