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  1. men8ifr

    Will re-seeding different areas of lawn result in different colored grass?

    Yes, the new areas would probably look a bit greener and "shinier" but they'll all merge in together soon enough, certainly by next season. The weather would affect the speed of merging in - you...
    Yes, the new areas would probably look a bit greener and "shinier" but they'll all merge in together soon enough, certainly by next season. The weather would affect the speed of merging in - you should be doing your best raindance! You can stand there all day with a hosepipe but nothing beats...
    Yes, the new areas would probably look a bit greener and "shinier" but they'll all merge in together soon enough, certainly by next season. The weather would affect the speed of merging in - you should be doing your best raindance! You can stand...
    Yes, the new areas would probably look a bit greener and "shinier" but they'll all merge in together soon enough, certainly by next season. The weather would affect the speed of merging in - you...
  2. men8ifr

    Aerator recommendation / will an Argos one do?

    I've just ordered a spear and jackson hollow tine aerator - one that pulls plugs of soil ou tthe lawn as they seem much preferred over one that just spikes the lawn - particularly for...
    I've just ordered a spear and jackson hollow tine aerator - one that pulls plugs of soil ou tthe lawn as they seem much preferred over one that just spikes the lawn - particularly for clay/compacted lawns. It was £20 delivered off ebay.
    I've just ordered a spear and jackson hollow tine aerator - one that pulls plugs of soil ou tthe lawn as they seem much preferred over one that just spikes the lawn - particularly for clay/compacted lawns. It was £20 delivered off ebay.
    I've just ordered a spear and jackson hollow tine aerator - one that pulls plugs of soil ou tthe lawn as they seem much preferred over one that just spikes the lawn - particularly for...
  3. Flinty

    What's under your lawn...?

    So your choices are either to dig down or build up!
    So your choices are either to dig down or build up!
    So your choices are either to dig down or build up!
    So your choices are either to dig down or build up!
  4. KLY

    Block Paving to become a lawn?

    I agree with Pro Gard - to just lift the block paving and put turf down would be unwise. I used to live in a house with a disused brick cesspit under the lawn, about 200-250mm down. By late...
    I agree with Pro Gard - to just lift the block paving and put turf down would be unwise. I used to live in a house with a disused brick cesspit under the lawn, about 200-250mm down. By late July, the grass would die off over the cesspit and you could see its exact outline. The greater the...
    I agree with Pro Gard - to just lift the block paving and put turf down would be unwise. I used to live in a house with a disused brick cesspit under the lawn, about 200-250mm down. By late July, the grass would die off over the cesspit and you...
    I agree with Pro Gard - to just lift the block paving and put turf down would be unwise. I used to live in a house with a disused brick cesspit under the lawn, about 200-250mm down. By late...
  5. men8ifr

    Asda lawnfeed

    I went to get some lawnfeed and weed yesterday and the asda brand stuff looked the same as Evergreen and was £2.98. I also got a spray insecticide for £2-3. When I went to the till it said £3...
    I went to get some lawnfeed and weed yesterday and the asda brand stuff looked the same as Evergreen and was £2.98. I also got a spray insecticide for £2-3. When I went to the till it said £3 for the 2 as there is an offer on - bargain!
    I went to get some lawnfeed and weed yesterday and the asda brand stuff looked the same as Evergreen and was £2.98. I also got a spray insecticide for £2-3. When I went to the till it said £3 for the 2 as there is an offer on - bargain!
    I went to get some lawnfeed and weed yesterday and the asda brand stuff looked the same as Evergreen and was £2.98. I also got a spray insecticide for £2-3. When I went to the till it said £3...
  6. RodneyA

    Soft Lawn

    Sounds as if the turf is sitting on the layer of moss that you left in place. There was a discussion on one of the composting threads about moss taking a very long time to rot down - 2 years in...
    Sounds as if the turf is sitting on the layer of moss that you left in place. There was a discussion on one of the composting threads about moss taking a very long time to rot down - 2 years in the compost heap was suggested. The grass will struggle to put down roots through the mossy layer, so...
    Sounds as if the turf is sitting on the layer of moss that you left in place. There was a discussion on one of the composting threads about moss taking a very long time to rot down - 2 years in the compost heap was suggested. The grass will...
    Sounds as if the turf is sitting on the layer of moss that you left in place. There was a discussion on one of the composting threads about moss taking a very long time to rot down - 2 years in...
  7. louis

    Moss, dandelions ... and a little grass.

