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  1. riverside

    grass seed still not growing

    Shouldn't do any harm, but if its wet the soil, and grass seedlings, may stick to your boots ..... I suggest putting a board down, and working from that.
    Shouldn't do any harm, but if its wet the soil, and grass seedlings, may stick to your boots ..... I suggest putting a board down, and working from that.
    Shouldn't do any harm, but if its wet the soil, and grass seedlings, may stick to your boots ..... I suggest putting a board down, and working from that.
    Shouldn't do any harm, but if its wet the soil, and grass seedlings, may stick to your boots ..... I suggest putting a board down, and working from that.
  2. pip

    Leatherjackets in lawn.

    Like the sound of that Garden Master :thumb:
    Like the sound of that Garden Master :thumb:
    Like the sound of that Garden Master :thumb:
    Like the sound of that Garden Master :thumb:
  3. Loofah

    Caution, lawn obsessive

    It wasn't so much the length of time or the activity, it was the realisation that I enjoyed it sooo much just sitting on the lawn doing it! Maybe it should be xx-something lawn obsessives! (but...
    It wasn't so much the length of time or the activity, it was the realisation that I enjoyed it sooo much just sitting on the lawn doing it! Maybe it should be xx-something lawn obsessives! (but not xxx-something lawn obsessives lol)
    It wasn't so much the length of time or the activity, it was the realisation that I enjoyed it sooo much just sitting on the lawn doing it! Maybe it should be xx-something lawn obsessives! (but not xxx-something lawn obsessives lol)
    It wasn't so much the length of time or the activity, it was the realisation that I enjoyed it sooo much just sitting on the lawn doing it! Maybe it should be xx-something lawn obsessives! (but...
  4. madhoose2k

    Lawn Sanitiser???

    Yeah your right, hope its a small patch of lot. But with the moving, and the toddler tending and someone working outside the home its still a lot. Maybe they could tell the prior owners to do...
    Yeah your right, hope its a small patch of lot. But with the moving, and the toddler tending and someone working outside the home its still a lot. Maybe they could tell the prior owners to do it. Or have it done.
    Yeah your right, hope its a small patch of lot. But with the moving, and the toddler tending and someone working outside the home its still a lot. Maybe they could tell the prior owners to do it. Or have it done.
    Yeah your right, hope its a small patch of lot. But with the moving, and the toddler tending and someone working outside the home its still a lot. Maybe they could tell the prior owners to do...
  5. hilldweller

    Lawn Terracing

    lol don't think your neighbours would thank u for making their gardens collapse
    lol don't think your neighbours would thank u for making their gardens collapse
    lol don't think your neighbours would thank u for making their gardens collapse
    lol don't think your neighbours would thank u for making their gardens collapse
  6. Stroudy1975

    Lawn first aid required

    Stroudy: It does look like rather a co@rse grass you have, so I would try and cut it a bit shorter to encourage the finer grasses to come through. When you rake up the loose grass you should find...
    Stroudy: It does look like rather a co@rse grass you have, so I would try and cut it a bit shorter to encourage the finer grasses to come through. When you rake up the loose grass you should find that some of longer bits now stand up, give it another trim with the mower. You could sprinkle small...
    Stroudy: It does look like rather a co@rse grass you have, so I would try and cut it a bit shorter to encourage the finer grasses to come through. When you rake up the loose grass you should find that some of longer bits now stand up, give it...
    Stroudy: It does look like rather a co@rse grass you have, so I would try and cut it a bit shorter to encourage the finer grasses to come through. When you rake up the loose grass you should find...
  7. giw12

    Sunken areas in lawn

    I think I'm a bit too far east but I'll call them tomorrow to check. Failing that I'll go for this one:Looks dead easy in the picture.......!
    I think I'm a bit too far east but I'll call them tomorrow to check. Failing that I'll go for this one:Looks dead easy in the picture.......!
    I think I'm a bit too far east but I'll call them tomorrow to check. Failing that I'll go for this one:Looks dead easy in the picture.......!
    I think I'm a bit too far east but I'll call them tomorrow to check. Failing that I'll go for this one:Looks dead easy in the picture.......!
  8. Chrysocolla

