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  1. ericd

    Bad time to scarify?

    Its the best time of year to scarify actually, as you are removing dead grass and roots in the growing season, so you are giving it chance to recover before the cold starts. I would recomend...
    Its the best time of year to scarify actually, as you are removing dead grass and roots in the growing season, so you are giving it chance to recover before the cold starts. I would recomend another feed though to help the grass thicken again and recover.good work though
    Its the best time of year to scarify actually, as you are removing dead grass and roots in the growing season, so you are giving it chance to recover before the cold starts. I would recomend another feed though to help the grass thicken again and...
    Its the best time of year to scarify actually, as you are removing dead grass and roots in the growing season, so you are giving it chance to recover before the cold starts. I would recomend...
  2. linlin

    Easy care lawns - in praise of clover

    Oooh! I always wanted a 'lawn' that was actually clover and daisies! That would be my havana!
    Oooh! I always wanted a 'lawn' that was actually clover and daisies! That would be my havana!
    Oooh! I always wanted a 'lawn' that was actually clover and daisies! That would be my havana!
    Oooh! I always wanted a 'lawn' that was actually clover and daisies! That would be my havana!
  3. forrestgump1083

    Lawn weeds and new lawn

    do not spray your clover with any chemicals as this does not work, you need to fight it. clover loves nitrogen low soil as it produce its own making it survive easily, put a high nitrogenuos...
    do not spray your clover with any chemicals as this does not work, you need to fight it. clover loves nitrogen low soil as it produce its own making it survive easily, put a high nitrogenuos fertiliser on and watch it out grow itself. you need to cut the lawn more often for a while but will save...
    do not spray your clover with any chemicals as this does not work, you need to fight it. clover loves nitrogen low soil as it produce its own making it survive easily, put a high nitrogenuos fertiliser on and watch it out grow itself. you need to...
    do not spray your clover with any chemicals as this does not work, you need to fight it. clover loves nitrogen low soil as it produce its own making it survive easily, put a high nitrogenuos...
  4. christ0

    Weed/old lawn problem

    As above. ( good advice)Personally I very rarely use landscape membrane, were a low maintance gravel look is desired (incidentally I hate it!!!) I excavate to 4" or so then compact 2" of mot...
    As above. ( good advice)Personally I very rarely use landscape membrane, were a low maintance gravel look is desired (incidentally I hate it!!!) I excavate to 4" or so then compact 2" of mot followed by a 1.5-2" layer of chippings.The membranes arent actually weedproof and trap leaves...
    As above. ( good advice)Personally I very rarely use landscape membrane, were a low maintance gravel look is desired (incidentally I hate it!!!) I excavate to 4" or so then compact 2" of mot followed by a 1.5-2" layer of chippings.The...
    As above. ( good advice)Personally I very rarely use landscape membrane, were a low maintance gravel look is desired (incidentally I hate it!!!) I excavate to 4" or so then compact 2" of mot...
  5. jonsav

    Dogs and Lawns

    ;)Just had to read this because my mum has never forgiven my dog for leaving these patches all over her beautiful lawn when we visit ,:o. Some of them grow up lush and green but others have gone...
    ;)Just had to read this because my mum has never forgiven my dog for leaving these patches all over her beautiful lawn when we visit ,:o. Some of them grow up lush and green but others have gone yellow and brown. Good job she's an animal lover and the dogs are good boys who never go on the flower...
    ;)Just had to read this because my mum has never forgiven my dog for leaving these patches all over her beautiful lawn when we visit ,:o. Some of them grow up lush and green but others have gone yellow and brown. Good job she's an animal lover and...
    ;)Just had to read this because my mum has never forgiven my dog for leaving these patches all over her beautiful lawn when we visit ,:o. Some of them grow up lush and green but others have gone...
  6. matthisco

    Patchy/ bumpy/ miscoloured Lawn

    My back garden is the same - full of rubble. My best find so far is a rock about 12"x12"x8" about 1/4" below the surface. You can get a fork in to a depth of 3" only in about 25% of the lawn. My...
    My back garden is the same - full of rubble. My best find so far is a rock about 12"x12"x8" about 1/4" below the surface. You can get a fork in to a depth of 3" only in about 25% of the lawn. My plan is to dig the whole lot over and start again (as soon as I can convince the other half to let me!)
    My back garden is the same - full of rubble. My best find so far is a rock about 12"x12"x8" about 1/4" below the surface. You can get a fork in to a depth of 3" only in about 25% of the lawn. My plan is to dig the whole lot over and start again...
    My back garden is the same - full of rubble. My best find so far is a rock about 12"x12"x8" about 1/4" below the surface. You can get a fork in to a depth of 3" only in about 25% of the lawn. My...
  7. rach