    There are special tools. Just Google "lawn aerator" and you'll find 3 sorts - rotary, hollow tine and, believe it or not, shoes! I've not used any of them but I'd guess a hollow tine aerator was...
    There are special tools. Just Google "lawn aerator" and you'll find 3 sorts - rotary, hollow tine and, believe it or not, shoes! I've not used any of them but I'd guess a hollow tine aerator was the most effective.I just use an ordinary big garden fork and wiggle it down into the grass at...
    There are special tools. Just Google "lawn aerator" and you'll find 3 sorts - rotary, hollow tine and, believe it or not, shoes! I've not used any of them but I'd guess a hollow tine aerator was the most effective.I just use an ordinary big...
    There are special tools. Just Google "lawn aerator" and you'll find 3 sorts - rotary, hollow tine and, believe it or not, shoes! I've not used any of them but I'd guess a hollow tine aerator was...
  8. marrittm

    gaps in new turf

    thanks for all you hep appreciated allot will give it a go.
    thanks for all you hep appreciated allot will give it a go.
    thanks for all you hep appreciated allot will give it a go.
    thanks for all you hep appreciated allot will give it a go.
  9. SallyJ17

    Turfing - How Long?

    lol its the story of my life matt by name matt by nature
    lol its the story of my life matt by name matt by nature
    lol its the story of my life matt by name matt by nature
    lol its the story of my life matt by name matt by nature
  10. nickp

    Raking a lawn

    There is usually a bit of yellow dead grass in lawns early in the year, but by now it should be growing strongly. Sounds as if it needs a good feed. A liquid feed you spray on has the fastest...
    There is usually a bit of yellow dead grass in lawns early in the year, but by now it should be growing strongly. Sounds as if it needs a good feed. A liquid feed you spray on has the fastest action. Granules probably have a longer-lasting effect, but it needs a little care to spread them...
    There is usually a bit of yellow dead grass in lawns early in the year, but by now it should be growing strongly. Sounds as if it needs a good feed. A liquid feed you spray on has the fastest action. Granules probably have a longer-lasting...
    There is usually a bit of yellow dead grass in lawns early in the year, but by now it should be growing strongly. Sounds as if it needs a good feed. A liquid feed you spray on has the fastest...
  11. mnw1let

    Moss from lawn

    Hello Beechleaf,Makka, Paul and Dave, Thanks for your advices and informations. I am surely learning some tips now. I think I am going to bin it or put it in a separate composter as it rots...
    Hello Beechleaf,Makka, Paul and Dave, Thanks for your advices and informations. I am surely learning some tips now. I think I am going to bin it or put it in a separate composter as it rots longer.letty
    Hello Beechleaf,Makka, Paul and Dave, Thanks for your advices and informations. I am surely learning some tips now. I think I am going to bin it or put it in a separate composter as it rots longer.letty
    Hello Beechleaf,Makka, Paul and Dave, Thanks for your advices and informations. I am surely learning some tips now. I think I am going to bin it or put it in a separate composter as it rots...
  12. Flinty

    Turf Stack

    Thanks for the info Flinty, my older stack was made up of poor quality grass rather than turf from an area laid as lawn, so maybe I shouldn't expect too much of it. It is also pretty dry but at...
    Thanks for the info Flinty, my older stack was made up of poor quality grass rather than turf from an area laid as lawn, so maybe I shouldn't expect too much of it. It is also pretty dry but at least it's out of the way and as you say, eventually it will be recycled one way or the other. I'll...
    Thanks for the info Flinty, my older stack was made up of poor quality grass rather than turf from an area laid as lawn, so maybe I shouldn't expect too much of it. It is also pretty dry but at least it's out of the way and as you say, eventually...
    Thanks for the info Flinty, my older stack was made up of poor quality grass rather than turf from an area laid as lawn, so maybe I shouldn't expect too much of it. It is also pretty dry but at...
  13. Loofah