    Lawn edging

    Yes, there is a black hard rubber one, with a rounded top, and about 4 inches that you sink in the ground. Its in our stores here.
    Yes, there is a black hard rubber one, with a rounded top, and about 4 inches that you sink in the ground. Its in our stores here.
    Yes, there is a black hard rubber one, with a rounded top, and about 4 inches that you sink in the ground. Its in our stores here.
    Yes, there is a black hard rubber one, with a rounded top, and about 4 inches that you sink in the ground. Its in our stores here.
  9. SteveAllart

    Stopping Grass in its Tracks

    It happens mate, but in the horticultural business as well as many others, a lot of work comes from personal recommendation....the bad one's do not get that and eventually drop by the wayside. So...
    It happens mate, but in the horticultural business as well as many others, a lot of work comes from personal recommendation....the bad one's do not get that and eventually drop by the wayside. So chin up...onwards and upwards yea.:thumb:
    It happens mate, but in the horticultural business as well as many others, a lot of work comes from personal recommendation....the bad one's do not get that and eventually drop by the wayside. So chin up...onwards and upwards yea.:thumb:
    It happens mate, but in the horticultural business as well as many others, a lot of work comes from personal recommendation....the bad one's do not get that and eventually drop by the wayside. So...
  10. tweaky

    Electric lawn edging shears

    Thanks chaps..appreciated.
    Thanks chaps..appreciated.
    Thanks chaps..appreciated.
    Thanks chaps..appreciated.
  11. Little Miss Road Rage

    Getting rid of grass

    I would still want to dig it (just once as it will be a raised bed)
    I would still want to dig it (just once as it will be a raised bed)
    I would still want to dig it (just once as it will be a raised bed)
    I would still want to dig it (just once as it will be a raised bed)
  12. Rach123

    Help - Major lawn problem

    A proper selective turf weedkiller ie Verdone extra. Spray it rather than watering it, two aplications will be needed, a 2 week gap in between.
    A proper selective turf weedkiller ie Verdone extra. Spray it rather than watering it, two aplications will be needed, a 2 week gap in between.
    A proper selective turf weedkiller ie Verdone extra. Spray it rather than watering it, two aplications will be needed, a 2 week gap in between.
    A proper selective turf weedkiller ie Verdone extra. Spray it rather than watering it, two aplications will be needed, a 2 week gap in between.
  13. rhbmcse

    New Lawn full of Broad Leaf Weeds!

    Flinty, you are welcome to start on my lawn then. I'll stand there with the stop-watch.
    Flinty, you are welcome to start on my lawn then. I'll stand there with the stop-watch.
    Flinty, you are welcome to start on my lawn then. I'll stand there with the stop-watch.
    Flinty, you are welcome to start on my lawn then. I'll stand there with the stop-watch.
  14. ellenw

    mushrooms on my lawn!

    I had some mushrooms in the lawn where there was a tree stump and roots remaining under the soil. I had removed the tree and left the stump to rot naturally. Apart from bacteria and woodlice...
    I had some mushrooms in the lawn where there was a tree stump and roots remaining under the soil. I had removed the tree and left the stump to rot naturally. Apart from bacteria and woodlice e.t.c mushrooms are part of the decaying process so I left it to Mother Nature to deal with the...
    I had some mushrooms in the lawn where there was a tree stump and roots remaining under the soil. I had removed the tree and left the stump to rot naturally. Apart from bacteria and woodlice e.t.c mushrooms are part of the decaying process so...
    I had some mushrooms in the lawn where there was a tree stump and roots remaining under the soil. I had removed the tree and left the stump to rot naturally. Apart from bacteria and woodlice...
  15. Captain-Fishy