    My patchy lawn

    Looking good might have to try that for my lawn
    Looking good might have to try that for my lawn
    Looking good might have to try that for my lawn
    Looking good might have to try that for my lawn
  8. Muddy14

    Cricket Pitch Quality

    Cricket picthes are also hollowcored in the autumn, seeded with very fine grades of ryegrass and regularly fed with soluble iron and other feeds. With profeshional qulity pitches the soil layers...
    Cricket picthes are also hollowcored in the autumn, seeded with very fine grades of ryegrass and regularly fed with soluble iron and other feeds. With profeshional qulity pitches the soil layers will also have been corected / desighned ie no clay afraid a cricket pitch or tennis...
    Cricket picthes are also hollowcored in the autumn, seeded with very fine grades of ryegrass and regularly fed with soluble iron and other feeds. With profeshional qulity pitches the soil layers will also have been corected / desighned ie no...
    Cricket picthes are also hollowcored in the autumn, seeded with very fine grades of ryegrass and regularly fed with soluble iron and other feeds. With profeshional qulity pitches the soil layers...
  9. charlton

    seed or turf

    As a contractor, I tend to seed using a similar method to that kristen describes albeit I spray, leave for 2 weeks then run a cultivator or digger over over, rake and roll, leave a week then...
    As a contractor, I tend to seed using a similar method to that kristen describes albeit I spray, leave for 2 weeks then run a cultivator or digger over over, rake and roll, leave a week then lightly rake and seed.Personally I dont use the ladder method as I can get a bowling green flatness...
    As a contractor, I tend to seed using a similar method to that kristen describes albeit I spray, leave for 2 weeks then run a cultivator or digger over over, rake and roll, leave a week then lightly rake and seed.Personally I dont use the...
    As a contractor, I tend to seed using a similar method to that kristen describes albeit I spray, leave for 2 weeks then run a cultivator or digger over over, rake and roll, leave a week then...
  10. MarkS

    Tiny egg clusters on lawn???

    Sypmtamatic of the wet summer weve had.For a few really good lawns I look after I ocasionally spray with chipco green (turf fungicide) to gaurd against this sort of thing and red thred etc.
    Sypmtamatic of the wet summer weve had.For a few really good lawns I look after I ocasionally spray with chipco green (turf fungicide) to gaurd against this sort of thing and red thred etc.
    Sypmtamatic of the wet summer weve had.For a few really good lawns I look after I ocasionally spray with chipco green (turf fungicide) to gaurd against this sort of thing and red thred etc.
    Sypmtamatic of the wet summer weve had.For a few really good lawns I look after I ocasionally spray with chipco green (turf fungicide) to gaurd against this sort of thing and red thred etc.
  11. spudbristol

    Bit to wet for mowing !

    Yep at least this year the vans not filling with water to lol
    Yep at least this year the vans not filling with water to lol
    Yep at least this year the vans not filling with water to lol
    Yep at least this year the vans not filling with water to lol
  12. markyb

    lawn care for a newbe

    "should i be aerating the lawn and if so what is the best way to do it??"I would hire a machine. But you could use a fork if your lawn is small." when should i next use weed and feed??"Not...
    "should i be aerating the lawn and if so what is the best way to do it??"I would hire a machine. But you could use a fork if your lawn is small." when should i next use weed and feed??"Not sure about using any more this year. A bit more feed might be OK, but weather is getting dry now....
    "should i be aerating the lawn and if so what is the best way to do it??"I would hire a machine. But you could use a fork if your lawn is small." when should i next use weed and feed??"Not sure about using any more this year. A bit more...
    "should i be aerating the lawn and if so what is the best way to do it??"I would hire a machine. But you could use a fork if your lawn is small." when should i next use weed and feed??"Not...
  13. flowerpotty

    feeding a lawn

    Weeds and moss are signs of a lawn in poor condition. By all means scarify the lawn which pulls out dead grass and rubbish [thatch] from the grass base which allows air and water to penetrate. ...
    Weeds and moss are signs of a lawn in poor condition. By all means scarify the lawn which pulls out dead grass and rubbish [thatch] from the grass base which allows air and water to penetrate. Sipe the lawn with a folk at about 4" spaces and give it a 'waggle' afterwards mix 1part peat 3...
    Weeds and moss are signs of a lawn in poor condition. By all means scarify the lawn which pulls out dead grass and rubbish [thatch] from the grass base which allows air and water to penetrate. Sipe the lawn with a folk at about 4" spaces and...
    Weeds and moss are signs of a lawn in poor condition. By all means scarify the lawn which pulls out dead grass and rubbish [thatch] from the grass base which allows air and water to penetrate. ...
  14. ericd