    Mossy lawn removal

    Hi LoofahThis might also be helpful to you
    Hi LoofahThis might also be helpful to you
    Hi LoofahThis might also be helpful to you
    Hi LoofahThis might also be helpful to you
  14. Pecker1210


    You may want to consider a 'Verti-cutter'It's similar but has stronger cutting tynes, but is more expensive.
    You may want to consider a 'Verti-cutter'It's similar but has stronger cutting tynes, but is more expensive.
    You may want to consider a 'Verti-cutter'It's similar but has stronger cutting tynes, but is more expensive.
    You may want to consider a 'Verti-cutter'It's similar but has stronger cutting tynes, but is more expensive.

    lawn drainage

    thanks for your response mate! ive dug down about 8 to ten inches and no water so im figuring that i may not be in such a bad way as you were to begin with! im maybe thinking and seriously...
    thanks for your response mate! ive dug down about 8 to ten inches and no water so im figuring that i may not be in such a bad way as you were to begin with! im maybe thinking and seriously swaying towards the airating and rotavating of the soil! there is some clay present but also alot of what...
    thanks for your response mate! ive dug down about 8 to ten inches and no water so im figuring that i may not be in such a bad way as you were to begin with! im maybe thinking and seriously swaying towards the airating and rotavating of the soil!...
    thanks for your response mate! ive dug down about 8 to ten inches and no water so im figuring that i may not be in such a bad way as you were to begin with! im maybe thinking and seriously...
  16. Anthony

    Getting rid of a lawn.

    Flinty & Moyra.Thanks for the advice. Stacking it is.Ant.
    Flinty & Moyra.Thanks for the advice. Stacking it is.Ant.
    Flinty & Moyra.Thanks for the advice. Stacking it is.Ant.
    Flinty & Moyra.Thanks for the advice. Stacking it is.Ant.
  17. princess-incognita

    Weeds & lawn - advice pls

    JeniRelax - 9 days is not really long enough for a weed & feed type treatment to have much effect. You might see a bit of a deeper green but your weeds and moss will still be there. It...
    JeniRelax - 9 days is not really long enough for a weed & feed type treatment to have much effect. You might see a bit of a deeper green but your weeds and moss will still be there. It depends on how well the stuff you used was watered in. By the sound of it, you used a hose dispenser? ...
    JeniRelax - 9 days is not really long enough for a weed & feed type treatment to have much effect. You might see a bit of a deeper green but your weeds and moss will still be there. It depends on how well the stuff you used was watered in. ...
    JeniRelax - 9 days is not really long enough for a weed & feed type treatment to have much effect. You might see a bit of a deeper green but your weeds and moss will still be there. It...
  18. grasue17

    Preparing for lawn.

    Personally Id just leave it open to the elements and spray or dig up the weeds that come up, just as Beechleaf sudgests.Not a fan of the old carpet / plastic aproach as it looks awfull and...
    Personally Id just leave it open to the elements and spray or dig up the weeds that come up, just as Beechleaf sudgests.Not a fan of the old carpet / plastic aproach as it looks awfull and IMO isnt that efective.
    Personally Id just leave it open to the elements and spray or dig up the weeds that come up, just as Beechleaf sudgests.Not a fan of the old carpet / plastic aproach as it looks awfull and IMO isnt that efective.
    Personally Id just leave it open to the elements and spray or dig up the weeds that come up, just as Beechleaf sudgests.Not a fan of the old carpet / plastic aproach as it looks awfull and...
  19. elliegreenwellie

    Mowing the Lawn

    I only cut the grass when it is extra sunny. Then again I'm lazy!
    I only cut the grass when it is extra sunny. Then again I'm lazy!
    I only cut the grass when it is extra sunny. Then again I'm lazy!
    I only cut the grass when it is extra sunny. Then again I'm lazy!
  20. bellapinkpink

    Beginner gardener needs help with her lawn!

    Thank you David, I'll give that a go.
    Thank you David, I'll give that a go.
    Thank you David, I'll give that a go.
    Thank you David, I'll give that a go.

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