    Lawn Weed Infestation

    when you re-seed make sure its with an appropriate grass seed mixture as you'll need one for shade.rake out the dead stuff, scruff up the soil as the seed will need to be in contact with the...
    when you re-seed make sure its with an appropriate grass seed mixture as you'll need one for shade.rake out the dead stuff, scruff up the soil as the seed will need to be in contact with the soil and dont scimp with the seed.
    when you re-seed make sure its with an appropriate grass seed mixture as you'll need one for shade.rake out the dead stuff, scruff up the soil as the seed will need to be in contact with the soil and dont scimp with the seed.
    when you re-seed make sure its with an appropriate grass seed mixture as you'll need one for shade.rake out the dead stuff, scruff up the soil as the seed will need to be in contact with the...
  16. Brind

    I killed my lawn with Roundup

    Moine did when I did that.The next year it was really thick and lush - I guess it depends on how much it was over fed but I really thought I had killed mine off
    Moine did when I did that.The next year it was really thick and lush - I guess it depends on how much it was over fed but I really thought I had killed mine off
    Moine did when I did that.The next year it was really thick and lush - I guess it depends on how much it was over fed but I really thought I had killed mine off
    Moine did when I did that.The next year it was really thick and lush - I guess it depends on how much it was over fed but I really thought I had killed mine off
  17. scottduffy

    Before laying a new lawn

    So that others may be warned... ;)
    So that others may be warned... ;)
    So that others may be warned... ;)
    So that others may be warned... ;)
  18. markyb

    ants on the lawn

    Hi, Ants in the lawn are a real pain, but last year I got a very special bonus!!!! I had a Wryneck visit my garden, apparently they love ants, What an amazing sight, two stripes down his back...
    Hi, Ants in the lawn are a real pain, but last year I got a very special bonus!!!! I had a Wryneck visit my garden, apparently they love ants, What an amazing sight, two stripes down his back like a Badger, a member of the Woodpecker family. Worth putting up with the Ants? just that once Yeah!!!!
    Hi, Ants in the lawn are a real pain, but last year I got a very special bonus!!!! I had a Wryneck visit my garden, apparently they love ants, What an amazing sight, two stripes down his back like a Badger, a member of the Woodpecker family....
    Hi, Ants in the lawn are a real pain, but last year I got a very special bonus!!!! I had a Wryneck visit my garden, apparently they love ants, What an amazing sight, two stripes down his back...
  19. nickp

    Strange grass in the lawn

    Assuming you don't have a dog that pees on your lawn I would suggest you don't panic :) Regular mowing and' Feeding & Weeding' thinned out the 'bad' grasses in my lawns within three seasons and they...
    Assuming you don't have a dog that pees on your lawn I would suggest you don't panic :) Regular mowing and' Feeding & Weeding' thinned out the 'bad' grasses in my lawns within three seasons and they take a heck of a bashing from kiddies pounding them daily too.
    Assuming you don't have a dog that pees on your lawn I would suggest you don't panic :) Regular mowing and' Feeding & Weeding' thinned out the 'bad' grasses in my lawns within three seasons and they take a heck of a bashing from kiddies pounding...
    Assuming you don't have a dog that pees on your lawn I would suggest you don't panic :) Regular mowing and' Feeding & Weeding' thinned out the 'bad' grasses in my lawns within three seasons and they...
  20. hmallett

    Have lawns changed much in the last 36 years?

    Do you mean that some young fellers today don't wear a decent three piece suit with a stiff collar and tie to do their gardening in???That's too shameful to even think about...
    Do you mean that some young fellers today don't wear a decent three piece suit with a stiff collar and tie to do their gardening in???That's too shameful to even think about...
    Do you mean that some young fellers today don't wear a decent three piece suit with a stiff collar and tie to do their gardening in???That's too shameful to even think about...
    Do you mean that some young fellers today don't wear a decent three piece suit with a stiff collar and tie to do their gardening in???That's too shameful to even think about...

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