    Lawn Spreader

    I use liquid feed everytimesee for lawn feeder that clips to hose and dilutes as you spray about £10 mail order plus "Lawn Magic" corny name but amazing results. by from same website in 5...
    I use liquid feed everytimesee for lawn feeder that clips to hose and dilutes as you spray about £10 mail order plus "Lawn Magic" corny name but amazing results. by from same website in 5 litre bottles of concentrate covers about 1000 sq m for about £18 I recall.
    I use liquid feed everytimesee for lawn feeder that clips to hose and dilutes as you spray about £10 mail order plus "Lawn Magic" corny name but amazing results. by from same website in 5 litre bottles of concentrate covers about 1000...
    I use liquid feed everytimesee for lawn feeder that clips to hose and dilutes as you spray about £10 mail order plus "Lawn Magic" corny name but amazing results. by from same website in 5...
  15. Absconditus

    Complete newbie lawn cock up ?

    Hehe... very nearly.
    Hehe... very nearly.
    Hehe... very nearly.
    Hehe... very nearly.
  16. lollipop

    lawn under a leyllandii

    Thanks Moyra for finding that out for me, considering the mouthing off I gave about supermarkets today I am suitably chastened lol;);)
    Thanks Moyra for finding that out for me, considering the mouthing off I gave about supermarkets today I am suitably chastened lol;);)
    Thanks Moyra for finding that out for me, considering the mouthing off I gave about supermarkets today I am suitably chastened lol;);)
    Thanks Moyra for finding that out for me, considering the mouthing off I gave about supermarkets today I am suitably chastened lol;);)
  17. Winnie

    Will Lawnseed Grow in Silt?

    Morning Flinty! Yes, the silt is the grit which has been caught in the silt trap. The stream feeds the pond via a long, narrow silt trap. The silt gets caught in the trap and every year poor...
    Morning Flinty! Yes, the silt is the grit which has been caught in the silt trap. The stream feeds the pond via a long, narrow silt trap. The silt gets caught in the trap and every year poor hubby has to dig it out, usually about a foot deep, running for 25m x 2ft wide ... back breaking! ...
    Morning Flinty! Yes, the silt is the grit which has been caught in the silt trap. The stream feeds the pond via a long, narrow silt trap. The silt gets caught in the trap and every year poor hubby has to dig it out, usually about a foot deep,...
    Morning Flinty! Yes, the silt is the grit which has been caught in the silt trap. The stream feeds the pond via a long, narrow silt trap. The silt gets caught in the trap and every year poor...
  18. nickp

    Is it too late to scarify and aereate?

    hi nickp i think you have to wait untill autum to scarify i have been aereating my lawn for most of the yr with no probs
    hi nickp i think you have to wait untill autum to scarify i have been aereating my lawn for most of the yr with no probs
    hi nickp i think you have to wait untill autum to scarify i have been aereating my lawn for most of the yr with no probs
    hi nickp i think you have to wait untill autum to scarify i have been aereating my lawn for most of the yr with no probs
  19. peach

    new lawn

    Years of chicken activity can produce a lot of chicken 'muck' which is high in amonia and can be very strong. It may be that the soil surface is high in this hot chicken muck and is burning the...
    Years of chicken activity can produce a lot of chicken 'muck' which is high in amonia and can be very strong. It may be that the soil surface is high in this hot chicken muck and is burning the roots. Only suggest you water very regulaly to dilute the ammonia. I mentioned on a previous post...
    Years of chicken activity can produce a lot of chicken 'muck' which is high in amonia and can be very strong. It may be that the soil surface is high in this hot chicken muck and is burning the roots. Only suggest you water very regulaly to...
    Years of chicken activity can produce a lot of chicken 'muck' which is high in amonia and can be very strong. It may be that the soil surface is high in this hot chicken muck and is burning the...
  20. Rosiemongrel

    Circular dead patches on lawn - WHY??

    And if she can, get her an agent, you could afford to have your garden re turfed every month!
    And if she can, get her an agent, you could afford to have your garden re turfed every month!
    And if she can, get her an agent, you could afford to have your garden re turfed every month!
    And if she can, get her an agent, you could afford to have your garden re turfed every month!

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